open Proofview.Notations let contrib_name = "btauto" let init_constant dir s = let find_constant contrib dir s = Universes.constr_of_global (Coqlib.find_reference contrib dir s) in find_constant contrib_name dir s let get_constant dir s = lazy (Coqlib.gen_constant contrib_name dir s) let get_inductive dir s = let glob_ref () = Coqlib.find_reference contrib_name ("Coq" :: dir) s in Lazy.from_fun (fun () -> Globnames.destIndRef (glob_ref ())) let decomp_term (c : Term.constr) = Term.kind_of_term (Termops.strip_outer_cast c) let lapp c v = Term.mkApp (Lazy.force c, v) let (===) = Term.eq_constr module CoqList = struct let path = ["Init"; "Datatypes"] let typ = get_constant path "list" let _nil = get_constant path "nil" let _cons = get_constant path "cons" let cons ty h t = lapp _cons [|ty; h ; t|] let nil ty = lapp _nil [|ty|] let rec of_list ty = function | [] -> nil ty | t::q -> cons ty t (of_list ty q) let type_of_list ty = lapp typ [|ty|] end module CoqPositive = struct let path = ["Numbers"; "BinNums"] let typ = get_constant path "positive" let _xH = get_constant path "xH" let _xO = get_constant path "xO" let _xI = get_constant path "xI" (* A coq nat from an int *) let rec of_int n = if n <= 1 then Lazy.force _xH else let ans = of_int (n / 2) in if n mod 2 = 0 then lapp _xO [|ans|] else lapp _xI [|ans|] end module Env = struct module ConstrHashed = struct type t = Term.constr let equal = Term.eq_constr let hash = Term.hash_constr end module ConstrHashtbl = Hashtbl.Make (ConstrHashed) type t = (int ConstrHashtbl.t * int ref) let add (tbl, off) (t : Term.constr) = try ConstrHashtbl.find tbl t with | Not_found -> let i = !off in let () = ConstrHashtbl.add tbl t i in let () = incr off in i let empty () = (ConstrHashtbl.create 16, ref 1) let to_list (env, _) = (* we need to get an ordered list *) let fold constr key accu = (key, constr) :: accu in let l = ConstrHashtbl.fold fold env [] in let sorted_l = List.sort (fun p1 p2 -> (fst p1) (fst p2)) l in snd sorted_l end module Bool = struct let typ = get_constant ["Init"; "Datatypes"] "bool" let ind = get_inductive ["Init"; "Datatypes"] "bool" let trueb = get_constant ["Init"; "Datatypes"] "true" let falseb = get_constant ["Init"; "Datatypes"] "false" let andb = get_constant ["Init"; "Datatypes"] "andb" let orb = get_constant ["Init"; "Datatypes"] "orb" let xorb = get_constant ["Init"; "Datatypes"] "xorb" let negb = get_constant ["Init"; "Datatypes"] "negb" type t = | Var of int | Const of bool | Andb of t * t | Orb of t * t | Xorb of t * t | Negb of t | Ifb of t * t * t let quote (env : Env.t) (c : Term.constr) : t = let trueb = Lazy.force trueb in let falseb = Lazy.force falseb in let andb = Lazy.force andb in let orb = Lazy.force orb in let xorb = Lazy.force xorb in let negb = Lazy.force negb in let rec aux c = match decomp_term c with | Term.App (head, args) -> if head === andb && Array.length args = 2 then Andb (aux args.(0), aux args.(1)) else if head === orb && Array.length args = 2 then Orb (aux args.(0), aux args.(1)) else if head === xorb && Array.length args = 2 then Xorb (aux args.(0), aux args.(1)) else if head === negb && Array.length args = 1 then Negb (aux args.(0)) else Var (Env.add env c) | Term.Case (info, r, arg, pats) -> let is_bool = let i = info.Term.ci_ind in Names.eq_ind i (Lazy.force ind) in if is_bool then Ifb ((aux arg), (aux pats.(0)), (aux pats.(1))) else Var (Env.add env c) | _ -> if c === falseb then Const false else if c === trueb then Const true else Var (Env.add env c) in aux c end module Btauto = struct open Pp let eq = get_constant ["Init"; "Logic"] "eq" let f_var = get_constant ["btauto"; "Reflect"] "formula_var" let f_btm = get_constant ["btauto"; "Reflect"] "formula_btm" let f_top = get_constant ["btauto"; "Reflect"] "formula_top" let f_cnj = get_constant ["btauto"; "Reflect"] "formula_cnj" let f_dsj = get_constant ["btauto"; "Reflect"] "formula_dsj" let f_neg = get_constant ["btauto"; "Reflect"] "formula_neg" let f_xor = get_constant ["btauto"; "Reflect"] "formula_xor" let f_ifb = get_constant ["btauto"; "Reflect"] "formula_ifb" let eval = get_constant ["btauto"; "Reflect"] "formula_eval" let witness = get_constant ["btauto"; "Reflect"] "boolean_witness" let soundness = get_constant ["btauto"; "Reflect"] "reduce_poly_of_formula_sound_alt" let rec convert = function | Bool.Var n -> lapp f_var [|CoqPositive.of_int n|] | Bool.Const true -> Lazy.force f_top | Bool.Const false -> Lazy.force f_btm | Bool.Andb (b1, b2) -> lapp f_cnj [|convert b1; convert b2|] | Bool.Orb (b1, b2) -> lapp f_dsj [|convert b1; convert b2|] | Bool.Negb b -> lapp f_neg [|convert b|] | Bool.Xorb (b1, b2) -> lapp f_xor [|convert b1; convert b2|] | Bool.Ifb (b1, b2, b3) -> lapp f_ifb [|convert b1; convert b2; convert b3|] let convert_env env : Term.constr = CoqList.of_list (Lazy.force Bool.typ) env let reify env t = lapp eval [|convert_env env; convert t|] let print_counterexample p env gl = let var = lapp witness [|p|] in (* Compute an assignment that dissatisfies the goal *) let _, var = Tacmach.pf_reduction_of_red_expr gl (Genredexpr.CbvVm None) var in let rec to_list l = match decomp_term l with | Term.App (c, _) when c === (Lazy.force CoqList._nil) -> [] | Term.App (c, [|_; h; t|]) when c === (Lazy.force CoqList._cons) -> if h === (Lazy.force Bool.trueb) then (true :: to_list t) else if h === (Lazy.force Bool.falseb) then (false :: to_list t) else invalid_arg "to_list" | _ -> invalid_arg "to_list" in let concat sep = function | [] -> mt () | h :: t -> let rec aux = function | [] -> mt () | x :: t -> (sep ++ x ++ aux t) in h ++ aux t in let msg = try let var = to_list var in let assign = List.combine env var in let map_msg (key, v) = let b = if v then str "true" else str "false" in let term = Printer.pr_constr key in term ++ spc () ++ str ":=" ++ spc () ++ b in let assign = map_msg assign in let l = str "[" ++ (concat (str ";" ++ spc ()) assign) ++ str "]" in str "Not a tautology:" ++ spc () ++ l with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> (str "Not a tautology") in Tacticals.tclFAIL 0 msg gl let try_unification env = Proofview.Goal.nf_enter { enter = begin fun gl -> let concl = Proofview.Goal.concl gl in let eq = Lazy.force eq in let t = decomp_term concl in match t with | Term.App (c, [|typ; p; _|]) when c === eq -> (* should be an equality [@eq poly ?p (Cst false)] *) let tac = Tacticals.New.tclORELSE0 Tactics.reflexivity (Proofview.V82.tactic (print_counterexample p env)) in tac | _ -> let msg = str "Btauto: Internal error" in Tacticals.New.tclFAIL 0 msg end } let tac = Proofview.Goal.nf_enter { enter = begin fun gl -> let concl = Proofview.Goal.concl gl in let eq = Lazy.force eq in let bool = Lazy.force Bool.typ in let t = decomp_term concl in match t with | Term.App (c, [|typ; tl; tr|]) when typ === bool && c === eq -> let env = Env.empty () in let fl = Bool.quote env tl in let fr = Bool.quote env tr in let env = Env.to_list env in let fl = reify env fl in let fr = reify env fr in let changed_gl = Term.mkApp (c, [|typ; fl; fr|]) in Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST [ Tactics.change_concl changed_gl; Tactics.apply (Lazy.force soundness); Tactics.normalise_vm_in_concl; try_unification env ] | _ -> let msg = str "Cannot recognize a boolean equality" in Tacticals.New.tclFAIL 0 msg end } end