(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (*top tactic from tacinterp*) Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic (Global.env()) t | t -> Pptactic.pr_tactic (Global.env()) t let pr_proof_instr instr = Ppdecl_proof.pr_proof_instr (Global.env()) instr let pr_rule = function | Prim r -> hov 0 (pr_prim_rule r) | Nested(cmpd,_) -> begin match cmpd with Tactic texp -> hov 0 (pr_tactic texp) | Proof_instr (_,instr) -> hov 0 (pr_proof_instr instr) end | Daimon -> str "" | Decl_proof _ -> str "proof" | Change_evars -> (* This is internal tactic and cannot be replayed at user-level. Function pr_rule_dot below is used when we want to hide Change_evars *) str "Evar change" (* Does not print change of evars *) let pr_rule_dot = function | Change_evars -> mt () | r -> pr_rule r ++ str"." exception Different (* We remove from the var context of env what is already in osign *) let thin_sign osign sign = Sign.fold_named_context (fun (id,c,ty as d) sign -> try if Sign.lookup_named id osign = (id,c,ty) then sign else raise Different with Not_found | Different -> Environ.push_named_context_val d sign) sign ~init:Environ.empty_named_context_val let rec print_proof sigma osign pf = let hyps = Environ.named_context_of_val pf.goal.evar_hyps in let hyps' = thin_sign osign hyps in match pf.ref with | None -> hov 0 (pr_goal {pf.goal with evar_hyps=hyps'}) | Some(r,spfl) -> hov 0 (hov 0 (pr_goal {pf.goal with evar_hyps=hyps'}) ++ spc () ++ str" BY " ++ hov 0 (pr_rule r) ++ fnl () ++ str" " ++ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_fnl (print_proof sigma hyps) spfl)) let pr_change gl = str"change " ++ pr_lconstr_env (Global.env_of_context gl.evar_hyps) gl.evar_concl ++ str"." let rec print_decl_script tac_printer nochange sigma pf = match pf.ref with | None -> (if nochange then (str"") else pr_change pf.goal) ++ fnl () | Some (Daimon,_) -> mt () | Some (Nested(Proof_instr (opened,instr),_) as rule,subprfs) -> begin match instr.instr,subprfs with Pescape,[{ref=Some(_,subsubprfs)}] -> hov 7 (pr_rule_dot rule ++ fnl () ++ prlist_with_sep pr_fnl tac_printer subsubprfs) ++ fnl () ++ if opened then mt () else str "return." | Pclaim _,[body;cont] -> hov 2 (pr_rule_dot rule ++ fnl () ++ print_decl_script tac_printer nochange sigma body) ++ fnl () ++ if opened then mt () else str "end claim." ++ fnl () ++ print_decl_script tac_printer nochange sigma cont | Pfocus _,[body;cont] -> hov 2 (pr_rule_dot rule ++ fnl () ++ print_decl_script tac_printer nochange sigma body) ++ fnl () ++ if opened then mt () else str "end focus." ++ fnl () ++ print_decl_script tac_printer nochange sigma cont | (Psuppose _ |Pcase (_,_,_)),[body;cont] -> hov 2 (pr_rule_dot rule ++ fnl () ++ print_decl_script tac_printer nochange sigma body) ++ fnl () ++ print_decl_script tac_printer nochange sigma cont | _,[next] -> pr_rule_dot rule ++ fnl () ++ print_decl_script tac_printer nochange sigma next | _,[] -> pr_rule_dot rule | _,_ -> anomaly "unknown branching instruction" end | _ -> anomaly "Not Applicable" let rec print_script nochange sigma pf = match pf.ref with | None -> (if nochange then (str"") else pr_change pf.goal) ++ fnl () | Some(Decl_proof opened,script) -> assert (List.length script = 1); begin if nochange then (mt ()) else (pr_change pf.goal ++ fnl ()) end ++ begin hov 0 (str "proof." ++ fnl () ++ print_decl_script (print_script nochange sigma) nochange sigma (List.hd script)) end ++ fnl () ++ begin if opened then mt () else (str "end proof." ++ fnl ()) end | Some(Daimon,spfl) -> ((if nochange then (mt ()) else (pr_change pf.goal ++ fnl ())) ++ prlist_with_sep pr_fnl (print_script nochange sigma) spfl ) | Some(rule,spfl) -> ((if nochange then (mt ()) else (pr_change pf.goal ++ fnl ())) ++ pr_rule_dot rule ++ fnl () ++ prlist_with_sep pr_fnl (print_script nochange sigma) spfl ) (* printed by Show Script command *) let print_treescript nochange sigma pf = let rec aux top pf = match pf.ref with | None -> if nochange then if pf.goal.evar_extra=None then (str"") else (str"") else (pr_change pf.goal) | Some(Decl_proof opened,script) -> assert (List.length script = 1); begin if nochange then (mt ()) else (pr_change pf.goal ++ fnl ()) end ++ hov 0 begin str "proof." ++ fnl () ++ print_decl_script (aux false) nochange sigma (List.hd script) end ++ fnl () ++ begin if opened then mt () else (str "end proof." ++ fnl ()) end | Some(Daimon,spfl) -> ((if nochange then (mt ()) else (pr_change pf.goal ++ fnl ())) ++ prlist_with_sep pr_fnl (print_script nochange sigma) spfl ) | Some(r,spfl) -> (if nochange then mt () else (pr_change pf.goal ++ fnl ())) ++ pr_rule_dot r ++ fnl () ++ begin if List.length spfl > 1 then fnl () ++ str " " ++ hov 0 (aux false (List.hd spfl)) ++ fnl () ++ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep fnl (aux false) (List.tl spfl)) else match spfl with | [] -> mt () | [spf] -> fnl () ++ (if top then mt () else str " ") ++ aux top spf | _ -> fnl () ++ str " " ++ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep fnl (aux false) spfl) end in hov 0 (aux true pf) let rec print_info_script sigma osign pf = let {evar_hyps=sign; evar_concl=cl} = pf.goal in match pf.ref with | None -> (mt ()) | Some(Change_evars,[spf]) -> print_info_script sigma osign spf | Some(r,spfl) -> (pr_rule r ++ match spfl with | [pf1] -> if pf1.ref = None then (str "." ++ fnl ()) else (str";" ++ brk(1,3) ++ print_info_script sigma (Environ.named_context_of_val sign) pf1) | _ -> (str"." ++ fnl () ++ prlist_with_sep pr_fnl (print_info_script sigma (Environ.named_context_of_val sign)) spfl)) let format_print_info_script sigma osign pf = hov 0 (print_info_script sigma osign pf) let print_subscript sigma sign pf = if is_tactic_proof pf then format_print_info_script sigma sign (subproof_of_proof pf) else format_print_info_script sigma sign pf let _ = Refiner.set_info_printer print_subscript