(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Some !ground_depth); optwrite= (function None->ground_depth:=3 | Some i->ground_depth:=(max i 0))} in declare_int_option gdopt let congruence_depth=ref 100 let _= let gdopt= { optsync=true; optname="Congruence Depth"; optkey=["Congruence";"Depth"]; optread=(fun ()->Some !congruence_depth); optwrite= (function None->congruence_depth:=0 | Some i->congruence_depth:=(max i 0))} in declare_int_option gdopt let default_solver=(Tacinterp.interp <:tactic>) let fail_solver=tclFAIL 0 (Pp.str "GTauto failed") let gen_ground_tac flag taco ids bases gl= let backup= !qflag in try qflag:=flag; let solver= match taco with Some tac-> tac | None-> default_solver in let startseq gl= let seq=empty_seq !ground_depth in extend_with_auto_hints bases (extend_with_ref_list ids seq gl) gl in let result=ground_tac solver startseq gl in qflag:=backup;result with e ->qflag:=backup;raise e (* special for compatibility with Intuition let constant str = Coqlib.gen_constant "User" ["Init";"Logic"] str let defined_connectives=lazy [[],EvalConstRef (destConst (constant "not")); [],EvalConstRef (destConst (constant "iff"))] let normalize_evaluables= onAllHypsAndConcl (function None->unfold_in_concl (Lazy.force defined_connectives) | Some id-> unfold_in_hyp (Lazy.force defined_connectives) (Tacexpr.InHypType id)) *) open Genarg open Ppconstr open Printer let pr_firstorder_using_raw _ _ _ = prlist_with_sep pr_coma pr_reference let pr_firstorder_using_glob _ _ _ = prlist_with_sep pr_coma (pr_or_var (pr_located pr_global)) let pr_firstorder_using_typed _ _ _ = prlist_with_sep pr_coma pr_global ARGUMENT EXTEND firstorder_using TYPED AS reference_list PRINTED BY pr_firstorder_using_typed RAW_TYPED AS reference_list RAW_PRINTED BY pr_firstorder_using_raw GLOB_TYPED AS reference_list GLOB_PRINTED BY pr_firstorder_using_glob | [ "using" reference(a) ] -> [ [a] ] | [ "using" reference(a) "," ne_reference_list_sep(l,",") ] -> [ a::l ] | [ "using" reference(a) reference(b) reference_list(l) ] -> [ Flags.if_verbose Pp.msg_warning (Pp.str "Deprecated syntax; use \",\" as separator"); a::b::l ] | [ ] -> [ [] ] END TACTIC EXTEND firstorder [ "firstorder" tactic_opt(t) firstorder_using(l) ] -> [ gen_ground_tac true (Option.map eval_tactic t) l [] ] | [ "firstorder" tactic_opt(t) "with" ne_preident_list(l) ] -> [ gen_ground_tac true (Option.map eval_tactic t) [] l ] | [ "firstorder" tactic_opt(t) firstorder_using(l) "with" ne_preident_list(l') ] -> [ gen_ground_tac true (Option.map eval_tactic t) l l' ] | [ "firstorder" tactic_opt(t) ] -> [ gen_ground_tac true (Option.map eval_tactic t) [] [] ] END TACTIC EXTEND gintuition [ "gintuition" tactic_opt(t) ] -> [ gen_ground_tac false (Option.map eval_tactic t) [] [] ] END let default_declarative_automation gls = tclORELSE (tclORELSE (Auto.h_trivial [] None) (Cctac.congruence_tac !congruence_depth [])) (gen_ground_tac true (Some (tclTHEN default_solver (Cctac.congruence_tac !congruence_depth []))) [] []) gls let () = Decl_proof_instr.register_automation_tac default_declarative_automation