(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* unit val new_meta : 'a -> ml_type val type_subst : int -> ml_type -> ml_type -> ml_type val type_subst_list : ml_type list -> ml_type -> ml_type val type_subst_vect : ml_type array -> ml_type -> ml_type val instantiation : ml_schema -> ml_type val needs_magic : ml_type * ml_type -> bool val put_magic_if : bool -> ml_ast -> ml_ast val put_magic : ml_type * ml_type -> ml_ast -> ml_ast (*s ML type environment. *) module Mlenv : sig type t val empty : t (* get the n-th more recently entered schema and instantiate it. *) val get : t -> int -> ml_type (* Adding a type in an environment, after generalizing free meta *) val push_gen : t -> ml_type -> t (* Adding a type with no [Tvar] *) val push_type : t -> ml_type -> t (* Adding a type with no [Tvar] nor [Tmeta] *) val push_std_type : t -> ml_type -> t end (*s Utility functions over ML types without meta *) val type_mem_kn : mutual_inductive -> ml_type -> bool val type_maxvar : ml_type -> int val type_decomp : ml_type -> ml_type list * ml_type val type_recomp : ml_type list * ml_type -> ml_type val var2var' : ml_type -> ml_type type abbrev_map = global_reference -> ml_type option val type_expand : abbrev_map -> ml_type -> ml_type val type_to_sign : abbrev_map -> ml_type -> sign val type_to_signature : abbrev_map -> ml_type -> signature val type_expunge : abbrev_map -> ml_type -> ml_type val type_expunge_from_sign : abbrev_map -> signature -> ml_type -> ml_type val isDummy : ml_type -> bool val isKill : sign -> bool val case_expunge : signature -> ml_ast -> ml_ident list * ml_ast val term_expunge : signature -> ml_ident list * ml_ast -> ml_ast (*s Special identifiers. [dummy_name] is to be used for dead code and will be printed as [_] in concrete (Caml) code. *) val anonymous_name : identifier val dummy_name : identifier val id_of_name : name -> identifier val id_of_mlid : ml_ident -> identifier val tmp_id : ml_ident -> ml_ident (*s [collect_lambda MLlam(id1,...MLlam(idn,t)...)] returns the list [idn;...;id1] and the term [t]. *) val collect_lams : ml_ast -> ml_ident list * ml_ast val collect_n_lams : int -> ml_ast -> ml_ident list * ml_ast val remove_n_lams : int -> ml_ast -> ml_ast val nb_lams : ml_ast -> int val named_lams : ml_ident list -> ml_ast -> ml_ast val dummy_lams : ml_ast -> int -> ml_ast val anonym_or_dummy_lams : ml_ast -> signature -> ml_ast val eta_args_sign : int -> signature -> ml_ast list (*s Utility functions over ML terms. *) val mlapp : ml_ast -> ml_ast list -> ml_ast val ast_map : (ml_ast -> ml_ast) -> ml_ast -> ml_ast val ast_map_lift : (int -> ml_ast -> ml_ast) -> int -> ml_ast -> ml_ast val ast_iter : (ml_ast -> unit) -> ml_ast -> unit val ast_occurs : int -> ml_ast -> bool val ast_occurs_itvl : int -> int -> ml_ast -> bool val ast_lift : int -> ml_ast -> ml_ast val ast_pop : ml_ast -> ml_ast val ast_subst : ml_ast -> ml_ast -> ml_ast val ast_glob_subst : ml_ast Refmap.t -> ml_ast -> ml_ast val normalize : ml_ast -> ml_ast val optimize_fix : ml_ast -> ml_ast val inline : global_reference -> ml_ast -> bool (* Classification of signatures *) type sign_kind = | EmptySig | NonLogicalSig (* at least a [Keep] *) | UnsafeLogicalSig (* No [Keep], at least a [Kill Kother] *) | SafeLogicalSig (* only [Kill Ktype] *) val sign_kind : signature -> sign_kind val sign_no_final_keeps : signature -> signature