(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* parsable; value tokens : string -> list (string * int); value glexer : Plexing.lexer te; value set_algorithm : parse_algorithm -> unit; module Entry : sig type e 'a = 'y; value create : string -> e 'a; value parse : e 'a -> parsable -> 'a; value parse_token : e 'a -> Stream.t te -> 'a; value name : e 'a -> string; value of_parser : string -> (Stream.t te -> 'a) -> e 'a; value print : Format.formatter -> e 'a -> unit; external obj : e 'a -> Gramext.g_entry te = "%identity"; end ; module Unsafe : sig value gram_reinit : Plexing.lexer te -> unit; value clear_entry : Entry.e 'a -> unit; end ; value extend : Entry.e 'a -> option Gramext.position -> list (option string * option Gramext.g_assoc * list (list (Gramext.g_symbol te) * Gramext.g_action)) -> unit; value delete_rule : Entry.e 'a -> list (Gramext.g_symbol te) -> unit; end *) type 'a entry = 'a Entry.e type internal_entry = Tok.t Gramext.g_entry type symbol = Tok.t Gramext.g_symbol type action = Gramext.g_action type production_rule = symbol list * action type single_extend_statment = string option * Gramext.g_assoc option * production_rule list type extend_statment = Gramext.position option * single_extend_statment list type coq_parsable val parsable : ?file:Loc.source -> char Stream.t -> coq_parsable val action : 'a -> action val entry_create : string -> 'a entry val entry_parse : 'a entry -> coq_parsable -> 'a val entry_print : Format.formatter -> 'a entry -> unit val with_parsable : coq_parsable -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b (* Apparently not used *) val srules' : production_rule list -> symbol val parse_tokens_after_filter : 'a entry -> Tok.t Stream.t -> 'a end with type 'a Entry.e = 'a Grammar.GMake(CLexer).Entry.e (** The parser of Coq is built from three kinds of rule declarations: - dynamic rules declared at the evaluation of Coq files (using e.g. Notation, Infix, or Tactic Notation) - static rules explicitly defined in files g_*.ml4 - static rules macro-generated by ARGUMENT EXTEND, TACTIC EXTEND and VERNAC EXTEND (see e.g. file extratactics.ml4) *) (** Dynamic extension of rules For constr notations, dynamic addition of new rules is done in several steps: - "x + y" (user gives a notation string of type Topconstr.notation) | (together with a constr entry level, e.g. 50, and indications of) | (subentries, e.g. x in constr next level and y constr same level) | | splitting into tokens by Metasyntax.split_notation_string V [String "x"; String "+"; String "y"] : symbol_token list | | interpreted as a mixed parsing/printing production | by Metasyntax.analyse_notation_tokens V [NonTerminal "x"; Terminal "+"; NonTerminal "y"] : symbol list | | translated to a parsing production by Metasyntax.make_production V [GramConstrNonTerminal (ETConstr (NextLevel,(BorderProd Left,LeftA)), Some "x"); GramConstrTerminal ("","+"); GramConstrNonTerminal (ETConstr (NextLevel,(BorderProd Right,LeftA)), Some "y")] : grammar_constr_prod_item list | | Egrammar.make_constr_prod_item V Gramext.g_symbol list which is sent to camlp4 For user level tactic notations, dynamic addition of new rules is also done in several steps: - "f" constr(x) (user gives a Tactic Notation command) | | parsing V [TacTerm "f"; TacNonTerm ("constr", Some "x")] : grammar_tactic_prod_item_expr list | | Metasyntax.interp_prod_item V [GramTerminal "f"; GramNonTerminal (ConstrArgType, Aentry ("constr","constr"), Some "x")] : grammar_prod_item list | | Egrammar.make_prod_item V Gramext.g_symbol list For TACTIC/VERNAC/ARGUMENT EXTEND, addition of new rules is done as follows: - "f" constr(x) (developer gives an EXTEND rule) | | macro-generation in tacextend.ml4/vernacextend.ml4/argextend.ml4 V [GramTerminal "f"; GramNonTerminal (ConstrArgType, Aentry ("constr","constr"), Some "x")] | | Egrammar.make_prod_item V Gramext.g_symbol list *) (** Temporarily activate camlp4 verbosity *) val camlp4_verbosity : bool -> ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit (** Parse a string *) val parse_string : 'a Gram.entry -> string -> 'a val eoi_entry : 'a Gram.entry -> 'a Gram.entry val map_entry : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a Gram.entry -> 'b Gram.entry type gram_universe val get_univ : string -> gram_universe val uprim : gram_universe val uconstr : gram_universe val utactic : gram_universe val uvernac : gram_universe val register_grammar : ('raw, 'glb, 'top) genarg_type -> 'raw Gram.entry -> unit val genarg_grammar : ('raw, 'glb, 'top) genarg_type -> 'raw Gram.entry val create_generic_entry : gram_universe -> string -> ('a, rlevel) abstract_argument_type -> 'a Gram.entry module Prim : sig open Names open Libnames val preident : string Gram.entry val ident : Id.t Gram.entry val name : Name.t located Gram.entry val identref : Id.t located Gram.entry val pidentref : (Id.t located * (Id.t located list) option) Gram.entry val ident_decl : ident_decl Gram.entry val pattern_ident : Id.t Gram.entry val pattern_identref : Id.t located Gram.entry val base_ident : Id.t Gram.entry val natural : int Gram.entry val bigint : Constrexpr.raw_natural_number Gram.entry val integer : int Gram.entry val string : string Gram.entry val lstring : string located Gram.entry val qualid : qualid located Gram.entry val fullyqualid : Id.t list located Gram.entry val reference : reference Gram.entry val by_notation : (string * string option) Loc.located Gram.entry val smart_global : reference or_by_notation Gram.entry val dirpath : DirPath.t Gram.entry val ne_string : string Gram.entry val ne_lstring : string located Gram.entry val var : Id.t located Gram.entry end module Constr : sig val constr : constr_expr Gram.entry val constr_eoi : constr_expr Gram.entry val lconstr : constr_expr Gram.entry val binder_constr : constr_expr Gram.entry val operconstr : constr_expr Gram.entry val ident : Id.t Gram.entry val global : reference Gram.entry val universe_level : glob_level Gram.entry val sort : glob_sort Gram.entry val sort_family : Sorts.family Gram.entry val pattern : cases_pattern_expr Gram.entry val constr_pattern : constr_expr Gram.entry val lconstr_pattern : constr_expr Gram.entry val closed_binder : local_binder_expr list Gram.entry val binder : local_binder_expr list Gram.entry (* closed_binder or variable *) val binders : local_binder_expr list Gram.entry (* list of binder *) val open_binders : local_binder_expr list Gram.entry val binders_fixannot : (local_binder_expr list * (Id.t located option * recursion_order_expr)) Gram.entry val typeclass_constraint : (Name.t located * bool * constr_expr) Gram.entry val record_declaration : constr_expr Gram.entry val appl_arg : (constr_expr * explicitation located option) Gram.entry end module Module : sig val module_expr : module_ast Gram.entry val module_type : module_ast Gram.entry end module Vernac_ : sig val gallina : vernac_expr Gram.entry val gallina_ext : vernac_expr Gram.entry val command : vernac_expr Gram.entry val syntax : vernac_expr Gram.entry val vernac : vernac_expr Gram.entry val rec_definition : (fixpoint_expr * decl_notation list) Gram.entry val vernac_eoi : vernac_expr Gram.entry val noedit_mode : vernac_expr Gram.entry val command_entry : vernac_expr Gram.entry val red_expr : raw_red_expr Gram.entry val hint_info : Vernacexpr.hint_info_expr Gram.entry end (** The main entry: reads an optional vernac command *) val main_entry : (Loc.t * vernac_expr) option Gram.entry (** Handling of the proof mode entry *) val get_command_entry : unit -> vernac_expr Gram.entry val set_command_entry : vernac_expr Gram.entry -> unit val epsilon_value : ('a -> 'self) -> ('self, 'a) Extend.symbol -> 'self option (** {5 Extending the parser without synchronization} *) type gram_reinit = gram_assoc * gram_position (** Type of reinitialization data *) val grammar_extend : 'a Gram.entry -> gram_reinit option -> 'a Extend.extend_statment -> unit (** Extend the grammar of Coq, without synchronizing it with the backtracking mechanism. This means that grammar extensions defined this way will survive an undo. *) (** {5 Extending the parser with summary-synchronized commands} *) module GramState : Store.S (** Auxiliary state of the grammar. Any added data must be marshallable. *) type 'a grammar_command (** Type of synchronized parsing extensions. The ['a] type should be marshallable. *) type extend_rule = | ExtendRule : 'a Gram.entry * gram_reinit option * 'a extend_statment -> extend_rule type 'a grammar_extension = 'a -> GramState.t -> extend_rule list * GramState.t (** Grammar extension entry point. Given some ['a] and a current grammar state, such a function must produce the list of grammar extensions that will be applied in the same order and kept synchronized w.r.t. the summary, together with a new state. It should be pure. *) val create_grammar_command : string -> 'a grammar_extension -> 'a grammar_command (** Create a new grammar-modifying command with the given name. The extension function is called to generate the rules for a given data. *) val extend_grammar_command : 'a grammar_command -> 'a -> unit (** Extend the grammar of Coq with the given data. *) val recover_grammar_command : 'a grammar_command -> 'a list (** Recover the current stack of grammar extensions. *) val with_grammar_rule_protection : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b (** Location Utils *) val to_coqloc : Ploc.t -> Loc.t val (!@) : Ploc.t -> Loc.t