(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *) (* Id.Set.add (Id.of_string s)) [ "define"; "let"; "lambda"; "lambdas"; "match"; "apply"; "car"; "cdr"; "error"; "delay"; "force"; "_"; "__"] Id.Set.empty let pp_comment s = str";; "++h 0 s++fnl () let pp_header_comment = function | None -> mt () | Some com -> pp_comment com ++ fnl () ++ fnl () let preamble _ comment _ usf = pp_header_comment comment ++ str ";; This extracted scheme code relies on some additional macros\n" ++ str ";; available at http://www.pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr/~letouzey/scheme\n" ++ str "(load \"macros_extr.scm\")\n\n" ++ (if usf.mldummy then str "(define __ (lambda (_) __))\n\n" else mt ()) let pr_id id = str @@ String.map (fun c -> if c == '\'' then '~' else c) (Id.to_string id) let paren = pp_par true let pp_abst st = function | [] -> assert false | [id] -> paren (str "lambda " ++ paren (pr_id id) ++ spc () ++ st) | l -> paren (str "lambdas " ++ paren (prlist_with_sep spc pr_id l) ++ spc () ++ st) let pp_apply st _ = function | [] -> st | [a] -> hov 2 (paren (st ++ spc () ++ a)) | args -> hov 2 (paren (str "@ " ++ st ++ (prlist_strict (fun x -> spc () ++ x) args))) (*s The pretty-printer for Scheme syntax *) let pp_global k r = str (Common.pp_global k r) (*s Pretty-printing of expressions. *) let rec pp_expr env args = let apply st = pp_apply st true args in function | MLrel n -> let id = get_db_name n env in apply (pr_id id) | MLapp (f,args') -> let stl = List.map (pp_expr env []) args' in pp_expr env (stl @ args) f | MLlam _ as a -> let fl,a' = collect_lams a in let fl,env' = push_vars (List.map id_of_mlid fl) env in apply (pp_abst (pp_expr env' [] a') (List.rev fl)) | MLletin (id,a1,a2) -> let i,env' = push_vars [id_of_mlid id] env in apply (hv 0 (hov 2 (paren (str "let " ++ paren (paren (pr_id (List.hd i) ++ spc () ++ pp_expr env [] a1)) ++ spc () ++ hov 0 (pp_expr env' [] a2))))) | MLglob r -> apply (pp_global Term r) | MLcons (_,r,args') -> assert (List.is_empty args); let st = str "`" ++ paren (pp_global Cons r ++ (if List.is_empty args' then mt () else spc ()) ++ prlist_with_sep spc (pp_cons_args env) args') in if is_coinductive r then paren (str "delay " ++ st) else st | MLtuple _ -> user_err Pp.(str "Cannot handle tuples in Scheme yet.") | MLcase (_,_,pv) when not (is_regular_match pv) -> user_err Pp.(str "Cannot handle general patterns in Scheme yet.") | MLcase (_,t,pv) when is_custom_match pv -> let mkfun (ids,_,e) = if not (List.is_empty ids) then named_lams (List.rev ids) e else dummy_lams (ast_lift 1 e) 1 in apply (paren (hov 2 (str (find_custom_match pv) ++ fnl () ++ prvect (fun tr -> pp_expr env [] (mkfun tr) ++ fnl ()) pv ++ pp_expr env [] t))) | MLcase (typ,t, pv) -> let e = if not (is_coinductive_type typ) then pp_expr env [] t else paren (str "force" ++ spc () ++ pp_expr env [] t) in apply (v 3 (paren (str "match " ++ e ++ fnl () ++ pp_pat env pv))) | MLfix (i,ids,defs) -> let ids',env' = push_vars (List.rev (Array.to_list ids)) env in pp_fix env' i (Array.of_list (List.rev ids'),defs) args | MLexn s -> (* An [MLexn] may be applied, but I don't really care. *) paren (str "error" ++ spc () ++ qs s) | MLdummy _ -> str "__" (* An [MLdummy] may be applied, but I don't really care. *) | MLmagic a -> pp_expr env args a | MLaxiom -> paren (str "error \"AXIOM TO BE REALIZED\"") and pp_cons_args env = function | MLcons (_,r,args) when is_coinductive r -> paren (pp_global Cons r ++ (if List.is_empty args then mt () else spc ()) ++ prlist_with_sep spc (pp_cons_args env) args) | e -> str "," ++ pp_expr env [] e and pp_one_pat env (ids,p,t) = let r = match p with | Pusual r -> r | Pcons (r,l) -> r (* cf. the check [is_regular_match] above *) | _ -> assert false in let ids,env' = push_vars (List.rev_map id_of_mlid ids) env in let args = if List.is_empty ids then mt () else (str " " ++ prlist_with_sep spc pr_id (List.rev ids)) in (pp_global Cons r ++ args), (pp_expr env' [] t) and pp_pat env pv = prvect_with_sep fnl (fun x -> let s1,s2 = pp_one_pat env x in hov 2 (str "((" ++ s1 ++ str ")" ++ spc () ++ s2 ++ str ")")) pv (*s names of the functions ([ids]) are already pushed in [env], and passed here just for convenience. *) and pp_fix env j (ids,bl) args = paren (str "letrec " ++ (v 0 (paren (prvect_with_sep fnl (fun (fi,ti) -> paren ((pr_id fi) ++ spc () ++ (pp_expr env [] ti))) (Array.map2 (fun id b -> (id,b)) ids bl)) ++ fnl () ++ hov 2 (pp_apply (pr_id (ids.(j))) true args)))) (*s Pretty-printing of a declaration. *) let pp_decl = function | Dind _ -> mt () | Dtype _ -> mt () | Dfix (rv, defs,_) -> let names = Array.map (fun r -> if is_inline_custom r then mt () else pp_global Term r) rv in prvecti (fun i r -> let void = is_inline_custom r || (not (is_custom r) && match defs.(i) with MLexn "UNUSED" -> true | _ -> false) in if void then mt () else hov 2 (paren (str "define " ++ names.(i) ++ spc () ++ (if is_custom r then str (find_custom r) else pp_expr (empty_env ()) [] defs.(i))) ++ fnl ()) ++ fnl ()) rv | Dterm (r, a, _) -> if is_inline_custom r then mt () else hov 2 (paren (str "define " ++ pp_global Term r ++ spc () ++ (if is_custom r then str (find_custom r) else pp_expr (empty_env ()) [] a))) ++ fnl2 () let rec pp_structure_elem = function | (l,SEdecl d) -> pp_decl d | (l,SEmodule m) -> pp_module_expr m.ml_mod_expr | (l,SEmodtype m) -> mt () (* for the moment we simply discard module type *) and pp_module_expr = function | MEstruct (mp,sel) -> prlist_strict pp_structure_elem sel | MEfunctor _ -> mt () (* for the moment we simply discard unapplied functors *) | MEident _ | MEapply _ -> assert false (* should be expanded in extract_env *) let pp_struct = let pp_sel (mp,sel) = push_visible mp []; let p = prlist_strict pp_structure_elem sel in pop_visible (); p in prlist_strict pp_sel let scheme_descr = { keywords = keywords; file_suffix = ".scm"; file_naming = file_of_modfile; preamble = preamble; pp_struct = pp_struct; sig_suffix = None; sig_preamble = (fun _ _ _ _ -> mt ()); pp_sig = (fun _ -> mt ()); pp_decl = pp_decl; }