(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* b := x <> 0 || !b) a; !b let div2_with_rest n = let len = Array.length n in let q = Array.create len 0 in for i = 0 to len - 2 do q.(i) <- q.(i) + n.(i) / 2; q.(i + 1) <- 5 * (n.(i) mod 2) done; q.(len - 1) <- q.(len - 1) + n.(len - 1) / 2; q, n.(len - 1) mod 2 let add_1 n = let m = Array.copy n and i = ref (Array.length n - 1) in m.(!i) <- m.(!i) + 1; while m.(!i) = 10 && !i > 0 do m.(!i) <- 0; decr i; m.(!i) <- m.(!i) + 1 done; if !i = 0 && m.(0) = 10 then begin m.(0) <- 0; Array.concat [[| 1 |]; m] end else m let rec mult_2 n = let m = Array.copy n in m.(Array.length n - 1) <- 2 * m.(Array.length n - 1); for i = Array.length n - 2 downto 0 do m.(i) <- 2 * m.(i); if m.(i + 1) >= 10 then begin m.(i + 1) <- m.(i + 1) - 10; m.(i) <- m.(i) + 1 end done; if m.(0) >= 10 then begin m.(0) <- m.(0) - 10; Array.concat [[| 1 |]; m] end else m let pos_of_int_array astxI astxO astxH x = let rec pos_of x = match div2_with_rest x with | (q, 1) -> if is_nonzero q then ope("APPLIST", [astxI; pos_of q]) else astxH | (q, 0) -> ope("APPLIST", [astxO; pos_of q]) | _ -> anomaly "n mod 2 is neither 1 nor 0. Do you bielive that ?" in pos_of x let z_of_string pos_or_neg s dloc = let ((astxI,astxO,astxH),(astZERO,astPOS,astNEG)) = get_z_sign dloc in let v = int_array_of_string s in if is_nonzero v then if pos_or_neg then ope("APPLIST",[astPOS; pos_of_int_array astxI astxO astxH v]) else ope("APPLIST",[astNEG; pos_of_int_array astxI astxO astxH v]) else astZERO exception Non_closed_number let rec int_array_of_pos c1 c2 c3 p = match p with | Node (_,"APPLIST", [b; a]) when alpha_eq(b,c1) -> mult_2 (int_array_of_pos c1 c2 c3 a) | Node (_,"APPLIST", [b; a]) when alpha_eq(b,c2) -> add_1 (mult_2 (int_array_of_pos c1 c2 c3 a)) | a when alpha_eq(a,c3) -> [| 1 |] | _ -> raise Non_closed_number let int_array_option_of_pos astxI astxO astxH p = try Some (int_array_of_pos astxO astxI astxH p) with Non_closed_number -> None let pr_pos a = hov 0 (str "POS" ++ brk (1,1) ++ a) let pr_neg a = hov 0 (str "NEG" ++ brk (1,1) ++ a) let inside_printer posneg std_pr p = let ((astxI,astxO,astxH),_) = get_z_sign dummy_loc in match (int_array_option_of_pos astxI astxO astxH p) with | Some n -> if posneg then (str (string_of_int_array n)) else (str "(-" ++ str (string_of_int_array n) ++ str ")") | None -> let pr = if posneg then pr_pos else pr_neg in str "(" ++ pr (std_pr (ope("ZEXPR",[p]))) ++ str ")" let outside_printer posneg std_pr p = let ((astxI,astxO,astxH),_) = get_z_sign dummy_loc in match (int_array_option_of_pos astxI astxO astxH p) with | Some n -> if posneg then (str "`" ++ str (string_of_int_array n) ++ str "`") else (str "`-" ++ str (string_of_int_array n) ++ str "`") | None -> let pr = if posneg then pr_pos else pr_neg in str "(" ++ pr (std_pr p) ++ str ")" (* Declare pretty-printers for integers *) let _ = Esyntax.Ppprim.add ("positive_printer", (outside_printer true)) let _ = Esyntax.Ppprim.add ("negative_printer", (outside_printer false)) let _ = Esyntax.Ppprim.add ("positive_printer_inside", (inside_printer true)) let _ = Esyntax.Ppprim.add ("negative_printer_inside", (inside_printer false)) (* Declare the primitive parser *) open Pcoq let number = create_constr_entry (get_univ "znatural") "number" let negnumber = create_constr_entry (get_univ "znatural") "negnumber" let _ = Gram.extend number None [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("INT", "")], Gramext.action (z_of_string true)]] let _ = Gram.extend negnumber None [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("INT", "")], Gramext.action (z_of_string false)]]