(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* None with | Some tt' -> CharMap.add c (insert tt' (i + 1)) (CharMap.remove c tt.branch) | None -> let tt' = {node = None; branch = CharMap.empty} in CharMap.add c (insert tt' (i + 1)) tt.branch in { node = tt.node; branch = br } in insert ttree 0 (* Search a string in a dictionary: raises [Not_found] if the word is not present. *) let ttree_find ttree str = let rec proc_rec tt i = if i == String.length str then match tt.node with | Some s -> s | None -> raise Not_found else proc_rec (CharMap.find str.[i] tt.branch) (i+1) in proc_rec ttree 0 (* Lexer conventions on tokens *) type error = | Illegal_character | Unterminated_comment | Unterminated_string | Undefined_token | Bad_token of string exception Error of error let bad_token str = raise (Error (Bad_token str)) let check_special_token str = let rec loop_symb = parser | [< ' (' ' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t' | '"') >] -> bad_token str | [< _ = Stream.empty >] -> () | [< '_ ; s >] -> loop_symb s in loop_symb (Stream.of_string str) let check_ident str = let first_letter = function (''' | '0'..'9') -> false | _ -> true in let rec loop_id = parser | [< ' ('$' | 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' | ''' | '_'); s >] -> loop_id s (* Greek utf-8 letters [CE80-CEBF and CF80-CFBF] (CE=206; BF=191) *) | [< ' ('\206' | '\207'); ' ('\128'..'\191'); s >] -> loop_id s | [< ''\226'; 'c2; 'c3; s >] -> (match c2, c3 with (* utf8 letter-like unicode 2100-214F *) | (('\132', '\128'..'\191') | ('\133', '\128'..'\143')) -> loop_id s (* utf8 symbols (see [parse_226_tail]) *) | (('\134'..'\143' | '\152'..'\155' | '\164'..'\165' | '\168'..'\171'),_) -> bad_token str | _ -> (* default to iso 8859-1 "â" *) if !Options.v7 then loop_id [< 'c2; 'c3; s >] else bad_token str) (* iso 8859-1 accentuated letters *) | [< ' ('\192'..'\214' | '\216'..'\246' | '\248'..'\255'); s >] -> if !Options.v7 then loop_id s else bad_token str | [< _ = Stream.empty >] -> () | [< >] -> bad_token str in if String.length str > 0 && first_letter str.[0] then loop_id (Stream.of_string str) else bad_token str let check_keyword str = try check_special_token str with Error _ -> check_ident str (* Keyword and symbol dictionary *) let token_tree = ref empty_ttree let find_keyword s = ttree_find !token_tree s let is_keyword s = try let _ = ttree_find !token_tree s in true with Not_found -> false let add_keyword str = check_keyword str; token_tree := ttree_add !token_tree str (* Adding a new token (keyword or special token). *) let add_token (con, str) = match con with | "" -> add_keyword str | "METAIDENT" | "IDENT" | "FIELD" | "INT" | "STRING" | "EOI" -> () | _ -> raise (Token.Error ("\ the constructor \"" ^ con ^ "\" is not recognized by Lexer")) (* Freeze and unfreeze the state of the lexer *) type frozen_t = ttree let freeze () = !token_tree let unfreeze tt = token_tree := tt let init () = unfreeze empty_ttree let _ = init() (* Errors occuring while lexing (explained as "Lexer error: ...") *) let err loc str = Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc (Error str) (* The string buffering machinery *) let buff = ref (String.create 80) let store len x = if len >= String.length !buff then buff := !buff ^ String.create (String.length !buff); !buff.[len] <- x; succ len let mstore len s = let rec add_rec len i = if i == String.length s then len else add_rec (store len s.[i]) (succ i) in add_rec len 0 let get_buff len = String.sub !buff 0 len (* The classical lexer: idents, numbers, quoted strings, comments *) let rec ident_tail len strm = if !Options.v7 then match strm with parser | [< ' ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' | ''' | '_' | '@' as c); s >] -> ident_tail (store len c) s (* Greek utf-8 letters [CE80-CEBF and CF80-CFBF] (CE=206; BF=191) *) | [< ' ('\206' | '\207' as c1); ' ('\128'..'\191' as c2) ; s >] -> ident_tail (store (store len c1) c2) s (* iso 8859-1 accentuated letters *) | [< ' ('\192'..'\214' | '\216'..'\246' | '\248'..'\255' as c); s >] -> ident_tail (store len c) s | [< >] -> len else match strm with parser | [< ' ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' | ''' | '_' as c); s >] -> ident_tail (store len c) s (* Greek utf-8 letters [CE80-CEBF and CF80-CFBF] (CE=206; BF=191) *) | [< ' ('\206' | '\207' as c1); ' ('\128'..'\191' as c2) ; s >] -> ident_tail (store (store len c1) c2) s | [< >] -> len let rec number len = parser | [< ' ('0'..'9' as c); s >] -> number (store len c) s | [< >] -> len let escape len c = store len c let rec string_v8 bp len = parser | [< ''"'; esc=(parser [<''"' >] -> true | [< >] -> false); s >] -> if esc then string_v8 bp (store len '"') s else len | [< 'c; s >] -> string_v8 bp (store len c) s | [< _ = Stream.empty >] ep -> err (bp, ep) Unterminated_string let rec string_v7 bp len = parser | [< ''"' >] -> len | [< ''\\'; c = (parser [< ' ('"' | '\\' as c) >] -> c | [< >] -> '\\'); s >] -> string_v7 bp (escape len c) s | [< _ = Stream.empty >] ep -> err (bp, ep) Unterminated_string | [< 'c; s >] -> string_v7 bp (store len c) s let string bp len s = if !Options.v7 then string_v7 bp len s else string_v8 bp len s (* Utilities for comment translation *) let comment_begin = ref None let comm_loc bp = if !comment_begin=None then comment_begin := Some bp let current = ref "" let between_com = ref true type com_state = int option * string * bool let restore_com_state (o,s,b) = comment_begin := o; current := s; between_com := b let dflt_com = (None,"",true) let com_state () = let s = (!comment_begin, !current, !between_com) in restore_com_state dflt_com; s let real_push_char c = current := !current ^ String.make 1 c (* Add a char if it is between two commands, if it is a newline or if the last char is not a space itself. *) let push_char c = if !between_com || List.mem c ['\n';'\r'] || (List.mem c [' ';'\t']&& (String.length !current=0 || not (List.mem !current.[String.length !current - 1] [' ';'\t';'\n';'\r']))) then real_push_char c let push_string s = current := !current ^ s let null_comment s = let rec null i = i<0 || (List.mem s.[i] [' ';'\t';'\n';'\r'] && null (i-1)) in null (String.length s - 1) let comment_stop ep = (if Options.do_translate() && !current <> "" && (!between_com || not(null_comment !current)) then let bp = match !comment_begin with Some bp -> bp | None -> msgerrnl(str"No begin location for comment '"++str !current++str"' ending at "++int ep); ep-1 in Pp.comments := ((bp,ep),!current) :: !Pp.comments); current := ""; comment_begin := None; between_com := false (* Does not unescape!!! *) let rec comm_string bp = parser | [< ''"' >] -> push_string "\"" | [< ''\\'; _ = (parser [< ' ('"' | '\\' as c) >] -> if c='"' then real_push_char c; real_push_char c | [< >] -> real_push_char '\\'); s >] -> comm_string bp s | [< _ = Stream.empty >] ep -> err (bp, ep) Unterminated_string | [< 'c; s >] -> real_push_char c; comm_string bp s let rec comment bp = parser bp2 | [< ''('; _ = (parser | [< ''*'; s >] -> push_string "(*"; comment bp s | [< >] -> push_string "(" ); s >] -> comment bp s | [< ''*'; _ = parser | [< '')' >] ep -> push_string "*)" | [< s >] -> real_push_char '*'; comment bp s >] -> () | [< ''"'; s >] -> if Options.do_translate() then (push_string"\"";comm_string bp2 s) else ignore (string bp2 0 s); comment bp s | [< _ = Stream.empty >] ep -> err (bp, ep) Unterminated_comment | [< '_ as z; s >] ep -> real_push_char z; comment bp s (* Parse a special token, using the [token_tree] *) let progress_special c = function | None -> None | Some tt -> try Some (CharMap.find c tt.branch) with Not_found -> None let rec special tt cs = match tt with | None -> None | Some tt -> match match Stream.peek cs with | Some c -> (try Some (CharMap.find c tt.branch) with Not_found -> None) | None -> None with | Some _ as tt' -> Stream.junk cs; special tt' cs | None -> tt.node let process_chars bp c cs = let t = try special (Some (CharMap.find c !token_tree.branch)) cs with Not_found -> !token_tree.node in let ep = Stream.count cs in match t with | Some t -> (("", t), (bp, ep)) | None -> err (bp, ep) Undefined_token type token_226_tail = | TokSymbol of string option | TokIdent of string let parse_226_tail tk = parser | [< ''\132' as c2; ' ('\128'..'\191' as c3); (* utf8 letter-like unicode 2100-214F *) len = ident_tail (store (store (store 0 '\226') c2) c3) >] -> TokIdent (get_buff len) | [< ''\133' as c2; ' ('\128'..'\143' as c3); (* utf8 letter-like unicode 2100-214F *) len = ident_tail (store (store (store 0 '\226') c2) c3) >] -> TokIdent (get_buff len) | [< ' ('\134'..'\143' | '\152'..'\155' | '\164'..'\165' | '\168'..'\171' as c2); 'c3; (* utf8 arrows A unicode 2190-21FF *) (* utf8 mathematical operators unicode 2200-22FF *) (* utf8 miscellaneous technical unicode 2300-23FF *) (* utf8 miscellaneous symbols unicode 2600-26FF *) (* utf8 arrows B unicode 2900-297F *) (* utf8 mathematical operators unicode 2A00-2AFF *) t = special (progress_special c3 (progress_special c2 (progress_special '\226' tk))) >] -> TokSymbol t | [< len = ident_tail (store 0 '\226') >] -> TokIdent (get_buff len) (* Parse what follows a dot *) let parse_after_dot bp c strm = if !Options.v7 then match strm with parser | [< ' ('_' | 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' as c); len = ident_tail (store 0 c) >] -> ("FIELD", get_buff len) (* Greek utf-8 letters [CE80-CEBF and CF80-CFBF] (CE=206; BF=191) *) | [< ' ('\206' | '\207' as c1); ' ('\128'..'\191' as c2); len = ident_tail (store (store 0 c1) c2) >] -> ("FIELD", get_buff len) (* utf-8 mathematical symbols have format E2 xx xx [E2=226] *) | [< ''\226' as c1; t = parse_226_tail (progress_special '.' (Some !token_tree)) >] ep -> (match t with | TokSymbol (Some t) -> ("", t) | TokSymbol None -> err (bp, ep) Undefined_token | TokIdent t -> ("FIELD", t)) (* iso 8859-1 accentuated letters *) | [< ' ('\192'..'\214' | '\216'..'\246' | '\248'..'\255' as c); len = ident_tail (store 0 c) >] -> ("FIELD", get_buff len) | [< (t,_) = process_chars bp c >] -> t else match strm with parser | [< ' ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' as c); len = ident_tail (store 0 c) >] -> ("FIELD", get_buff len) (* Greek utf-8 letters [CE80-CEBF and CF80-CFBF] (CE=206; BF=191) *) | [< ' ('\206' | '\207' as c1); ' ('\128'..'\191' as c2); len = ident_tail (store (store 0 c1) c2) >] -> ("FIELD", get_buff len) (* utf-8 mathematical symbols have format E2 xx xx [E2=226] *) | [< ''\226' as c1; t = parse_226_tail (progress_special '.' (Some !token_tree)) >] ep -> (match t with | TokSymbol (Some t) -> ("", t) | TokSymbol None -> err (bp, ep) Undefined_token | TokIdent t -> ("FIELD", t)) | [< (t,_) = process_chars bp c >] -> t (* Parse a token in a char stream *) let rec next_token = parser bp | [< '' ' | '\t' | '\n' |'\r' as c; s >] ep -> comm_loc bp; push_char c; next_token s | [< ''$'; len = ident_tail (store 0 '$') >] ep -> comment_stop bp; (("METAIDENT", get_buff len), (bp,ep)) | [< ''.' as c; t = parse_after_dot bp c >] ep -> comment_stop bp; if !Options.v7 & t=("",".") then between_com := true; (t, (bp,ep)) | [< ' ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' as c); len = ident_tail (store 0 c) >] ep -> let id = get_buff len in comment_stop bp; (try ("", find_keyword id) with Not_found -> ("IDENT", id)), (bp, ep) (* Greek utf-8 letters [CE80-CEBF and CF80-CFBF] (CE=206; BF=191) *) | [< ' ('\206' | '\207' as c1); ' ('\128'..'\191' as c2); len = ident_tail (store (store 0 c1) c2) >] ep -> let id = get_buff len in comment_stop bp; (try ("", find_keyword id) with Not_found -> ("IDENT", id)), (bp, ep) (* utf-8 mathematical symbols have format E2 xx xx [E2=226] *) | [< ''\226' as c1; t = parse_226_tail (Some !token_tree) >] ep -> comment_stop bp; (match t with | TokSymbol (Some t) -> ("", t), (bp, ep) | TokSymbol None -> err (bp, ep) Undefined_token | TokIdent id -> (try ("", find_keyword id) with Not_found -> ("IDENT", id)), (bp, ep)) (* iso 8859-1 accentuated letters *) | [< ' ('\192'..'\214' | '\216'..'\246' | '\248'..'\255' as c) ; s >] -> if !Options.v7 then begin match s with parser [< len = ident_tail (store 0 c) >] ep -> let id = get_buff len in comment_stop bp; (try ("", find_keyword id) with Not_found -> ("IDENT", id)), (bp, ep) end else begin match s with parser [< t = process_chars bp c >] -> comment_stop bp; t end | [< ' ('0'..'9' as c); len = number (store 0 c) >] ep -> comment_stop bp; (("INT", get_buff len), (bp, ep)) | [< ''\"'; len = string bp 0 >] ep -> comment_stop bp; (("STRING", get_buff len), (bp, ep)) | [< ' ('(' as c); t = parser | [< ''*'; s >] -> comm_loc bp; push_string "(*"; comment bp s; next_token s | [< t = process_chars bp c >] -> comment_stop bp; t >] -> t | [< 'c; t = process_chars bp c >] -> comment_stop bp; t | [< _ = Stream.empty >] -> comment_stop bp; (("EOI", ""), (bp, bp + 1)) (* Location table system for creating tables associating a token count to its location in a char stream (the source) *) let locerr () = invalid_arg "Lexer: location function" let loct_create () = ref (Array.create 1024 None) let loct_func loct i = match if i < 0 || i >= Array.length !loct then None else Array.unsafe_get !loct i with | Some loc -> loc | _ -> locerr () let loct_add loct i loc = if i >= Array.length !loct then begin let new_tmax = Array.length !loct * 2 in let new_loct = Array.create new_tmax None in Array.blit !loct 0 new_loct 0 (Array.length !loct); loct := new_loct end; !loct.(i) <- Some loc let current_location_table = ref (ref [||]) let location_function n = loct_func !current_location_table n let func cs = let loct = loct_create () in let ts = Stream.from (fun i -> let (tok, loc) = next_token cs in loct_add loct i loc; Some tok) in current_location_table := loct; (ts, loct_func loct) type location_table = (int * int) option array ref let location_table () = !current_location_table let restore_location_table t = current_location_table := t (* Names of tokens, for this lexer, used in Grammar error messages *) let token_text = function | ("", t) -> "'" ^ t ^ "'" | ("IDENT", "") -> "identifier" | ("IDENT", t) -> "'" ^ t ^ "'" | ("INT", "") -> "integer" | ("INT", s) -> "'" ^ s ^ "'" | ("STRING", "") -> "string" | ("EOI", "") -> "end of input" | (con, "") -> con | (con, prm) -> con ^ " \"" ^ prm ^ "\"" let tparse (p_con, p_prm) = None (*i was if p_prm = "" then (parser [< '(con, prm) when con = p_con >] -> prm) else (parser [< '(con, prm) when con = p_con && prm = p_prm >] -> prm) i*)