(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* ()); Token.tparse = Lexer.tparse; Token.text = Lexer.token_text } module L = struct let lexer = lexer end (* The parser of Coq *) module G = Grammar.Make(L) let grammar_delete e rls = List.iter (fun (_,_,lev) -> List.iter (fun (pil,_) -> G.delete_rule e pil) (List.rev lev)) (List.rev rls) (* grammar_object is the superclass of all grammar entry *) module type Gramobj = sig type grammar_object val weaken_entry : 'a G.Entry.e -> grammar_object G.Entry.e end module Gramobj : Gramobj = struct type grammar_object = Obj.t let weaken_entry e = Obj.magic e end type grammar_object = Gramobj.grammar_object type typed_entry = entry_type * grammar_object G.Entry.e let in_typed_entry t e = (t,Gramobj.weaken_entry e) let type_of_typed_entry (t,e) = t let object_of_typed_entry (t,e) = e let weaken_entry x = Gramobj.weaken_entry x module type Gramtypes = sig open Decl_kinds val inGramObj : 'a raw_abstract_argument_type -> 'a G.Entry.e -> typed_entry val outGramObj : 'a raw_abstract_argument_type -> typed_entry -> 'a G.Entry.e end module Gramtypes : Gramtypes = struct let inGramObj rawwit = in_typed_entry (unquote rawwit) let outGramObj (a:'a raw_abstract_argument_type) o = if type_of_typed_entry o <> unquote a then anomaly "outGramObj: wrong type"; (* downcast from grammar_object *) Obj.magic (object_of_typed_entry o) end open Gramtypes type ext_kind = | ByGrammar of grammar_object G.Entry.e * Gramext.position option * (string option * Gramext.g_assoc option * (Token.t Gramext.g_symbol list * Gramext.g_action) list) list | ByGEXTEND of (unit -> unit) * (unit -> unit) let camlp4_state = ref [] (* The apparent parser of Coq; encapsulate G to keep track of the extensions. *) module Gram = struct type te = Token.t type parsable = G.parsable let parsable = G.parsable let tokens = G.tokens module Entry = G.Entry module Unsafe = G.Unsafe let extend e pos rls = camlp4_state := (ByGEXTEND ((fun () -> grammar_delete e rls), (fun () -> G.extend e pos rls))) :: !camlp4_state; G.extend e pos rls let delete_rule e pil = errorlabstrm "Pcoq.delete_rule" (str "GDELETE_RULE forbidden.") end let camlp4_verbosity silent f x = let a = !Gramext.warning_verbose in Gramext.warning_verbose := silent; f x; Gramext.warning_verbose := a (* This extension command is used by the Grammar constr *) let grammar_extend te pos rls = camlp4_state := ByGrammar (Gramobj.weaken_entry te,pos,rls) :: !camlp4_state; camlp4_verbosity (Options.is_verbose ()) (G.extend te pos) rls (* n is the number of extended entries (not the number of Grammar commands!) to remove. *) let rec remove_grammars n = if n>0 then (match !camlp4_state with | [] -> anomaly "Pcoq.remove_grammars: too many rules to remove" | ByGrammar(g,_,rls)::t -> grammar_delete g rls; camlp4_state := t; remove_grammars (n-1) | ByGEXTEND (undo,redo)::t -> undo(); camlp4_state := t; remove_grammars n; redo(); camlp4_state := ByGEXTEND (undo,redo) :: !camlp4_state) (* An entry that checks we reached the end of the input. *) let eoi_entry en = let e = Gram.Entry.create ((Gram.Entry.name en) ^ "_eoi") in GEXTEND Gram e: [ [ x = en; EOI -> x ] ] ; END; e let map_entry f en = let e = Gram.Entry.create ((Gram.Entry.name en) ^ "_map") in GEXTEND Gram e: [ [ x = en -> f x ] ] ; END; e (* Parse a string, does NOT check if the entire string was read (use eoi_entry) *) let parse_string f x = let strm = Stream.of_string x in Gram.Entry.parse f (Gram.parsable strm) type gram_universe = (string, typed_entry) Hashtbl.t let trace = ref false (* The univ_tab is not part of the state. It contains all the grammar that exist or have existed before in the session. *) let univ_tab = (Hashtbl.create 7 : (string, string * gram_universe) Hashtbl.t) let create_univ s = let u = s, Hashtbl.create 29 in Hashtbl.add univ_tab s u; u let uprim = create_univ "prim" let uconstr = create_univ "constr" let umodule = create_univ "module" let utactic = create_univ "tactic" let uvernac = create_univ "vernac" let create_univ_if_new s = (* compatibilite *) let s = if s = "command" then (warning "'command' grammar universe is obsolete; use name 'constr' instead"; "constr") else s in try Hashtbl.find univ_tab s with Not_found -> if !trace then begin Printf.eprintf "[Creating univ %s]\n" s; flush stderr; () end; let u = s, Hashtbl.create 29 in Hashtbl.add univ_tab s u; u let get_univ = create_univ_if_new let get_entry (u, utab) s = try Hashtbl.find utab s with Not_found -> errorlabstrm "Pcoq.get_entry" (str "unknown grammar entry " ++ str u ++ str ":" ++ str s) let new_entry etyp (u, utab) s = let ename = u ^ ":" ^ s in let e = in_typed_entry etyp (Gram.Entry.create ename) in Hashtbl.add utab s e; e let entry_type (u, utab) s = try let e = Hashtbl.find utab s in Some (type_of_typed_entry e) with Not_found -> None let get_entry_type (u,n) = type_of_typed_entry (get_entry (get_univ u) n) let create_entry_if_new (u, utab) s etyp = try if type_of_typed_entry (Hashtbl.find utab s) <> etyp then failwith ("Entry " ^ u ^ ":" ^ s ^ " already exists with another type") with Not_found -> if !trace then begin Printf.eprintf "[Creating entry %s:%s]\n" u s; flush stderr; () end; let _ = new_entry etyp (u, utab) s in () let create_entry (u, utab) s etyp = try let e = Hashtbl.find utab s in if type_of_typed_entry e <> etyp then failwith ("Entry " ^ u ^ ":" ^ s ^ " already exists with another type"); e with Not_found -> if !trace then begin Printf.eprintf "[Creating entry %s:%s]\n" u s; flush stderr; () end; new_entry etyp (u, utab) s let create_constr_entry u s = outGramObj rawwit_constr (create_entry u s ConstrArgType) let create_generic_entry s wit = let (u,utab) = utactic in let etyp = unquote wit in try let e = Hashtbl.find utab s in if type_of_typed_entry e <> etyp then failwith ("Entry " ^ u ^ ":" ^ s ^ " already exists with another type"); outGramObj wit e with Not_found -> if !trace then begin Printf.eprintf "[Creating entry %s:%s]\n" u s; flush stderr; () end; let e = Gram.Entry.create s in Hashtbl.add utab s (inGramObj wit e); e let get_generic_entry s = let (u,utab) = utactic in try object_of_typed_entry (Hashtbl.find utab s) with Not_found -> error ("unknown grammar entry "^u^":"^s) let get_generic_entry_type (u,utab) s = try type_of_typed_entry (Hashtbl.find utab s) with Not_found -> error ("unknown grammar entry "^u^":"^s) let force_entry_type (u, utab) s etyp = try let entry = Hashtbl.find utab s in let extyp = type_of_typed_entry entry in if etyp = extyp then entry else begin prerr_endline ("Grammar entry " ^ u ^ ":" ^ s ^ " redefined with another type;\n older entry hidden."); Hashtbl.remove utab s; new_entry etyp (u, utab) s end with Not_found -> new_entry etyp (u, utab) s (* [make_gen_entry] builds entries extensible by giving its name (a string) *) (* For entries extensible only via the ML name, Gram.Entry.create is enough *) let make_gen_entry (u,univ) rawwit s = let e = Gram.Entry.create (u ^ ":" ^ s) in Hashtbl.add univ s (inGramObj rawwit e); e (* Grammar entries *) module Prim = struct let gec_gen x = make_gen_entry uprim x (* Entries that can be refered via the string -> Gram.Entry.e table *) (* Typically for tactic or vernac extensions *) let preident = gec_gen rawwit_pre_ident "preident" let ident = gec_gen rawwit_ident "ident" let natural = gec_gen rawwit_int "natural" let integer = gec_gen rawwit_int "integer" let bigint = Gram.Entry.create "Prim.bigint" let string = gec_gen rawwit_string "string" let reference = make_gen_entry uprim rawwit_ref "reference" (* A synonym of ident, for compatibility *) let var = gec_gen rawwit_ident "var" let name = Gram.Entry.create "Prim.name" let identref = Gram.Entry.create "Prim.identref" (* A synonym of ident - maybe ident will be located one day *) let base_ident = Gram.Entry.create "Prim.base_ident" let qualid = Gram.Entry.create "Prim.qualid" let dirpath = Gram.Entry.create "Prim.dirpath" (* For old ast printer *) let astpat = Gram.Entry.create "Prim.astpat" let ast = Gram.Entry.create "Prim.ast" let astlist = Gram.Entry.create "Prim.astlist" let ast_eoi = eoi_entry ast let astact = Gram.Entry.create "Prim.astact" end module Constr = struct let gec_constr = make_gen_entry uconstr rawwit_constr let gec_constr_list = make_gen_entry uconstr (wit_list0 rawwit_constr) (* Entries that can be refered via the string -> Gram.Entry.e table *) let constr = gec_constr "constr" let operconstr = gec_constr "operconstr" let constr_eoi = eoi_entry constr let lconstr = gec_constr "lconstr" let ident = make_gen_entry uconstr rawwit_ident "ident" let global = make_gen_entry uconstr rawwit_ref "global" let sort = make_gen_entry uconstr rawwit_sort "sort" let pattern = Gram.Entry.create "constr:pattern" let annot = Gram.Entry.create "constr:annot" let constr_pattern = gec_constr "constr_pattern" let binder_let = Gram.Entry.create "constr:binder_list" let tuple_constr = gec_constr "tuple_constr" end module Module = struct let module_expr = Gram.Entry.create "module_expr" let module_type = Gram.Entry.create "module_type" end module Tactic = struct (* Main entry for extensions *) let simple_tactic = Gram.Entry.create "tactic:simple_tactic" (* Entries that can be refered via the string -> Gram.Entry.e table *) (* Typically for tactic user extensions *) let castedopenconstr = make_gen_entry utactic rawwit_casted_open_constr "castedopenconstr" let constr_with_bindings = make_gen_entry utactic rawwit_constr_with_bindings "constr_with_bindings" let constrarg = make_gen_entry utactic rawwit_constr_may_eval "constrarg" let quantified_hypothesis = make_gen_entry utactic rawwit_quant_hyp "quantified_hypothesis" let int_or_var = make_gen_entry utactic rawwit_int_or_var "int_or_var" let red_expr = make_gen_entry utactic rawwit_red_expr "red_expr" (* Main entries for ltac *) let tactic_arg = Gram.Entry.create "tactic:tactic_arg" let tactic = make_gen_entry utactic rawwit_tactic "tactic" (* Main entry for quotations *) let tactic_eoi = eoi_entry tactic end module Vernac_ = struct let gec_vernac s = Gram.Entry.create ("vernac:" ^ s) (* The different kinds of vernacular commands *) let gallina = gec_vernac "gallina" let gallina_ext = gec_vernac "gallina_ext" let command = gec_vernac "command" let syntax = gec_vernac "syntax_command" let vernac = gec_vernac "Vernac_.vernac" let vernac_eoi = eoi_entry vernac end (* Prim is not re-initialized *) let reset_all_grammars () = let f = Gram.Unsafe.clear_entry in List.iter f [Constr.constr;Constr.operconstr;Constr.lconstr;Constr.annot; Constr.constr_pattern]; f Constr.ident; f Constr.global; f Constr.sort; f Constr.pattern; f Module.module_expr; f Module.module_type; f Tactic.simple_tactic; f Tactic.castedopenconstr; f Tactic.constr_with_bindings; f Tactic.constrarg; f Tactic.quantified_hypothesis; f Tactic.int_or_var; f Tactic.red_expr; f Tactic.tactic_arg; f Tactic.tactic; f Vernac_.gallina; f Vernac_.gallina_ext; f Vernac_.command; f Vernac_.syntax; f Vernac_.vernac; Lexer.init() let main_entry = Gram.Entry.create "vernac" GEXTEND Gram main_entry: [ [ a = Vernac_.vernac -> Some (loc,a) | EOI -> None ] ] ; END (* Quotations *) open Prim open Constr open Tactic open Vernac_ (* current file and toplevel/vernac.ml *) let globalizer = ref (fun x -> failwith "No globalizer") let set_globalizer f = globalizer := f let define_ast_quotation default s (e:Coqast.t G.Entry.e) = (if default then GEXTEND Gram ast: [ [ "<<"; c = e; ">>" -> c ] ]; (* Uncomment this to keep compatibility with old grammar syntax constr: [ [ "<<"; c = e; ">>" -> c ] ]; vernac: [ [ "<<"; c = e; ">>" -> c ] ]; tactic: [ [ "<<"; c = e; ">>" -> c ] ]; *) END); (GEXTEND Gram GLOBAL: ast constr command tactic; ast: [ [ "<:"; IDENT $s$; ":<"; c = e; ">>" -> c ] ]; (* Uncomment this to keep compatibility with old grammar syntax constr: [ [ "<:"; IDENT $s$; ":<"; c = e; ">>" -> c ] ]; command: [ [ "<:"; IDENT $s$; ":<"; c = e; ">>" -> c ] ]; tactic: [ [ "<:"; IDENT $s$; ":<"; c = e; ">>" -> c ] ]; *) END) (* let _ = define_ast_quotation false "ast" ast in () *) let dynconstr = Gram.Entry.create "Constr.dynconstr" let dyncasespattern = Gram.Entry.create "Constr.dyncasespattern" GEXTEND Gram dynconstr: [ [ a = Constr.constr -> ConstrNode a (* For compatibility *) | "<<"; a = Constr.lconstr; ">>" -> ConstrNode a ] ] ; dyncasespattern: [ [ a = Constr.pattern -> CasesPatternNode a ] ]; END (**********************************************************************) (* The following is to dynamically set the parser in Grammar actions *) (* and Syntax pattern, according to the universe of the rule defined *) type parser_type = | ConstrParser | CasesPatternParser let default_action_parser_ref = ref dynconstr let get_default_action_parser () = !default_action_parser_ref let entry_type_of_parser = function | ConstrParser -> Some ConstrArgType | CasesPatternParser -> failwith "entry_type_of_parser: cases_pattern, TODO" let parser_type_from_name = function | "constr" -> ConstrParser | "cases_pattern" -> CasesPatternParser | "tactic" -> assert false | "vernac" -> error "No longer supported" | s -> ConstrParser let set_default_action_parser = function | ConstrParser -> default_action_parser_ref := dynconstr | CasesPatternParser -> default_action_parser_ref := dyncasespattern let default_action_parser = Gram.Entry.of_parser "default_action_parser" (fun strm -> Gram.Entry.parse_token (get_default_action_parser ()) strm) (**********************************************************************) (* This determines (depending on the associativity of the current level and on the expected associativity) if a reference to constr_n is a reference to the current level (to be translated into "SELF" on the left border and into "constr LEVEL n" elsewhere), to the level below (to be translated into "NEXT") or to an below wrt associativity (to be translated in camlp4 into "constr" without level) or to another level (to be translated into "constr LEVEL n") *) (* Camlp4 levels do not treat NonA: use RightA with a NEXT on the left *) let camlp4_assoc = function | Some Gramext.NonA | Some Gramext.RightA -> Gramext.RightA | None | Some Gramext.LeftA -> Gramext.LeftA (* [adjust_level assoc from prod] where [assoc] and [from] are the name and associativity of the level where to add the rule; the meaning of the result is None = SELF Some None = NEXT Some (Some (n,cur)) = constr LEVEL n s.t. if [cur] is set then [n] is the same as the [from] level *) let adjust_level assoc from = function (* Associativity is None means force the level *) | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (_,None)) -> Some (Some (n,true)) (* Compute production name on the right side *) (* If NonA or LeftA on the right-hand side, set to NEXT *) | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (false,Some (Gramext.NonA|Gramext.LeftA))) -> Some None (* If RightA on the right-hand side, set to the explicit (current) level *) | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (false,Some Gramext.RightA)) -> Some (Some (n,true)) (* Compute production name on the left side *) (* If NonA on the left-hand side, adopt the current assoc ?? *) | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (true,Some Gramext.NonA)) -> None (* If the expected assoc is the current one, set to SELF *) | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (true,Some a)) when a = camlp4_assoc assoc -> None (* Otherwise, force the level, n or n-1, according to expected assoc *) | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (true,Some a)) -> if a = Gramext.LeftA then Some (Some (n,true)) else Some None (* None means NEXT *) | (NextLevel,_) -> Some None (* Compute production name elsewhere *) | (NumLevel n,InternalProd) -> match from with | ETConstr (p,()) when p = n+1 -> Some None | ETConstr (p,()) -> Some (Some (n,n=p)) | _ -> Some (Some (n,false)) (* (* If NonA on the right-hand side, set to NEXT *) | (n,BorderProd (false,Some Gramext.NonA)) -> Some None (* If NonA on the left-hand side, adopt the current assoc ?? *) | (n,BorderProd (true,Some Gramext.NonA)) -> None (* Associativity is None means force the level *) | (n,BorderProd (_,None)) -> Some (Some (n,true)) (* If left assoc at a left level, set NEXT on the right *) | (n,BorderProd (false,Some (Gramext.LeftA as a))) when Gramext.LeftA = camlp4_assoc assoc -> Some None (* If right or none assoc expected is the current assoc, set explicit level on the right side *) | (n,BorderProd (false,Some a)) when a = camlp4_assoc assoc -> Some (Some (n,true)) (* If the expected assoc is the current one, SELF on the left sides *) | (n,BorderProd (true,Some a)) when a = camlp4_assoc assoc -> None (* Otherwise, force the level, n or n-1, according to expected assoc *) | (n,BorderProd (left,Some a)) -> if (left & a = Gramext.LeftA) or ((not left) & a = Gramext.RightA) then Some (Some (n,true)) else Some (Some (n-1,false)) (* | (8,InternalProd) -> None (* Or (Some 8) for factorization ? *)*) | (n,InternalProd) -> match from with | ETConstr (p,()) when p = n+1 -> Some None | ETConstr (p,()) -> Some (Some (n,n=p)) | _ -> Some (Some (n,false)) *) let compute_entry allow_create adjust = function | ETConstr (n,q) -> weaken_entry Constr.operconstr, adjust (n,q), false | ETIdent -> weaken_entry Constr.ident, None, false | ETBigint -> weaken_entry Prim.bigint, None, false | ETReference -> weaken_entry Constr.global, None, false | ETPattern -> weaken_entry Constr.pattern, None, false | ETOther ("constr","annot") -> weaken_entry Constr.annot, None, false | ETOther (u,n) -> let u = get_univ u in let e = try get_entry u n with e when allow_create -> create_entry u n ConstrArgType in object_of_typed_entry e, None, true (* This computes the name of the level where to add a new rule *) let get_constr_entry en = match en with ETConstr(200,()) when not !Options.v7 -> snd (get_entry (get_univ "constr") "binder_constr"), None, false | ETConstr(250,()) when not !Options.v7 -> weaken_entry Constr.tuple_constr, (* snd (get_entry (get_univ "constr") "tuple_constr"),*) None, false | _ -> compute_entry true (fun (n,()) -> Some n) en (* This computes the name to give to a production knowing the name and associativity of the level where it must be added *) let get_constr_production_entry ass from en = (* first 2 cases to help factorisation *) match en with | ETConstr (NumLevel 10,q) when !Options.v7 -> weaken_entry Constr.lconstr, None, false (* | ETConstr (8,q) when !Options.v7 -> weaken_entry Constr.constr, None, false *) | _ -> compute_entry false (adjust_level ass from) en let assoc_level = function | Some Gramext.LeftA -> "L" | _ -> "" let constr_level = function | n,assoc -> (string_of_int n)^(assoc_level assoc) let constr_prod_level assoc cur lev = if cur then constr_level (lev,assoc) else match lev with | 4 when !Options.v7 -> "4L" | n -> string_of_int n let is_self from e = match from, e with ETConstr(n,()), ETConstr(NumLevel n', BorderProd(false, _ (* Some(Gramext.NonA|Gramext.LeftA) *))) -> false | ETConstr(n,()), ETConstr(NumLevel n',BorderProd(true,_)) -> n=n' | (ETIdent,ETIdent | ETReference, ETReference | ETBigint,ETBigint | ETPattern, ETPattern) -> true | ETOther(s1,s2), ETOther(s1',s2') -> s1=s1' & s2=s2' | _ -> false let is_binder_level from e = match from, e with ETConstr(200,()), ETConstr(NumLevel 200,_) -> not !Options.v7 | _ -> false let symbol_of_production assoc from typ = if is_binder_level from typ then let eobj = snd (get_entry (get_univ "constr") "operconstr") in Gramext.Snterml (Gram.Entry.obj eobj,"200") else if is_self from typ then Gramext.Sself else match get_constr_production_entry assoc from typ with | (eobj,None,_) -> Gramext.Snterm (Gram.Entry.obj eobj) | (eobj,Some None,_) -> Gramext.Snext | (eobj,Some (Some (lev,cur)),_) -> Gramext.Snterml (Gram.Entry.obj eobj,constr_prod_level assoc cur lev)