(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* > -> <:patt< $patt_of_expr e1$.$patt_of_expr e2$ >> | <:expr< $e1$ $e2$ >> -> <:patt< $patt_of_expr e1$ $patt_of_expr e2$ >> | <:expr< loc >> -> <:patt< _ >> | <:expr< $lid:s$ >> -> <:patt< $lid:s$ >> | <:expr< $uid:s$ >> -> <:patt< $uid:s$ >> | <:expr< $str:s$ >> -> <:patt< $str:s$ >> | <:expr< $anti:e$ >> -> <:patt< $anti:patt_of_expr e$ >> | _ -> not_impl "patt_of_expr" e let mlexpr_of_list f l = List.fold_right (fun e1 e2 -> let e1 = f e1 in let loc = (fst (MLast.loc_of_expr e1), snd (MLast.loc_of_expr e2)) in <:expr< [$e1$ :: $e2$] >>) l (let loc = dummy_loc in <:expr< [] >>) let mlexpr_of_pair m1 m2 (a1,a2) = let e1 = m1 a1 and e2 = m2 a2 in let loc = (fst (MLast.loc_of_expr e1), snd (MLast.loc_of_expr e2)) in <:expr< ($e1$, $e2$) >> let mlexpr_of_triple m1 m2 m3 (a1,a2,a3)= let e1 = m1 a1 and e2 = m2 a2 and e3 = m3 a3 in let loc = (fst (MLast.loc_of_expr e1), snd (MLast.loc_of_expr e3)) in <:expr< ($e1$, $e2$, $e3$) >> (* We don't give location for tactic quotation! *) let loc = dummy_loc let mlexpr_of_bool = function | true -> <:expr< True >> | false -> <:expr< False >> let mlexpr_of_int n = <:expr< $int:string_of_int n$ >> let mlexpr_of_string s = <:expr< $str:s$ >> let mlexpr_of_option f = function | None -> <:expr< None >> | Some e -> <:expr< Some $f e$ >> open Vernacexpr open Pcoq open Genarg let modifiers e = <:expr< Gramext.srules [([], Gramext.action(fun _loc -> [])); ([Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Slist1sep ($e$, Gramext.Stoken ("", ",")); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ l _ _loc -> l))] >> let rec interp_entry_name loc s sep = let l = String.length s in if l > 8 & String.sub s 0 3 = "ne_" & String.sub s (l-5) 5 = "_list" then let t, g = interp_entry_name loc (String.sub s 3 (l-8)) "" in List1ArgType t, <:expr< Gramext.Slist1 $g$ >> else if l > 12 & String.sub s 0 3 = "ne_" & String.sub s (l-9) 9 = "_list_sep" then let t, g = interp_entry_name loc (String.sub s 3 (l-12)) "" in let sep = <:expr< Gramext.Stoken("",$str:sep$) >> in List1ArgType t, <:expr< Gramext.Slist1sep $g$ $sep$ >> else if l > 5 & String.sub s (l-5) 5 = "_list" then let t, g = interp_entry_name loc (String.sub s 0 (l-5)) "" in List0ArgType t, <:expr< Gramext.Slist0 $g$ >> else if l > 9 & String.sub s (l-9) 9 = "_list_sep" then let t, g = interp_entry_name loc (String.sub s 0 (l-9)) "" in let sep = <:expr< Gramext.Stoken("",$str:sep$) >> in List0ArgType t, <:expr< Gramext.Slist0sep $g$ $sep$ >> else if l > 4 & String.sub s (l-4) 4 = "_opt" then let t, g = interp_entry_name loc (String.sub s 0 (l-4)) "" in OptArgType t, <:expr< Gramext.Sopt $g$ >> else if l > 5 & String.sub s (l-5) 5 = "_mods" then let t, g = interp_entry_name loc (String.sub s 0 (l-1)) "" in List0ArgType t, modifiers g else let s = if s = "hyp" then "var" else s in let t, se, lev = match tactic_genarg_level s with | Some n -> Some (ExtraArgType s), <:expr< Tactic. tactic_expr >>, Some n | None -> match Pcoq.entry_type (Pcoq.get_univ "prim") s with | Some _ as x -> x, <:expr< Prim. $lid:s$ >>, None | None -> match Pcoq.entry_type (Pcoq.get_univ "constr") s with | Some _ as x -> x, <:expr< Constr. $lid:s$ >>, None | None -> match Pcoq.entry_type (Pcoq.get_univ "tactic") s with | Some _ as x -> x, <:expr< Tactic. $lid:s$ >>, None | None -> None, <:expr< $lid:s$ >>, None in let t = match t with | Some t -> t | None -> ExtraArgType s in let entry = match lev with | Some n -> let s = string_of_int n in <:expr< Gramext.Snterml (Pcoq.Gram.Entry.obj $se$, $str:s$) >> | None -> <:expr< Gramext.Snterm (Pcoq.Gram.Entry.obj $se$) >> in t, entry