(* Authors: Nicolas Ayache and Jean-Christophe Filliātre *) (* Tactics to call decision procedures *) (* Works in two steps: - first the Coq context and the current goal are translated in Polymorphic First-Order Logic (see fol.mli in this directory) - then the resulting query is passed to the Why tool that translates it to the syntax of the selected prover (Simplify, CVC Lite, haRVey, Zenon) *) open Util open Pp open Libobject open Summary open Term open Tacmach open Tactics open Tacticals open Fol open Names open Nameops open Termops open Coqlib open Hipattern open Libnames open Declarations open Dp_why let debug = ref false let set_debug b = debug := b let trace = ref false let set_trace b = trace := b let timeout = ref 10 let set_timeout n = timeout := n let (dp_timeout_obj,_) = declare_object {(default_object "Dp_timeout") with cache_function = (fun (_,x) -> set_timeout x); load_function = (fun _ (_,x) -> set_timeout x)} let dp_timeout x = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (dp_timeout_obj x) let (dp_debug_obj,_) = declare_object {(default_object "Dp_debug") with cache_function = (fun (_,x) -> set_debug x); load_function = (fun _ (_,x) -> set_debug x)} let dp_debug x = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (dp_debug_obj x) let (dp_trace_obj,_) = declare_object {(default_object "Dp_trace") with cache_function = (fun (_,x) -> set_trace x); load_function = (fun _ (_,x) -> set_trace x)} let dp_trace x = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (dp_trace_obj x) let logic_dir = ["Coq";"Logic";"Decidable"] let coq_modules = init_modules @ [logic_dir] @ arith_modules @ zarith_base_modules @ [["Coq"; "ZArith"; "BinInt"]; ["Coq"; "Reals"; "Rdefinitions"]; ["Coq"; "Reals"; "Raxioms";]; ["Coq"; "Reals"; "Rbasic_fun";]; ["Coq"; "Reals"; "R_sqrt";]; ["Coq"; "Reals"; "Rfunctions";]] @ [["Coq"; "omega"; "OmegaLemmas"]] let constant = gen_constant_in_modules "dp" coq_modules (* integers constants and operations *) let coq_Z = lazy (constant "Z") let coq_Zplus = lazy (constant "Zplus") let coq_Zmult = lazy (constant "Zmult") let coq_Zopp = lazy (constant "Zopp") let coq_Zminus = lazy (constant "Zminus") let coq_Zdiv = lazy (constant "Zdiv") let coq_Zs = lazy (constant "Zs") let coq_Zgt = lazy (constant "Zgt") let coq_Zle = lazy (constant "Zle") let coq_Zge = lazy (constant "Zge") let coq_Zlt = lazy (constant "Zlt") let coq_Z0 = lazy (constant "Z0") let coq_Zpos = lazy (constant "Zpos") let coq_Zneg = lazy (constant "Zneg") let coq_xH = lazy (constant "xH") let coq_xI = lazy (constant "xI") let coq_xO = lazy (constant "xO") let coq_iff = lazy (constant "iff") (* real constants and operations *) let coq_R = lazy (constant "R") let coq_R0 = lazy (constant "R0") let coq_R1 = lazy (constant "R1") let coq_Rgt = lazy (constant "Rgt") let coq_Rle = lazy (constant "Rle") let coq_Rge = lazy (constant "Rge") let coq_Rlt = lazy (constant "Rlt") let coq_Rplus = lazy (constant "Rplus") let coq_Rmult = lazy (constant "Rmult") let coq_Ropp = lazy (constant "Ropp") let coq_Rminus = lazy (constant "Rminus") let coq_Rdiv = lazy (constant "Rdiv") let coq_powerRZ = lazy (constant "powerRZ") (* not Prop typed expressions *) exception NotProp (* not first-order expressions *) exception NotFO (* Renaming of Coq globals *) let global_names = Hashtbl.create 97 let used_names = Hashtbl.create 97 let rename_global r = try Hashtbl.find global_names r with Not_found -> let rec loop id = if Hashtbl.mem used_names id then loop (lift_ident id) else begin Hashtbl.add used_names id (); let s = string_of_id id in Hashtbl.add global_names r s; s end in loop (Nametab.basename_of_global r) let foralls = List.fold_right (fun (x,t) p -> Forall (x, t, p)) let fresh_var = function | Anonymous -> rename_global (VarRef (id_of_string "x")) | Name x -> rename_global (VarRef x) (* coq_rename_vars env [(x1,t1);...;(xn,tn)] renames the xi outside of env names, and returns the new variables together with the new environment *) let coq_rename_vars env vars = let avoid = ref (ids_of_named_context (Environ.named_context env)) in List.fold_right (fun (na,t) (newvars, newenv) -> let id = next_name_away na !avoid in avoid := id :: !avoid; id :: newvars, Environ.push_named (id, None, t) newenv) vars ([],env) (* extract the prenex type quantifications i.e. type_quantifiers env (A1:Set)...(Ak:Set)t = A1...An, (env+Ai), t *) let decomp_type_quantifiers env t = let rec loop vars t = match kind_of_term t with | Prod (n, a, t) when is_Set a || is_Type a -> loop ((n,a) :: vars) t | _ -> let vars, env = coq_rename_vars env vars in let t = substl (List.map mkVar vars) t in List.rev vars, env, t in loop [] t (* same thing with lambda binders (for axiomatize body) *) let decomp_type_lambdas env t = let rec loop vars t = match kind_of_term t with | Lambda (n, a, t) when is_Set a || is_Type a -> loop ((n,a) :: vars) t | _ -> let vars, env = coq_rename_vars env vars in let t = substl (List.map mkVar vars) t in List.rev vars, env, t in loop [] t let decompose_arrows = let rec arrows_rec l c = match kind_of_term c with | Prod (_,t,c) when not (dependent (mkRel 1) c) -> arrows_rec (t :: l) c | Cast (c,_,_) -> arrows_rec l c | _ -> List.rev l, c in arrows_rec [] let rec eta_expanse t vars env i = assert (i >= 0); if i = 0 then t, vars, env else match kind_of_term (Typing.type_of env Evd.empty t) with | Prod (n, a, b) when not (dependent (mkRel 1) b) -> let avoid = ids_of_named_context (Environ.named_context env) in let id = next_name_away n avoid in let env' = Environ.push_named (id, None, a) env in let t' = mkApp (t, [| mkVar id |]) in eta_expanse t' (id :: vars) env' (pred i) | _ -> assert false let rec skip_k_args k cl = match k, cl with | 0, _ -> cl | _, _ :: cl -> skip_k_args (k-1) cl | _, [] -> raise NotFO (* Coq global references *) type global = Gnot_fo | Gfo of Fol.decl let globals = ref Refmap.empty let globals_stack = ref [] (* synchronization *) let () = Summary.declare_summary "Dp globals" { Summary.freeze_function = (fun () -> !globals, !globals_stack); Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun (g,s) -> globals := g; globals_stack := s); Summary.init_function = (fun () -> ()) } let add_global r d = globals := Refmap.add r d !globals let mem_global r = Refmap.mem r !globals let lookup_global r = match Refmap.find r !globals with | Gnot_fo -> raise NotFO | Gfo d -> d let locals = Hashtbl.create 97 let lookup_local r = match Hashtbl.find locals r with | Gnot_fo -> raise NotFO | Gfo d -> d let iter_all_constructors i f = let _, oib = Global.lookup_inductive i in Array.iteri (fun j tj -> f j (mkConstruct (i, j+1))) oib.mind_nf_lc (* injection c [t1,...,tn] adds the injection axiom forall x1:t1,...,xn:tn,y1:t1,...,yn:tn. c(x1,...,xn)=c(y1,...,yn) -> x1=y1 /\ ... /\ xn=yn *) let injection c l = let i = ref 0 in let var s = incr i; id_of_string (s ^ string_of_int !i) in let xl = List.map (fun t -> rename_global (VarRef (var "x")), t) l in i := 0; let yl = List.map (fun t -> rename_global (VarRef (var "y")), t) l in let f = List.fold_right2 (fun (x,_) (y,_) p -> And (Fatom (Eq (App (x,[]),App (y,[]))), p)) xl yl True in let vars = List.map (fun (x,_) -> App(x,[])) in let f = Imp (Fatom (Eq (App (c, vars xl), App (c, vars yl))), f) in let foralls = List.fold_right (fun (x,t) p -> Forall (x, t, p)) in let f = foralls xl (foralls yl f) in let ax = Axiom ("injection_" ^ c, f) in globals_stack := ax :: !globals_stack (* rec_names_for c [|n1;...;nk|] builds the list of constant names for identifiers n1...nk with the same path as c, if they exist; otherwise raises Not_found *) let rec_names_for c = let mp,dp,_ = Names.repr_con c in array_map_to_list (function | Name id -> let c' = Names.make_con mp dp (label_of_id id) in ignore (Global.lookup_constant c'); msgnl (Printer.pr_constr (mkConst c')); c' | Anonymous -> raise Not_found) (* abstraction tables *) let term_abstractions = Hashtbl.create 97 let new_abstraction = let r = ref 0 in fun () -> incr r; "abstraction_" ^ string_of_int !r (* Arithmetic constants *) exception NotArithConstant (* translates a closed Coq term p:positive into a FOL term of type int *) let big_two = Big_int.succ_big_int Big_int.unit_big_int let rec tr_positive p = match kind_of_term p with | Term.Construct _ when p = Lazy.force coq_xH -> Big_int.unit_big_int | Term.App (f, [|a|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_xI -> (* Plus (Mult (Cst 2, tr_positive a), Cst 1) *) Big_int.succ_big_int (Big_int.mult_big_int big_two (tr_positive a)) | Term.App (f, [|a|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_xO -> (* Mult (Cst 2, tr_positive a) *) Big_int.mult_big_int big_two (tr_positive a) | Term.Cast (p, _, _) -> tr_positive p | _ -> raise NotArithConstant (* translates a closed Coq term t:Z or R into a FOL term of type int or real *) let rec tr_arith_constant t = match kind_of_term t with | Term.Construct _ when t = Lazy.force coq_Z0 -> Cst Big_int.zero_big_int | Term.App (f, [|a|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Zpos -> Cst (tr_positive a) | Term.App (f, [|a|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Zneg -> Cst (Big_int.minus_big_int (tr_positive a)) | Term.Const _ when t = Lazy.force coq_R0 -> RCst Big_int.zero_big_int | Term.Const _ when t = Lazy.force coq_R1 -> RCst Big_int.unit_big_int | Term.App (f, [|a;b|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Rplus -> let ta = tr_arith_constant a in let tb = tr_arith_constant b in begin match ta,tb with | RCst na, RCst nb -> RCst (Big_int.add_big_int na nb) | _ -> raise NotArithConstant end | Term.App (f, [|a;b|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Rmult -> let ta = tr_arith_constant a in let tb = tr_arith_constant b in begin match ta,tb with | RCst na, RCst nb -> RCst (Big_int.mult_big_int na nb) | _ -> raise NotArithConstant end | Term.App (f, [|a;b|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_powerRZ -> tr_powerRZ a b | Term.Cast (t, _, _) -> tr_arith_constant t | _ -> raise NotArithConstant (* translates a constant of the form (powerRZ 2 int_constant) *) and tr_powerRZ a b = (* checking first that a is (R1 + R1) *) match kind_of_term a with | Term.App (f, [|c;d|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Rplus -> begin match kind_of_term c,kind_of_term d with | Term.Const _, Term.Const _ when c = Lazy.force coq_R1 && d = Lazy.force coq_R1 -> begin match tr_arith_constant b with | Cst n -> Power2 n | _ -> raise NotArithConstant end | _ -> raise NotArithConstant end | _ -> raise NotArithConstant (* translate a Coq term t:Set into a FOL type expression; tv = list of type variables *) and tr_type tv env t = let t = Reductionops.nf_betadeltaiota env Evd.empty t in if t = Lazy.force coq_Z then Tid ("int", []) else if t = Lazy.force coq_R then Tid ("real", []) else match kind_of_term t with | Var x when List.mem x tv -> Tvar (string_of_id x) | _ -> let f, cl = decompose_app t in begin try let r = global_of_constr f in match tr_global env r with | DeclType (id, k) -> assert (k = List.length cl); (* since t:Set *) Tid (id, List.map (tr_type tv env) cl) | _ -> raise NotFO with | Not_found -> raise NotFO | NotFO -> (* we need to abstract some part of (f cl) *) (*TODO*) raise NotFO end and make_term_abstraction tv env c = let ty = Typing.type_of env Evd.empty c in let id = new_abstraction () in match tr_decl env id ty with | DeclFun (id,_,_,_) as _d -> raise NotFO (* [CM 07/09/2009] deactivated because it generates unbound identifiers 'abstraction_' begin try Hashtbl.find term_abstractions c with Not_found -> Hashtbl.add term_abstractions c id; globals_stack := d :: !globals_stack; id end *) | _ -> raise NotFO (* translate a Coq declaration id:ty in a FOL declaration, that is either - a type declaration : DeclType (id, n) where n:int is the type arity - a function declaration : DeclFun (id, tl, t) ; that includes constants - a predicate declaration : DeclPred (id, tl) - an axiom : Axiom (id, p) *) and tr_decl env id ty = let tv, env, t = decomp_type_quantifiers env ty in if is_Set t || is_Type t then DeclType (id, List.length tv) else if is_Prop t then DeclPred (id, List.length tv, []) else let s = Typing.type_of env Evd.empty t in if is_Prop s then Axiom (id, tr_formula tv [] env t) else let l, t = decompose_arrows t in let l = List.map (tr_type tv env) l in if is_Prop t then DeclPred(id, List.length tv, l) else let s = Typing.type_of env Evd.empty t in if is_Set s || is_Type s then DeclFun (id, List.length tv, l, tr_type tv env t) else raise NotFO (* tr_global(r) = tr_decl(id(r),typeof(r)) + a cache mechanism *) and tr_global env r = match r with | VarRef id -> lookup_local id | r -> try lookup_global r with Not_found -> try let ty = Global.type_of_global r in let id = rename_global r in let d = tr_decl env id ty in (* r can be already declared if it is a constructor *) if not (mem_global r) then begin add_global r (Gfo d); globals_stack := d :: !globals_stack end; begin try axiomatize_body env r id d with NotFO -> () end; d with NotFO -> add_global r Gnot_fo; raise NotFO and axiomatize_body env r id d = match r with | VarRef _ -> assert false | ConstRef c -> begin match (Global.lookup_constant c).const_body with | Some b -> let b = force b in let axioms = (match d with | DeclPred (id, _, []) -> let tv, env, b = decomp_type_lambdas env b in let value = tr_formula tv [] env b in [id, Iff (Fatom (Pred (id, [])), value)] | DeclFun (id, _, [], _) -> let tv, env, b = decomp_type_lambdas env b in let value = tr_term tv [] env b in [id, Fatom (Eq (Fol.App (id, []), value))] | DeclFun (id, _, l, _) | DeclPred (id, _, l) -> (*Format.eprintf "axiomatize_body %S@." id;*) let b = match kind_of_term b with (* a single recursive function *) | Fix (_, (_,_,[|b|])) -> subst1 (mkConst c) b (* mutually recursive functions *) | Fix ((_,i), (names,_,bodies)) -> (* we only deal with named functions *) begin try let l = rec_names_for c names in substl (List.rev_map mkConst l) bodies.(i) with Not_found -> b end | _ -> b in let tv, env, b = decomp_type_lambdas env b in let vars, t = decompose_lam b in let n = List.length l in let k = List.length vars in assert (k <= n); let vars, env = coq_rename_vars env vars in let t = substl (List.map mkVar vars) t in let t, vars, env = eta_expanse t vars env (n-k) in let vars = List.rev vars in let bv = vars in let vars = List.map (fun x -> string_of_id x) vars in let fol_var x = Fol.App (x, []) in let fol_vars = List.map fol_var vars in let vars = List.combine vars l in begin match d with | DeclFun (_, _, _, ty) -> begin match kind_of_term t with | Case (ci, _, e, br) -> equations_for_case env id vars tv bv ci e br | _ -> let t = tr_term tv bv env t in let ax = add_proof (Fun_def (id, vars, ty, t)) in let p = Fatom (Eq (App (id, fol_vars), t)) in [ax, foralls vars p] end | DeclPred _ -> let value = tr_formula tv bv env t in let p = Iff (Fatom (Pred (id, fol_vars)), value) in [id, foralls vars p] | _ -> assert false end | DeclType _ -> raise NotFO | Axiom _ -> assert false) in let axioms = List.map (fun (id,ax) -> Axiom (id, ax)) axioms in globals_stack := axioms @ !globals_stack | None -> () (* Coq axiom *) end | IndRef i -> iter_all_constructors i (fun _ c -> let rc = global_of_constr c in try begin match tr_global env rc with | DeclFun (_, _, [], _) -> () | DeclFun (idc, _, al, _) -> injection idc al | _ -> () end with NotFO -> ()) | _ -> () and equations_for_case env id vars tv bv ci e br = match kind_of_term e with | Var x when List.exists (fun (y, _) -> string_of_id x = y) vars -> let eqs = ref [] in iter_all_constructors ci.ci_ind (fun j cj -> try let cjr = global_of_constr cj in begin match tr_global env cjr with | DeclFun (idc, _, l, _) -> let b = br.(j) in let rec_vars, b = decompose_lam b in let rec_vars, env = coq_rename_vars env rec_vars in let coq_rec_vars = List.map mkVar rec_vars in let b = substl coq_rec_vars b in let rec_vars = List.rev rec_vars in let coq_rec_term = applist (cj, List.rev coq_rec_vars) in let b = replace_vars [x, coq_rec_term] b in let bv = bv @ rec_vars in let rec_vars = List.map string_of_id rec_vars in let fol_var x = Fol.App (x, []) in let fol_rec_vars = List.map fol_var rec_vars in let fol_rec_term = App (idc, fol_rec_vars) in let rec_vars = List.combine rec_vars l in let fol_vars = List.map fst vars in let fol_vars = List.map fol_var fol_vars in let fol_vars = List.map (fun y -> match y with | App (id, _) -> if id = string_of_id x then fol_rec_term else y | _ -> y) fol_vars in let vars = vars @ rec_vars in let rec remove l e = match l with | [] -> [] | (y, t)::l' -> if y = string_of_id e then l' else (y, t)::(remove l' e) in let vars = remove vars x in let p = Fatom (Eq (App (id, fol_vars), tr_term tv bv env b)) in eqs := (id ^ "_" ^ idc, foralls vars p) :: !eqs | _ -> assert false end with NotFO -> ()); !eqs | _ -> raise NotFO (* assumption: t:T:Set *) and tr_term tv bv env t = try tr_arith_constant t with NotArithConstant -> match kind_of_term t with (* binary operations on integers *) | Term.App (f, [|a;b|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Zplus -> Plus (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b) | Term.App (f, [|a;b|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Zminus -> Moins (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b) | Term.App (f, [|a;b|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Zmult -> Mult (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b) | Term.App (f, [|a;b|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Zdiv -> Div (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b) | Term.App (f, [|a|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Zopp -> Opp (tr_term tv bv env a) (* binary operations on reals *) | Term.App (f, [|a;b|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Rplus -> Plus (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b) | Term.App (f, [|a;b|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Rminus -> Moins (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b) | Term.App (f, [|a;b|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Rmult -> Mult (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b) | Term.App (f, [|a;b|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Rdiv -> Div (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b) | Term.Var id when List.mem id bv -> App (string_of_id id, []) | _ -> let f, cl = decompose_app t in begin try let r = global_of_constr f in match tr_global env r with | DeclFun (s, k, _, _) -> let cl = skip_k_args k cl in Fol.App (s, List.map (tr_term tv bv env) cl) | _ -> raise NotFO with | Not_found -> raise NotFO | NotFO -> (* we need to abstract some part of (f cl) *) let rec abstract app = function | [] -> Fol.App (make_term_abstraction tv env app, []) | x :: l as args -> begin try let s = make_term_abstraction tv env app in Fol.App (s, List.map (tr_term tv bv env) args) with NotFO -> abstract (applist (app, [x])) l end in let app,l = match cl with | x :: l -> applist (f, [x]), l | [] -> raise NotFO in abstract app l end and quantifiers n a b tv bv env = let vars, env = coq_rename_vars env [n,a] in let id = match vars with [x] -> x | _ -> assert false in let b = subst1 (mkVar id) b in let t = tr_type tv env a in let bv = id :: bv in id, t, bv, env, b (* assumption: f is of type Prop *) and tr_formula tv bv env f = let c, args = decompose_app f in match kind_of_term c, args with | Var id, [] -> Fatom (Pred (rename_global (VarRef id), [])) | _, [t;a;b] when c = build_coq_eq () -> let ty = Typing.type_of env Evd.empty t in if is_Set ty || is_Type ty then let _ = tr_type tv env t in Fatom (Eq (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b)) else raise NotFO (* comparisons on integers *) | _, [a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_Zle -> Fatom (Le (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b)) | _, [a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_Zlt -> Fatom (Lt (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b)) | _, [a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_Zge -> Fatom (Ge (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b)) | _, [a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_Zgt -> Fatom (Gt (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b)) (* comparisons on reals *) | _, [a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_Rle -> Fatom (Le (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b)) | _, [a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_Rlt -> Fatom (Lt (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b)) | _, [a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_Rge -> Fatom (Ge (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b)) | _, [a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_Rgt -> Fatom (Gt (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b)) | _, [] when c = build_coq_False () -> False | _, [] when c = build_coq_True () -> True | _, [a] when c = build_coq_not () -> Not (tr_formula tv bv env a) | _, [a;b] when c = build_coq_and () -> And (tr_formula tv bv env a, tr_formula tv bv env b) | _, [a;b] when c = build_coq_or () -> Or (tr_formula tv bv env a, tr_formula tv bv env b) | _, [a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_iff -> Iff (tr_formula tv bv env a, tr_formula tv bv env b) | Prod (n, a, b), _ -> if is_imp_term f then Imp (tr_formula tv bv env a, tr_formula tv bv env b) else let id, t, bv, env, b = quantifiers n a b tv bv env in Forall (string_of_id id, t, tr_formula tv bv env b) | _, [_; a] when c = build_coq_ex () -> begin match kind_of_term a with | Lambda(n, a, b) -> let id, t, bv, env, b = quantifiers n a b tv bv env in Exists (string_of_id id, t, tr_formula tv bv env b) | _ -> (* unusual case of the shape (ex p) *) raise NotFO (* TODO: we could eta-expanse *) end | _ -> begin try let r = global_of_constr c in match tr_global env r with | DeclPred (s, k, _) -> let args = skip_k_args k args in Fatom (Pred (s, List.map (tr_term tv bv env) args)) | _ -> raise NotFO with Not_found -> raise NotFO end let tr_goal gl = Hashtbl.clear locals; let tr_one_hyp (id, ty) = try let s = rename_global (VarRef id) in let d = tr_decl (pf_env gl) s ty in Hashtbl.add locals id (Gfo d); d with NotFO -> Hashtbl.add locals id Gnot_fo; raise NotFO in let hyps = List.fold_right (fun h acc -> try tr_one_hyp h :: acc with NotFO -> acc) (pf_hyps_types gl) [] in let c = tr_formula [] [] (pf_env gl) (pf_concl gl) in let hyps = List.rev_append !globals_stack (List.rev hyps) in hyps, c type prover = Simplify | Ergo | Yices | CVCLite | Harvey | Zenon | Gwhy | CVC3 let remove_files = List.iter (fun f -> try Sys.remove f with _ -> ()) let sprintf = Format.sprintf let file_contents f = let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in try let c = open_in f in begin try while true do let s = input_line c in Buffer.add_string buf s; Buffer.add_char buf '\n' done; assert false with End_of_file -> close_in c; Buffer.contents buf end with _ -> sprintf "(cannot open %s)" f let timeout_sys_command cmd = if !debug then Format.eprintf "command line: %s@." cmd; let out = Filename.temp_file "out" "" in let cmd = sprintf "why-cpulimit %d %s > %s 2>&1" !timeout cmd out in let ret = Sys.command cmd in if !debug then Format.eprintf "Output file %s:@.%s@." out (file_contents out); ret, out let timeout_or_failure c cmd out = if c = 152 then Timeout else Failure (sprintf "command %s failed with output:\n%s " cmd (file_contents out)) let prelude_files = ref ([] : string list) let set_prelude l = prelude_files := l let (dp_prelude_obj,_) = declare_object {(default_object "Dp_prelude") with cache_function = (fun (_,x) -> set_prelude x); load_function = (fun _ (_,x) -> set_prelude x)} let dp_prelude x = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (dp_prelude_obj x) let why_files f = String.concat " " (!prelude_files @ [f]) let call_simplify fwhy = let cmd = sprintf "why --simplify %s" (why_files fwhy) in if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then error ("call to " ^ cmd ^ " failed"); let fsx = Filename.chop_suffix fwhy ".why" ^ "_why.sx" in let cmd = sprintf "why-cpulimit %d Simplify %s > out 2>&1 && grep -q -w Valid out" !timeout fsx in let out = Sys.command cmd in let r = if out = 0 then Valid None else if out = 1 then Invalid else Timeout in if not !debug then remove_files [fwhy; fsx]; r let call_ergo fwhy = let cmd = sprintf "why --alt-ergo %s" (why_files fwhy) in if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then error ("call to " ^ cmd ^ " failed"); let fwhy = Filename.chop_suffix fwhy ".why" ^ "_why.why" in let ftrace = Filename.temp_file "ergo_trace" "" in let cmd = if !trace then sprintf "alt-ergo -cctrace %s %s" ftrace fwhy else sprintf "alt-ergo %s" fwhy in let ret,out = timeout_sys_command cmd in let r = if ret <> 0 then timeout_or_failure ret cmd out else if Sys.command (sprintf "grep -q -w Valid %s" out) = 0 then Valid (if !trace then Some ftrace else None) else if Sys.command (sprintf "grep -q -w \"I don't know\" %s" out) = 0 then DontKnow else if Sys.command (sprintf "grep -q -w \"Invalid\" %s" out) = 0 then Invalid else Failure ("command failed: " ^ cmd) in if not !debug then remove_files [fwhy; out]; r let call_zenon fwhy = let cmd = sprintf "why --no-prelude --no-zenon-prelude --zenon %s" (why_files fwhy) in if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then error ("call to " ^ cmd ^ " failed"); let fznn = Filename.chop_suffix fwhy ".why" ^ "_why.znn" in let out = Filename.temp_file "dp_out" "" in let cmd = sprintf "timeout %d zenon -ocoqterm %s > %s 2>&1" !timeout fznn out in let c = Sys.command cmd in if not !debug then remove_files [fwhy; fznn]; if c = 137 then Timeout else begin if c <> 0 then anomaly ("command failed: " ^ cmd); if Sys.command (sprintf "grep -q -w Error %s" out) = 0 then error "Zenon failed"; let c = Sys.command (sprintf "grep -q PROOF-FOUND %s" out) in if c = 0 then Valid (Some out) else Invalid end let call_yices fwhy = let cmd = sprintf "why -smtlib --encoding sstrat %s" (why_files fwhy) in if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then error ("call to " ^ cmd ^ " failed"); let fsmt = Filename.chop_suffix fwhy ".why" ^ "_why.smt" in let cmd = sprintf "why-cpulimit %d yices -pc 0 -smt %s > out 2>&1 && grep -q -w unsat out" !timeout fsmt in let out = Sys.command cmd in let r = if out = 0 then Valid None else if out = 1 then Invalid else Timeout in if not !debug then remove_files [fwhy; fsmt]; r let call_cvc3 fwhy = let cmd = sprintf "why -smtlib --encoding sstrat %s" (why_files fwhy) in if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then error ("call to " ^ cmd ^ " failed"); let fsmt = Filename.chop_suffix fwhy ".why" ^ "_why.smt" in let cmd = sprintf "why-cpulimit %d cvc3 -lang smt %s > out 2>&1 && grep -q -w unsat out" !timeout fsmt in let out = Sys.command cmd in let r = if out = 0 then Valid None else if out = 1 then Invalid else Timeout in if not !debug then remove_files [fwhy; fsmt]; r let call_cvcl fwhy = let cmd = sprintf "why --cvcl --encoding sstrat %s" (why_files fwhy) in if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then error ("call to " ^ cmd ^ " failed"); let fcvc = Filename.chop_suffix fwhy ".why" ^ "_why.cvc" in let cmd = sprintf "timeout %d cvcl < %s > out 2>&1 && grep -q -w Valid out" !timeout fcvc in let out = Sys.command cmd in let r = if out = 0 then Valid None else if out = 1 then Invalid else Timeout in if not !debug then remove_files [fwhy; fcvc]; r let call_harvey fwhy = let cmd = sprintf "why --harvey --encoding strat %s" (why_files fwhy) in if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then error ("call to " ^ cmd ^ " failed"); let frv = Filename.chop_suffix fwhy ".why" ^ "_why.rv" in let out = Sys.command (sprintf "rvc -e -t %s > /dev/null 2>&1" frv) in if out <> 0 then anomaly ("call to rvc -e -t " ^ frv ^ " failed"); let f = Filename.chop_suffix frv ".rv" ^ "-0.baf" in let outf = Filename.temp_file "rv" ".out" in let out = Sys.command (sprintf "timeout %d rv -e\"-T 2000\" %s > %s 2>&1" !timeout f outf) in let r = if out <> 0 then Timeout else let cmd = sprintf "grep \"Proof obligation in\" %s | grep -q \"is valid\"" outf in if Sys.command cmd = 0 then Valid None else Invalid in if not !debug then remove_files [fwhy; frv; outf]; r let call_gwhy fwhy = let cmd = sprintf "gwhy %s" (why_files fwhy) in if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then ignore (Sys.command (sprintf "emacs %s" fwhy)); NoAnswer let ergo_proof_from_file f gl = let s = let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in let c = open_in f in try while true do Buffer.add_string buf (input_line c) done; assert false with End_of_file -> close_in c; Buffer.contents buf in let parsed_constr = Pcoq.parse_string Pcoq.Constr.constr s in let t = Constrintern.interp_constr (project gl) (pf_env gl) parsed_constr in exact_check t gl let call_prover prover q = let fwhy = Filename.temp_file "coq_dp" ".why" in Dp_why.output_file fwhy q; match prover with | Simplify -> call_simplify fwhy | Ergo -> call_ergo fwhy | CVC3 -> call_cvc3 fwhy | Yices -> call_yices fwhy | Zenon -> call_zenon fwhy | CVCLite -> call_cvcl fwhy | Harvey -> call_harvey fwhy | Gwhy -> call_gwhy fwhy let dp prover gl = Coqlib.check_required_library ["Coq";"ZArith";"ZArith"]; let concl_type = pf_type_of gl (pf_concl gl) in if not (is_Prop concl_type) then error "Conclusion is not a Prop"; try let q = tr_goal gl in begin match call_prover prover q with | Valid (Some f) when prover = Zenon -> Dp_zenon.proof_from_file f gl | Valid (Some f) when prover = Ergo -> ergo_proof_from_file f gl | Valid _ -> Tactics.admit_as_an_axiom gl | Invalid -> error "Invalid" | DontKnow -> error "Don't know" | Timeout -> error "Timeout" | Failure s -> error s | NoAnswer -> Tacticals.tclIDTAC gl end with NotFO -> error "Not a first order goal" let simplify = tclTHEN intros (dp Simplify) let ergo = tclTHEN intros (dp Ergo) let cvc3 = tclTHEN intros (dp CVC3) let yices = tclTHEN intros (dp Yices) let cvc_lite = tclTHEN intros (dp CVCLite) let harvey = dp Harvey let zenon = tclTHEN intros (dp Zenon) let gwhy = tclTHEN intros (dp Gwhy) let dp_hint l = let env = Global.env () in let one_hint (qid,r) = if not (mem_global r) then begin let ty = Global.type_of_global r in let s = Typing.type_of env Evd.empty ty in if is_Prop s then try let id = rename_global r in let tv, env, ty = decomp_type_quantifiers env ty in let d = Axiom (id, tr_formula tv [] env ty) in add_global r (Gfo d); globals_stack := d :: !globals_stack with NotFO -> add_global r Gnot_fo; msg_warning (pr_reference qid ++ str " ignored (not a first order proposition)") else begin add_global r Gnot_fo; msg_warning (pr_reference qid ++ str " ignored (not a proposition)") end end in List.iter one_hint (List.map (fun qid -> qid, Nametab.global qid) l) let (dp_hint_obj,_) = declare_object {(default_object "Dp_hint") with cache_function = (fun (_,l) -> dp_hint l); load_function = (fun _ (_,l) -> dp_hint l)} let dp_hint l = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (dp_hint_obj l) let dp_predefined qid s = let r = Nametab.global qid in let ty = Global.type_of_global r in let env = Global.env () in let id = rename_global r in try let d = match tr_decl env id ty with | DeclType (_, n) -> DeclType (s, n) | DeclFun (_, n, tyl, ty) -> DeclFun (s, n, tyl, ty) | DeclPred (_, n, tyl) -> DeclPred (s, n, tyl) | Axiom _ as d -> d in match d with | Axiom _ -> msg_warning (str " ignored (axiom)") | d -> add_global r (Gfo d) with NotFO -> msg_warning (str " ignored (not a first order declaration)") let (dp_predefined_obj,_) = declare_object {(default_object "Dp_predefined") with cache_function = (fun (_,(id,s)) -> dp_predefined id s); load_function = (fun _ (_,(id,s)) -> dp_predefined id s)} let dp_predefined id s = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (dp_predefined_obj (id,s)) let _ = declare_summary "Dp options" { freeze_function = (fun () -> !debug, !trace, !timeout, !prelude_files); unfreeze_function = (fun (d,tr,tm,pr) -> debug := d; trace := tr; timeout := tm; prelude_files := pr); init_function = (fun () -> debug := false; trace := false; timeout := 10; prelude_files := []) }