(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (* May happen in debug *) (str ("CONST("^(string_of_kn kn)^")")) let global_var_name id = try pr_global (VarRef id) with Not_found -> (* May happen in debug *) (str ("SECVAR("^(string_of_id id)^")")) let global_ind_name (kn,tyi) = try pr_global (IndRef (kn,tyi)) with Not_found -> (* May happen in debug *) (str ("IND("^(string_of_kn kn)^","^(string_of_int tyi)^")")) let global_constr_name ((kn,tyi),i) = try pr_global (ConstructRef ((kn,tyi),i)) with Not_found -> (* May happen in debug *) (str ("CONSTRUCT("^(string_of_kn kn)^","^(string_of_int tyi) ^","^(string_of_int i)^")")) let globpr gt = match gt with | Nvar(_,s) -> (pr_id s) | Node(_,"EVAR", [Num (_,ev)]) -> (str ("?" ^ (string_of_int ev))) | Node(_,"CONST",[Path(_,sl)]) -> global_const_name (section_path sl) | Node(_,"SECVAR",[Nvar(_,s)]) -> global_var_name s | Node(_,"MUTIND",[Path(_,sl); Num(_,tyi)]) -> global_ind_name (section_path sl, tyi) | Node(_,"MUTCONSTRUCT",[Path(_,sl); Num(_,tyi); Num(_,i)]) -> global_constr_name ((section_path sl, tyi), i) | Dynamic(_,d) -> if (Dyn.tag d) = "constr" then (str"") else dfltpr gt | gt -> dfltpr gt let wrap_exception = function Anomaly (s1,s2) -> warning ("Anomaly ("^s1^")"); pp s2; str"" | Failure _ | UserError _ | Not_found -> str"" | s -> raise s let latom = 0 let lannot = 1 let lprod = 1 let llambda = 1 let lif = 1 let lletin = 1 let lcases = 1 let larrow = 8 let lcast = 9 let lapp = 10 let ltop = (8,E) let prec_less child (parent,assoc) = (if assoc = E then (<=) else (<)) child parent let env_assoc_value v env = try List.nth env (v-1) with Not_found -> anomaly "Inconsistent environment for pretty-print rule" open Symbols let rec print_hunk pr env = function | UnpMetaVar (e,prec) -> pr prec (env_assoc_value e env) | UnpTerminal s -> str s | UnpBox (b,sub) -> ppcmd_of_box b (prlist (print_hunk pr env) sub) | UnpCut cut -> ppcmd_of_cut cut let pr_notation pr s env = let unpl, level = find_notation_printing_rule s in prlist (print_hunk pr env) unpl, level let pr_delimiters key strm = let left = "'"^key^":" and right = "'" in let lspace = if is_letter (left.[String.length left -1]) then str " " else mt () in let rspace = let c = right.[0] in if is_letter c or is_digit c or c = '\'' then str " " else mt () in str left ++ lspace ++ strm ++ rspace ++ str right open Rawterm let pr_opt pr = function | None -> mt () | Some x -> spc () ++ pr x let pr_universe u = str "" let pr_sort = function | RProp Term.Null -> str "Prop" | RProp Term.Pos -> str "Set" | RType u -> str "Type" ++ pr_opt pr_universe u let pr_explicitation = function | None -> mt () | Some n -> int n ++ str "!" let pr_expl_args pr (a,expl) = pr_explicitation expl ++ pr (lapp,L) a let pr_opt_type pr = function | CHole _ -> mt () | t -> cut () ++ str ":" ++ pr ltop t let pr_tight_coma () = str "," ++ cut () let pr_name = function | Anonymous -> mt () | Name id -> pr_id id let pr_located pr (loc,x) = pr x let pr_let_binder pr x a = hv 0 ( str "[" ++ brk(0,1) ++ pr_name x ++ brk(0,1) ++ str ":=" ++ brk(0,1) ++ pr ltop a ++ brk(0,1) ++ str "]") let pr_binder pr (nal,t) = hov 0 ( prlist_with_sep pr_tight_coma (pr_located pr_name) nal ++ pr_opt_type pr t) let pr_binders pr bl = hv 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_semicolon (pr_binder pr) bl) let pr_recursive_decl pr id b t c = pr_id id ++ brk (1,2) ++ str ": " ++ pr ltop t ++ str ":=" ++ brk (1,2) ++ pr ltop c let split_lambda = function | CLambdaN (loc,[[na],t],c) -> (na,t,c) | CLambdaN (loc,([na],t)::bl,c) -> (na,t,CLambdaN(loc,bl,c)) | CLambdaN (loc,(na::nal,t)::bl,c) -> (na,t,CLambdaN(loc,(nal,t)::bl,c)) | _ -> anomaly "ill-formed fixpoint body" let split_product = function | CArrow (loc,t,c) -> ((loc,Anonymous),t,c) | CProdN (loc,[[na],t],c) -> (na,t,c) | CProdN (loc,([na],t)::bl,c) -> (na,t,CProdN(loc,bl,c)) | CProdN (loc,(na::nal,t)::bl,c) -> (na,t,CProdN(loc,(nal,t)::bl,c)) | _ -> anomaly "ill-formed fixpoint body" let rec split_fix n typ def = if n = 0 then ([],typ,def) else let (na,_,def) = split_lambda def in let (_,t,typ) = split_product typ in let (bl,typ,def) = split_fix (n-1) typ def in (([na],t)::bl,typ,def) let pr_fixdecl pr (id,n,t,c) = let (bl,t,c) = split_fix (n+1) t c in pr_recursive_decl pr id (brk (1,2) ++ str "[" ++ pr_binders pr bl ++ str "]") t c let pr_cofixdecl pr (id,t,c) = pr_recursive_decl pr id (mt ()) t c let pr_recursive s pr_decl id = function | [] -> anomaly "(co)fixpoint with no definition" | d1::dl -> hov 0 ( str "Fix " ++ pr_id id ++ brk (0,2) ++ str "{" ++ (v 0 ( (hov 0 (pr_decl d1)) ++ (prlist (fun fix -> fnl () ++ hov 0 (str "with" ++ pr_decl fix)) dl))) ++ str "}") let pr_fix pr = pr_recursive "Fix" (pr_fixdecl pr) let pr_cofix pr = pr_recursive "Fix" (pr_cofixdecl pr) let rec pr_arrow pr = function | CArrow (_,a,b) -> pr (larrow,L) a ++ cut () ++ str "->" ++ pr_arrow pr b | a -> pr (larrow,E) a let pr_annotation pr t = str "<" ++ pr ltop t ++ str ">" let rec pr_pat = function | CPatAlias (_,p,x) -> pr_pat p ++ spc () ++ str "as" ++ spc () ++ pr_id x | CPatCstr (_,c,[]) -> pr_reference c | CPatCstr (_,c,pl) -> hov 0 ( str "(" ++ pr_reference c ++ spc () ++ prlist_with_sep spc pr_pat pl ++ str ")") | CPatAtom (_,Some c) -> pr_reference c | CPatAtom (_,None) -> str "_" | CPatNumeral (_,n) -> Bignat.pr_bigint n | CPatDelimiters (_,key,p) -> pr_delimiters key (pr_pat p) let pr_eqn pr (_,patl,rhs) = hov 0 ( prlist_with_sep spc pr_pat patl ++ str "=>" ++ brk (1,1) ++ pr ltop rhs) let pr_cases pr po tml eqns = hov 0 ( pr_opt (pr_annotation pr) po ++ hv 0 ( hv 0 ( str "Cases" ++ brk (1,2) ++ prlist_with_sep spc (pr ltop) tml ++ spc() ++ str "of") ++ prlist_with_sep pr_bar (pr_eqn pr) eqns ++ spc () ++ str "end")) let rec pr inherited a = let (strm,prec) = match a with | CRef r -> pr_reference r, latom | CFix (_,id,fix) -> pr_fix pr (snd id) fix, latom | CCoFix (_,id,cofix) -> pr_cofix pr (snd id) cofix, latom | CArrow _ -> hv 0 (pr_arrow pr a), larrow | CProdN (_,bl,a) -> hov 0 ( str "(" ++ pr_binders pr bl ++ str ")" ++ brk(0,1) ++ pr ltop a), lprod | CLambdaN (_,bl,a) -> hov 0 ( str "[" ++ pr_binders pr bl ++ str "]" ++ brk(0,1) ++ pr ltop a), llambda | CLetIn (_,x,a,b) -> hov 0 (pr_let_binder pr (snd x) a ++ cut () ++ pr ltop b), lletin | CAppExpl (_,f,l) -> hov 0 ( str "!" ++ pr_reference f ++ prlist (fun a -> brk (1,1) ++ pr (lapp,L) a) l), lapp | CApp (_,a,l) -> hov 0 ( pr (latom,E) a ++ prlist (fun a -> brk (1,1) ++ pr_expl_args pr a) l), lapp | CCases (_,po,tml,eqns) -> pr_cases pr po tml eqns, lcases | COrderedCase (_,IfStyle,po,c,[b1;b2]) -> (* On force les parenthèses autour d'un "if" sous-terme (même si le parsing est lui plus tolérant) *) hov 0 ( pr_opt (pr_annotation pr) po ++ hv 0 ( str "if" ++ pr ltop c ++ spc () ++ hov 0 (str "then" ++ brk (1,1) ++ pr ltop b1) ++ spc () ++ hov 0 (str "else" ++ brk (1,1) ++ pr ltop b2))), lif | COrderedCase (_,LetStyle,po,c,[CLambdaN(_,[_,_ as bd],b)]) -> hov 0 ( pr_opt (pr_annotation pr) po ++ hv 0 ( str "let" ++ brk (1,1) ++ hov 0 (str "(" ++ pr_binder pr bd ++ str ")") ++ str "=" ++ brk (1,1) ++ pr ltop c ++ spc () ++ str "in " ++ pr ltop b)), lletin | COrderedCase (_,(MatchStyle|RegularStyle as style),po,c,bl) -> hov 0 ( hov 0 ( pr_opt (pr_annotation pr) po ++ brk (0,2) ++ hov 0 ( str (if style=RegularStyle then "Case" else "Match") ++ brk (1,1) ++ pr ltop c ++ spc () ++ str (if style=RegularStyle then "of" else "with") ++ brk (1,3) ++ hov 0 (prlist (fun b -> pr ltop b ++ fnl ()) bl)) ++ str "end")), lcases | COrderedCase (_,_,_,_,_) -> anomaly "malformed if or destructuring let" | CHole _ -> str "?", latom | CMeta (_,p) -> str "?" ++ int p, latom | CSort (_,s) -> pr_sort s, latom | CCast (_,a,b) -> hv 0 (pr (lcast,L) a ++ cut () ++ str "::" ++ pr (lcast,E) b), lcast | CNotation (_,s,env) -> pr_notation pr s env | CNumeral (_,p) -> Bignat.pr_bigint p, latom | CDelimiters (_,sc,a) -> pr_delimiters sc (pr ltop a), latom | CDynamic _ -> str "", latom in if prec_less prec inherited then strm else str"(" ++ strm ++ str")" let pr_constr = pr ltop let pr_pattern x = (* gentermpr*) failwith "pr_pattern: TODO" let pr_qualid qid = str (string_of_qualid qid) open Rawterm let pr_arg pr x = spc () ++ pr x let pr_red_flag pr r = (if r.rBeta then pr_arg str "Beta" else mt ()) ++ (if r.rIota then pr_arg str "Iota" else mt ()) ++ (if r.rZeta then pr_arg str "Zeta" else mt ()) ++ (if r.rConst = [] then if r.rDelta then pr_arg str "Delta" else mt () else pr_arg str "Delta" ++ (if r.rDelta then str "-" else mt ()) ++ hov 0 (str "[" ++ prlist_with_sep spc pr r.rConst ++ str "]")) open Genarg let pr_metanum pr = function | AN x -> pr x | MetaNum (_,n) -> str "?" ++ int n let pr_red_expr (pr_constr,pr_ref) = function | Red false -> str "Red" | Hnf -> str "Hnf" | Simpl -> str "Simpl" | Cbv f -> if f = {rBeta=true;rIota=true;rZeta=true;rDelta=true;rConst=[]} then str "Compute" else hov 1 (str "Cbv" ++ spc () ++ pr_red_flag pr_ref f) | Lazy f -> hov 1 (str "Lazy" ++ spc () ++ pr_red_flag pr_ref f) | Unfold l -> hov 1 (str "Unfold" ++ prlist (fun (nl,qid) -> prlist (pr_arg int) nl ++ spc () ++ pr_ref qid) l) | Fold l -> hov 1 (str "Fold" ++ prlist (pr_arg pr_constr) l) | Pattern l -> hov 1 (str "Pattern" ++ prlist(fun (nl,c) -> prlist (pr_arg int) nl ++ (pr_arg pr_constr) c) l) | Red true -> error "Shouldn't be accessible from user" | ExtraRedExpr (s,c) -> hov 1 (str s ++ pr_arg pr_constr c) let rec pr_may_eval pr = function | ConstrEval (r,c) -> hov 0 (str "Eval" ++ brk (1,1) ++ pr_red_expr (pr,pr_metanum pr_reference) r ++ spc () ++ str "in" ++ brk (1,1) ++ pr c) | ConstrContext ((_,id),c) -> hov 0 (str "Inst " ++ brk (1,1) ++ pr_id id ++ spc () ++ str "[" ++ pr c ++ str "]") | ConstrTypeOf c -> hov 0 (str "Check " ++ brk (1,1) ++ pr c) | ConstrTerm c -> pr c (**********************************************************************) let constr_syntax_universe = "constr" (* This is starting precedence for printing constructions or tactics *) (* Level 9 means no parentheses except for applicative terms (at level 10) *) let constr_initial_prec = Some (9,Ppextend.L) let gentermpr_fail gt = Esyntax.genprint globpr constr_syntax_universe constr_initial_prec gt let gentermpr gt = try gentermpr_fail gt with s -> wrap_exception s (* [at_top] means ids of env must be avoided in bound variables *) let gentermpr_core at_top env t = gentermpr (Termast.ast_of_constr at_top env t) (* let gentermpr_core at_top env t = pr_constr (Constrextern.extern_constr at_top env t) *)