(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* RApp (dloc, ref_xO,[pos_of q]) | (q,true) when is_nonzero q -> RApp (dloc,ref_xI,[pos_of q]) | (q,true) -> ref_xH in pos_of x let interp_positive dloc = function | POS n when is_nonzero n -> pos_of_bignat dloc n | _ -> user_err_loc (dloc, "interp_positive", str "Only strictly positive numbers in type \"positive\"!") let rec pat_pos_of_bignat dloc x name = match div2_with_rest x with | (q,false) -> PatCstr (dloc,path_of_xO,[pat_pos_of_bignat dloc q Anonymous],name) | (q,true) when is_nonzero q -> PatCstr (dloc,path_of_xI,[pat_pos_of_bignat dloc q Anonymous],name) | (q,true) -> PatCstr (dloc,path_of_xH,[],name) let pat_interp_positive dloc = function | POS n -> pat_pos_of_bignat dloc n | NEG n -> user_err_loc (dloc, "interp_positive", str "No negative number in type \"positive\"!") (**********************************************************************) (* Printing positive via scopes *) (**********************************************************************) exception Non_closed_number let rec bignat_of_pos = function | RApp (_, RRef (_,b),[a]) when b = glob_xO -> mult_2(bignat_of_pos a) | RApp (_, RRef (_,b),[a]) when b = glob_xI -> add_1(mult_2(bignat_of_pos a)) | RRef (_, a) when a = glob_xH -> Bignat.one | _ -> raise Non_closed_number let uninterp_positive p = try Some (POS (bignat_of_pos p)) with Non_closed_number -> None (***********************************************************************) (* Declaring interpreters and uninterpreters for positive *) (***********************************************************************) let _ = Symbols.declare_numeral_interpreter "positive_scope" ["Coq";"ZArith";"fast_integer"] (interp_positive,Some pat_interp_positive) ([RRef (dummy_loc, glob_xI); RRef (dummy_loc, glob_xO); RRef (dummy_loc, glob_xH)], uninterp_positive, None) (**********************************************************************) (* Parsing Z via scopes *) (**********************************************************************) let z_path = make_path fast_integer_module (id_of_string "Z") let glob_z = IndRef (z_path,0) let path_of_ZERO = ((z_path,0),1) let path_of_POS = ((z_path,0),2) let path_of_NEG = ((z_path,0),3) let glob_ZERO = ConstructRef path_of_ZERO let glob_POS = ConstructRef path_of_POS let glob_NEG = ConstructRef path_of_NEG let z_of_posint dloc pos_or_neg n = if is_nonzero n then let sgn = if pos_or_neg then glob_POS else glob_NEG in RApp(dloc, RRef (dloc,sgn), [pos_of_bignat dloc n]) else RRef (dloc, glob_ZERO) let z_of_int dloc z = match z with | POS n -> z_of_posint dloc true n | NEG n -> z_of_posint dloc false n let pat_z_of_posint dloc pos_or_neg n name = if is_nonzero n then let sgn = if pos_or_neg then path_of_POS else path_of_NEG in PatCstr (dloc, sgn, [pat_pos_of_bignat dloc n Anonymous], name) else PatCstr (dloc, path_of_ZERO, [], name) let pat_z_of_int dloc n name = match n with | POS n -> pat_z_of_posint dloc true n name | NEG n -> pat_z_of_posint dloc false n name (**********************************************************************) (* Printing Z via scopes *) (**********************************************************************) let bigint_of_z = function | RApp (_, RRef (_,b),[a]) when b = glob_POS -> POS (bignat_of_pos a) | RApp (_, RRef (_,b),[a]) when b = glob_NEG -> NEG (bignat_of_pos a) | RRef (_, a) when a = glob_ZERO -> POS (Bignat.zero) | _ -> raise Non_closed_number let uninterp_z p = try Some (bigint_of_z p) with Non_closed_number -> None (***********************************************************************) (* Declaring interpreters and uninterpreters for Z *) let _ = Symbols.declare_numeral_interpreter "Z_scope" ["Coq";"ZArith";"fast_integer"] (z_of_int,Some pat_z_of_int) ([RRef (dummy_loc, glob_ZERO); RRef (dummy_loc, glob_POS); RRef (dummy_loc, glob_NEG)], uninterp_z, None)