(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* str"." let sep_v = fun _ -> str"," ++ spc() let sep_pp = fun _ -> str":" let sep_bar = fun _ -> spc() ++ str"| " let pr_tight_coma () = str "," ++ cut () let latom = 0 let lannot = 100 let lprod = 200 let llambda = 200 let lif = 200 let lletin = 200 let lfix = 200 let larrow = 90 let lcast = 100 let larg = 9 let lapp = 10 let lposint = 0 let lnegint = 35 (* must be consistent with Notation "- x" *) let ltop = (200,E) let lproj = 1 let lsimple = (1,E) let prec_less child (parent,assoc) = if parent < 0 && child = lprod then true else let parent = abs parent in match assoc with | E -> (<=) child parent | L -> (<) child parent | Prec n -> child<=n | Any -> true let prec_of_prim_token = function | Numeral p -> if Bigint.is_pos_or_zero p then lposint else lnegint | String _ -> latom let env_assoc_value v env = try List.nth env (v-1) with Not_found -> anomaly ("Inconsistent environment for pretty-print rule") let decode_constrlist_value = function | CAppExpl (_,_,l) -> l | CApp (_,_,l) -> List.map fst l | _ -> anomaly "Ill-formed list argument of notation" let decode_patlist_value = function | CPatCstr (_,_,l) -> l | _ -> anomaly "Ill-formed list argument of notation" open Notation let rec print_hunk n decode pr env = function | UnpMetaVar (e,prec) -> pr (n,prec) (env_assoc_value e env) | UnpListMetaVar (e,prec,sl) -> prlist_with_sep (fun () -> prlist (print_hunk n decode pr env) sl) (pr (n,prec)) (decode (env_assoc_value e env)) | UnpTerminal s -> str s | UnpBox (b,sub) -> ppcmd_of_box b (prlist (print_hunk n decode pr env) sub) | UnpCut cut -> ppcmd_of_cut cut let pr_notation_gen decode pr s env = let unpl, level = find_notation_printing_rule s in prlist (print_hunk level decode pr env) unpl, level let pr_notation = pr_notation_gen decode_constrlist_value let pr_patnotation = pr_notation_gen decode_patlist_value let pr_delimiters key strm = strm ++ str ("%"^key) let pr_located pr (loc,x) = if Flags.do_translate() && loc<>dummy_loc then let (b,e) = unloc loc in comment b ++ pr x ++ comment e else pr x let pr_com_at n = if Flags.do_translate() && n <> 0 then comment n else mt() let pr_with_comments loc pp = pr_located (fun x -> x) (loc,pp) let pr_sep_com sep f c = pr_with_comments (constr_loc c) (sep() ++ f c) let pr_optc pr = function | None -> mt () | Some x -> pr_sep_com spc pr x let pr_in_comment pr x = str "(* " ++ pr x ++ str " *)" let pr_universe = Univ.pr_uni let pr_rawsort = function | RProp Term.Null -> str "Prop" | RProp Term.Pos -> str "Set" | RType u -> hov 0 (str "Type" ++ pr_opt (pr_in_comment pr_universe) u) let pr_id = pr_id let pr_name = pr_name let pr_qualid = pr_qualid let pr_expl_args pr (a,expl) = match expl with | None -> pr (lapp,L) a | Some (_,ExplByPos n) -> anomaly("Explicitation by position not implemented") | Some (_,ExplByName id) -> str "(" ++ pr_id id ++ str ":=" ++ pr ltop a ++ str ")" let pr_opt_type pr = function | CHole _ -> mt () | t -> cut () ++ str ":" ++ pr t let pr_opt_type_spc pr = function | CHole _ -> mt () | t -> str " :" ++ pr_sep_com (fun()->brk(1,2)) (pr ltop) t let pr_lident (loc,id) = if loc <> dummy_loc then let (b,_) = unloc loc in pr_located pr_id (make_loc (b,b+String.length(string_of_id id)),id) else pr_id id let pr_lname = function (loc,Name id) -> pr_lident (loc,id) | lna -> pr_located pr_name lna let pr_or_var pr = function | ArgArg x -> pr x | ArgVar (loc,s) -> pr_lident (loc,s) let pr_prim_token = function | Numeral n -> Bigint.pr_bigint n | String s -> qs s let pr_evar pr n l = hov 0 (str (Evd.string_of_existential n) ++ (match l with | Some l -> spc () ++ pr_in_comment (fun l -> str"[" ++ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_coma (pr ltop) l) ++ str"]") (List.rev l) | None -> mt())) let las = lapp let lpator = 100 let rec pr_patt sep inh p = let (strm,prec) = match p with | CPatAlias (_,p,id) -> pr_patt mt (las,E) p ++ str " as " ++ pr_id id, las | CPatCstr (_,c,[]) -> pr_reference c, latom | CPatCstr (_,c,args) -> pr_reference c ++ prlist (pr_patt spc (lapp,L)) args, lapp | CPatAtom (_,None) -> str "_", latom | CPatAtom (_,Some r) -> pr_reference r, latom | CPatOr (_,pl) -> hov 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_bar (pr_patt spc (lpator,L)) pl), lpator | CPatNotation (_,"( _ )",[p]) -> pr_patt (fun()->str"(") (max_int,E) p ++ str")", latom | CPatNotation (_,s,env) -> pr_patnotation (pr_patt mt) s env | CPatPrim (_,p) -> pr_prim_token p, latom | CPatDelimiters (_,k,p) -> pr_delimiters k (pr_patt mt lsimple p), 1 in let loc = cases_pattern_expr_loc p in pr_with_comments loc (sep() ++ if prec_less prec inh then strm else surround strm) let pr_patt = pr_patt mt let pr_eqn pr (loc,pl,rhs) = spc() ++ hov 4 (pr_with_comments loc (str "| " ++ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_bar (prlist_with_sep sep_v (pr_patt ltop)) pl ++ str " =>") ++ pr_sep_com spc (pr ltop) rhs)) let begin_of_binder = function LocalRawDef((loc,_),_) -> fst (unloc loc) | LocalRawAssum((loc,_)::_,_) -> fst (unloc loc) | _ -> assert false let begin_of_binders = function | b::_ -> begin_of_binder b | _ -> 0 let pr_binder many pr (nal,t) = match t with | CHole _ -> prlist_with_sep spc pr_lname nal | _ -> let s = prlist_with_sep spc pr_lname nal ++ str" : " ++ pr t in hov 1 (if many then surround s else s) let pr_binder_among_many pr_c = function | LocalRawAssum (nal,t) -> pr_binder true pr_c (nal,t) | LocalRawDef (na,c) -> let c,topt = match c with | CCast(_,c, CastConv (_,t)) -> c, t | _ -> c, CHole dummy_loc in hov 1 (surround (pr_lname na ++ pr_opt_type pr_c topt ++ str":=" ++ cut() ++ pr_c c)) let pr_undelimited_binders pr_c = prlist_with_sep spc (pr_binder_among_many pr_c) let pr_delimited_binders kw pr_c bl = let n = begin_of_binders bl in match bl with | [LocalRawAssum (nal,t)] -> pr_com_at n ++ kw() ++ pr_binder false pr_c (nal,t) | LocalRawAssum _ :: _ as bdl -> pr_com_at n ++ kw() ++ pr_undelimited_binders pr_c bdl | _ -> assert false let rec extract_prod_binders = function (* | CLetIn (loc,na,b,c) as x -> let bl,c = extract_prod_binders c in if bl = [] then [], x else LocalRawDef (na,b) :: bl, c*) | CProdN (loc,[],c) -> extract_prod_binders c | CProdN (loc,(nal,t)::bl,c) -> let bl,c = extract_prod_binders (CProdN(loc,bl,c)) in LocalRawAssum (nal,t) :: bl, c | c -> [], c let rec extract_lam_binders = function (* | CLetIn (loc,na,b,c) as x -> let bl,c = extract_lam_binders c in if bl = [] then [], x else LocalRawDef (na,b) :: bl, c*) | CLambdaN (loc,[],c) -> extract_lam_binders c | CLambdaN (loc,(nal,t)::bl,c) -> let bl,c = extract_lam_binders (CLambdaN(loc,bl,c)) in LocalRawAssum (nal,t) :: bl, c | c -> [], c let split_lambda = function | CLambdaN (loc,[[na],t],c) -> (na,t,c) | CLambdaN (loc,([na],t)::bl,c) -> (na,t,CLambdaN(loc,bl,c)) | CLambdaN (loc,(na::nal,t)::bl,c) -> (na,t,CLambdaN(loc,(nal,t)::bl,c)) | _ -> anomaly "ill-formed fixpoint body" let rename na na' t c = match (na,na') with | (_,Name id), (_,Name id') -> (na',t,replace_vars_constr_expr [id,id'] c) | (_,Name id), (_,Anonymous) -> (na,t,c) | _ -> (na',t,c) let split_product na' = function | CArrow (loc,t,c) -> (na',t,c) | CProdN (loc,[[na],t],c) -> rename na na' t c | CProdN (loc,([na],t)::bl,c) -> rename na na' t (CProdN(loc,bl,c)) | CProdN (loc,(na::nal,t)::bl,c) -> rename na na' t (CProdN(loc,(nal,t)::bl,c)) | _ -> anomaly "ill-formed fixpoint body" let merge_binders (na1,ty1) cofun (na2,ty2) codom = let na = match snd na1, snd na2 with Anonymous, Name id -> if occur_var_constr_expr id cofun then failwith "avoid capture" else na2 | Name id, Anonymous -> if occur_var_constr_expr id codom then failwith "avoid capture" else na1 | Anonymous, Anonymous -> na1 | Name id1, Name id2 -> if id1 <> id2 then failwith "not same name" else na1 in let ty = match ty1, ty2 with CHole _, _ -> ty2 | _, CHole _ -> ty1 | _ -> Constrextern.check_same_type ty1 ty2; ty2 in (LocalRawAssum ([na],ty), codom) let rec strip_domain bvar cofun c = match c with | CArrow(loc,a,b) -> merge_binders bvar cofun ((dummy_loc,Anonymous),a) b | CProdN(loc,[([na],ty)],c') -> merge_binders bvar cofun (na,ty) c' | CProdN(loc,([na],ty)::bl,c') -> merge_binders bvar cofun (na,ty) (CProdN(loc,bl,c')) | CProdN(loc,(na::nal,ty)::bl,c') -> merge_binders bvar cofun (na,ty) (CProdN(loc,(nal,ty)::bl,c')) | _ -> failwith "not a product" (* Note: binder sharing is lost *) let rec strip_domains (nal,ty) cofun c = match nal with [] -> assert false | [na] -> let bnd, c' = strip_domain (na,ty) cofun c in ([bnd],None,c') | na::nal -> let f = CLambdaN(dummy_loc,[(nal,ty)],cofun) in let bnd, c1 = strip_domain (na,ty) f c in (try let bl, rest, c2 = strip_domains (nal,ty) cofun c1 in (bnd::bl, rest, c2) with Failure _ -> ([bnd],Some (nal,ty), c1)) (* Re-share binders *) let rec factorize_binders = function | ([] | [_] as l) -> l | LocalRawAssum (nal,ty) as d :: (LocalRawAssum (nal',ty')::l as l') -> (try let _ = Constrextern.check_same_type ty ty' in factorize_binders (LocalRawAssum (nal@nal',ty)::l) with _ -> d :: factorize_binders l') | d :: l -> d :: factorize_binders l (* Extract lambdas when a type constraint occurs *) let rec extract_def_binders c ty = match c with | CLambdaN(loc,bvar::lams,b) -> (try let f = CLambdaN(loc,lams,b) in let bvar', rest, ty' = strip_domains bvar f ty in let c' = match rest, lams with None,[] -> b | None, _ -> f | Some bvar,_ -> CLambdaN(loc,bvar::lams,b) in let (bl,c2,ty2) = extract_def_binders c' ty' in (factorize_binders (bvar'@bl), c2, ty2) with Failure _ -> ([],c,ty)) | _ -> ([],c,ty) let rec split_fix n typ def = if n = 0 then ([],typ,def) else let (na,_,def) = split_lambda def in let (na,t,typ) = split_product na typ in let (bl,typ,def) = split_fix (n-1) typ def in (LocalRawAssum ([na],t)::bl,typ,def) let pr_recursive_decl pr pr_dangling dangling_with_for id bl annot t c = let pr_body = if dangling_with_for then pr_dangling else pr in pr_id id ++ str" " ++ hov 0 (pr_undelimited_binders (pr ltop) bl ++ annot) ++ pr_opt_type_spc pr t ++ str " :=" ++ pr_sep_com (fun () -> brk(1,2)) (pr_body ltop) c let pr_fixdecl pr prd dangling_with_for (id,(n,ro),bl,t,c) = let annot = let ids = names_of_local_assums bl in match ro with CStructRec -> if List.length ids > 1 && n <> None then spc() ++ str "{struct " ++ pr_name (snd (List.nth ids (Option.get n))) ++ str"}" else mt() | CWfRec c -> spc () ++ str "{wf " ++ pr lsimple c ++ pr_name (snd (List.nth ids (Option.get n))) ++ str"}" | CMeasureRec c -> spc () ++ str "{measure " ++ pr lsimple c ++ pr_name (snd (List.nth ids (Option.get n))) ++ str"}" in pr_recursive_decl pr prd dangling_with_for id bl annot t c let pr_cofixdecl pr prd dangling_with_for (id,bl,t,c) = pr_recursive_decl pr prd dangling_with_for id bl (mt()) t c let pr_recursive pr_decl id = function | [] -> anomaly "(co)fixpoint with no definition" | [d1] -> pr_decl false d1 | dl -> prlist_with_sep (fun () -> fnl() ++ str "with ") (pr_decl true) dl ++ fnl() ++ str "for " ++ pr_id id let is_var id = function | CRef (Ident (_,id')) when id=id' -> true | _ -> false let tm_clash = function | (CRef (Ident (_,id)), Some (CApp (_,_,nal))) when List.exists (function CRef (Ident (_,id')),_ -> id=id' | _ -> false) nal -> Some id | (CRef (Ident (_,id)), Some (CAppExpl (_,_,nal))) when List.exists (function CRef (Ident (_,id')) -> id=id' | _ -> false) nal -> Some id | _ -> None let pr_case_item pr (tm,(na,indnalopt)) = hov 0 (pr (lcast,E) tm ++ (* (match na with | Name id when not (is_var id tm) -> spc () ++ str "as " ++ pr_id id | Anonymous when tm_clash (tm,indnalopt) <> None -> (* hide [tm] name to avoid conflicts *) spc () ++ str "as _" (* ++ pr_id (Option.get (tm_clash (tm,indnalopt)))*) | _ -> mt ()) ++ *) (match na with (* Decision of printing "_" or not moved to constrextern.ml *) | Some na -> spc () ++ str "as " ++ pr_name na | None -> mt ()) ++ (match indnalopt with | None -> mt () (* | Some (_,ind,nal) -> spc () ++ str "in " ++ hov 0 (pr_reference ind ++ prlist (pr_arg pr_name) nal)) *) | Some t -> spc () ++ str "in " ++ pr lsimple t)) let pr_case_type pr po = match po with | None | Some (CHole _) -> mt() | Some p -> spc() ++ hov 2 (str "return" ++ pr_sep_com spc (pr lsimple) p) let pr_return_type pr po = pr_case_type pr po let pr_simple_return_type pr na po = (match na with | Some (Name id) -> spc () ++ str "as " ++ pr_id id | _ -> mt ()) ++ pr_case_type pr po let pr_proj pr pr_app a f l = hov 0 (pr lsimple a ++ cut() ++ str ".(" ++ pr_app pr f l ++ str ")") let pr_appexpl pr f l = hov 2 ( str "@" ++ pr_reference f ++ prlist (pr_sep_com spc (pr (lapp,L))) l) let pr_app pr a l = hov 2 ( pr (lapp,L) a ++ prlist (fun a -> spc () ++ pr_expl_args pr a) l) let rec pr sep inherited a = let (strm,prec) = match a with | CRef r -> pr_reference r, latom | CFix (_,id,fix) -> hov 0 (str"fix " ++ pr_recursive (pr_fixdecl (pr mt) (pr_dangling_with_for mt)) (snd id) fix), lfix | CCoFix (_,id,cofix) -> hov 0 (str "cofix " ++ pr_recursive (pr_cofixdecl (pr mt) (pr_dangling_with_for mt)) (snd id) cofix), lfix | CArrow (_,a,b) -> hov 0 (pr mt (larrow,L) a ++ str " ->" ++ pr (fun () ->brk(1,0)) (-larrow,E) b), larrow | CProdN _ -> let (bl,a) = extract_prod_binders a in hov 0 ( hov 2 (pr_delimited_binders (fun () -> str"forall" ++ spc()) (pr mt ltop) bl) ++ str "," ++ pr spc ltop a), lprod | CLambdaN _ -> let (bl,a) = extract_lam_binders a in hov 0 ( hov 2 (pr_delimited_binders (fun () -> str"fun" ++ spc()) (pr mt ltop) bl) ++ str " =>" ++ pr spc ltop a), llambda | CLetIn (_,(_,Name x),(CFix(_,(_,x'),[_])|CCoFix(_,(_,x'),[_]) as fx), b) when x=x' -> hv 0 ( hov 2 (str "let " ++ pr mt ltop fx ++ str " in") ++ pr spc ltop b), lletin | CLetIn (_,x,a,b) -> hv 0 ( hov 2 (str "let " ++ pr_lname x ++ str " :=" ++ pr spc ltop a ++ str " in") ++ pr spc ltop b), lletin | CAppExpl (_,(Some i,f),l) -> let l1,l2 = list_chop i l in let c,l1 = list_sep_last l1 in let p = pr_proj (pr mt) pr_appexpl c f l1 in if l2<>[] then p ++ prlist (pr spc (lapp,L)) l2, lapp else p, lproj | CAppExpl (_,(None,Ident (_,var)),[t]) | CApp (_,(_,CRef(Ident(_,var))),[t,None]) when var = Topconstr.ldots_var -> hov 0 (str ".." ++ pr spc (latom,E) t ++ spc () ++ str ".."), larg | CAppExpl (_,(None,f),l) -> pr_appexpl (pr mt) f l, lapp | CApp (_,(Some i,f),l) -> let l1,l2 = list_chop i l in let c,l1 = list_sep_last l1 in assert (snd c = None); let p = pr_proj (pr mt) pr_app (fst c) f l1 in if l2<>[] then p ++ prlist (fun a -> spc () ++ pr_expl_args (pr mt) a) l2, lapp else p, lproj | CApp (_,(None,a),l) -> pr_app (pr mt) a l, lapp | CCases (_,rtntypopt,c,eqns) -> v 0 (hv 0 (str "match" ++ brk (1,2) ++ hov 0 ( prlist_with_sep sep_v (pr_case_item (pr_dangling_with_for mt)) c ++ pr_case_type (pr_dangling_with_for mt) rtntypopt) ++ spc () ++ str "with") ++ prlist (pr_eqn (pr mt)) eqns ++ spc() ++ str "end"), latom | CLetTuple (_,nal,(na,po),c,b) -> hv 0 ( str "let " ++ hov 0 (str "(" ++ prlist_with_sep sep_v pr_name nal ++ str ")" ++ pr_simple_return_type (pr mt) na po ++ str " :=" ++ pr spc ltop c ++ str " in") ++ pr spc ltop b), lletin | CIf (_,c,(na,po),b1,b2) -> (* On force les parenthèses autour d'un "if" sous-terme (même si le parsing est lui plus tolérant) *) hv 0 ( hov 1 (str "if " ++ pr mt ltop c ++ pr_simple_return_type (pr mt) na po) ++ spc () ++ hov 0 (str "then" ++ pr (fun () -> brk (1,1)) ltop b1) ++ spc () ++ hov 0 (str "else" ++ pr (fun () -> brk (1,1)) ltop b2)), lif | CHole _ -> str "_", latom | CEvar (_,n,l) -> pr_evar (pr mt) n l, latom | CPatVar (_,(_,p)) -> str "?" ++ pr_patvar p, latom | CSort (_,s) -> pr_rawsort s, latom | CCast (_,a,CastConv (k,b)) -> let s = match k with VMcast -> "<:" | DEFAULTcast -> ":" in hv 0 (pr mt (lcast,L) a ++ cut () ++ str s ++ pr mt (-lcast,E) b), lcast | CCast (_,a,CastCoerce) -> hv 0 (pr mt (lcast,L) a ++ cut () ++ str ":>"), lcast | CNotation (_,"( _ )",[t]) -> pr (fun()->str"(") (max_int,L) t ++ str")", latom | CNotation (_,s,env) -> pr_notation (pr mt) s env | CPrim (_,p) -> pr_prim_token p, prec_of_prim_token p | CDelimiters (_,sc,a) -> pr_delimiters sc (pr mt lsimple a), 1 | CDynamic _ -> str "", latom in let loc = constr_loc a in pr_with_comments loc (sep() ++ if prec_less prec inherited then strm else surround strm) and pr_dangling_with_for sep inherited a = match a with | (CFix (_,_,[_])|CCoFix(_,_,[_])) -> pr sep (latom,E) a | _ -> pr sep inherited a let pr = pr mt let rec strip_context n iscast t = if n = 0 then [], if iscast then match t with CCast (_,c,_) -> c | _ -> t else t else match t with | CLambdaN (loc,(nal,t)::bll,c) -> let n' = List.length nal in if n' > n then let nal1,nal2 = list_chop n nal in [LocalRawAssum (nal1,t)], CLambdaN (loc,(nal2,t)::bll,c) else let bl', c = strip_context (n-n') iscast (if bll=[] then c else CLambdaN (loc,bll,c)) in LocalRawAssum (nal,t) :: bl', c | CProdN (loc,(nal,t)::bll,c) -> let n' = List.length nal in if n' > n then let nal1,nal2 = list_chop n nal in [LocalRawAssum (nal1,t)], CProdN (loc,(nal2,t)::bll,c) else let bl', c = strip_context (n-n') iscast (if bll=[] then c else CProdN (loc,bll,c)) in LocalRawAssum (nal,t) :: bl', c | CArrow (loc,t,c) -> let bl', c = strip_context (n-1) iscast c in LocalRawAssum ([loc,Anonymous],t) :: bl', c | CCast (_,c,_) -> strip_context n false c | CLetIn (_,na,b,c) -> let bl', c = strip_context (n-1) iscast c in LocalRawDef (na,b) :: bl', c | _ -> anomaly "strip_context" type term_pr = { pr_constr_expr : constr_expr -> std_ppcmds; pr_lconstr_expr : constr_expr -> std_ppcmds; pr_pattern_expr : Tacexpr.pattern_expr -> std_ppcmds; pr_lpattern_expr : Tacexpr.pattern_expr -> std_ppcmds } let default_term_pr = { pr_constr_expr = pr lsimple; pr_lconstr_expr = pr ltop; pr_pattern_expr = pr lsimple; pr_lpattern_expr = pr ltop } let term_pr = ref default_term_pr let set_term_pr = (:=) term_pr let pr_constr_expr c = !term_pr.pr_constr_expr c let pr_lconstr_expr c = !term_pr.pr_lconstr_expr c let pr_pattern_expr c = !term_pr.pr_pattern_expr c let pr_lpattern_expr c = !term_pr.pr_lpattern_expr c let pr_cases_pattern_expr = pr_patt ltop let pr_binders = pr_undelimited_binders (pr ltop) let pr_with_occurrences pr = function ([],c) -> pr c | (nl,c) -> hov 1 (pr c ++ spc() ++ str"at " ++ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep spc (pr_or_var int) nl)) let pr_red_flag pr r = (if r.rBeta then pr_arg str "beta" else mt ()) ++ (if r.rIota then pr_arg str "iota" else mt ()) ++ (if r.rZeta then pr_arg str "zeta" else mt ()) ++ (if r.rConst = [] then if r.rDelta then pr_arg str "delta" else mt () else pr_arg str "delta " ++ (if r.rDelta then str "-" else mt ()) ++ hov 0 (str "[" ++ prlist_with_sep spc pr r.rConst ++ str "]")) open Genarg let pr_metaid id = str"?" ++ pr_id id let pr_red_expr (pr_constr,pr_lconstr,pr_ref) = function | Red false -> str "red" | Hnf -> str "hnf" | Simpl o -> str "simpl" ++ pr_opt (pr_with_occurrences pr_constr) o | Cbv f -> if f = {rBeta=true;rIota=true;rZeta=true;rDelta=true;rConst=[]} then str "compute" else hov 1 (str "cbv" ++ pr_red_flag pr_ref f) | Lazy f -> hov 1 (str "lazy" ++ pr_red_flag pr_ref f) | Unfold l -> hov 1 (str "unfold" ++ spc() ++ prlist_with_sep pr_coma (pr_with_occurrences pr_ref) l) | Fold l -> hov 1 (str "fold" ++ prlist (pr_arg pr_constr) l) | Pattern l -> hov 1 (str "pattern" ++ pr_arg (prlist_with_sep pr_coma (pr_with_occurrences pr_constr)) l) | Red true -> error "Shouldn't be accessible from user" | ExtraRedExpr s -> str s | CbvVm -> str "vm_compute" let rec pr_may_eval test prc prlc pr2 = function | ConstrEval (r,c) -> hov 0 (str "eval" ++ brk (1,1) ++ pr_red_expr (prc,prlc,pr2) r ++ str " in" ++ spc() ++ prc c) | ConstrContext ((_,id),c) -> hov 0 (str "context " ++ pr_id id ++ spc () ++ str "[" ++ prlc c ++ str "]") | ConstrTypeOf c -> hov 1 (str "type of" ++ spc() ++ prc c) | ConstrTerm c when test c -> h 0 (str "(" ++ prc c ++ str ")") | ConstrTerm c -> prc c let pr_may_eval a = pr_may_eval (fun _ -> false) a