(* $Id$ *) open Pp open Util open Names open Term open Declarations open Inductive open Sign open Reduction open Environ open Instantiate open Declare open Impargs open Libobject open Printer let print_basename sp = let (_,id,k) = repr_path sp in try if sp = Nametab.sp_of_id k id then string_of_id id else (string_of_id id)^"."^(string_of_kind k) with Not_found -> warning "Undeclared constants in print_name"; string_of_path sp let print_basename_mind sp mindid = let (_,id,k) = repr_path sp in try if sp = Nametab.sp_of_id k id then string_of_id mindid else (string_of_id mindid)^"."^(string_of_kind k) with Not_found -> warning "Undeclared constants in print_name"; string_of_path_mind sp mindid let print_closed_sections = ref false let print_typed_value_in_env env (trm,typ) = [< prterm_env env trm ; 'fNL ; 'sTR " : "; prtype_env env typ ; 'fNL >] let print_typed_value x = print_typed_value_in_env (Global.env ()) x let pkprinters = function | FW -> (fprterm,fprterm_env) | CCI -> (prterm,prterm_env) | _ -> anomaly "pkprinters" let print_recipe = function | Some { contents = Cooked c } -> prterm c | Some { contents = Recipe _ } -> [< 'sTR"" >] | None -> [< 'sTR"" >] (* let fprint_recipe = function | Some c -> fprterm c | None -> [< 'sTR"" >] *) let print_typed_recipe (val_0,typ) = [< print_recipe val_0; 'fNL; 'sTR " : "; prtype typ; 'fNL >] let print_impl_args = function | [] -> [<>] | [i] -> [< 'sTR"Position ["; 'iNT i; 'sTR"] is implicit" >] | l -> [< 'sTR"Positions ["; prlist_with_sep (fun () -> [< 'sTR";" >]) (fun i -> [< 'iNT i >]) l; 'sTR"] are implicit" >] (* To be improved; the type should be used to provide the types in the abstractions. This should be done recursively inside prterm, so that the pretty-print of a proposition (P:(nat->nat)->Prop)(P [u]u) synthesizes the type nat of the abstraction on u *) let print_named_def name body typ = [< 'sTR "*** [" ; 'sTR name ; 'sPC; hOV 0 [< 'sTR "="; prterm body; 'sPC; 'sTR ": "; prtype typ >] ; 'sTR "]"; 'fNL >] let print_named_assum name typ = [< 'sTR "*** [" ; 'sTR name ; 'sTR " : "; prtype typ; 'sTR "]"; 'fNL >] let print_named_decl (id,c,typ) = let s = string_of_id id in match c with | Some body -> print_named_def s body typ | None -> print_named_assum s typ let assumptions_for_print lna = List.fold_right (fun na env -> add_name na env) lna empty_names_context let implicit_args_id id l = if l = [] then [<>] else [< 'sTR"For "; print_id id; 'sTR": "; print_impl_args l ; 'fNL >] let implicit_args_msg sp mipv = [< prvecti (fun i mip -> let imps = inductive_implicits (sp,i) in [< (implicit_args_id mip.mind_typename (list_of_implicits imps)); prvecti (fun j idc -> let imps = constructor_implicits ((sp,i),succ j) in (implicit_args_id idc (list_of_implicits imps))) mip.mind_consnames >]) mipv >] let instance_of_named_context sign = Array.of_list (List.map mkVar (ids_of_named_context sign)) let print_mutual sp mib = let pk = kind_of_path sp in let env = Global.env () in let evd = Evd.empty in let {mind_packets=mipv; mind_nparams=nparams} = mib in let (lpars,_) = decomp_n_prod env evd nparams (body_of_type (mind_user_arity mipv.(0))) in let arities = Array.map (fun mip -> (Name mip.mind_typename, None, mip.mind_nf_arity)) mipv in let env_ar = push_rels lpars env in let pr_constructor (id,c) = [< print_id id; 'sTR " : "; prterm_env env_ar c >] in let print_constructors mis = let (_,lC) = mis_type_mconstructs mis in let lidC = array_map2 (fun id c -> (id, snd (decomp_n_prod env evd nparams c))) (mis_consnames mis) lC in let plidC = prvect_with_sep (fun () -> [<'bRK(1,0); 'sTR "| " >]) pr_constructor lidC in hV 0 [< 'sTR " "; plidC >] in let params = if nparams = 0 then [<>] else [< 'sTR "["; pr_rel_context env lpars; 'sTR "]"; 'bRK(1,2) >] in let print_oneind tyi = let mis = build_mis ((sp,tyi),instance_of_named_context mib.mind_hyps) mib in let (_,arity) = decomp_n_prod env evd nparams (body_of_type (mis_user_arity mis)) in (hOV 0 [< (hOV 0 [< print_id (mis_typename mis) ; 'bRK(1,2); params; 'sTR ": "; prterm_env env_ar arity; 'sTR " :=" >]); 'bRK(1,2); print_constructors mis >]) in let mis0 = build_mis ((sp,0),instance_of_named_context mib.mind_hyps) mib in (* Case one [co]inductive *) if Array.length mipv = 1 then let (_,arity) = decomp_n_prod env evd nparams (body_of_type (mis_user_arity mis0)) in let sfinite = if mis_finite mis0 then "Inductive " else "CoInductive " in (hOV 0 [< 'sTR sfinite ; print_id (mis_typename mis0); if nparams = 0 then [<>] else [< 'sTR" ["; pr_rel_context env lpars; 'sTR "]">]; 'bRK(1,5); 'sTR": "; prterm_env env_ar arity; 'sTR" :="; 'bRK(0,4); print_constructors mis0; 'fNL; implicit_args_msg sp mipv >] ) (* Mutual [co]inductive definitions *) else let _,(mipli,miplc) = List.fold_left (fun (n,(li,lc)) mi -> if mi.mind_finite then (n+1,(n::li,lc)) else (n+1,(li,n::lc))) (0,([],[])) (Array.to_list mipv) in let strind = if mipli = [] then [<>] else [< 'sTR "Inductive"; 'bRK(1,4); (prlist_with_sep (fun () -> [< 'fNL; 'sTR" with"; 'bRK(1,4) >]) print_oneind (List.rev mipli)); 'fNL >] and strcoind = if miplc = [] then [<>] else [< 'sTR "CoInductive"; 'bRK(1,4); (prlist_with_sep (fun () -> [<'fNL; 'sTR " with"; 'bRK(1,4) >]) print_oneind (List.rev miplc)); 'fNL >] in (hV 0 [< 'sTR"Mutual " ; if mis_finite mis0 then [< strind; strcoind >] else []; implicit_args_msg sp mipv >]) let print_extracted_mutual sp = let mib = Global.lookup_mind (ccisp_of sp) in match mib.mind_singl with | None -> let fwsp = fwsp_of sp in print_mutual fwsp (Global.lookup_mind fwsp) | Some a -> fprterm a let print_section_variable sp = let ((id,_,_) as d,_,_) = out_variable sp in let l = implicits_of_var id in [< print_named_decl d; print_impl_args l; 'fNL >] let print_constant with_values sep sp = let cb = Global.lookup_constant sp in if kind_of_path sp = CCI then let val_0 = cb.const_body in let typ = cb.const_type in let l = constant_implicits sp in hOV 0 [< (match val_0 with | None -> [< 'sTR"*** [ "; 'sTR (print_basename (ccisp_of sp)); 'sTR " : "; 'cUT ; prtype typ ; 'sTR" ]"; 'fNL >] | _ -> [< 'sTR(print_basename (ccisp_of sp)) ; 'sTR sep; 'cUT ; if with_values then print_typed_recipe (val_0,typ) else [< prtype typ ; 'fNL >] >]); print_impl_args (list_of_implicits l); 'fNL >] else hOV 0 [< 'sTR"Fw constant " ; 'sTR (print_basename (fwsp_of sp)) ; 'fNL>] let print_inductive sp = let mib = Global.lookup_mind sp in if kind_of_path sp = CCI then [< print_mutual sp mib; 'fNL >] else hOV 0 [< 'sTR"Fw inductive definition "; 'sTR (print_basename (fwsp_of sp)); 'fNL >] let print_leaf_entry with_values sep (sp,lobj) = let tag = object_tag lobj in match (sp,tag) with | (_,"VARIABLE") -> print_section_variable sp | (_,("CONSTANT"|"PARAMETER")) -> print_constant with_values sep sp | (_,"INDUCTIVE") -> print_inductive sp | (_,"AUTOHINT") -> [< 'sTR" Add Auto Marker"; 'fNL >] | (_,"GRAMMAR") -> [< 'sTR" Grammar Marker"; 'fNL >] | (_,"SYNTAXCONSTANT") -> let id = basename sp in [< 'sTR" Syntax Macro "; print_id id ; 'sTR sep; if with_values then let c = Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition id in [< pr_rawterm c >] else [<>]; 'fNL >] | (_,"PPSYNTAX") -> [< 'sTR" Syntax Marker"; 'fNL >] | (_,"TOKEN") -> [< 'sTR" Token Marker"; 'fNL >] | (_,"CLASS") -> [< 'sTR" Class Marker"; 'fNL >] | (_,"COERCION") -> [< 'sTR" Coercion Marker"; 'fNL >] | (_,s) -> [< 'sTR(string_of_path sp); 'sTR" : "; 'sTR"Unrecognized object "; 'sTR s; 'fNL >] let rec print_library_entry with_values ent = let sep = if with_values then " = " else " : " in match ent with | (sp,Lib.Leaf lobj) -> [< print_leaf_entry with_values sep (sp,lobj) >] | (_,Lib.OpenedSection str) -> [< 'sTR(" >>>>>>> Section " ^ str); 'fNL >] | (_,Lib.ClosedSection (str,_)) -> [< 'sTR(" >>>>>>> Closed Section " ^ str); 'fNL >] | (_,Lib.Module str) -> [< 'sTR(" >>>>>>> Module " ^ str); 'fNL >] | (_,Lib.FrozenState _) -> [< >] and print_context with_values = let rec prec = function | h::rest -> [< prec rest ; print_library_entry with_values h >] | [] -> [< >] in prec let print_full_context () = print_context true (Lib.contents_after None) let print_full_context_typ () = print_context false (Lib.contents_after None) (* For printing an inductive definition with its constructors and elimination, assume that the declaration of constructors and eliminations follows the definition of the inductive type *) let rec head_const c = match kind_of_term c with | IsProd (_,_,d) -> head_const d | IsLetIn (_,_,_,d) -> head_const d | IsApp (f,_) -> head_const f | IsCast (d,_) -> head_const d | _ -> c let list_filter_vec f vec = let rec frec n lf = if n < 0 then lf else if f vec.(n) then frec (n-1) (vec.(n)::lf) else frec (n-1) lf in frec (Array.length vec -1) [] (* The functions print_constructors and crible implement the behavior needed for the Coq Search command. These functions take as first argument the procedure that will be called to treat each entry. This procedure receives the name of the object, the assumptions that will make it possible to print its type, and the constr term that represent its type. *) let print_constructors fn env_ar mip = let _ = array_map2 (fun id c -> fn (string_of_id id) env_ar (body_of_type c)) mip.mind_consnames (mind_user_lc mip) in () let crible (fn : string -> env -> constr -> unit) name = let env = Global.env () in let imported = Library.opened_modules() in let const = global_reference CCI name in let rec crible_rec = function | (spopt,Lib.Leaf lobj)::rest -> (match (spopt,object_tag lobj) with | (_,"VARIABLE") -> let ((idc,_,typ),_,_) = out_variable spopt in if (head_const (body_of_type typ)) = const then fn (string_of_id idc) env (body_of_type typ); crible_rec rest | (sp,("CONSTANT"|"PARAMETER")) -> let {const_type=typ} = Global.lookup_constant sp in if (head_const (body_of_type typ)) = const then fn (print_basename sp) env (body_of_type typ); crible_rec rest | (sp,"INDUCTIVE") -> let mib = Global.lookup_mind sp in let arities = array_map_to_list (fun mip -> (Name mip.mind_typename, None, mip.mind_nf_arity)) mib.mind_packets in let env_ar = push_rels arities env in (match kind_of_term const with | IsMutInd ((sp',tyi),_) -> if sp = objsp_of sp' then print_constructors fn env_ar (mind_nth_type_packet mib tyi) | _ -> ()); crible_rec rest | _ -> crible_rec rest) | (_, (Lib.OpenedSection _ | Lib.FrozenState _ | Lib.Module _))::rest -> crible_rec rest | (_, Lib.ClosedSection _) :: rest -> crible_rec rest | [] -> () in try crible_rec (Lib.contents_after None) with Not_found -> error ((string_of_id name) ^ " not declared") let print_crible name = crible (fun str ass_name constr -> let pc = prterm_env ass_name constr in mSG[<'sTR str; 'sTR":"; pc; 'fNL >]) name let read_sec_context sec = let rec get_cxt in_cxt = function | ((sp,Lib.OpenedSection str) as hd)::rest -> if str = sec then (hd::in_cxt) else get_cxt (hd::in_cxt) rest | [] -> [] | hd::rest -> get_cxt (hd::in_cxt) rest in let cxt = (Lib.contents_after None) in List.rev (get_cxt [] cxt) let print_sec_context sec = print_context true (read_sec_context sec) let print_sec_context_typ sec = print_context false (read_sec_context sec) let print_val env {uj_val=trm;uj_type=typ} = print_typed_value_in_env env (trm,typ) let print_type env {uj_val=trm;uj_type=typ} = print_typed_value_in_env env (trm, type_app (nf_betaiota env Evd.empty) typ) let print_eval red_fun env {uj_val=trm;uj_type=typ} = let ntrm = red_fun env Evd.empty trm in [< 'sTR " = "; print_type env {uj_val = ntrm; uj_type = typ} >] let print_name name = let str = string_of_id name in try let (sp,lobj) = let (sp,entry) = List.find (fun en -> basename (fst en) = name) (Lib.contents_after None) in match entry with | Lib.Leaf obj -> (sp,obj) | _ -> raise Not_found in print_leaf_entry true " = " (sp,lobj) with Not_found -> try match fst (Declare.global_operator CCI name) with | ConstRef sp -> print_constant true " = " sp | IndRef (sp,_) -> print_inductive sp | ConstructRef ((sp,_),_) -> print_inductive sp with Not_found -> try let (c,typ) = Global.lookup_named name in [< print_named_decl (name,c,typ); try print_impl_args (implicits_of_var name) with _ -> [<>] >] with Not_found -> error (str ^ " not a defined object") let print_opaque_name name = let sigma = Evd.empty in let env = Global.env () in let sign = Global.named_context () in try let x = global_reference CCI name in match kind_of_term x with | IsConst (sp,_ as cst) -> let cb = Global.lookup_constant sp in if is_defined cb then let typ = constant_type env Evd.empty cst in print_typed_value (constant_value env cst, typ) else anomaly "print_opaque_name" | IsMutInd ((sp,_),_) -> print_mutual sp (Global.lookup_mind sp) | IsMutConstruct cstr -> let ty = Typeops.type_of_constructor env sigma cstr in print_typed_value (x, ty) | IsVar id -> let (c,ty) = lookup_named id env in print_named_decl (id,c,ty) | _ -> failwith "print_name" with Not_found -> error ((string_of_id name) ^ " not declared") let print_local_context () = let env = Lib.contents_after None in let rec print_var_rec = function | [] -> [< >] | (sp,Lib.Leaf lobj)::rest -> if "VARIABLE" = object_tag lobj then let (d,_,_) = out_variable sp in [< print_var_rec rest; print_named_decl d >] else print_var_rec rest | _::rest -> print_var_rec rest and print_last_const = function | (sp,Lib.Leaf lobj)::rest -> (match object_tag lobj with | "CONSTANT" | "PARAMETER" -> let {const_body=val_0;const_type=typ} = Global.lookup_constant sp in [< print_last_const rest; 'sTR(print_basename sp) ;'sTR" = "; print_typed_recipe (val_0,typ) >] | "INDUCTIVE" -> let mib = Global.lookup_mind sp in [< print_last_const rest;print_mutual sp mib; 'fNL >] | "VARIABLE" -> [< >] | _ -> print_last_const rest) | _ -> [< >] in [< print_var_rec env; print_last_const env >] let fprint_var name typ = [< 'sTR ("*** [" ^ name ^ " :"); fprtype typ; 'sTR "]"; 'fNL >] let fprint_judge {uj_val=trm;uj_type=typ} = [< fprterm trm; 'sTR" : " ; fprterm (body_of_type typ) >] let unfold_head_fconst = let rec unfrec k = match kind_of_term k with | IsConst cst -> constant_value (Global.env ()) cst | IsLambda (na,t,b) -> mkLambda (na,t,unfrec b) | IsApp (f,v) -> appvect (unfrec f,v) | _ -> k in unfrec (*** let print_extracted_name name = let (sigma,(sign,fsign)) = initial_sigma_assumptions() in try let x = (Machops.global (gLOB sign) name) in match kind_of_term x with | IsConst _ -> let cont = snd(infexecute sigma (sign,fsign) x) in (match cont with | Inf {_VAL=trm; _TYPE=typ} -> (hOV 0 [< 'sTR (string_of_id name); if defined_const sigma x then begin Constants.set_transparent_extraction name; [< 'sTR " ==>";'bRK(1,4); fprterm (unfold_head_fconst sigma trm); 'fNL>] end else [< >]; 'sTR " : "; fprterm typ; 'fNL >]) | _ -> error "Non informative term") | IsVar id -> (* Pourquoi on n'utilise pas fsign ? *) let a = snd(lookup_sign id sign) in let cont = snd(infexecute sigma (sign,fsign) a.body) in (match cont with (* Cradingue *) | Inf {_VAL=t;_TYPE=k} -> (match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota sigma k) with | IsSort s -> fprint_var (string_of_id name) {body=t;typ=s}) | _ -> error "Non informative term") | IsMutInd ((sp,_),_) -> let cont = snd(infexecute sigma (sign,fsign) x) in (match cont with | Inf _ -> (hOV 0 [< 'sTR (string_of_id name); 'sTR " ==>"; 'bRK(1,4); print_extracted_mutual sp >]) | _ -> error "Non informative term") | IsMutConstruct _ -> let cont = snd(infexecute sigma (sign,fsign) x) in (match cont with | Inf d -> [< 'sTR ((string_of_id name) ^" ==> "); fprint_judge d ; 'fNL >] | _ -> error "Non informative term") | _ -> anomaly "should be a variable or constant" with Not_found -> error ((string_of_id name) ^ " not declared") let print_extraction () = let rec print_rec = function | (sp,Lib.LEAF lobj)::rest -> (match (sp,object_tag lobj) with | (sp,"CONSTANT") -> (try let (_,{cONSTBODY=d}) = const_of_path (fwsp_of sp) in [< print_rec rest; 'sTR(print_basename sp) ; 'sTR" ==> "; fprint_recipe d; 'fNL >] with Not_found -> print_rec rest) | (_,"VARIABLE") -> let (name,(_,cont),_,_,_,_) = outVariable lobj in [< print_rec rest; (match cont with | Some(t,_) -> fprint_var (string_of_id name) t | _ -> [< >]) >] | (sp,"INDUCTIVE") -> [< print_rec rest; (try [< print_extracted_mutual sp ; 'fNL >] with Not_found -> [<>]) >] | _ -> print_rec rest) | (sp,Lib.ClosedDir _)::rest -> print_rec rest | _::rest -> print_rec rest | [] -> [< 'fNL >] in [< print_rec (Lib.contents_after None); 'fNL >] let print_extracted_context () = let env = Lib.contents_after None in let rec print_var_rec = function | ((_,Lib.LEAF lobj))::rest -> if "VARIABLE" = object_tag lobj then let (name,(typ,cont),_,_,_,_) = outVariable lobj in [< print_var_rec rest ; 'fNL; match cont with | Some(t,_) -> fprint_var (string_of_id name) t | _ -> [< >] >] else print_var_rec rest | _::rest -> print_var_rec rest | [] -> [< 'fNL >] and print_last_constants = function | (sp,Lib.LEAF lobj)::rest -> (match object_tag lobj with | "CONSTANT" -> let (_,{cONSTBODY=c;cONSTTYPE=typ}) = const_of_path (fwsp_of sp) in [< print_last_constants rest; let s=print_basename sp in (try let (_,{cONSTBODY = d}) = const_of_path (fwsp_of sp) in [< 'sTR (s ^" ==> "); fprint_recipe d; 'fNL >] with Not_found -> [< >]) >] | "INDUCTIVE" -> [< print_last_constants rest; try print_extracted_mutual sp with Not_found -> [<>] >] | "VARIABLE" -> let (_,(_,cont),_,_,_,_) = outVariable lobj in (match cont with | Some _ -> [<>] | None -> print_last_constants rest) | _ -> print_last_constants rest) | (_,Lib.ClosedDir _)::rest -> print_last_constants rest | _ -> [< >] in [< print_var_rec env; print_last_constants env >] let print_extracted_vars () = let env = Lib.contents_after None in let rec print_var_rec = function | ((_,Lib.LEAF lobj))::rest -> if "VARIABLE" = object_tag lobj then let (name,(_,cont),_,_,_,_) = outVariable lobj in [< print_var_rec rest ; 'fNL; match cont with | Some (t,_) -> fprint_var (string_of_id name) t | _ -> [< >] >] else print_var_rec rest | _::rest -> print_var_rec rest | [] -> [< 'fNL >] in print_var_rec env ***) (* for debug *) let inspect depth = let rec inspectrec n res env = if n=0 or env=[] then res else inspectrec (n-1) (List.hd env::res) (List.tl env) in let items = List.rev (inspectrec depth [] (Lib.contents_after None)) in print_context false items (*************************************************************************) (* Pretty-printing functions coming from classops.ml *) open Classops let string_of_strength = function | NeverDischarge -> "(global)" | DischargeAt sp -> "(disch@"^(string_of_path sp) let print_coercion_value v = prterm v.cOE_VALUE.uj_val let print_index_coercion c = let _,v = coercion_info_from_index c in print_coercion_value v let print_class i = let cl,x = class_info_from_index i in [< 'sTR x.cL_STR >] let print_path ((i,j),p) = [< 'sTR"["; prlist_with_sep (fun () -> [< 'sTR"; " >]) (fun c -> print_index_coercion c) p; 'sTR"] : "; print_class i; 'sTR" >-> "; print_class j >] let _ = Classops.install_path_printer print_path let print_graph () = [< prlist_with_sep pr_fnl print_path (inheritance_graph()) >] let print_classes () = [< prlist_with_sep pr_spc (fun (_,(cl,x)) -> [< 'sTR x.cL_STR (*; 'sTR(string_of_strength x.cL_STRE) *) >]) (classes()) >] let print_coercions () = [< prlist_with_sep pr_spc (fun (_,(_,v)) -> [< print_coercion_value v >]) (coercions()) >] let cl_of_id id = match string_of_id id with | "FUNCLASS" -> CL_FUN | "SORTCLASS" -> CL_SORT | _ -> let v = Declare.global_reference CCI id in let cl,_ = constructor_at_head v in cl let index_cl_of_id id = try let cl = cl_of_id id in let i,_=class_info cl in i with _ -> errorlabstrm "index_cl_of_id" [< 'sTR(string_of_id id); 'sTR" is not a defined class" >] let print_path_between ids idt = let i = (index_cl_of_id ids) in let j = (index_cl_of_id idt) in let p = try lookup_path_between (i,j) with _ -> errorlabstrm "index_cl_of_id" [< 'sTR"No path between ";'sTR(string_of_id ids); 'sTR" and ";'sTR(string_of_id ids) >] in print_path ((i,j),p) (*************************************************************************)