(* $Id$ *) open Pp open Util open Names open Term open Sign open Environ open Global open Declare open Coqast open Termast let emacs_str s = if !Options.print_emacs then s else "" let dfltpr ast = [< 'sTR"#GENTERM " ; Ast.print_ast ast >];; let section_path sl s = let sl = List.rev sl in make_path (List.tl sl) (id_of_string (List.hd sl)) (kind_of_string s) (* let pr_global k oper = let id = id_of_global oper in [< 'sTR (string_of_id id) >] *) let is_visible sp id = match Nametab.sp_of_id CCI id with | VarRef sp' -> sp' = sp | ConstRef sp' -> sp' = sp | IndRef (sp',_) -> dirpath sp' = dirpath sp | ConstructRef ((sp',_),_) -> dirpath sp' = dirpath sp | EvarRef _ -> anomaly "is_visible: should not occur" let pr_qualified_path sp id = if is_visible sp id then [<'sTR(string_of_id id)>] else [<'sTR(string_of_path (make_path (dirpath sp) id (kind_of_path sp)))>] let global_const_name sp = try pr_qualified_path sp (basename sp) with Not_found -> (* May happen in debug *) [< 'sTR ("CONST("^(string_of_path sp)^")") >] let global_ind_name (sp,tyi) = try pr_qualified_path sp (Global.id_of_global (IndRef (sp,tyi))) with Not_found -> (* May happen in debug *) [< 'sTR ("IND("^(string_of_path sp)^","^(string_of_int tyi)^")") >] let global_constr_name ((sp,tyi),i) = try pr_qualified_path sp (Global.id_of_global (ConstructRef ((sp,tyi),i))) with Not_found -> (* May happen in debug *) [< 'sTR ("CONSTRUCT("^(string_of_path sp)^","^(string_of_int tyi) ^","^(string_of_int i)^")") >] let globpr gt = match gt with | Nvar(_,s) -> [< 'sTR s >] | Node(_,"EVAR", [Num (_,ev)]) -> [< 'sTR ("?" ^ (string_of_int ev)) >] | Node(_,"CONST",[Path(_,sl,s)]) -> global_const_name (section_path sl s) | Node(_,"MUTIND",[Path(_,sl,s); Num(_,tyi)]) -> global_ind_name (section_path sl s, tyi) | Node(_,"MUTCONSTRUCT",[Path(_,sl,s); Num(_,tyi); Num(_,i)]) -> global_constr_name ((section_path sl s, tyi), i) | gt -> dfltpr gt let wrap_exception = function Anomaly (s1,s2) -> warning ("Anomaly ("^s1^")");pP s2; [< 'sTR"" >] | Failure _ | UserError _ | Not_found -> [< 'sTR"" >] | s -> raise s (* These are the names of the universes where the pp rules for constr and tactic are put (must be consistent with files PPConstr.v and PPTactic.v *) let constr_syntax_universe = "constr" let tactic_syntax_universe = "tactic" (* This is starting precedence for printing constructions or tactics *) (* Level 9 means no parentheses except for applicative terms (at level 10) *) let constr_initial_prec = Some ((constr_syntax_universe,(9,0,0)),Extend.L) let tactic_initial_prec = Some ((tactic_syntax_universe,(9,0,0)),Extend.L) let gentermpr_fail gt = Esyntax.genprint globpr constr_syntax_universe constr_initial_prec gt let gentermpr gt = try gentermpr_fail gt with s -> wrap_exception s (* [at_top] means ids of env must be avoided in bound variables *) let gentermpr_core at_top env t = gentermpr (Termast.ast_of_constr at_top env t) let prterm_env_at_top env = gentermpr_core true env let prterm_env env = gentermpr_core false env let prterm = prterm_env empty_env let prtype_env env typ = prterm_env env typ let prtype = prtype_env empty_env let prjudge_env env j = (prterm_env env j.uj_val, prterm_env env j.uj_type) let prjudge = prjudge_env empty_env let fprterm_env a = warning "Fw printing not implemented, use CCI printing 1"; prterm_env a let fprterm a = warning "Fw printing not implemented, use CCI printing 2"; prterm a let fprtype_env env typ = warning "Fw printing not implemented, use CCI printing 3"; prtype_env env typ let fprtype a = warning "Fw printing not implemented, use CCI printing 4"; prtype a (* For compatibility *) let fterm0 = fprterm_env let pr_constant env cst = gentermpr (ast_of_constant env cst) let pr_existential env ev = gentermpr (ast_of_existential env ev) let pr_inductive env ind = gentermpr (ast_of_inductive env ind) let pr_constructor env cstr = gentermpr (ast_of_constructor env cstr) let pr_global_reference env ref = gentermpr (ast_of_ref (ast_of_constr false env) ref) open Pattern let pr_ref_label = function (* On triche sur le contexte *) | ConstNode sp -> pr_constant (Global.env()) (sp,[||]) | IndNode sp -> pr_inductive (Global.env()) (sp,[||]) | CstrNode sp -> pr_constructor (Global.env()) (sp,[||]) | VarNode id -> print_id id | SectionVarNode sp -> print_id (basename sp) let pr_cases_pattern t = gentermpr (Termast.ast_of_cases_pattern t) let pr_rawterm t = gentermpr (Termast.ast_of_rawconstr t) let pr_pattern_env env t = gentermpr (Termast.ast_of_pattern env t) let pr_pattern t = pr_pattern_env empty_names_context t let rec gentacpr gt = Esyntax.genprint default_tacpr tactic_syntax_universe tactic_initial_prec gt and default_tacpr = function | Nvar(_,s) -> [< 'sTR s >] (* constr's may occur inside tac expressions ! *) | Node(_,"EVAR", [Num (_,ev)]) -> [< 'sTR ("?" ^ (string_of_int ev)) >] | Node(_,"CONST",[Path(_,sl,s)]) -> let sp = section_path sl s in pr_qualified_path sp (basename (section_path sl s)) | Node(_,"MUTIND",[Path(_,sl,s); Num(_,tyi)]) -> let sp = section_path sl s in pr_qualified_path sp (Global.id_of_global (IndRef (sp,tyi))) | Node(_,"MUTCONSTRUCT",[Path(_,sl,s); Num(_,tyi); Num(_,i)]) -> let sp = section_path sl s in pr_qualified_path sp (Global.id_of_global (ConstructRef ((sp,tyi),i))) (* This should be tactics *) | Node(_,s,[]) -> [< 'sTR s >] | Node(_,s,ta) -> [< 'sTR s; 'bRK(1,2); hOV 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_spc gentacpr ta) >] | gt -> dfltpr gt let pr_var_decl env (id,c,typ) = let pbody = match c with | None -> [< >] | Some c -> [< 'sTR" := "; prterm_env env c >] in let ptyp = [< 'sTR" : "; prtype_env env typ >] in [< print_id id ; hOV 0 [< pbody; ptyp >] >] let pr_rel_decl env (na,c,typ) = let pbody = match c with | None -> [< >] | Some c -> [< 'sTR" :="; 'sPC; prterm_env env c >] in let ptyp = prtype_env env typ in match na with | Anonymous -> [< 'sTR"<>" ; 'sPC; pbody; 'sTR" :"; 'sPC; ptyp >] | Name id -> [< print_id id ; 'sPC; pbody; 'sTR" :"; 'sPC; ptyp >] (* Prints out an "env" in a nice format. We print out the * signature,then a horizontal bar, then the debruijn environment. * It's printed out from outermost to innermost, so it's readable. *) (* Prints a signature, all declarations on the same line if possible *) let pr_named_context_of env = hV 0 [< (fold_named_context (fun env d pps -> [< pps; 'wS 2; pr_var_decl env d >]) env) [< >] >] let pr_rel_context env rel_context = let rec prec env = function | [] -> [<>] | [b] -> pr_rel_decl env b | b::rest -> let pb = pr_rel_decl env b in let penvtl = prec (push_rel b env) rest in [< pb; 'sTR";"; 'sPC; penvtl >] in prec env (List.rev rel_context) (* Prints an env (variables and de Bruijn). Separator: newline *) let pr_context_unlimited env = let sign_env = fold_named_context (fun env d pps -> let pidt = pr_var_decl env d in [< pps; 'fNL; pidt >]) env [< >] in let db_env = fold_rel_context (fun env d pps -> let pnat = pr_rel_decl env d in [< pps; 'fNL; pnat >]) env [< >] in [< sign_env; db_env >] let pr_ne_context_of header k env = if Environ.context env = empty_context then [< >] else let penv = pr_context_unlimited env in [< header; penv >] let pr_context_limit n env = let named_context = Environ.named_context env in let lgsign = List.length named_context in if n >= lgsign then pr_context_unlimited env else let k = lgsign-n in let _,sign_env = fold_named_context (fun env d (i,pps) -> if i < k then (i+1, [< pps ;'sTR "." >]) else let pidt = pr_var_decl env d in (i+1, [< pps ; 'fNL ; 'sTR (emacs_str (String.make 1 (Char.chr 253))); pidt >])) env (0,[< >]) in let db_env = fold_rel_context (fun env d pps -> let pnat = pr_rel_decl env d in [< pps; 'fNL; 'sTR (emacs_str (String.make 1 (Char.chr 253))); pnat >]) env [< >] in [< sign_env; db_env >] let pr_context_of env = match Options.print_hyps_limit () with | None -> hV 0 (pr_context_unlimited env) | Some n -> hV 0 (pr_context_limit n env)