(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *) (* "Big.big_int" [ "Big.zero" "Big.succ" ] "Big.nat_case". (** Efficient (but uncertified) versions for usual [nat] functions *) Extract Constant plus => "Big.add". Extract Constant mult => "Big.mult". Extract Constant pred => "fun n -> Big.max Big.zero (Big.pred n)". Extract Constant minus => "fun n m -> Big.max Big.zero (Big.sub n m)". Extract Constant max => "Big.max". Extract Constant min => "Big.min". (*Extract Constant nat_beq => "Big.eq".*) Extract Constant EqNat.beq_nat => "Big.eq". Extract Constant EqNat.eq_nat_decide => "Big.eq". Extract Constant Peano_dec.eq_nat_dec => "Big.eq". Extract Constant Compare_dec.nat_compare => "Big.compare_case Eq Lt Gt". Extract Constant Compare_dec.leb => "Big.le". Extract Constant Compare_dec.le_lt_dec => "Big.le". Extract Constant Compare_dec.lt_eq_lt_dec => "Big.compare_case (Some false) (Some true) None". Extract Constant Even.even_odd_dec => "fun n -> Big.sign (Big.mod n Big.two) = 0". Extract Constant Div2.div2 => "fun n -> Big.div n Big.two". Extract Inductive Euclid.diveucl => "(Big.big_int * Big.big_int)" [""]. Extract Constant Euclid.eucl_dev => "fun n m -> Big.quomod m n". Extract Constant Euclid.quotient => "fun n m -> Big.div m n". Extract Constant Euclid.modulo => "fun n m -> Big.modulo m n". (* Require Import Euclid. Definition test n m (H:m>0) := let (q,r,_,_) := eucl_dev m H n in nat_compare n (q*m+r). Extraction "/tmp/test.ml" test fact pred minus max min Div2.div2. *)