(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* [ vernac_proof_instr instr ] END (* It is useful to use GEXTEND directly to call grammar entries that have been defined previously VERNAC EXTEND. In this case we allow, in proof mode, the use of commands like Check or Print. VERNAC EXTEND does quite a bit of bureaucracy for us, but it is not needed in this sort of case, and it would require to have an ARGUMENT EXTEND version of the "proof_mode" grammar entry. *) GEXTEND Gram GLOBAL: proof_mode ; proof_mode: LAST [ [ c=G_vernac.subgoal_command -> c (Some 1) ] ] ; END (* We register a new proof mode here *) let _ = Proof_global.register_proof_mode { Proof_global. name = "Declarative" ; (* name for identifying and printing *) (* function [set] goes from No Proof Mode to Declarative Proof Mode performing side effects *) set = begin fun () -> (* We set the command non terminal to [proof_mode] (which we just defined). *) G_vernac.set_command_entry proof_mode ; (* We substitute the goal printer, by the one we built for the proof mode. *) Printer.set_printer_pr { Printer.default_printer_pr with Printer.pr_goal = pr_goal } end ; (* function [reset] goes back to No Proof Mode from Declarative Proof Mode *) reset = begin fun () -> (* We restore the command non terminal to [noedit_mode]. *) G_vernac.set_command_entry G_vernac.noedit_mode ; (* We restore the goal printer to default *) Printer.set_printer_pr Printer.default_printer_pr end } VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND DeclProof [ "proof" ] => [ VtProofMode "Declarative", VtNow ] -> [ vernac_decl_proof () ] END VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND DeclReturn [ "return" ] => [ VtProofMode "Classic", VtNow ] -> [ vernac_return () ] END let none_is_empty = function None -> [] | Some l -> l GEXTEND Gram GLOBAL: proof_instr; thesis : [[ "thesis" -> Plain | "thesis"; "for"; i=ident -> (For i) ]]; statement : [[ i=ident ; ":" ; c=constr -> {st_label=Name i;st_it=c} | i=ident -> {st_label=Anonymous; st_it=Constrexpr.CRef (Libnames.Ident (!@loc, i))} | c=constr -> {st_label=Anonymous;st_it=c} ]]; constr_or_thesis : [[ t=thesis -> Thesis t ] | [ c=constr -> This c ]]; statement_or_thesis : [ [ t=thesis -> {st_label=Anonymous;st_it=Thesis t} ] | [ i=ident ; ":" ; cot=constr_or_thesis -> {st_label=Name i;st_it=cot} | i=ident -> {st_label=Anonymous; st_it=This (Constrexpr.CRef (Libnames.Ident (!@loc, i)))} | c=constr -> {st_label=Anonymous;st_it=This c} ] ]; justification_items : [[ -> Some [] | "by"; l=LIST1 constr SEP "," -> Some l | "by"; "*" -> None ]] ; justification_method : [[ -> None | "using"; tac = tactic -> Some tac ]] ; simple_cut_or_thesis : [[ ls = statement_or_thesis; j = justification_items; taco = justification_method -> {cut_stat=ls;cut_by=j;cut_using=taco} ]] ; simple_cut : [[ ls = statement; j = justification_items; taco = justification_method -> {cut_stat=ls;cut_by=j;cut_using=taco} ]] ; elim_type: [[ IDENT "induction" -> ET_Induction | IDENT "cases" -> ET_Case_analysis ]] ; block_type : [[ IDENT "claim" -> B_claim | IDENT "focus" -> B_focus | IDENT "proof" -> B_proof | et=elim_type -> B_elim et ]] ; elim_obj: [[ IDENT "on"; c=constr -> Real c | IDENT "of"; c=simple_cut -> Virtual c ]] ; elim_step: [[ IDENT "consider" ; h=consider_vars ; IDENT "from" ; c=constr -> Pconsider (c,h) | IDENT "per"; et=elim_type; obj=elim_obj -> Pper (et,obj) | IDENT "suffices"; ls=suff_clause; j = justification_items; taco = justification_method -> Psuffices {cut_stat=ls;cut_by=j;cut_using=taco} ]] ; rew_step : [[ "~=" ; c=simple_cut -> (Rhs,c) | "=~" ; c=simple_cut -> (Lhs,c)]] ; cut_step: [[ "then"; tt=elim_step -> Pthen tt | "then"; c=simple_cut_or_thesis -> Pthen (Pcut c) | IDENT "thus"; tt=rew_step -> Pthus (let s,c=tt in Prew (s,c)) | IDENT "thus"; c=simple_cut_or_thesis -> Pthus (Pcut c) | IDENT "hence"; c=simple_cut_or_thesis -> Phence (Pcut c) | tt=elim_step -> tt | tt=rew_step -> let s,c=tt in Prew (s,c); | IDENT "have"; c=simple_cut_or_thesis -> Pcut c; | IDENT "claim"; c=statement -> Pclaim c; | IDENT "focus"; IDENT "on"; c=statement -> Pfocus c; | "end"; bt = block_type -> Pend bt; | IDENT "escape" -> Pescape ]] ; (* examiner s'il est possible de faire R _ et _ R pour R une relation qcq*) loc_id: [[ id=ident -> fun x -> (loc,(id,x)) ]]; hyp: [[ id=loc_id -> id None ; | id=loc_id ; ":" ; c=constr -> id (Some c)]] ; consider_vars: [[ name=hyp -> [Hvar name] | name=hyp; ","; v=consider_vars -> (Hvar name) :: v | name=hyp; IDENT "such"; IDENT "that"; h=consider_hyps -> (Hvar name)::h ]] ; consider_hyps: [[ st=statement; IDENT "and"; h=consider_hyps -> Hprop st::h | st=statement; IDENT "and"; IDENT "consider" ; v=consider_vars -> Hprop st::v | st=statement -> [Hprop st] ]] ; assume_vars: [[ name=hyp -> [Hvar name] | name=hyp; ","; v=assume_vars -> (Hvar name) :: v | name=hyp; IDENT "such"; IDENT "that"; h=assume_hyps -> (Hvar name)::h ]] ; assume_hyps: [[ st=statement; IDENT "and"; h=assume_hyps -> Hprop st::h | st=statement; IDENT "and"; IDENT "we"; IDENT "have" ; v=assume_vars -> Hprop st::v | st=statement -> [Hprop st] ]] ; assume_clause: [[ IDENT "we" ; IDENT "have" ; v=assume_vars -> v | h=assume_hyps -> h ]] ; suff_vars: [[ name=hyp; IDENT "to"; IDENT "show" ; c = constr_or_thesis -> [Hvar name],c | name=hyp; ","; v=suff_vars -> let (q,c) = v in ((Hvar name) :: q),c | name=hyp; IDENT "such"; IDENT "that"; h=suff_hyps -> let (q,c) = h in ((Hvar name) :: q),c ]]; suff_hyps: [[ st=statement; IDENT "and"; h=suff_hyps -> let (q,c) = h in (Hprop st::q),c | st=statement; IDENT "and"; IDENT "to" ; IDENT "have" ; v=suff_vars -> let (q,c) = v in (Hprop st::q),c | st=statement; IDENT "to"; IDENT "show" ; c = constr_or_thesis -> [Hprop st],c ]] ; suff_clause: [[ IDENT "to" ; IDENT "have" ; v=suff_vars -> v | h=suff_hyps -> h ]] ; let_vars: [[ name=hyp -> [Hvar name] | name=hyp; ","; v=let_vars -> (Hvar name) :: v | name=hyp; IDENT "be"; IDENT "such"; IDENT "that"; h=let_hyps -> (Hvar name)::h ]] ; let_hyps: [[ st=statement; IDENT "and"; h=let_hyps -> Hprop st::h | st=statement; IDENT "and"; "let"; v=let_vars -> Hprop st::v | st=statement -> [Hprop st] ]]; given_vars: [[ name=hyp -> [Hvar name] | name=hyp; ","; v=given_vars -> (Hvar name) :: v | name=hyp; IDENT "such"; IDENT "that"; h=given_hyps -> (Hvar name)::h ]] ; given_hyps: [[ st=statement; IDENT "and"; h=given_hyps -> Hprop st::h | st=statement; IDENT "and"; IDENT "given"; v=given_vars -> Hprop st::v | st=statement -> [Hprop st] ]]; suppose_vars: [[name=hyp -> [Hvar name] |name=hyp; ","; v=suppose_vars -> (Hvar name) :: v |name=hyp; OPT[IDENT "be"]; IDENT "such"; IDENT "that"; h=suppose_hyps -> (Hvar name)::h ]] ; suppose_hyps: [[ st=statement_or_thesis; IDENT "and"; h=suppose_hyps -> Hprop st::h | st=statement_or_thesis; IDENT "and"; IDENT "we"; IDENT "have"; v=suppose_vars -> Hprop st::v | st=statement_or_thesis -> [Hprop st] ]] ; suppose_clause: [[ IDENT "we"; IDENT "have"; v=suppose_vars -> v; | h=suppose_hyps -> h ]] ; intro_step: [[ IDENT "suppose" ; h=assume_clause -> Psuppose h | IDENT "suppose" ; IDENT "it"; IDENT "is" ; c=pattern LEVEL "0" ; po=OPT[ "with"; p=LIST1 hyp SEP ","-> p ] ; ho=OPT[ IDENT "and" ; h=suppose_clause -> h ] -> Pcase (none_is_empty po,c,none_is_empty ho) | "let" ; v=let_vars -> Plet v | IDENT "take"; witnesses = LIST1 constr SEP "," -> Ptake witnesses | IDENT "assume"; h=assume_clause -> Passume h | IDENT "given"; h=given_vars -> Pgiven h | IDENT "define"; id=ident; args=LIST0 hyp; "as"; body=constr -> Pdefine(id,args,body) | IDENT "reconsider"; id=ident; "as" ; typ=constr -> Pcast (This id,typ) | IDENT "reconsider"; t=thesis; "as" ; typ=constr -> Pcast (Thesis t ,typ) ]] ; emphasis : [[ -> 0 | "*" -> 1 | "**" -> 2 | "***" -> 3 ]] ; bare_proof_instr: [[ c = cut_step -> c ; | i = intro_step -> i ]] ; proof_instr : [[ e=emphasis;i=bare_proof_instr;"." -> {emph=e;instr=i}]] ; END;;