(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* o := old; raise e let with_arguments f = with_option print_arguments f let with_casts f = with_option print_casts f let with_implicits f = with_option print_implicits f let with_coercions f = with_option print_coercions f let with_universes f = with_option print_universes f (**********************************************************************) (* conversion of references *) let ids_of_ctxt ctxt = Array.to_list (Array.map (function c -> match kind_of_term c with | Var id -> id | _ -> error "Termast: arbitrary substitution of references not yet implemented") ctxt) let ast_of_ident id = nvar id let ast_of_name = function | Name id -> nvar id | Anonymous -> nvar wildcard let idopt_of_name = function | Name id -> Some id | Anonymous -> None let ast_of_constant_ref sp = ope("CONST", [path_section dummy_loc sp]) let ast_of_existential_ref ev = ope("EVAR", [num ev]) let ast_of_constructor_ref ((sp,tyi),n) = ope("MUTCONSTRUCT",[path_section dummy_loc sp; num tyi; num n]) let ast_of_inductive_ref (sp,tyi) = ope("MUTIND", [path_section dummy_loc sp; num tyi]) let ast_of_section_variable_ref s = ope("SECVAR", [nvar s]) let ast_of_qualid p = let dir, s = repr_qualid p in let args = List.map nvar ((List.rev(repr_dirpath dir))@[s]) in ope ("QUALID", args) let ast_of_ref = function | ConstRef sp -> ast_of_constant_ref sp | IndRef sp -> ast_of_inductive_ref sp | ConstructRef sp -> ast_of_constructor_ref sp | VarRef id -> ast_of_section_variable_ref id (**********************************************************************) (* conversion of patterns *) let rec ast_of_cases_pattern = function (* loc is thrown away for printing *) | PatVar (loc,Name id) -> nvar id | PatVar (loc,Anonymous) -> nvar wildcard | PatCstr(loc,cstrsp,args,Name id) -> let args = List.map ast_of_cases_pattern args in ope("PATTAS", [nvar id; ope("PATTCONSTRUCT", (ast_of_constructor_ref cstrsp)::args)]) | PatCstr(loc,cstrsp,args,Anonymous) -> ope("PATTCONSTRUCT", (ast_of_constructor_ref cstrsp) :: List.map ast_of_cases_pattern args) let ast_dependent na aty = match na with | Name id -> occur_var_ast id aty | Anonymous -> false let decompose_binder = function | RProd(_,na,ty,c) -> Some (BProd,na,ty,c) | RLambda(_,na,ty,c) -> Some (BLambda,na,ty,c) | RLetIn(_,na,b,c) -> Some (BLetIn,na,b,c) | _ -> None (* Implicit args indexes are in ascending order *) let explicitize impl args = let n = List.length args in let rec exprec q = function | a::args, imp::impl when is_status_implicit imp -> let tail = exprec (q+1) (args,impl) in let visible = (!print_implicits & !print_implicits_explicit_args) or not (is_inferable_implicit n imp) in if visible then ope("EXPL", [num q; a]) :: tail else tail | a::args, _::impl -> a :: exprec (q+1) (args,impl) | args, [] -> args (* In case of polymorphism *) | [], _ -> [] in exprec 1 (args,impl) let rec skip_coercion dest_ref (f,args as app) = if !print_coercions then app else try match dest_ref f with | Some r -> (match Classops.hide_coercion r with | Some n -> if n >= List.length args then app else (* We skip a coercion *) let _,fargs = list_chop n args in skip_coercion dest_ref (List.hd fargs,List.tl fargs) | None -> app) | None -> app with Not_found -> app let ast_of_app impl f args = if !print_implicits & not !print_implicits_explicit_args then ope("APPLISTEXPL", f::args) else let args = explicitize impl args in if args = [] then f else ope("APPLIST", f::args) let rec ast_of_raw = function | RRef (_,ref) -> ast_of_ref ref | RVar (_,id) -> ast_of_ident id | REvar (_,n) -> ast_of_existential_ref n | RMeta (_,n) -> ope("META",[num n]) | RApp (_,f,args) -> let (f,args) = skip_coercion (function RRef(_,r) -> Some r | _ -> None) (f,args) in let astf = ast_of_raw f in let astargs = List.map ast_of_raw args in (match f with | REvar (_,ev) -> ast_of_existential_ref ev (* we drop args *) | RRef (_,ref) -> ast_of_app (implicits_of_global ref) astf astargs | _ -> ast_of_app [] astf astargs) | RProd (_,Anonymous,t,c) -> (* Anonymous product are never factorized *) ope("ARROW",[ast_of_raw t; slam(None,ast_of_raw c)]) | RLetIn (_,na,t,c) -> ope("LETIN",[ast_of_raw t; slam(idopt_of_name na,ast_of_raw c)]) | RProd (_,na,t,c) -> let (n,a) = factorize_binder 1 BProd na (ast_of_raw t) c in (* PROD et PRODLIST doivent être distingués à cause du cas *) (* non dépendant, pour isoler l'implication; peut-être un *) (* constructeur ARROW serait-il plus justifié ? *) let tag = if n=1 then "PROD" else "PRODLIST" in ope(tag,[ast_of_raw t;a]) | RLambda (_,na,t,c) -> let (n,a) = factorize_binder 1 BLambda na (ast_of_raw t) c in (* LAMBDA et LAMBDALIST se comportent pareil ... Non ! *) (* Pour compatibilité des theories, il faut LAMBDALIST partout *) ope("LAMBDALIST",[ast_of_raw t;a]) | RCases (_,typopt,tml,eqns) -> let pred = ast_of_rawopt typopt in let tag = "CASES" in let asttomatch = ope("TOMATCH", List.map ast_of_raw tml) in let asteqns = List.map ast_of_eqn eqns in ope(tag,pred::asttomatch::asteqns) | ROrderedCase (_,st,typopt,tm,bv) -> let tag = match st with | IfStyle -> "FORCEIF" | LetStyle -> "FORCELET" | RegularStyle -> "CASES" | MatchStyle -> "MATCH" in (* warning "Old Case syntax"; *) ope("CASE",(ast_of_rawopt typopt) ::(ast_of_raw tm) ::(Array.to_list (Array.map ast_of_raw bv))) | RRec (_,fk,idv,tyv,bv) -> let alfi = Array.map ast_of_ident idv in (match fk with | RFix (nv,n) -> let rec split_lambda binds = function | (0, t) -> (binds,ast_of_raw t) | (n, RLambda (_,na,t,b)) -> let bind = ope("BINDER",[ast_of_raw t;ast_of_name na]) in split_lambda (bind::binds) (n-1,b) | _ -> anomaly "ast_of_rawconst: ill-formed fixpoint body" in let rec split_product = function | (0, t) -> ast_of_raw t | (n, RProd (_,na,t,b)) -> split_product (n-1,b) | _ -> anomaly "ast_of_rawconst: ill-formed fixpoint type" in let listdecl = Array.mapi (fun i fi -> let (lparams,astdef) = split_lambda [] (nv.(i)+1,bv.(i)) in let asttyp = split_product (nv.(i)+1,tyv.(i)) in ope("FDECL", [fi; ope ("BINDERS",List.rev lparams); asttyp; astdef])) alfi in ope("FIX", alfi.(n)::(Array.to_list listdecl)) | RCoFix n -> let listdecl = Array.mapi (fun i fi -> ope("CFDECL",[fi; ast_of_raw tyv.(i); ast_of_raw bv.(i)])) alfi in ope("COFIX", alfi.(n)::(Array.to_list listdecl))) | RSort (_,s) -> (match s with | RProp Null -> ope("PROP",[]) | RProp Pos -> ope("SET",[]) | RType (Some u) when !print_universes -> ope("TYPE",[ide(Univ.string_of_univ u)]) | RType _ -> ope("TYPE",[])) | RHole _ -> ope("ISEVAR",[]) | RCast (_,c,t) -> ope("CAST",[ast_of_raw c;ast_of_raw t]) | RDynamic (loc,d) -> Dynamic (loc,d) and ast_of_eqn (_,ids,pl,c) = ope("EQN", (ast_of_raw c)::(List.map ast_of_cases_pattern pl)) and ast_of_rawopt = function | None -> (string "SYNTH") | Some p -> ast_of_raw p and factorize_binder n oper na aty c = let (p,body) = match decompose_binder c with | Some (oper',na',ty',c') when (oper = oper') & (aty = ast_of_raw ty') & not (ast_dependent na aty) (* To avoid na in ty' escapes scope *) & not (na' = Anonymous & oper = BProd) -> factorize_binder (n+1) oper na' aty c' | _ -> (n,ast_of_raw c) in (p,slam(idopt_of_name na, body)) let ast_of_rawconstr = ast_of_raw (******************************************************************) (* Main translation function from constr -> ast *) let ast_of_constr at_top env t = let t' = if !print_casts then t else Reductionops.local_strong strip_outer_cast t in let avoid = if at_top then ids_of_context env else [] in ast_of_raw (Detyping.detype env avoid (names_of_rel_context env) t') let ast_of_constant env sp = let a = ast_of_constant_ref sp in a let ast_of_existential env (ev,ids) = let a = ast_of_existential_ref ev in if !print_arguments or !print_evar_arguments then ope("INSTANCE",a::(array_map_to_list (ast_of_constr false env) ids)) else a let ast_of_constructor env cstr_sp = let a = ast_of_constructor_ref cstr_sp in a let ast_of_inductive env ind_sp = let a = ast_of_inductive_ref ind_sp in a let decompose_binder_pattern = function | PProd(na,ty,c) -> Some (BProd,na,ty,c) | PLambda(na,ty,c) -> Some (BLambda,na,ty,c) | PLetIn(na,b,c) -> Some (BLetIn,na,b,c) | _ -> None let rec ast_of_pattern tenv env = function | PRef ref -> ast_of_ref ref | PVar id -> ast_of_ident id | PEvar n -> ast_of_existential_ref n | PRel n -> (try match lookup_name_of_rel n env with | Name id -> ast_of_ident id | Anonymous -> anomaly "ast_of_pattern: index to an anonymous variable" with Not_found -> nvar (id_of_string ("[REL "^(string_of_int n)^"]"))) | PApp (f,args) -> let (f,args) = skip_coercion (function PRef r -> Some r | _ -> None) (f,Array.to_list args) in let astf = ast_of_pattern tenv env f in let astargs = List.map (ast_of_pattern tenv env) args in (match f with | PRef ref -> ast_of_app (implicits_of_global ref) astf astargs | _ -> ast_of_app [] astf astargs) | PSoApp (n,args) -> ope("SOAPP",(ope ("META",[num n])):: (List.map (ast_of_pattern tenv env) args)) | PLetIn (na,b,c) -> let c' = ast_of_pattern tenv (add_name na env) c in ope("LETIN",[ast_of_pattern tenv env b;slam(idopt_of_name na,c')]) | PProd (Anonymous,t,c) -> ope("PROD",[ast_of_pattern tenv env t; slam(None,ast_of_pattern tenv env c)]) | PProd (na,t,c) -> let env' = add_name na env in let (n,a) = factorize_binder_pattern tenv env' 1 BProd na (ast_of_pattern tenv env t) c in (* PROD et PRODLIST doivent être distingués à cause du cas *) (* non dépendant, pour isoler l'implication; peut-être un *) (* constructeur ARROW serait-il plus justifié ? *) let tag = if n=1 then "PROD" else "PRODLIST" in ope(tag,[ast_of_pattern tenv env t;a]) | PLambda (na,t,c) -> let env' = add_name na env in let (n,a) = factorize_binder_pattern tenv env' 1 BLambda na (ast_of_pattern tenv env t) c in (* LAMBDA et LAMBDALIST se comportent pareil *) let tag = if n=1 then "LAMBDA" else "LAMBDALIST" in ope(tag,[ast_of_pattern tenv env t;a]) | PCase (st,typopt,tm,bv) -> warning "Old Case syntax"; ope("MUTCASE",(ast_of_patopt tenv env typopt) ::(ast_of_pattern tenv env tm) ::(Array.to_list (Array.map (ast_of_pattern tenv env) bv))) | PSort s -> (match s with | RProp Null -> ope("PROP",[]) | RProp Pos -> ope("SET",[]) | RType _ -> ope("TYPE",[])) | PMeta (Some n) -> ope("META",[num n]) | PMeta None -> ope("ISEVAR",[]) | PFix f -> ast_of_raw (Detyping.detype tenv [] env (mkFix f)) | PCoFix c -> ast_of_raw (Detyping.detype tenv [] env (mkCoFix c)) and ast_of_patopt tenv env = function | None -> (string "SYNTH") | Some p -> ast_of_pattern tenv env p and factorize_binder_pattern tenv env n oper na aty c = let (p,body) = match decompose_binder_pattern c with | Some (oper',na',ty',c') when (oper = oper') & (aty = ast_of_pattern tenv env ty') & not (na' = Anonymous & oper = BProd) -> factorize_binder_pattern tenv (add_name na' env) (n+1) oper na' aty c' | _ -> (n,ast_of_pattern tenv env c) in (p,slam(idopt_of_name na, body))