(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *) (* bigint. Parameter bigint_opp : bigint -> bigint. Parameter bigint_twice : bigint -> bigint. Extract Inlined Constant bigint => "Big.big_int". Extract Inlined Constant bigint_zero => "Big.zero". Extract Inlined Constant bigint_succ => "Big.succ". Extract Inlined Constant bigint_opp => "Big.opp". Extract Inlined Constant bigint_twice => "Big.double". Definition bigint_of_nat : nat -> bigint := (fix loop acc n := match n with | O => acc | S n => loop (bigint_succ acc) n end) bigint_zero. Fixpoint bigint_of_pos p := match p with | xH => bigint_succ bigint_zero | xO p => bigint_twice (bigint_of_pos p) | xI p => bigint_succ (bigint_twice (bigint_of_pos p)) end. Fixpoint bigint_of_z z := match z with | Z0 => bigint_zero | Zpos p => bigint_of_pos p | Zneg p => bigint_opp (bigint_of_pos p) end. Fixpoint bigint_of_n n := match n with | N0 => bigint_zero | Npos p => bigint_of_pos p end. (** NB: as for [pred] or [minus], [nat_of_bigint], [n_of_bigint] and [pos_of_bigint] are total and return zero (resp. one) for non-positive inputs. *) Parameter bigint_natlike_rec : forall A, A -> (A->A) -> bigint -> A. Extract Constant bigint_natlike_rec => "Big.nat_rec". Definition nat_of_bigint : bigint -> nat := bigint_natlike_rec _ O S. Parameter bigint_poslike_rec : forall A, (A->A) -> (A->A) -> A -> bigint -> A. Extract Constant bigint_poslike_rec => "Big.positive_rec". Definition pos_of_bigint : bigint -> positive := bigint_poslike_rec _ xI xO xH. Parameter bigint_zlike_case : forall A, A -> (bigint->A) -> (bigint->A) -> bigint -> A. Extract Constant bigint_zlike_case => "Big.z_rec". Definition z_of_bigint : bigint -> Z := bigint_zlike_case _ Z0 (fun i => Zpos (pos_of_bigint i)) (fun i => Zneg (pos_of_bigint i)). Definition n_of_bigint : bigint -> N := bigint_zlike_case _ N0 (fun i => Npos (pos_of_bigint i)) (fun _ => N0). (* Tests: Definition small := 1234%nat. Definition big := 12345678901234567890%positive. Definition nat_0 := nat_of_bigint (bigint_of_nat 0). Definition nat_1 := nat_of_bigint (bigint_of_nat small). Definition pos_1 := pos_of_bigint (bigint_of_pos 1). Definition pos_2 := pos_of_bigint (bigint_of_pos big). Definition n_0 := n_of_bigint (bigint_of_n 0). Definition n_1 := n_of_bigint (bigint_of_n 1). Definition n_2 := n_of_bigint (bigint_of_n (Npos big)). Definition z_0 := z_of_bigint (bigint_of_z 0). Definition z_1 := z_of_bigint (bigint_of_z 1). Definition z_2 := z_of_bigint (bigint_of_z (Zpos big)). Definition z_m1 := z_of_bigint (bigint_of_z (-1)). Definition z_m2 := z_of_bigint (bigint_of_z (Zneg big)). Definition test := (nat_0, nat_1, pos_1, pos_2, n_0, n_1, n_2, z_0, z_1, z_2, z_m1, z_m2). Definition check := (O, small, xH, big, 0%N, 1%N, Npos big, 0%Z, 1%Z, Zpos big, (-1)%Z, Zneg big). Extraction "/tmp/test.ml" check test. ... and we check that test=check *)