(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Extend.entry_type val object_of_typed_entry : typed_entry -> grammar_object Gram.Entry.e val weaken_entry : 'a Gram.Entry.e -> grammar_object Gram.Entry.e val get_constr_entry : bool -> constr_entry -> grammar_object Gram.Entry.e * int option * bool val symbol_of_production : Gramext.g_assoc option -> constr_entry -> bool -> constr_production_entry -> Token.t Gramext.g_symbol val grammar_extend : 'a Gram.Entry.e -> Gramext.position option -> (string option * Gramext.g_assoc option * (Token.t Gramext.g_symbol list * Gramext.g_action) list) list -> unit val remove_grammars : int -> unit val camlp4_verbosity : bool -> ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit (* Parse a string *) val parse_string : 'a Gram.Entry.e -> string -> 'a val eoi_entry : 'a Gram.Entry.e -> 'a Gram.Entry.e val map_entry : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a Gram.Entry.e -> 'b Gram.Entry.e (* Entry types *) (* Table of Coq's grammar entries *) type gram_universe val create_univ_if_new : string -> string * gram_universe val get_univ : string -> string * gram_universe val get_entry : string * gram_universe -> string -> typed_entry val entry_type : string * gram_universe -> string -> entry_type option val get_entry_type : string * string -> entry_type val create_entry_if_new : string * gram_universe -> string -> entry_type -> unit val create_entry : string * gram_universe -> string -> entry_type -> typed_entry val force_entry_type : string * gram_universe -> string -> entry_type -> typed_entry val create_constr_entry : string * gram_universe -> string -> constr_expr Gram.Entry.e val create_generic_entry : string -> ('a, constr_expr,raw_tactic_expr) abstract_argument_type -> 'a Gram.Entry.e val get_generic_entry : string -> grammar_object Gram.Entry.e val get_generic_entry_type : string * gram_universe -> string -> Genarg.argument_type type parser_type = | ConstrParser | CasesPatternParser val entry_type_of_parser : parser_type -> entry_type option val parser_type_from_name : string -> parser_type (* Quotations in ast parser *) val define_ast_quotation : bool -> string -> (Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e) -> unit val set_globalizer : (constr_expr -> Coqast.t) -> unit (* The default parser for actions in grammar rules *) val default_action_parser : dynamic_grammar Gram.Entry.e val set_default_action_parser : parser_type -> unit (* The main entry: reads an optional vernac command *) val main_entry : (loc * vernac_expr) option Gram.Entry.e (* Initial state of the grammar *) module Prim : sig open Util open Names open Libnames val preident : string Gram.Entry.e val ident : identifier Gram.Entry.e val name : name located Gram.Entry.e val identref : identifier located Gram.Entry.e val base_ident : identifier Gram.Entry.e val natural : int Gram.Entry.e val bigint : Bignat.bigint Gram.Entry.e val integer : int Gram.Entry.e val string : string Gram.Entry.e val qualid : qualid located Gram.Entry.e val reference : reference Gram.Entry.e val dirpath : dir_path Gram.Entry.e val astpat: typed_ast Gram.Entry.e val ast : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e val astlist : Coqast.t list Gram.Entry.e val ast_eoi : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e val var : identifier Gram.Entry.e end module Constr : sig val constr : constr_expr Gram.Entry.e val constr_eoi : constr_expr Gram.Entry.e val lconstr : constr_expr Gram.Entry.e val operconstr : constr_expr Gram.Entry.e val ident : identifier Gram.Entry.e val global : reference Gram.Entry.e val sort : rawsort Gram.Entry.e val pattern : cases_pattern_expr Gram.Entry.e val annot : constr_expr Gram.Entry.e val constr_pattern : constr_expr Gram.Entry.e val lconstr_pattern : constr_expr Gram.Entry.e val binder : (name located list * constr_expr) Gram.Entry.e val binder_let : local_binder Gram.Entry.e val tuple_constr : constr_expr Gram.Entry.e val tuple_pattern : cases_pattern_expr Gram.Entry.e end module Module : sig val module_expr : module_ast Gram.Entry.e val module_type : module_type_ast Gram.Entry.e end module Tactic : sig open Rawterm val castedopenconstr : constr_expr Gram.Entry.e val constr_with_bindings : constr_expr with_bindings Gram.Entry.e val constrarg : (constr_expr,reference) may_eval Gram.Entry.e val quantified_hypothesis : quantified_hypothesis Gram.Entry.e val int_or_var : int or_var Gram.Entry.e val red_expr : raw_red_expr Gram.Entry.e val simple_tactic : raw_atomic_tactic_expr Gram.Entry.e val tactic_arg : raw_tactic_arg Gram.Entry.e val tactic : raw_tactic_expr Gram.Entry.e val tactic_eoi : raw_tactic_expr Gram.Entry.e end module Vernac_ : sig open Decl_kinds val gallina : vernac_expr Gram.Entry.e val gallina_ext : vernac_expr Gram.Entry.e val command : vernac_expr Gram.Entry.e val syntax : vernac_expr Gram.Entry.e val vernac : vernac_expr Gram.Entry.e val vernac_eoi : vernac_expr Gram.Entry.e end val reset_all_grammars : unit -> unit (* Registering/resetting the level of an entry *) val find_position : bool -> Gramext.g_assoc option -> int option -> Gramext.position option * Gramext.g_assoc option * string option val remove_levels : int -> unit