(* $Id$ *) open Pcoq open Tactic GEXTEND Gram simple_tactic: [ [ IDENT "ML"; s = Prim.string -> <:ast< (MLTACTIC $s) >> ] ] ; END open Vernac GEXTEND Gram vernac: LAST [ [ tac = tacarg; "." -> <:ast< (SOLVE 1 (TACTIC $tac)) >> ] ] ; END GEXTEND Gram tacarg: [ [ tcl = Tactic.tactic_com_list -> tcl ] ] ; theorem_body_line: [ [ n = numarg; ":"; tac = tacarg; "." -> <:ast< (VERNACCALL {SOLVE} $n (TACTIC $tac)) >> | tac = tacarg; "." -> <:ast< (VERNACCALL {SOLVE} 1 (TACTIC $tac)) >> ] ] ; theorem_body_line_list: [ [ t = theorem_body_line -> [t] | t = theorem_body_line; l = theorem_body_line_list -> t :: l ] ] ; theorem_body: [ [ l = theorem_body_line_list -> <:ast< (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $l)) >> ] ] ; destruct_location : [ [ IDENT "Conclusion" -> <:ast< (CONCL)>> | IDENT "Discardable"; "Hypothesis" -> <:ast< (DiscardableHYP)>> | "Hypothesis" -> <:ast< (PreciousHYP)>> ]] ; ne_comarg_list: [ [ l = LIST1 comarg -> l ] ] ; opt_identarg_list: [ [ -> [] | ":"; l = LIST1 identarg -> l ] ] ; finite_tok: [ [ "Inductive" -> <:ast< "Inductive" >> | "CoInductive" -> <:ast< "CoInductive" >> ] ] ; block_old_style: [ [ ind = oneind_old_style; "with"; indl = block_old_style -> ind :: indl | ind = oneind_old_style -> [ind] ] ] ; oneind_old_style: [ [ id = identarg; ":"; c = comarg; ":="; lidcom = lidcom -> <:ast< (VERNACARGLIST $id $c $lidcom) >> ] ] ; block: [ [ ind = oneind; "with"; indl = block -> ind :: indl | ind = oneind -> [ind] ] ] ; oneind: [ [ id = identarg; indpar = indpar; ":"; c = comarg; ":="; lidcom = lidcom -> <:ast< (VERNACARGLIST $id $c $indpar $lidcom) >> ] ] ; onerec: [ [ id = identarg; "["; idl = ne_binder_list; "]"; ":"; c = comarg; ":="; def = comarg -> <:ast< (VERNACARGLIST $id (BINDERLIST ($LIST $idl)) $c $def) >> ] ] ; specifrec: [ [ rec_ = onerec; "with"; recl = specifrec -> rec_ :: recl | rec_ = onerec -> [rec_] ] ] ; onecorec: [ [ id = identarg; ":"; c = comarg; ":="; def = comarg -> <:ast< (VERNACARGLIST $id $c $def) >> ] ] ; specifcorec: [ [ corec = onecorec; "with"; corecl = specifcorec -> corec :: corecl | corec = onecorec -> [corec] ] ] ; rec_constr: [ [ c = Vernac.identarg -> <:ast< (VERNACARGLIST $c) >> | -> <:ast< (VERNACARGLIST) >> ] ] ; record_tok: [ [ IDENT "Record" -> <:ast< "Record" >> | IDENT "Structure" -> <:ast< "Structure" >> ] ] ; field: [ [ id = identarg; ":"; c = Command.command -> <:ast< (VERNACARGLIST "" $id (COMMAND $c)) >> | id = identarg; ":>"; c = Command.command -> <:ast< (VERNACARGLIST "COERCION" $id (COMMAND $c)) >> ] ] ; nefields: [ [ idc = field; ";"; fs = nefields -> idc :: fs | idc = field -> [idc] ] ] ; fields: [ [ fs = nefields -> <:ast< (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $fs)) >> | -> <:ast< (VERNACARGLIST) >> ] ] ; onescheme: [ [ id = identarg; ":="; dep = dep; indid = identarg; IDENT "Sort"; s = sortdef -> <:ast< (VERNACARGLIST $id $dep $indid (COMMAND $s)) >> ] ] ; specifscheme: [ [ rec_ = onescheme; "with"; recl = specifscheme -> rec_ :: recl | rec_ = onescheme -> [rec_] ] ] ; dep: [ [ IDENT "Induction"; IDENT "for" -> <:ast< "DEP" >> | IDENT "Minimality"; IDENT "for" -> <:ast< "NODEP" >> ] ] ; ne_binder_list: [ [ id = binder; ";"; idl = ne_binder_list -> id :: idl | id = binder -> [id] ] ] ; indpar: [ [ "["; bl = ne_binder_list; "]" -> <:ast< (BINDERLIST ($LIST $bl)) >> | -> <:ast< (BINDERLIST) >> ] ] ; sortdef: [ [ "Set" -> <:ast< (SET) >> | "Prop" -> <:ast< (PROP) >> | "Type" -> <:ast< (TYPE) >> ] ] ; thm_tok: [ [ "Theorem" -> <:ast< "THEOREM" >> | IDENT "Lemma" -> <:ast< "LEMMA" >> | IDENT "Fact" -> <:ast< "FACT" >> | IDENT "Remark" -> <:ast< "REMARK" >> ] ] ; def_tok: [ [ "Definition" -> <:ast< "DEFINITION" >> | IDENT "Local" -> <:ast< "LOCAL" >> | "@"; "Definition" -> <:ast< "OBJECT" >> | "@"; IDENT "Local" -> <:ast< "LOBJECT" >> | "@"; IDENT "Coercion" -> <:ast< "OBJCOERCION" >> | "@"; IDENT "Local"; IDENT "Coercion" -> <:ast< "LOBJCOERCION" >> | IDENT "SubClass" -> <:ast< "SUBCLASS" >> | IDENT "Local"; IDENT "SubClass" -> <:ast< "LSUBCLASS" >> ] ] ; import_tok: [ [ IDENT "Import" -> <:ast< "IMPORT" >> | IDENT "Export" -> <:ast< "EXPORT" >> | -> <:ast< "IMPORT" >> ] ] ; specif_tok: [ [ IDENT "Implementation" -> <:ast< "IMPLEMENTATION" >> | IDENT "Specification" -> <:ast< "SPECIFICATION" >> | -> <:ast< "UNSPECIFIED" >> ] ] ; hyp_tok: [ [ "Hypothesis" -> <:ast< "HYPOTHESIS" >> | "Variable" -> <:ast< "VARIABLE" >> ] ] ; hyps_tok: [ [ IDENT "Hypotheses" -> <:ast< "HYPOTHESES" >> | IDENT "Variables" -> <:ast< "VARIABLES" >> ] ] ; param_tok: [ [ "Axiom" -> <:ast< "AXIOM" >> | "Parameter" -> <:ast< "PARAMETER" >> ] ] ; params_tok: [ [ IDENT "Parameters" -> <:ast< "PARAMETERS" >> ] ] ; binder: [ [ idl = ne_identarg_comma_list; ":"; c = Command.command -> <:ast< (BINDER $c ($LIST $idl)) >> ] ] ; idcom: [ [ id = IDENT; ":"; c = Command.command -> <:ast< (BINDER $c ($VAR $id)) >> ] ] ; ne_lidcom: [ [ idc = idcom; "|"; l = ne_lidcom -> idc :: l | idc = idcom -> [idc] ] ] ; lidcom: [ [ l = ne_lidcom -> <:ast< (BINDERLIST ($LIST $l)) >> | "|"; l = ne_lidcom -> <:ast< (BINDERLIST ($LIST $l)) >> | -> <:ast< (BINDERLIST) >> ] ] ; END GEXTEND Gram vernac: (* Definition, Goal *) [ [ thm = thm_tok; id = identarg; ":"; c = comarg; "." -> <:ast< (StartProof $thm $id $c) >> | thm = thm_tok; id = identarg; ":"; c = comarg; ":="; "Proof"; tb = theorem_body; "Qed"; "." -> <:ast< (TheoremProof $thm $id $c $tb) >> | def = def_tok; s = identarg; ":"; c1 = Command.command; "." -> <:ast< (StartProof $def $s (COMMAND $c1)) >> | def = def_tok; s = identarg; ":="; c1 = Command.command; "." -> <:ast< (DEFINITION $def $s (COMMAND $c1)) >> | def = def_tok; s = identarg; ":="; c1 = Command.command; ":"; c2 = Command.command; "." -> <:ast< (DEFINITION $def $s (COMMAND (CAST $c1 $c2))) >> | def = def_tok; s = identarg; ":"; c1 = Command.command; ":="; c2 = Command.command; "." -> <:ast< (DEFINITION $def $s (COMMAND (CAST $c2 $c1))) >> (* CP / Juillet 99 Ajout de la possibilite d'appliquer une regle de reduction au corps d'une definition Definition t := Eval red in term *) | def = def_tok; s = identarg; ":="; IDENT "Eval"; r = Tactic.red_tactic; "in"; c1 = Command.command; "." -> <:ast< (DEFINITION $def $s (COMMAND $c1) (TACTIC_ARG (REDEXP $r))) >> | def = def_tok; s = identarg; ":="; IDENT "Eval"; r = Tactic.red_tactic; "in"; c1 = Command.command; ":"; c2 = Command.command; "." -> <:ast< (DEFINITION $def $s (COMMAND (CAST $c1 $c2)) (TACTIC_ARG (REDEXP $r))) >> | def = def_tok; s = identarg; ":"; c1 = Command.command; ":="; IDENT "Eval"; r = Tactic.red_tactic; "in"; c2 = Command.command; "." -> <:ast< (DEFINITION $def $s (COMMAND (CAST $c2 $c1)) (TACTIC_ARG (REDEXP $r))) >> (* Papageno / Février 99 Ajout du racourci "Definition x [c:nat] := t" pour "Definition x := [c:nat]t" *) | def = def_tok; s = identarg; "["; id1 = IDENT; ":"; c = Command.command; t = definition_tail; "." -> <:ast< (DEFINITION $def $s (COMMAND (LAMBDA $c [$id1]$t))) >> | def = def_tok; s = identarg; "["; id1 = IDENT; ","; idl = Command.ne_ident_comma_list; ":"; c = Command.command; t = definition_tail; "." -> <:ast< (DEFINITION $def $s (COMMAND (LAMBDALIST $c [$id1]($SLAM $idl $t)))) >> | hyp = hyp_tok; bl = ne_binder_list; "." -> <:ast< (VARIABLE $hyp (BINDERLIST ($LIST $bl))) >> | hyp = hyps_tok; bl = ne_binder_list; "." -> <:ast< (VARIABLE $hyp (BINDERLIST ($LIST $bl))) >> | hyp = param_tok; bl = ne_binder_list; "." -> <:ast< (PARAMETER $hyp (BINDERLIST ($LIST $bl))) >> | hyp = params_tok; bl = ne_binder_list; "." -> <:ast< (PARAMETER $hyp (BINDERLIST ($LIST $bl))) >> | IDENT "Abstraction"; id = identarg; "["; l = ne_numarg_list; "]"; ":="; c = comarg; "." -> <:ast< (ABSTRACTION $id $c ($LIST $l)) >> | f = finite_tok; s = sortdef; id = identarg; indpar = indpar; ":="; lidcom = lidcom; "." -> <:ast< (ONEINDUCTIVE $f $id (COMMAND $s) $indpar $lidcom) >> | f = finite_tok; indl = block; "." -> <:ast< (MUTUALINDUCTIVE $f (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $indl))) >> | record_tok; name = identarg; ps = indpar; ":"; s = sortdef; ":="; c = rec_constr; "{"; fs = fields; "}"; "." -> <:ast< (RECORD "" $name $ps (COMMAND $s) $c $fs) >> | record_tok; ">"; name = identarg; ps = indpar; ":"; s = sortdef; ":="; c = rec_constr; "{"; fs = fields; "}"; "." -> <:ast< (RECORD "COERCION" $name $ps (COMMAND $s) $c $fs) >> | IDENT "Mutual"; "["; bl = ne_binder_list; "]" ; f = finite_tok; indl = block_old_style; "." -> <:ast< (OLDMUTUALINDUCTIVE (BINDERLIST ($LIST $bl)) $f (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $indl))) >> | IDENT "Mutual"; f = finite_tok; indl = block; "." -> <:ast< (MUTUALINDUCTIVE $f (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $indl))) >> | "Fixpoint"; recs = specifrec; "." -> <:ast< (MUTUALRECURSIVE (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $recs))) >> | "CoFixpoint"; corecs = specifcorec; "." -> <:ast< (MUTUALCORECURSIVE (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $corecs))) >> | IDENT "Scheme"; schemes = specifscheme; "." -> <:ast< (INDUCTIONSCHEME (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $schemes))) >> ] ]; definition_tail: [ [ ";"; idl = Command.ne_ident_comma_list; ":"; c = Command.command; c2 = definition_tail -> <:ast< (LAMBDALIST $c ($SLAM $idl $c2)) >> | "]"; ":"; ty = Command.command; ":=" ; c = Command.command -> <:ast< (CAST $c $ty) >> | "]"; ":="; c = Command.command -> c ] ]; END GEXTEND Gram vernac: [ [ (* State management *) IDENT "Write"; IDENT "State"; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (WriteState $id) >> | IDENT "Write"; IDENT "State"; s = stringarg; "." -> <:ast< (WriteState $s) >> | IDENT "Restore"; IDENT "State"; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (RestoreState $id) >> | IDENT "Restore"; IDENT "State"; s = stringarg; "." -> <:ast< (RestoreState $s) >> | IDENT "Reset"; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (ResetName $id) >> | IDENT "Reset"; IDENT "Initial"; "." -> <:ast< (ResetInitial) >> | IDENT "Reset"; IDENT "Section"; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (ResetSection $id) >> (* Modules and Sections *) | IDENT "Read"; IDENT "Module"; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (ReadModule $id) >> | IDENT "Require"; import = import_tok; specif = specif_tok; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (Require $import $specif $id) >> | IDENT "Require"; import = import_tok; specif = specif_tok; id = identarg; filename = stringarg; "." -> <:ast< (RequireFrom $import $specif $id $filename) >> | IDENT "Section"; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (BeginSection $id) >> | IDENT "Chapter"; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (BeginSection $id) >> | IDENT "Module"; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (BeginModule $id) >> | IDENT "Write"; IDENT "Module"; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (WriteModule $id) >> | IDENT "Write"; IDENT "Module"; id = identarg; s = stringarg; "." -> <:ast< (WriteModule $id $s) >> | IDENT "Begin"; IDENT "Silent"; "." -> <:ast< (BeginSilent) >> | IDENT "End"; IDENT "Silent"; "." -> <:ast< (EndSilent) >> | IDENT "End"; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (EndSection $id) >> | IDENT "Declare"; IDENT "ML"; IDENT "Module"; l = ne_stringarg_list; "." -> <:ast< (DeclareMLModule ($LIST $l)) >> | IDENT "Import"; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (ImportModule $id) >> (* Transparent and Opaque *) | IDENT "Transparent"; l = ne_identarg_list; "." -> <:ast< (TRANSPARENT ($LIST $l)) >> | IDENT "Opaque"; l = ne_identarg_list; "." -> <:ast< (OPAQUE ($LIST $l)) >> (* Extraction *) | IDENT "Extraction"; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (PrintExtractId $id) >> | IDENT "Extraction"; "." -> <:ast< (PrintExtract) >> (* Grammar extensions, Coercions, Implicits *) | IDENT "Coercion"; s = identarg; ":="; c1 = Command.command; "." -> <:ast< (DEFINITION "COERCION" $s (COMMAND $c1)) >> | IDENT "Coercion"; s = identarg; ":="; c1 = Command.command; ":"; c2 = Command.command; "." -> <:ast< (DEFINITION "COERCION" $s (COMMAND (CAST $c1 $c2))) >> | IDENT "Coercion"; IDENT "Local"; s = identarg; ":="; c1 = Command.command; "." -> <:ast< (DEFINITION "LCOERCION" $s (COMMAND $c1)) >> | IDENT "Coercion"; IDENT "Local"; s = identarg; ":="; c1 = Command.command; ":"; c2 = Command.command; "." -> <:ast< (DEFINITION "LCOERCION" $s (COMMAND (CAST $c1 $c2))) >> | IDENT "Syntactic"; "Definition"; id = identarg; ":="; com = comarg; "." -> <:ast< (SyntaxMacro $id $com) >> | IDENT "Syntactic"; "Definition"; id = identarg; ":="; com = comarg; "|"; n = numarg; "." -> <:ast< (SyntaxMacro $id $com $n) >> | IDENT "Print"; "Grammar"; uni = identarg; ent = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (PrintGrammar $uni $ent) >> | IDENT "Identity"; IDENT "Coercion"; IDENT "Local"; f = identarg; ":"; c = identarg; ">->"; d = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (COERCION "LOCAL" "IDENTITY" $f $c $d) >> | IDENT "Identity"; IDENT "Coercion"; f = identarg; ":"; c = identarg; ">->"; d = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (COERCION "" "IDENTITY" $f $c $d) >> | IDENT "Coercion"; IDENT "Local"; f = identarg; ":"; c = identarg; ">->"; d = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (COERCION "LOCAL" "" $f $c $d) >> | IDENT "Coercion"; f = identarg; ":"; c = identarg; ">->"; d = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (COERCION "" "" $f $c $d) >> | IDENT "Class"; IDENT "Local"; c = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (CLASS "LOCAL" $c) >> | IDENT "Class"; c = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (CLASS "" $c) >> | IDENT "Implicit"; IDENT "Arguments"; IDENT "On"; "." -> <:ast< (IMPLICIT_ARGS_ON) >> | IDENT "Implicit"; IDENT "Arguments"; IDENT "Off"; "." -> <:ast< (IMPLICIT_ARGS_OFF) >> | IDENT "Implicits"; id = identarg; "["; l = numarg_list; "]"; "." -> <:ast< (IMPLICITS "" $id ($LIST $l)) >> | IDENT "Implicits"; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (IMPLICITS "Auto" $id) >> ] ]; END (* Proof commands *) GEXTEND Gram vernac: [ [ IDENT "Goal"; c = comarg; "." -> <:ast< (GOAL $c) >> | IDENT "Goal"; "." -> <:ast< (GOAL) >> | "Proof"; "." -> <:ast< (GOAL) >> | IDENT "Abort"; "." -> <:ast< (ABORT) >> | "Qed"; "." -> <:ast< (SaveNamed) >> | IDENT "Save"; "." -> <:ast< (SaveNamed) >> | IDENT "Defined"; "." -> <:ast< (DefinedNamed) >> | IDENT "Save"; IDENT "Remark"; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (SaveAnonymousRmk $id) >> | IDENT "Save"; IDENT "Theorem"; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (SaveAnonymousThm $id) >> | IDENT "Save"; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (SaveAnonymousThm $id) >> | IDENT "Suspend"; "." -> <:ast< (SUSPEND) >> | IDENT "Resume"; "." -> <:ast< (RESUME) >> | IDENT "Resume"; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (RESUME $id) >> | IDENT "Abort"; IDENT "All"; "." -> <:ast< (ABORTALL) >> | IDENT "Abort"; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (ABORT $id) >> | IDENT "Restart"; "." -> <:ast< (RESTART) >> | "Proof"; c = comarg; "." -> <:ast< (PROOF $c) >> | IDENT "Undo"; "." -> <:ast< (UNDO 1) >> | IDENT "Undo"; n = numarg; "." -> <:ast< (UNDO $n) >> | IDENT "Show"; n = numarg; "." -> <:ast< (SHOW $n) >> | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Implicits"; n = numarg; "." -> <:ast< (SHOWIMPL $n) >> | IDENT "Focus"; "." -> <:ast< (FOCUS) >> | IDENT "Focus"; n = numarg; "." -> <:ast< (FOCUS $n) >> | IDENT "Unfocus"; "." -> <:ast< (UNFOCUS) >> | IDENT "Show"; "." -> <:ast< (SHOW) >> | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Implicits"; "." -> <:ast< (SHOWIMPL) >> | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Node"; "." -> <:ast< (ShowNode) >> | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Script"; "." -> <:ast< (ShowScript) >> | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Existentials"; "." -> <:ast< (ShowEx) >> | IDENT "Existential"; n = numarg; ":="; c = Command.command; "." -> <:ast< (EXISTENTIAL $n (COMMAND $c)) >> | IDENT "Existential"; n = numarg; ":="; c1 = Command.command; ":"; c2 = Command.command; "." -> <:ast< (EXISTENTIAL $n (COMMAND (CAST $c1 $c2))) >> | IDENT "Existential"; n = numarg; ":"; c2 = Command.command; ":="; c1 = Command.command; "." -> <:ast< (EXISTENTIAL $n (COMMAND (CAST $c1 $c2))) >> | IDENT "Explain"; "Proof"; l = numarg_list; "." -> <:ast< (ExplainProof ($LIST $l)) >> | IDENT "Explain"; "Proof"; IDENT "Tree"; l = numarg_list; "." -> <:ast< (ExplainProofTree ($LIST $l)) >> | IDENT "Go"; n = numarg; "." -> <:ast< (Go $n) >> | IDENT "Go"; IDENT "top"; "." -> <:ast< (Go "top") >> | IDENT "Go"; IDENT "prev"; "." -> <:ast< (Go "prev") >> | IDENT "Go"; IDENT "next"; "." -> <:ast< (Go "next") >> | IDENT "Show"; "Proof"; "." -> <:ast< (ShowProof) >> | IDENT "Guarded"; "." -> <:ast< (CheckGuard) >> | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Tree"; "." -> <:ast< (ShowTree) >> | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Conjectures"; "." -> <:ast< (ShowProofs) >> (* Tactic Definition *) | IDENT "Tactic"; "Definition"; id = identarg; "["; ids = ne_identarg_list; "]"; ":="; tac = Prim.astact; "." -> <:ast< (TacticDefinition $id (AST $tac) ($LIST $ids)) >> | IDENT "Tactic"; "Definition"; id = identarg; ":="; tac = Prim.astact; "." -> <:ast< (TacticDefinition $id (AST $tac)) >> (* Hints for Auto and EAuto *) | IDENT "Hint"; hintname = identarg; dbname = opt_identarg_list; ":="; IDENT "Resolve"; c = comarg; "." -> <:ast<(HintResolve $hintname (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $dbname)) $c)>> | IDENT "Hint"; hintname = identarg; dbnames = opt_identarg_list; ":="; IDENT "Immediate"; c = comarg; "." -> <:ast<(HintImmediate $hintname (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $dbnames)) $c)>> | IDENT "Hint"; hintname = identarg; dbnames = opt_identarg_list; ":="; IDENT "Unfold"; c = identarg; "." -> <:ast<(HintUnfold $hintname (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $dbnames)) $c)>> | IDENT "Hint"; hintname = identarg; dbnames = opt_identarg_list; ":="; IDENT "Constructors"; c = identarg; "." -> <:ast<(HintConstructors $hintname (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $dbnames)) $c)>> | IDENT "Hint"; hintname = identarg; dbnames = opt_identarg_list; ":="; IDENT "Extern"; n = numarg; c = comarg ; tac = tacarg; "." -> <:ast<(HintExtern $hintname (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $dbnames)) $n $c (TACTIC $tac))>> | IDENT "Hints"; IDENT "Resolve"; l = ne_identarg_list; dbnames = opt_identarg_list; "." -> <:ast< (HintsResolve (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $dbnames)) ($LIST $l)) >> | IDENT "Hints"; IDENT "Immediate"; l = ne_identarg_list; dbnames = opt_identarg_list; "." -> <:ast< (HintsImmediate (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $dbnames)) ($LIST $l)) >> | IDENT "Hints"; IDENT "Unfold"; l = ne_identarg_list; dbnames = opt_identarg_list; "." -> <:ast< (HintsUnfold (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $dbnames)) ($LIST $l)) >> | IDENT "HintDestruct"; dloc = destruct_location; na = identarg; hyptyp = comarg; pri = numarg; tac = Prim.astact; "." -> <:ast< (HintDestruct $na (AST $dloc) $hyptyp $pri (AST $tac))>> | n = numarg; ":"; tac = tacarg; "." -> <:ast< (SOLVE $n (TACTIC $tac)) >> (*This entry is not commented, only for debug*) | IDENT "PrintConstr"; com = comarg; "." -> <:ast< (PrintConstr $com)>> ] ]; END