(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* mt () | [i] -> str"Position [" ++ int i ++ str"] is implicit" ++ fnl() | l -> str"Positions [" ++ prlist_with_sep (fun () -> str "; ") int l ++ str"] are implicit" ++ fnl() let print_impl_args_by_name = function | [] -> mt () | [i] -> str"Argument " ++ pr_id (name_of_implicit i) ++ str" is implicit" ++ fnl() | l -> str"Arguments " ++ prlist_with_sep (fun () -> str ", ") (fun imp -> pr_id (name_of_implicit imp)) l ++ str" are implicit" ++ fnl() let print_impl_args l = if !Options.v7 then print_impl_args_by_pos (positions_of_implicits l) else print_impl_args_by_name (List.filter is_status_implicit l) (*********************) (** Printing Scopes *) let print_argument_scopes = function | [Some sc] -> str"Argument scope is [" ++ str sc ++ str"]" ++ fnl() | l when not (List.for_all ((=) None) l) -> hov 2 (str"Argument scopes are" ++ spc() ++ str "[" ++ prlist_with_sep spc (function Some sc -> str sc | None -> str "_") l ++ str "]") ++ fnl() | _ -> mt() let print_name_infos ref = print_impl_args (implicits_of_global ref) ++ print_argument_scopes (Symbols.find_arguments_scope ref) let print_id_args_data test pr id l = if List.exists test l then str"For " ++ pr_id id ++ str": " ++ pr l else mt() let print_args_data_of_inductive_ids get test pr sp mipv = prvecti (fun i mip -> print_id_args_data test pr mip.mind_typename (get (IndRef (sp,i))) ++ prvecti (fun j idc -> print_id_args_data test pr idc (get (ConstructRef ((sp,i),j+1)))) mip.mind_consnames) mipv let print_inductive_implicit_args = print_args_data_of_inductive_ids implicits_of_global is_status_implicit print_impl_args let print_inductive_argument_scopes = print_args_data_of_inductive_ids Symbols.find_arguments_scope ((<>) None) print_argument_scopes (*********************) (* "Locate" commands *) type logical_name = | Term of global_reference | Dir of global_dir_reference | Syntactic of kernel_name | ModuleType of qualid * kernel_name | Undefined of qualid let locate_any_name ref = let module N = Nametab in let (loc,qid) = qualid_of_reference ref in try Term (N.locate qid) with Not_found -> try Syntactic (N.locate_syntactic_definition qid) with Not_found -> try Dir (N.locate_dir qid) with Not_found -> try ModuleType (qid, N.locate_modtype qid) with Not_found -> Undefined qid let pr_located_qualid = function | Term ref -> let ref_str = match ref with ConstRef _ -> "Constant" | IndRef _ -> "Inductive" | ConstructRef _ -> "Constructor" | VarRef _ -> "Variable" in str ref_str ++ spc () ++ pr_sp (Nametab.sp_of_global ref) | Syntactic kn -> str "Syntactic Definition" ++ spc () ++ pr_sp (Nametab.sp_of_syntactic_definition kn) | Dir dir -> let s,dir = match dir with | DirOpenModule (dir,_) -> "Open Module", dir | DirOpenModtype (dir,_) -> "Open Module Type", dir | DirOpenSection (dir,_) -> "Open Section", dir | DirModule (dir,_) -> "Module", dir | DirClosedSection dir -> "Closed Section", dir in str s ++ spc () ++ pr_dirpath dir | ModuleType (qid,_) -> str "Module Type" ++ spc () ++ pr_sp (Nametab.full_name_modtype qid) | Undefined qid -> pr_qualid qid ++ str " is not a defined object" let print_located_qualid ref = hov 0 (pr_located_qualid (locate_any_name ref)) (******************************************) (**** Printing declarations and judgments *) let print_typed_value_in_env env (trm,typ) = (prterm_env env trm ++ fnl () ++ str " : " ++ prtype_env env typ ++ fnl ()) let print_typed_value x = print_typed_value_in_env (Global.env ()) x let print_judgment env {uj_val=trm;uj_type=typ} = print_typed_value_in_env env (trm, typ) let print_safe_judgment env j = let trm = Safe_typing.j_val j in let typ = Safe_typing.j_type j in print_typed_value_in_env env (trm, typ) (* To be improved; the type should be used to provide the types in the abstractions. This should be done recursively inside prterm, so that the pretty-print of a proposition (P:(nat->nat)->Prop)(P [u]u) synthesizes the type nat of the abstraction on u *) let print_named_def name body typ = let pbody = prterm body in let ptyp = prtype typ in (str "*** [" ++ str name ++ str " " ++ hov 0 (str ":=" ++ brk (1,2) ++ pbody ++ spc () ++ str ":" ++ brk (1,2) ++ ptyp) ++ str "]" ++ fnl ()) let print_named_assum name typ = (str "*** [" ++ str name ++ str " : " ++ prtype typ ++ str "]" ++ fnl ()) let print_named_decl (id,c,typ) = let s = string_of_id id in match c with | Some body -> print_named_def s body typ | None -> print_named_assum s typ let assumptions_for_print lna = List.fold_right (fun na env -> add_name na env) lna empty_names_context (*********************) (* *) let print_params env params = if List.length params = 0 then (mt ()) else if !Options.v7 then (str "[" ++ pr_rel_context env params ++ str "]" ++ brk(1,2)) else (pr_rel_context env params ++ brk(1,2)) let print_constructors envpar names types = let pc = prlist_with_sep (fun () -> brk(1,0) ++ str "| ") (fun (id,c) -> pr_id id ++ str " : " ++ prterm_env envpar c) (Array.to_list (array_map2 (fun n t -> (n,t)) names types)) in hv 0 (str " " ++ pc) let build_inductive sp tyi = let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive (sp,tyi) in let params = mip.mind_params_ctxt in let args = extended_rel_list 0 params in let env = Global.env() in let arity = hnf_prod_applist env mip.mind_user_arity args in let cstrtypes = arities_of_constructors env (sp,tyi) in let cstrtypes = Array.map (fun c -> hnf_prod_applist env c args) cstrtypes in let cstrnames = mip.mind_consnames in (IndRef (sp,tyi), params, arity, cstrnames, cstrtypes) let print_one_inductive (sp,tyi) = let (ref, params, arity, cstrnames, cstrtypes) = build_inductive sp tyi in let env = Global.env () in let envpar = push_rel_context params env in hov 0 ( pr_global (IndRef (sp,tyi)) ++ brk(1,2) ++ print_params env params ++ str ": " ++ prterm_env envpar arity ++ str " :=") ++ brk(0,2) ++ print_constructors envpar cstrnames cstrtypes let pr_mutual_inductive finite indl = hov 0 ( str (if finite then "Inductive " else "CoInductive ") ++ prlist_with_sep (fun () -> fnl () ++ str" with ") print_one_inductive indl) ++ fnl () let print_mutual sp = let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive (sp,0) in let mipv = mib.mind_packets in let names = list_tabulate (fun x -> (sp,x)) (Array.length mipv) in pr_mutual_inductive mib.mind_finite names ++ print_inductive_implicit_args sp mipv ++ print_inductive_argument_scopes sp mipv let print_section_variable sp = let d = get_variable sp in print_named_decl d ++ print_name_infos (VarRef sp) let print_body = function | Some lc -> prterm (Declarations.force lc) | None -> (str"") let print_typed_body (val_0,typ) = (print_body val_0 ++ fnl () ++ str " : " ++ prtype typ ++ fnl ()) let print_constant with_values sep sp = let cb = Global.lookup_constant sp in let val_0 = cb.const_body in let typ = cb.const_type in hov 0 ( match val_0 with | None -> str"*** [ " ++ print_basename sp ++ str " : " ++ cut () ++ prtype typ ++ str" ]" ++ fnl () | _ -> print_basename sp ++ str sep ++ cut () ++ (if with_values then print_typed_body (val_0,typ) else prtype typ) ++ fnl ()) ++ print_name_infos (ConstRef sp) let print_inductive sp = (print_mutual sp) let print_syntactic_def sep kn = let qid = Nametab.shortest_qualid_of_syndef kn in let c = Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition dummy_loc kn in (str"Syntactic Definition " ++ pr_qualid qid ++ str sep ++ Constrextern.without_symbols pr_rawterm c ++ fnl ()) let print_leaf_entry with_values sep ((sp,kn as oname),lobj) = let tag = object_tag lobj in match (oname,tag) with | (_,"VARIABLE") -> Some (print_section_variable (basename sp)) | (_,"CONSTANT") -> Some (print_constant with_values sep kn) | (_,"INDUCTIVE") -> Some (print_inductive kn) | (_,"MODULE") -> let (mp,_,l) = repr_kn kn in Some (print_module with_values (MPdot (mp,l))) | (_,"MODULE TYPE") -> Some (print_modtype kn) | (_,("AUTOHINT"|"GRAMMAR"|"SYNTAXCONSTANT"|"PPSYNTAX"|"TOKEN"|"CLASS"| "COERCION"|"REQUIRE"|"END-SECTION"|"STRUCTURE")) -> None (* To deal with forgotten cases... *) | (_,s) -> None (* | (_,s) -> (str(string_of_path sp) ++ str" : " ++ str"Unrecognized object " ++ str s ++ fnl ()) *) let rec print_library_entry with_values ent = let sep = if with_values then " = " else " : " in let pr_name (sp,_) = pr_id (basename sp) in match ent with | (oname,Lib.Leaf lobj) -> print_leaf_entry with_values sep (oname,lobj) | (oname,Lib.OpenedSection (dir,_)) -> Some (str " >>>>>>> Section " ++ pr_name oname) | (oname,Lib.ClosedSection _) -> Some (str " >>>>>>> Closed Section " ++ pr_name oname) | (_,Lib.CompilingLibrary (dir,_)) -> Some (str " >>>>>>> Library " ++ pr_dirpath dir) | (oname,Lib.OpenedModule _) -> Some (str " >>>>>>> Module " ++ pr_name oname) | (oname,Lib.OpenedModtype _) -> Some (str " >>>>>>> Module Type " ++ pr_name oname) | (_,Lib.FrozenState _) -> None let print_context with_values = let rec prec n = function | h::rest when n = None or out_some n > 0 -> (match print_library_entry with_values h with | None -> prec n rest | Some pp -> prec (option_app ((+) (-1)) n) rest ++ pp ++ fnl ()) | _ -> mt () in prec let print_full_context () = print_context true None (Lib.contents_after None) let print_full_context_typ () = print_context false None (Lib.contents_after None) (* For printing an inductive definition with its constructors and elimination, assume that the declaration of constructors and eliminations follows the definition of the inductive type *) let list_filter_vec f vec = let rec frec n lf = if n < 0 then lf else if f vec.(n) then frec (n-1) (vec.(n)::lf) else frec (n-1) lf in frec (Array.length vec -1) [] (* This is designed to print the contents of an opened section *) let read_sec_context r = let loc,qid = qualid_of_reference r in let dir = try Nametab.locate_section qid with Not_found -> user_err_loc (loc,"read_sec_context", str "Unknown section") in let rec get_cxt in_cxt = function | ((_,Lib.OpenedSection ((dir',_),_)) as hd)::rest -> if dir = dir' then (hd::in_cxt) else get_cxt (hd::in_cxt) rest | ((_,Lib.ClosedSection (_,_,ctxt)) as hd)::rest -> error "Cannot print the contents of a closed section" | [] -> [] | hd::rest -> get_cxt (hd::in_cxt) rest in let cxt = (Lib.contents_after None) in List.rev (get_cxt [] cxt) let print_sec_context sec = print_context true None (read_sec_context sec) let print_sec_context_typ sec = print_context false None (read_sec_context sec) let print_eval red_fun env {uj_val=trm;uj_type=typ} = let ntrm = red_fun env Evd.empty trm in (str " = " ++ print_judgment env {uj_val = ntrm; uj_type = typ}) let print_name ref = match locate_any_name ref with | Term (ConstRef sp) -> print_constant true " = " sp | Term (IndRef (sp,_)) -> print_inductive sp | Term (ConstructRef ((sp,_),_)) -> print_inductive sp | Term (VarRef sp) -> print_section_variable sp | Syntactic kn -> print_syntactic_def " = " kn | Dir (DirModule(dirpath,(mp,_))) -> print_module (printable_body dirpath) mp | Dir _ -> mt () | ModuleType (_,kn) -> print_modtype kn | Undefined qid -> try (* Var locale de but, pas var de section... donc pas d'implicits *) let dir,str = repr_qualid qid in if (repr_dirpath dir) <> [] then raise Not_found; let (_,c,typ) = Global.lookup_named str in (print_named_decl (str,c,typ)) with Not_found -> try let sp = Nametab.locate_obj qid in let (oname,lobj) = let (oname,entry) = List.find (fun en -> (fst (fst en)) = sp) (Lib.contents_after None) in match entry with | Lib.Leaf obj -> (oname,obj) | _ -> raise Not_found in match print_leaf_entry true " = " (oname,lobj) with | None -> mt () | Some pp -> pp ++ fnl() with Not_found -> errorlabstrm "print_name" (pr_qualid qid ++ spc () ++ str "not a defined object") let print_opaque_name qid = let sigma = Evd.empty in let env = Global.env () in let sign = Global.named_context () in match global qid with | ConstRef cst -> let cb = Global.lookup_constant cst in if cb.const_body <> None then print_constant true " = " cst else error "not a defined constant" | IndRef (sp,_) -> print_mutual sp | ConstructRef cstr -> let ty = Inductive.type_of_constructor env cstr in print_typed_value (mkConstruct cstr, ty) | VarRef id -> let (_,c,ty) = lookup_named id env in print_named_decl (id,c,ty) let print_about ref = let sigma = Evd.empty in let env = Global.env () in let k = locate_any_name ref in begin match k with | Term (ConstRef sp as ref) -> print_constant false " : " sp | Term (IndRef ind as ref) -> let ty = Inductive.type_of_inductive env ind in print_typed_value (mkInd ind, ty) ++ print_name_infos ref | Term (ConstructRef cstr as ref) -> let ty = Inductive.type_of_constructor env cstr in print_typed_value (mkConstruct cstr, ty) ++ print_name_infos ref | Term (VarRef sp as ref) -> print_named_decl (get_variable sp) ++ print_name_infos ref | Syntactic kn -> print_syntactic_def " = " kn | Dir _ | ModuleType _ | Undefined _ -> mt () end ++ hov 0 (str "Expands to: " ++ pr_located_qualid k) let print_local_context () = let env = Lib.contents_after None in let rec print_var_rec = function | [] -> (mt ()) | (oname,Lib.Leaf lobj)::rest -> if "VARIABLE" = object_tag lobj then let d = get_variable (basename (fst oname)) in (print_var_rec rest ++ print_named_decl d) else print_var_rec rest | _::rest -> print_var_rec rest and print_last_const = function | (oname,Lib.Leaf lobj)::rest -> (match object_tag lobj with | "CONSTANT" -> let kn = snd oname in let {const_body=val_0;const_type=typ} = Global.lookup_constant kn in (print_last_const rest ++ print_basename kn ++str" = " ++ print_typed_body (val_0,typ)) | "INDUCTIVE" -> let kn = snd oname in (print_last_const rest ++print_mutual kn ++ fnl ()) | "VARIABLE" -> (mt ()) | _ -> print_last_const rest) | _ -> (mt ()) in (print_var_rec env ++ print_last_const env) let unfold_head_fconst = let rec unfrec k = match kind_of_term k with | Const cst -> constant_value (Global.env ()) cst | Lambda (na,t,b) -> mkLambda (na,t,unfrec b) | App (f,v) -> appvect (unfrec f,v) | _ -> k in unfrec (* for debug *) let inspect depth = print_context false (Some depth) (Lib.contents_after None) (*************************************************************************) (* Pretty-printing functions coming from classops.ml *) open Classops let print_coercion_value v = prterm (get_coercion_value v) let print_class i = let cl,_ = class_info_from_index i in pr_class cl let print_path ((i,j),p) = (str"[" ++ prlist_with_sep pr_semicolon print_coercion_value p ++ str"] : " ++ print_class i ++ str" >-> " ++ print_class j) let _ = Classops.install_path_printer print_path let print_graph () = prlist_with_sep pr_fnl print_path (inheritance_graph()) let print_classes () = prlist_with_sep pr_spc pr_class (classes()) let print_coercions () = prlist_with_sep pr_spc print_coercion_value (coercions()) let index_of_class cl = try fst (class_info cl) with _ -> errorlabstrm "index_of_class" (pr_class cl ++ str" is not a defined class") let print_path_between cls clt = let i = index_of_class cls in let j = index_of_class clt in let p = try lookup_path_between (i,j) with _ -> errorlabstrm "index_cl_of_id" (str"No path between " ++ pr_class cls ++ str" and " ++ pr_class clt) in print_path ((i,j),p) (*************************************************************************)