(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Id.Set.add x accu) Id.Set.empty ids in let env = Goal.V82.env sigma goal in let sign = Goal.V82.hyps sigma goal in let cl = Goal.V82.concl sigma goal in let evdref = ref (Evd.clear_metas sigma) in let (hyps, concl) = try Evarutil.clear_hyps_in_evi env evdref sign cl ids with Evarutil.ClearDependencyError (id, _) -> user_err (str "Cannot clear " ++ pr_id id) in let sigma = !evdref in let (gl,ev,sigma) = Goal.V82.mk_goal sigma hyps (EConstr.of_constr concl) (Goal.V82.extra sigma goal) in let sigma = Goal.V82.partial_solution_to sigma goal gl ev in { it = [gl]; sigma } let get_its_info gls = get_info gls.sigma gls.it let get_strictness,set_strictness = let strictness = ref false in (fun () -> (!strictness)),(fun b -> strictness:=b) let _ = declare_bool_option { optsync = true; optdepr = false; optname = "strict proofs"; optkey = ["Strict";"Proofs"]; optread = get_strictness; optwrite = set_strictness } let tcl_change_info_gen info_gen = (fun gls -> let it = sig_it gls in let concl = pf_concl gls in let hyps = Goal.V82.hyps (project gls) it in let extra = Goal.V82.extra (project gls) it in let (gl,ev,sigma) = Goal.V82.mk_goal (project gls) hyps concl (info_gen extra) in let sigma = Goal.V82.partial_solution sigma it ev in { it = [gl] ; sigma= sigma; } ) let tcl_change_info info gls = let info_gen s = Store.set s Decl_mode.info info in tcl_change_info_gen info_gen gls let tcl_erase_info gls = let info_gen s = Store.remove s Decl_mode.info in tcl_change_info_gen info_gen gls let special_whd gl= let infos=CClosure.create_clos_infos CClosure.all (pf_env gl) in (fun t -> CClosure.whd_val infos (CClosure.inject (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr t))) let special_nf gl= let infos=CClosure.create_clos_infos CClosure.betaiotazeta (pf_env gl) in (fun t -> CClosure.norm_val infos (CClosure.inject t)) let is_good_inductive env ind = let mib,oib = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind in Int.equal oib.mind_nrealargs 0 && not (Inductiveops.mis_is_recursive (ind,mib,oib)) let check_not_per pts = if not (Proof.is_done pts) then match get_stack pts with Per (_,_,_,_)::_ -> error "You are inside a proof per cases/induction.\n\ Please \"suppose\" something or \"end\" it now." | _ -> () let mk_evd metalist gls = let evd0= clear_metas (sig_sig gls) in let add_one (meta,typ) evd = meta_declare meta typ evd in List.fold_right add_one metalist evd0 let is_tmp id = (Id.to_string id).[0] == '_' let tmp_ids gls = let ctx = pf_hyps gls in match ctx with [] -> [] | _::q -> List.filter is_tmp (ids_of_named_context q) let clean_tmp gls = let clean_id id0 gls0 = tclTRY (clear [id0]) gls0 in let rec clean_all = function [] -> tclIDTAC | id :: rest -> tclTHEN (clean_id id) (clean_all rest) in clean_all (tmp_ids gls) gls let assert_postpone id t = assert_before (Name id) (EConstr.of_constr t) (* start a proof *) let start_proof_tac gls= let info={pm_stack=[]} in tcl_change_info info gls let go_to_proof_mode () = ignore (Pfedit.by (Proofview.V82.tactic start_proof_tac)); let p = Proof_global.give_me_the_proof () in Decl_mode.focus p (* closing gaps *) (* spiwack: should use [Proofview.give_up] but that would require moving the whole declarative mode into the new proof engine. It will eventually have to be done. As far as I can tell, [daimon_tac] is used after a [thus thesis], it will leave uninstantiated variables instead of giving a relevant message at [Qed]. *) let daimon_tac gls = set_daimon_flag (); {it=[];sigma=sig_sig gls;} let daimon_instr env p = let (p,(status,_)) = Proof.run_tactic env begin Proofview.tclINDEPENDENT Proofview.give_up end p in p,status let do_daimon () = let env = Global.env () in let status = Proof_global.with_current_proof begin fun _ p -> daimon_instr env p end in if not status then Feedback.feedback Feedback.AddedAxiom else () (* post-instruction focus management *) let goto_current_focus () = Decl_mode.unfocus () (* spiwack: used to catch errors indicating lack of "focusing command" in the proof tree. In the current implementation, however, entering the declarative mode puts a focus first, there should, therefore, never be exception raised here. *) let goto_current_focus_or_top () = goto_current_focus () (* return *) let close_tactic_mode () = try do_daimon ();goto_current_focus () with Not_found -> error "\"return\" cannot be used outside of Declarative Proof Mode." let return_from_tactic_mode () = close_tactic_mode () (* end proof/claim *) let close_block bt pts = if Proof.no_focused_goal pts then goto_current_focus () else let stack = if Proof.is_done pts then get_top_stack pts else get_stack pts in match bt,stack with B_claim, Claim::_ | B_focus, Focus_claim::_ | B_proof, [] -> do_daimon ();goto_current_focus () | _, Claim::_ -> error "\"end claim\" expected." | _, Focus_claim::_ -> error "\"end focus\" expected." | _, [] -> error "\"end proof\" expected." | _, (Per (et,_,_,_)::_|Suppose_case::Per (et,_,_,_)::_) -> begin match et with ET_Case_analysis -> error "\"end cases\" expected." | ET_Induction -> error "\"end induction\" expected." end | _,_ -> anomaly (Pp.str "Lonely suppose on stack.") (* utility for suppose / suppose it is *) let close_previous_case pts = if Proof.is_done pts then match get_top_stack pts with Per (et,_,_,_) :: _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "Weird case occurred ...") | Suppose_case :: Per (et,_,_,_) :: _ -> goto_current_focus () | _ -> error "Not inside a proof per cases or induction." else match get_stack pts with Per (et,_,_,_) :: _ -> () | Suppose_case :: Per (et,_,_,_) :: _ -> do_daimon ();goto_current_focus () | _ -> error "Not inside a proof per cases or induction." (* Proof instructions *) (* automation *) let filter_hyps f gls = let filter_aux id = let id = NamedDecl.get_id id in if f id then tclIDTAC else tclTRY (clear [id]) in tclMAP filter_aux (pf_hyps gls) gls let local_hyp_prefix = Id.of_string "___" let add_justification_hyps keep items gls = let add_aux c gls= match kind_of_term c with Var id -> keep:=Id.Set.add id !keep; tclIDTAC gls | _ -> let id=pf_get_new_id local_hyp_prefix gls in keep:=Id.Set.add id !keep; let c = EConstr.of_constr c in tclTHEN (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (letin_tac None (Names.Name id) c None Locusops.nowhere)) (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (clear_body [id])) gls in tclMAP add_aux items gls let prepare_goal items gls = let tokeep = ref Id.Set.empty in let auxres = add_justification_hyps tokeep items gls in tclTHENLIST [ (fun _ -> auxres); filter_hyps (let keep = !tokeep in fun id -> Id.Set.mem id keep)] gls let my_automation_tac = ref (Proofview.tclZERO (CErrors.make_anomaly (Pp.str"No automation registered"))) let register_automation_tac tac = my_automation_tac:= tac let automation_tac = Proofview.tclBIND (Proofview.tclUNIT ()) (fun () -> !my_automation_tac) let warn_insufficient_justification = CWarnings.create ~name:"declmode-insufficient-justification" ~category:"declmode" (fun () -> strbrk "Insufficient justification.") let justification tac gls= tclORELSE (tclSOLVE [tclTHEN tac (Proofview.V82.of_tactic assumption)]) (fun gls -> if get_strictness () then error "Insufficient justification." else begin warn_insufficient_justification (); daimon_tac gls end) gls let default_justification elems gls= justification (tclTHEN (prepare_goal elems) (Proofview.V82.of_tactic automation_tac)) gls (* code for conclusion refining *) let constant dir s = lazy (Coqlib.gen_constant "Declarative" dir s) let _and = constant ["Init";"Logic"] "and" let _and_rect = constant ["Init";"Logic"] "and_rect" let _prod = constant ["Init";"Datatypes"] "prod" let _prod_rect = constant ["Init";"Datatypes"] "prod_rect" let _ex = constant ["Init";"Logic"] "ex" let _ex_ind = constant ["Init";"Logic"] "ex_ind" let _sig = constant ["Init";"Specif"] "sig" let _sig_rect = constant ["Init";"Specif"] "sig_rect" let _sigT = constant ["Init";"Specif"] "sigT" let _sigT_rect = constant ["Init";"Specif"] "sigT_rect" type stackd_elt = {se_meta:metavariable; se_type:types; se_last_meta:metavariable; se_meta_list:(metavariable*types) list; se_evd: evar_map} let rec replace_in_list m l = function [] -> raise Not_found | c::q -> if Int.equal m (fst c) then l@q else c::replace_in_list m l q let enstack_subsubgoals env se stack gls= let hd,params = decompose_app (special_whd gls (EConstr.of_constr se.se_type)) in match kind_of_term hd with Ind (ind,u as indu) when is_good_inductive env ind -> (* MS: FIXME *) let mib,oib= Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind in let gentypes= Inductive.arities_of_constructors indu (mib,oib) in let process i gentyp = let constructor = mkConstructU ((ind,succ i),u) (* constructors numbering*) in let appterm = applist (constructor,params) in let apptype = Term.prod_applist gentyp params in let rc,_ = Reduction.dest_prod env apptype in let rec meta_aux last lenv = function [] -> (last,lenv,[]) | decl::q -> let nlast=succ last in let (llast,holes,metas) = meta_aux nlast (mkMeta nlast :: lenv) q in (llast,holes,(nlast,special_nf gls (substl lenv (RelDecl.get_type decl)))::metas) in let (nlast,holes,nmetas) = meta_aux se.se_last_meta [] (List.rev rc) in let refiner = applist (appterm,List.rev holes) in let evd = meta_assign se.se_meta (refiner,(Conv,TypeProcessed (* ? *))) se.se_evd in let ncreated = replace_in_list se.se_meta nmetas se.se_meta_list in let evd0 = List.fold_left (fun evd (m,typ) -> meta_declare m typ evd) evd nmetas in List.iter (fun (m,typ) -> Stack.push {se_meta=m; se_type=typ; se_evd=evd0; se_meta_list=ncreated; se_last_meta=nlast} stack) (List.rev nmetas) in Array.iteri process gentypes | _ -> () let nf_meta sigma c = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (Reductionops.nf_meta sigma (EConstr.of_constr c)) let rec nf_list evd = function [] -> [] | (m,typ)::others -> if meta_defined evd m then nf_list evd others else (m,nf_meta evd typ)::nf_list evd others let find_subsubgoal c ctyp skip submetas gls = let env= pf_env gls in let concl = pf_concl gls in let concl = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr concl in let evd = mk_evd ((0,concl)::submetas) gls in let stack = Stack.create () in let max_meta = List.fold_left (fun a (m,_) -> max a m) 0 submetas in let _ = Stack.push {se_meta=0; se_type=concl; se_last_meta=max_meta; se_meta_list=[0,concl]; se_evd=evd} stack in let rec dfs n = let se = Stack.pop stack in try let unifier = Unification.w_unify env se.se_evd Reduction.CUMUL ~flags:(Unification.elim_flags ()) ctyp (EConstr.of_constr se.se_type) in if n <= 0 then {se with se_evd=meta_assign se.se_meta (c,(Conv,TypeNotProcessed (* ?? *))) unifier; se_meta_list=replace_in_list se.se_meta submetas se.se_meta_list} else dfs (pred n) with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> begin enstack_subsubgoals env se stack gls; dfs n end in let nse= try dfs skip with Stack.Empty -> raise Not_found in nf_list nse.se_evd nse.se_meta_list,nf_meta nse.se_evd (mkMeta 0) let concl_refiner metas body gls = let concl = pf_concl gls in let evd = sig_sig gls in let env = pf_env gls in let sort = family_of_sort (Typing.e_sort_of env (ref evd) concl) in let concl = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr concl in let rec aux env avoid subst = function [] -> anomaly ~label:"concl_refiner" (Pp.str "cannot happen") | (n,typ)::rest -> let _A = subst_meta subst typ in let x = id_of_name_using_hdchar env _A Anonymous in let _x = fresh_id avoid x gls in let nenv = Environ.push_named (LocalAssum (_x,_A)) env in let asort = family_of_sort (Typing.e_sort_of nenv (ref evd) (EConstr.of_constr _A)) in let nsubst = (n,mkVar _x)::subst in if List.is_empty rest then asort,_A,mkNamedLambda _x _A (subst_meta nsubst body) else let bsort,_B,nbody = aux nenv (_x::avoid) ((n,mkVar _x)::subst) rest in let body = mkNamedLambda _x _A nbody in if local_occur_var evd _x (EConstr.of_constr _B) then begin let _P = mkNamedLambda _x _A _B in match bsort,sort with InProp,InProp -> let _AxB = mkApp(Lazy.force _ex,[|_A;_P|]) in InProp,_AxB, mkApp(Lazy.force _ex_ind,[|_A;_P;concl;body|]) | InProp,_ -> let _AxB = mkApp(Lazy.force _sig,[|_A;_P|]) in let _P0 = mkLambda(Anonymous,_AxB,concl) in InType,_AxB, mkApp(Lazy.force _sig_rect,[|_A;_P;_P0;body|]) | _,_ -> let _AxB = mkApp(Lazy.force _sigT,[|_A;_P|]) in let _P0 = mkLambda(Anonymous,_AxB,concl) in InType,_AxB, mkApp(Lazy.force _sigT_rect,[|_A;_P;_P0;body|]) end else begin match asort,bsort with InProp,InProp -> let _AxB = mkApp(Lazy.force _and,[|_A;_B|]) in InProp,_AxB, mkApp(Lazy.force _and_rect,[|_A;_B;concl;body|]) |_,_ -> let _AxB = mkApp(Lazy.force _prod,[|_A;_B|]) in let _P0 = mkLambda(Anonymous,_AxB,concl) in InType,_AxB, mkApp(Lazy.force _prod_rect,[|_A;_B;_P0;body|]) end in let (_,_,prf) = aux env [] [] metas in mkApp(prf,[|mkMeta 1|]) let thus_tac c ctyp submetas gls = let list,proof = try find_subsubgoal c ctyp 0 submetas gls with Not_found -> error "I could not relate this statement to the thesis." in if List.is_empty list then let proof = EConstr.of_constr proof in Proofview.V82.of_tactic (exact_check proof) gls else let refiner = concl_refiner list proof gls in Tacmach.refine (EConstr.of_constr refiner) gls (* general forward step *) let mk_stat_or_thesis info gls = function This c -> c | Thesis (For _ ) -> error "\"thesis for ...\" is not applicable here." | Thesis Plain -> EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (pf_concl gls) let just_tac _then cut info gls0 = let last_item = if _then then try [mkVar (get_last (pf_env gls0))] with UserError _ -> error "\"then\" and \"hence\" require at least one previous fact" else [] in let items_tac gls = match cut.cut_by with None -> tclIDTAC gls | Some items -> prepare_goal (last_item@items) gls in let method_tac gls = match cut.cut_using with None -> Proofview.V82.of_tactic automation_tac gls | Some tac -> Proofview.V82.of_tactic (Tacinterp.tactic_of_value (Tacinterp.default_ist ()) tac) gls in justification (tclTHEN items_tac method_tac) gls0 let instr_cut mkstat _thus _then cut gls0 = let info = get_its_info gls0 in let stat = cut.cut_stat in let (c_id,_) = match stat.st_label with Anonymous -> pf_get_new_id (Id.of_string "_fact") gls0,false | Name id -> id,true in let c_stat = mkstat info gls0 stat.st_it in let thus_tac gls= if _thus then thus_tac (mkVar c_id) (EConstr.of_constr c_stat) [] gls else tclIDTAC gls in tclTHENS (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (assert_postpone c_id c_stat)) [tclTHEN tcl_erase_info (just_tac _then cut info); thus_tac] gls0 (* iterated equality *) let _eq = lazy (Universes.constr_of_global (Coqlib.glob_eq)) let decompose_eq id gls = let typ = pf_get_hyp_typ gls id in let whd = (special_whd gls typ) in match kind_of_term whd with App (f,args)-> if Term.eq_constr f (Lazy.force _eq) && Int.equal (Array.length args) 3 then (args.(0), args.(1), args.(2)) else error "Previous step is not an equality." | _ -> error "Previous step is not an equality." let instr_rew _thus rew_side cut gls0 = let last_id = try get_last (pf_env gls0) with UserError _ -> error "No previous equality." in let typ,lhs,rhs = decompose_eq last_id gls0 in let items_tac gls = match cut.cut_by with None -> tclIDTAC gls | Some items -> prepare_goal items gls in let method_tac gls = match cut.cut_using with None -> Proofview.V82.of_tactic automation_tac gls | Some tac -> Proofview.V82.of_tactic (Tacinterp.tactic_of_value (Tacinterp.default_ist ()) tac) gls in let just_tac gls = justification (tclTHEN items_tac method_tac) gls in let (c_id,_) = match cut.cut_stat.st_label with Anonymous -> pf_get_new_id (Id.of_string "_eq") gls0,false | Name id -> id,true in let thus_tac new_eq gls= if _thus then thus_tac (mkVar c_id) (EConstr.of_constr new_eq) [] gls else tclIDTAC gls in match rew_side with Lhs -> let new_eq = mkApp(Lazy.force _eq,[|typ;cut.cut_stat.st_it;rhs|]) in tclTHENS (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (assert_postpone c_id new_eq)) [tclTHEN tcl_erase_info (tclTHENS (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (transitivity (EConstr.of_constr lhs))) [just_tac;Proofview.V82.of_tactic (exact_check (EConstr.mkVar last_id))]); thus_tac new_eq] gls0 | Rhs -> let new_eq = mkApp(Lazy.force _eq,[|typ;lhs;cut.cut_stat.st_it|]) in tclTHENS (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (assert_postpone c_id new_eq)) [tclTHEN tcl_erase_info (tclTHENS (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (transitivity (EConstr.of_constr rhs))) [Proofview.V82.of_tactic (exact_check (EConstr.mkVar last_id));just_tac]); thus_tac new_eq] gls0 (* tactics for claim/focus *) let instr_claim _thus st gls0 = let info = get_its_info gls0 in let (id,_) = match st.st_label with Anonymous -> pf_get_new_id (Id.of_string "_claim") gls0,false | Name id -> id,true in let thus_tac gls= if _thus then thus_tac (mkVar id) (EConstr.of_constr st.st_it) [] gls else tclIDTAC gls in let ninfo1 = {pm_stack= (if _thus then Focus_claim else Claim)::info.pm_stack} in tclTHENS (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (assert_postpone id st.st_it)) [thus_tac; tcl_change_info ninfo1] gls0 (* tactics for assume *) let push_intro_tac coerce nam gls = let (hid,_) = match nam with Anonymous -> pf_get_new_id (Id.of_string "_hyp") gls,false | Name id -> id,true in tclTHENLIST [Proofview.V82.of_tactic (intro_mustbe_force hid); coerce hid] gls let assume_tac hyps gls = List.fold_right (fun (Hvar st | Hprop st) -> tclTHEN (push_intro_tac (fun id -> Proofview.V82.of_tactic (convert_hyp (LocalAssum (id,st.st_it)))) st.st_label)) hyps tclIDTAC gls let assume_hyps_or_theses hyps gls = List.fold_right (function (Hvar {st_label=nam;st_it=c} | Hprop {st_label=nam;st_it=This c}) -> tclTHEN (push_intro_tac (fun id -> Proofview.V82.of_tactic (convert_hyp (LocalAssum (id,c)))) nam) | Hprop {st_label=nam;st_it=Thesis (tk)} -> tclTHEN (push_intro_tac (fun id -> tclIDTAC) nam)) hyps tclIDTAC gls let assume_st hyps gls = List.fold_right (fun st -> tclTHEN (push_intro_tac (fun id -> Proofview.V82.of_tactic (convert_hyp (LocalAssum (id,st.st_it)))) st.st_label)) hyps tclIDTAC gls let assume_st_letin hyps gls = List.fold_right (fun st -> tclTHEN (push_intro_tac (fun id -> Proofview.V82.of_tactic (convert_hyp (LocalDef (id, fst st.st_it, snd st.st_it)))) st.st_label)) hyps tclIDTAC gls (* suffices *) let rec metas_from n hyps = match hyps with _ :: q -> n :: metas_from (succ n) q | [] -> [] let rec build_product sigma args body = match args with (Hprop st| Hvar st )::rest -> let pprod= lift 1 (build_product sigma rest body) in let lbody = match st.st_label with Anonymous -> pprod | Name id -> subst_var id pprod in mkProd (st.st_label, st.st_it, lbody) | [] -> body let rec build_applist prod = function [] -> [],prod | n::q -> let (_,typ,_) = destProd prod in let ctx,head = build_applist (Term.prod_applist prod [mkMeta n]) q in (n,typ)::ctx,head let instr_suffices _then cut gls0 = let info = get_its_info gls0 in let c_id = pf_get_new_id (Id.of_string "_cofact") gls0 in let ctx,hd = cut.cut_stat in let c_stat = build_product (project gls0) ctx (mk_stat_or_thesis info gls0 hd) in let metas = metas_from 1 ctx in let c_ctx,c_head = build_applist c_stat metas in let c_term = applist (mkVar c_id,List.map mkMeta metas) in let thus_tac gls= thus_tac c_term (EConstr.of_constr c_head) c_ctx gls in tclTHENS (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (assert_postpone c_id c_stat)) [tclTHENLIST [ assume_tac ctx; tcl_erase_info; just_tac _then cut info]; thus_tac] gls0 (* tactics for consider/given *) let conjunction_arity id gls = let typ = pf_get_hyp_typ gls id in let hd,params = decompose_app (special_whd gls typ) in let env =pf_env gls in match kind_of_term hd with Ind (ind,u as indu) when is_good_inductive env ind -> let mib,oib= Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind in let gentypes= Inductive.arities_of_constructors indu (mib,oib) in let _ = if not (Int.equal (Array.length gentypes) 1) then raise Not_found in let apptype = Term.prod_applist gentypes.(0) params in let rc,_ = Reduction.dest_prod env apptype in List.length rc | _ -> raise Not_found let rec intron_then n ids ltac gls = if n<=0 then ltac ids gls else let id = pf_get_new_id (Id.of_string "_tmp") gls in tclTHEN (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (intro_mustbe_force id)) (intron_then (pred n) (id::ids) ltac) gls let rec consider_match may_intro introduced available expected gls = match available,expected with [],[] -> tclIDTAC gls | _,[] -> error "Last statements do not match a complete hypothesis." (* should tell which ones *) | [],hyps -> if may_intro then begin let id = pf_get_new_id (Id.of_string "_tmp") gls in tclIFTHENELSE (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (intro_mustbe_force id)) (consider_match true [] [id] hyps) (fun _ -> error "Not enough sub-hypotheses to match statements.") gls end else error "Not enough sub-hypotheses to match statements." (* should tell which ones *) | id::rest_ids,(Hvar st | Hprop st)::rest -> tclIFTHENELSE (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (convert_hyp (LocalAssum (id,st.st_it)))) begin match st.st_label with Anonymous -> consider_match may_intro ((id,false)::introduced) rest_ids rest | Name hid -> tclTHENLIST [Proofview.V82.of_tactic (rename_hyp [id,hid]); consider_match may_intro ((hid,true)::introduced) rest_ids rest] end begin (fun gls -> let nhyps = try conjunction_arity id gls with Not_found -> error "Matching hypothesis not found." in tclTHENLIST [Proofview.V82.of_tactic (simplest_case (EConstr.mkVar id)); intron_then nhyps [] (fun l -> consider_match may_intro introduced (List.rev_append l rest_ids) expected)] gls) end gls let consider_tac c hyps gls = let c = EConstr.of_constr c in match EConstr.kind (project gls) (strip_outer_cast (project gls) c) with Var id -> consider_match false [] [id] hyps gls | _ -> let id = pf_get_new_id (Id.of_string "_tmp") gls in tclTHEN (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (pose_proof (Name id) c)) (consider_match false [] [id] hyps) gls let given_tac hyps gls = consider_match true [] [] hyps gls (* tactics for take *) let rec take_tac wits gls = match wits with [] -> tclIDTAC gls | wit::rest -> let typ = pf_unsafe_type_of gls (EConstr.of_constr wit) in tclTHEN (thus_tac wit typ []) (take_tac rest) gls (* tactics for define *) let subst_term sigma c t = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (subst_term sigma c t) let rec build_function sigma args body = match args with st::rest -> let pfun= lift 1 (build_function sigma rest body) in let id = match st.st_label with Anonymous -> assert false | Name id -> id in mkLambda (Name id, st.st_it, subst_term sigma (EConstr.mkVar id) (EConstr.of_constr pfun)) | [] -> body let define_tac id args body gls = let t = build_function (project gls) args body in let t = EConstr.of_constr t in Proofview.V82.of_tactic (letin_tac None (Name id) t None Locusops.nowhere) gls (* tactics for reconsider *) let cast_tac id_or_thesis typ gls = match id_or_thesis with | This id -> Proofview.V82.of_tactic (id |> pf_get_hyp gls |> NamedDecl.set_id id |> NamedDecl.set_type typ |> convert_hyp) gls | Thesis (For _ ) -> error "\"thesis for ...\" is not applicable here." | Thesis Plain -> let typ = EConstr.of_constr typ in Proofview.V82.of_tactic (convert_concl typ DEFAULTcast) gls (* per cases *) let is_rec_pos (main_ind,wft) = match main_ind with None -> false | Some index -> match fst (Rtree.dest_node wft) with Mrec (_,i) when Int.equal i index -> true | _ -> false let rec constr_trees (main_ind,wft) ind = match Rtree.dest_node wft with Norec,_ -> let itree = (snd (Global.lookup_inductive ind)).mind_recargs in constr_trees (None,itree) ind | _,constrs -> main_ind,constrs let ind_args rp ind = let main_ind,constrs = constr_trees rp ind in let args ctree = Array.map (fun t -> main_ind,t) (snd (Rtree.dest_node ctree)) in Array.map args constrs let init_tree ids ind rp nexti = let indargs = ind_args rp ind in let do_i i arp = (Array.map is_rec_pos arp),nexti i arp in Split_patt (ids,ind,Array.mapi do_i indargs) let map_tree_rp rp id_fun mapi = function Split_patt (ids,ind,branches) -> let indargs = ind_args rp ind in let do_i i (recargs,bri) = recargs,mapi i indargs.(i) bri in Split_patt (id_fun ids,ind,Array.mapi do_i branches) | _ -> failwith "map_tree_rp: not a splitting node" let map_tree id_fun mapi = function Split_patt (ids,ind,branches) -> let do_i i (recargs,bri) = recargs,mapi i bri in Split_patt (id_fun ids,ind,Array.mapi do_i branches) | _ -> failwith "map_tree: not a splitting node" let start_tree env ind rp = init_tree Id.Set.empty ind rp (fun _ _ -> None) let build_per_info etype casee gls = let concl=pf_concl gls in let env=pf_env gls in let ctyp=pf_unsafe_type_of gls (EConstr.of_constr casee) in let is_dep = dependent (project gls) (EConstr.of_constr casee) concl in let hd,args = decompose_app (special_whd gls ctyp) in let ctyp = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr ctyp in let (ind,u) = try destInd hd with DestKO -> error "Case analysis must be done on an inductive object." in let mind,oind = Global.lookup_inductive ind in let nparams,index = match etype with ET_Induction -> mind.mind_nparams_rec,Some (snd ind) | _ -> mind.mind_nparams,None in let params,real_args = List.chop nparams args in let abstract_obj c body = let typ=pf_unsafe_type_of gls (EConstr.of_constr c) in let typ = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr typ in lambda_create env (typ,subst_term (project gls) (EConstr.of_constr c) (EConstr.of_constr body)) in let pred= List.fold_right abstract_obj real_args (lambda_create env (ctyp,subst_term (project gls) (EConstr.of_constr casee) concl)) in is_dep, {per_casee=casee; per_ctype=ctyp; per_ind=ind; per_pred=pred; per_args=real_args; per_params=params; per_nparams=nparams; per_wf=index,oind.mind_recargs} let per_tac etype casee gls= let env=pf_env gls in let info = get_its_info gls in match casee with Real c -> let is_dep,per_info = build_per_info etype c gls in let ek = if is_dep then EK_dep (start_tree env per_info.per_ind per_info.per_wf) else EK_unknown in tcl_change_info {pm_stack= Per(etype,per_info,ek,[])::info.pm_stack} gls | Virtual cut -> assert (cut.cut_stat.st_label == Anonymous); let id = pf_get_new_id (Id.of_string "anonymous_matched") gls in let c = mkVar id in let modified_cut = {cut with cut_stat={cut.cut_stat with st_label=Name id}} in tclTHEN (instr_cut (fun _ _ c -> c) false false modified_cut) (fun gls0 -> let is_dep,per_info = build_per_info etype c gls0 in assert (not is_dep); tcl_change_info {pm_stack= Per(etype,per_info,EK_unknown,[])::info.pm_stack} gls0) gls (* suppose *) let register_nodep_subcase id= function Per(et,pi,ek,clauses)::s -> begin match ek with EK_unknown -> clauses,Per(et,pi,EK_nodep,id::clauses)::s | EK_nodep -> clauses,Per(et,pi,EK_nodep,id::clauses)::s | EK_dep _ -> error "Do not mix \"suppose\" with \"suppose it is\"." end | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "wrong stack state") let suppose_tac hyps gls0 = let info = get_its_info gls0 in let thesis = pf_concl gls0 in let thesis = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr thesis in let id = pf_get_new_id (Id.of_string "subcase_") gls0 in let clause = build_product (project gls0) hyps thesis in let ninfo1 = {pm_stack=Suppose_case::info.pm_stack} in let old_clauses,stack = register_nodep_subcase id info.pm_stack in let ninfo2 = {pm_stack=stack} in tclTHENS (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (assert_postpone id clause)) [tclTHENLIST [tcl_change_info ninfo1; assume_tac hyps; clear old_clauses]; tcl_change_info ninfo2] gls0 (* suppose it is ... *) (* pattern matching compiling *) let rec skip_args rest ids n = if n <= 0 then Close_patt rest else Skip_patt (ids,skip_args rest ids (pred n)) let rec tree_of_pats ((id,_) as cpl) pats = match pats with [] -> End_patt cpl | args::stack -> match args with [] -> Close_patt (tree_of_pats cpl stack) | (patt,rp) :: rest_args -> match patt with PatVar (_,v) -> Skip_patt (Id.Set.singleton id, tree_of_pats cpl (rest_args::stack)) | PatCstr (_,(ind,cnum),args,nam) -> let nexti i ati = if Int.equal i (pred cnum) then let nargs = List.map_i (fun j a -> (a,ati.(j))) 0 args in Some (Id.Set.singleton id, tree_of_pats cpl (nargs::rest_args::stack)) else None in init_tree Id.Set.empty ind rp nexti let rec add_branch ((id,_) as cpl) pats tree= match pats with [] -> begin match tree with End_patt cpl0 -> End_patt cpl0 (* this ensures precedence for overlapping patterns *) | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "tree is expected to end here") end | args::stack -> match args with [] -> begin match tree with Close_patt t -> Close_patt (add_branch cpl stack t) | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "we should pop here") end | (patt,rp) :: rest_args -> match patt with PatVar (_,v) -> begin match tree with Skip_patt (ids,t) -> Skip_patt (Id.Set.add id ids, add_branch cpl (rest_args::stack) t) | Split_patt (_,_,_) -> map_tree (Id.Set.add id) (fun i bri -> append_branch cpl 1 (rest_args::stack) bri) tree | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "No pop/stop expected here") end | PatCstr (_,(ind,cnum),args,nam) -> match tree with Skip_patt (ids,t) -> let nexti i ati = if Int.equal i (pred cnum) then let nargs = List.map_i (fun j a -> (a,ati.(j))) 0 args in Some (Id.Set.add id ids, add_branch cpl (nargs::rest_args::stack) (skip_args t ids (Array.length ati))) else Some (ids, skip_args t ids (Array.length ati)) in init_tree ids ind rp nexti | Split_patt (_,ind0,_) -> if (not (eq_ind ind ind0)) then error (* this can happen with coercions *) "Case pattern belongs to wrong inductive type."; let mapi i ati bri = if Int.equal i (pred cnum) then let nargs = List.map_i (fun j a -> (a,ati.(j))) 0 args in append_branch cpl 0 (nargs::rest_args::stack) bri else bri in map_tree_rp rp (fun ids -> ids) mapi tree | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "No pop/stop expected here") and append_branch ((id,_) as cpl) depth pats = function Some (ids,tree) -> Some (Id.Set.add id ids,append_tree cpl depth pats tree) | None -> Some (Id.Set.singleton id,tree_of_pats cpl pats) and append_tree ((id,_) as cpl) depth pats tree = if depth<=0 then add_branch cpl pats tree else match tree with Close_patt t -> Close_patt (append_tree cpl (pred depth) pats t) | Skip_patt (ids,t) -> Skip_patt (Id.Set.add id ids,append_tree cpl depth pats t) | End_patt _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "Premature end of branch") | Split_patt (_,_,_) -> map_tree (Id.Set.add id) (fun i bri -> append_branch cpl (succ depth) pats bri) tree (* suppose it is *) let rec st_assoc id = function [] -> raise Not_found | st::_ when Name.equal st.st_label id -> st.st_it | _ :: rest -> st_assoc id rest let thesis_for obj typ per_info env= let rc,hd1=decompose_prod typ in let cind,all_args=decompose_app typ in let ind,u = destInd cind in let _ = if not (eq_ind ind per_info.per_ind) then user_err ~hdr:"thesis_for" ((Printer.pr_constr_env env Evd.empty obj) ++ spc () ++ str"cannot give an induction hypothesis (wrong inductive type).") in let params,args = List.chop per_info.per_nparams all_args in let _ = if not (List.for_all2 Term.eq_constr params per_info.per_params) then user_err ~hdr:"thesis_for" ((Printer.pr_constr_env env Evd.empty obj) ++ spc () ++ str "cannot give an induction hypothesis (wrong parameters).") in let hd2 = (applist ((lift (List.length rc) per_info.per_pred),args@[obj])) in compose_prod rc (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (Reductionops.whd_beta Evd.empty (EConstr.of_constr hd2))) let rec build_product_dep pat_info per_info args body gls = match args with (Hprop {st_label=nam;st_it=This c} | Hvar {st_label=nam;st_it=c})::rest -> let pprod= lift 1 (build_product_dep pat_info per_info rest body gls) in let lbody = match nam with Anonymous -> body | Name id -> subst_var id pprod in mkProd (nam,c,lbody) | Hprop ({st_it=Thesis tk} as st)::rest -> let pprod= lift 1 (build_product_dep pat_info per_info rest body gls) in let lbody = match st.st_label with Anonymous -> body | Name id -> subst_var id pprod in let ptyp = match tk with For id -> let obj = mkVar id in let typ = try st_assoc (Name id) pat_info.pat_vars with Not_found -> snd (st_assoc (Name id) pat_info.pat_aliases) in thesis_for obj typ per_info (pf_env gls) | Plain -> EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (pf_concl gls) in mkProd (st.st_label,ptyp,lbody) | [] -> body let build_dep_clause params pat_info per_info hyps gls = let concl= thesis_for pat_info.pat_constr pat_info.pat_typ per_info (pf_env gls) in let open_clause = build_product_dep pat_info per_info hyps concl gls in let prod_one st body = match st.st_label with Anonymous -> mkProd(Anonymous,st.st_it,lift 1 body) | Name id -> mkNamedProd id st.st_it (lift 1 body) in let let_one_in st body = match st.st_label with Anonymous -> mkLetIn(Anonymous,fst st.st_it,snd st.st_it,lift 1 body) | Name id -> mkNamedLetIn id (fst st.st_it) (snd st.st_it) (lift 1 body) in let aliased_clause = List.fold_right let_one_in pat_info.pat_aliases open_clause in List.fold_right prod_one (params@pat_info.pat_vars) aliased_clause let rec register_dep_subcase id env per_info pat = function EK_nodep -> error "Only \"suppose it is\" can be used here." | EK_unknown -> register_dep_subcase id env per_info pat (EK_dep (start_tree env per_info.per_ind per_info.per_wf)) | EK_dep tree -> EK_dep (add_branch id [[pat,per_info.per_wf]] tree) let case_tac params pat_info hyps gls0 = let info = get_its_info gls0 in let id = pf_get_new_id (Id.of_string "subcase_") gls0 in let et,per_info,ek,old_clauses,rest = match info.pm_stack with Per (et,pi,ek,old_clauses)::rest -> (et,pi,ek,old_clauses,rest) | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "wrong place for cases") in let clause = build_dep_clause params pat_info per_info hyps gls0 in let ninfo1 = {pm_stack=Suppose_case::info.pm_stack} in let nek = register_dep_subcase (id,(List.length params,List.length hyps)) (pf_env gls0) per_info pat_info.pat_pat ek in let ninfo2 = {pm_stack=Per(et,per_info,nek,id::old_clauses)::rest} in tclTHENS (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (assert_postpone id clause)) [tclTHENLIST [tcl_change_info ninfo1; assume_st (params@pat_info.pat_vars); assume_st_letin pat_info.pat_aliases; assume_hyps_or_theses hyps; clear old_clauses]; tcl_change_info ninfo2] gls0 (* end cases *) type ('a, 'b) instance_stack = ('b * (('a option * constr list) list)) list let initial_instance_stack ids : (_, _) instance_stack = List.map (fun id -> id,[None,[]]) ids let push_one_arg arg = function [] -> anomaly (Pp.str "impossible") | (head,args) :: ctx -> ((head,(arg::args)) :: ctx) let push_arg arg stacks = List.map (fun (id,stack) -> (id,push_one_arg arg stack)) stacks let push_one_head c ids (id,stack) = let head = if Id.Set.mem id ids then Some c else None in id,(head,[]) :: stack let push_head c ids stacks = List.map (push_one_head c ids) stacks let pop_one (id,stack) = let nstack= match stack with [] -> anomaly (Pp.str "impossible") | [c] as l -> l | (Some head,args)::(head0,args0)::ctx -> let arg = applist (head,(List.rev args)) in (head0,(arg::args0))::ctx | (None,args)::(head0,args0)::ctx -> (head0,(args@args0))::ctx in id,nstack let pop_stacks stacks = List.map pop_one stacks let hrec_for fix_id per_info gls obj_id = let obj=mkVar obj_id in let typ=pf_get_hyp_typ gls obj_id in let typ = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr typ in let rc,hd1=decompose_prod typ in let cind,all_args=decompose_app typ in let ind,u = destInd cind in assert (eq_ind ind per_info.per_ind); let params,args= List.chop per_info.per_nparams all_args in assert begin try List.for_all2 Term.eq_constr params per_info.per_params with Invalid_argument _ -> false end; let hd2 = applist (mkVar fix_id,args@[obj]) in EConstr.of_constr (compose_lam rc (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (Reductionops.whd_beta gls.sigma (EConstr.of_constr hd2)))) let warn_missing_case = CWarnings.create ~name:"declmode-missing-case" ~category:"declmode" (fun () -> strbrk "missing case") let rec execute_cases fix_name per_info tacnext args objs nhrec tree gls = match tree, objs with Close_patt t,_ -> let args0 = pop_stacks args in execute_cases fix_name per_info tacnext args0 objs nhrec t gls | Skip_patt (_,t),skipped::next_objs -> let args0 = push_arg skipped args in execute_cases fix_name per_info tacnext args0 next_objs nhrec t gls | End_patt (id,(nparams,nhyps)),[] -> begin match Id.List.assoc id args with [None,br_args] -> let all_metas = List.init (nparams + nhyps) (fun n -> mkMeta (succ n)) in let param_metas,hyp_metas = List.chop nparams all_metas in tclTHEN (tclDO nhrec (Proofview.V82.of_tactic introf)) (tacnext (applist (mkVar id, List.append param_metas (List.rev_append br_args hyp_metas)))) gls | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "wrong stack size") end | Split_patt (ids,ind,br), casee::next_objs -> let (mind,oind) as spec = Global.lookup_inductive ind in let nparams = mind.mind_nparams in let concl=pf_concl gls in let env=pf_env gls in let ctyp=pf_unsafe_type_of gls (EConstr.of_constr casee) in let hd,all_args = decompose_app (special_whd gls ctyp) in let ctyp = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr ctyp in let ind', u = destInd hd in let _ = assert (eq_ind ind' ind) in (* just in case *) let params,real_args = List.chop nparams all_args in let abstract_obj c body = let typ=pf_unsafe_type_of gls (EConstr.of_constr c) in let typ = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr typ in lambda_create env (typ,subst_term (project gls) (EConstr.of_constr c) (EConstr.of_constr body)) in let elim_pred = List.fold_right abstract_obj real_args (lambda_create env (ctyp,subst_term (project gls) (EConstr.of_constr casee) concl)) in let case_info = Inductiveops.make_case_info env ind RegularStyle in let gen_arities = Inductive.arities_of_constructors (ind,u) spec in let f_ids typ = let sign = (prod_assum (Term.prod_applist typ params)) in find_intro_names sign gls in let constr_args_ids = Array.map f_ids gen_arities in let case_term = mkCase(case_info,elim_pred,casee, Array.mapi (fun i _ -> mkMeta (succ i)) constr_args_ids) in let branch_tac i (recargs,bro) gls0 = let args_ids = constr_args_ids.(i) in let rec aux n = function [] -> assert (Int.equal n (Array.length recargs)); next_objs,[],nhrec | id :: q -> let objs,recs,nrec = aux (succ n) q in if recargs.(n) then (mkVar id::objs),(id::recs),succ nrec else (mkVar id::objs),recs,nrec in let objs,recs,nhrec = aux 0 args_ids in tclTHENLIST [tclMAP (fun id -> Proofview.V82.of_tactic (intro_mustbe_force id)) args_ids; begin fun gls1 -> let hrecs = List.map (fun id -> hrec_for (out_name fix_name) per_info gls1 id) recs in Proofview.V82.of_tactic (generalize hrecs) gls1 end; match bro with None -> warn_missing_case (); tacnext (mkMeta 1) | Some (sub_ids,tree) -> let br_args = List.filter (fun (id,_) -> Id.Set.mem id sub_ids) args in let construct = applist (mkConstruct(ind,succ i),params) in let p_args = push_head construct ids br_args in execute_cases fix_name per_info tacnext p_args objs nhrec tree] gls0 in tclTHENSV (refine (EConstr.of_constr case_term)) (Array.mapi branch_tac br) gls | Split_patt (_, _, _) , [] -> anomaly ~label:"execute_cases " (Pp.str "Nothing to split") | Skip_patt _ , [] -> anomaly ~label:"execute_cases " (Pp.str "Nothing to skip") | End_patt (_,_) , _ :: _ -> anomaly ~label:"execute_cases " (Pp.str "End of branch with garbage left") let understand_my_constr env sigma c concl = let env = env in let rawc = Detyping.detype false [] env Evd.empty c in let rec frob = function | GEvar _ -> GHole (Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.QuestionMark Evar_kinds.Expand,Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None) | rc -> map_glob_constr frob rc in Pretyping.understand_tcc env sigma ~expected_type:(Pretyping.OfType concl) (frob rawc) let my_refine c gls = let oc = { run = begin fun sigma -> let sigma = Sigma.to_evar_map sigma in let (sigma, c) = understand_my_constr (pf_env gls) sigma c (pf_concl gls) in Sigma.Unsafe.of_pair (c, sigma) end } in Proofview.V82.of_tactic (Tactics.New.refine oc) gls (* end focus/claim *) let end_tac et2 gls = let info = get_its_info gls in let et1,pi,ek,clauses = match info.pm_stack with Suppose_case::_ -> anomaly (Pp.str "This case should already be trapped") | Claim::_ -> error "\"end claim\" expected." | Focus_claim::_ -> error "\"end focus\" expected." | Per(et',pi,ek,clauses)::_ -> (et',pi,ek,clauses) | [] -> anomaly (Pp.str "This case should already be trapped") in let et = match et1, et2 with | ET_Case_analysis, ET_Case_analysis -> et1 | ET_Induction, ET_Induction -> et1 | ET_Case_analysis, _ -> error "\"end cases\" expected." | ET_Induction, _ -> error "\"end induction\" expected." in tclTHEN tcl_erase_info begin match et,ek with _,EK_unknown -> tclSOLVE [Proofview.V82.of_tactic (simplest_elim (EConstr.of_constr pi.per_casee))] | ET_Case_analysis,EK_nodep -> tclTHEN (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (simplest_case (EConstr.of_constr pi.per_casee))) (default_justification (List.map mkVar clauses)) | ET_Induction,EK_nodep -> tclTHENLIST [Proofview.V82.of_tactic (generalize (List.map EConstr.of_constr (pi.per_args@[pi.per_casee]))); Proofview.V82.of_tactic (simple_induct (AnonHyp (succ (List.length pi.per_args)))); default_justification (List.map mkVar clauses)] | ET_Case_analysis,EK_dep tree -> execute_cases Anonymous pi (fun c -> tclTHENLIST [my_refine c; clear clauses; justification (Proofview.V82.of_tactic assumption)]) (initial_instance_stack clauses) [pi.per_casee] 0 tree | ET_Induction,EK_dep tree -> let nargs = (List.length pi.per_args) in tclTHEN (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (generalize (List.map EConstr.of_constr (pi.per_args@[pi.per_casee])))) begin fun gls0 -> let fix_id = pf_get_new_id (Id.of_string "_fix") gls0 in let c_id = pf_get_new_id (Id.of_string "_main_arg") gls0 in tclTHENLIST [Proofview.V82.of_tactic (fix (Some fix_id) (succ nargs)); tclDO nargs (Proofview.V82.of_tactic introf); Proofview.V82.of_tactic (intro_mustbe_force c_id); execute_cases (Name fix_id) pi (fun c -> tclTHENLIST [clear [fix_id]; my_refine c; clear clauses; justification (Proofview.V82.of_tactic assumption)]) (initial_instance_stack clauses) [mkVar c_id] 0 tree] gls0 end end gls (* escape *) let escape_tac gls = (* spiwack: sets an empty info stack to avoid interferences. We could erase the info altogether, but that doesn't play well with the Decl_mode.focus (used in post_processing). *) let info={pm_stack=[]} in tcl_change_info info gls (* General instruction engine *) let rec do_proof_instr_gen _thus _then instr = match instr with Pthus i -> assert (not _thus); do_proof_instr_gen true _then i | Pthen i -> assert (not _then); do_proof_instr_gen _thus true i | Phence i -> assert (not (_then || _thus)); do_proof_instr_gen true true i | Pcut c -> instr_cut mk_stat_or_thesis _thus _then c | Psuffices c -> instr_suffices _then c | Prew (s,c) -> assert (not _then); instr_rew _thus s c | Pconsider (c,hyps) -> consider_tac c hyps | Pgiven hyps -> given_tac hyps | Passume hyps -> assume_tac hyps | Plet hyps -> assume_tac hyps | Pclaim st -> instr_claim false st | Pfocus st -> instr_claim true st | Ptake witl -> take_tac witl | Pdefine (id,args,body) -> define_tac id args body | Pcast (id,typ) -> cast_tac id typ | Pper (et,cs) -> per_tac et cs | Psuppose hyps -> suppose_tac hyps | Pcase (params,pat_info,hyps) -> case_tac params pat_info hyps | Pend (B_elim et) -> end_tac et | Pend _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "Not applicable") | Pescape -> escape_tac let eval_instr {instr=instr} = do_proof_instr_gen false false instr let rec preprocess pts instr = match instr with Phence i |Pthus i | Pthen i -> preprocess pts i | Psuffices _ | Pcut _ | Passume _ | Plet _ | Pclaim _ | Pfocus _ | Pconsider (_,_) | Pcast (_,_) | Pgiven _ | Ptake _ | Pdefine (_,_,_) | Pper _ | Prew _ -> check_not_per pts; true | Pescape -> check_not_per pts; true | Pcase _ | Psuppose _ | Pend (B_elim _) -> close_previous_case pts ; true | Pend bt -> close_block bt pts ; false let rec postprocess pts instr = match instr with Phence i | Pthus i | Pthen i -> postprocess pts i | Pcut _ | Psuffices _ | Passume _ | Plet _ | Pconsider (_,_) | Pcast (_,_) | Pgiven _ | Ptake _ | Pdefine (_,_,_) | Prew (_,_) -> () | Pclaim _ | Pfocus _ | Psuppose _ | Pcase _ | Pper _ -> Decl_mode.focus pts | Pescape -> Decl_mode.focus pts; Proof_global.set_proof_mode "Classic" | Pend (B_elim ET_Induction) -> begin let pfterm = List.hd (Proof.partial_proof pts) in let { it = gls ; sigma = sigma } = Proof.V82.subgoals pts in let env = try Goal.V82.env sigma (List.hd gls) with Failure "hd" -> Global.env () in try Inductiveops.control_only_guard env pfterm; goto_current_focus_or_top () with Type_errors.TypeError(env, Type_errors.IllFormedRecBody(_,_,_,_,_)) -> anomaly (Pp.str "\"end induction\" generated an ill-formed fixpoint") end | Pend (B_elim ET_Case_analysis) -> goto_current_focus () | Pend B_proof -> Proof_global.set_proof_mode "Classic" | Pend _ -> () let do_instr raw_instr pts = let has_tactic = preprocess pts raw_instr.instr in (* spiwack: hack! [preprocess] assumes that the [pts] is indeed the current proof (and, actually so does [do_instr] later one, so it's ok to do the same here. Ideally the proof should be properly threaded through the commands here, but since the are interleaved with actions on the proof mode, which is attached to the global proof environment, it is not possible without heavy lifting. *) let pts = Proof_global.give_me_the_proof () in let pts = if has_tactic then let { it=gls ; sigma=sigma; } = Proof.V82.subgoals pts in let gl = { it=List.hd gls ; sigma=sigma; } in let env= pf_env gl in let ist = {ltacvars = Id.Set.empty; genv = env} in let glob_instr = intern_proof_instr ist raw_instr in let instr = interp_proof_instr (get_its_info gl) env sigma glob_instr in let (pts',_) = Proof.run_tactic (Global.env()) (Proofview.V82.tactic (tclTHEN (eval_instr instr) clean_tmp)) pts in pts' else pts in Proof_global.simple_with_current_proof (fun _ _ -> pts); postprocess pts raw_instr.instr let proof_instr raw_instr = let p = Proof_global.give_me_the_proof () in do_instr raw_instr p (* (* STUFF FOR ITERATED RELATIONS *) let decompose_bin_app t= let hd,args = destApp let identify_transitivity_lemma c = let varx,tx,c1 = destProd c in let vary,ty,c2 = destProd (pop c1) in let varz,tz,c3 = destProd (pop c2) in let _,p1,c4 = destProd (pop c3) in let _,lp2,lp3 = destProd (pop c4) in let p2=pop lp2 in let p3=pop lp3 in *)