(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* "; "<-" ] let _ = if not !Options.v7 then List.iter (fun s -> Lexer.add_token("",s)) tactic_kw (* Hack to parse "(x:=t)" as an explicit argument without conflicts with the *) (* admissible notation "(x t)" *) let lpar_id_coloneq = Gram.Entry.of_parser "lpar_id_coloneq" (fun strm -> match Stream.npeek 1 strm with | [("","(")] -> (match Stream.npeek 2 strm with | [_; ("IDENT",s)] -> (match Stream.npeek 3 strm with | [_; _; ("", ":=")] -> Stream.junk strm; Stream.junk strm; Stream.junk strm; Names.id_of_string s | _ -> raise Stream.Failure) | _ -> raise Stream.Failure) | _ -> raise Stream.Failure) (* idem for (x:=t) and (1:=t) *) let test_lpar_idnum_coloneq = Gram.Entry.of_parser "test_lpar_idnum_coloneq" (fun strm -> match Stream.npeek 1 strm with | [("","(")] -> (match Stream.npeek 2 strm with | [_; (("IDENT"|"INT"),_)] -> (match Stream.npeek 3 strm with | [_; _; ("", ":=")] -> () | _ -> raise Stream.Failure) | _ -> raise Stream.Failure) | _ -> raise Stream.Failure) (* idem for (x:t) *) let lpar_id_colon = Gram.Entry.of_parser "test_lpar_id_colon" (fun strm -> match Stream.npeek 1 strm with | [("","(")] -> (match Stream.npeek 2 strm with | [_; ("IDENT",id)] -> (match Stream.npeek 3 strm with | [_; _; ("", ":")] -> Stream.junk strm; Stream.junk strm; Stream.junk strm; Names.id_of_string id | _ -> raise Stream.Failure) | _ -> raise Stream.Failure) | _ -> raise Stream.Failure) (* open grammar entries, possibly in quotified form *) ifdef Quotify then open Qast open Constr open Prim open Tactic let mk_fix_tac (loc,id,bl,ann,ty) = let n = match bl,ann with [([_],_)], None -> 0 | _, Some x -> let ids = List.map snd (List.flatten (List.map fst bl)) in (try list_index (snd x) ids with Not_found -> error "no such fix variable") | _ -> error "cannot guess decreasing argument of fix" in (id,n,Topconstr.CProdN(loc,bl,ty)) let mk_cofix_tac (loc,id,bl,ann,ty) = let _ = option_app (fun (aloc,_) -> Util.user_err_loc (aloc,"Constr:mk_cofix_tac", Pp.str"Annotation forbidden in cofix expression")) ann in (id,Topconstr.CProdN(loc,bl,ty)) (* Functions overloaded by quotifier *) let induction_arg_of_constr c = try ElimOnIdent (Topconstr.constr_loc c,coerce_to_id c) with _ -> ElimOnConstr c let local_compute = [FBeta;FIota;FDeltaBut [];FZeta] let error_oldelim _ = error "OldElim no longer supported" ifdef Quotify then let induction_arg_of_constr = function | Qast.Node ("Nvar", [_;id]) -> Qast.Node ("ElimOnIdent", [id]) | c -> Qast.Node ("ElimOnConstr", [c]) ifdef Quotify then let make_red_flag s = Qast.Apply ("make_red_flag", [s]) ifdef Quotify then let local_compute = Qast.List [ Qast.Node ("FBeta", []); Qast.Node ("FDeltaBut", [Qast.List []]); Qast.Node ("FIota", []); Qast.Node ("FZeta", [])] ifdef Quotify then open Q let join_to_constr loc c2 = (fst loc), snd (Topconstr.constr_loc c2) (* Auxiliary grammar rules *) if not !Options.v7 then GEXTEND Gram GLOBAL: simple_tactic constrarg constr_with_bindings quantified_hypothesis red_expr int_or_var castedopenconstr; int_or_var: [ [ n = integer -> Genarg.ArgArg n | id = identref -> Genarg.ArgVar id ] ] ; autoarg_depth: [ [ n = OPT natural -> n ] ] ; autoarg_adding: [ [ IDENT "adding" ; "["; l = LIST1 global; "]" -> l | -> [] ] ] ; autoarg_destructing: [ [ IDENT "destructing" -> true | -> false ] ] ; autoarg_usingTDB: [ [ "using"; "tdb" -> true | -> false ] ] ; autoargs: [ [ a0 = autoarg_depth; l = autoarg_adding; a2 = autoarg_destructing; a3 = autoarg_usingTDB -> (a0,l,a2,a3) ] ] ; (* An identifier or a quotation meta-variable *) id_or_meta: [ [ id = identref -> AI id (* This is used in quotations *) | id = METAIDENT -> MetaId (loc,id) ] ] ; (* A number or a quotation meta-variable *) num_or_meta: [ [ n = integer -> AI n | id = METAIDENT -> MetaId (loc,id) ] ] ; constrarg: [ [ IDENT "inst"; id = identref; "["; c = Constr.lconstr; "]" -> ConstrContext (id, c) | IDENT "eval"; rtc = Tactic.red_expr; "in"; c = Constr.constr -> ConstrEval (rtc,c) | IDENT "check"; c = Constr.constr -> ConstrTypeOf c | c = Constr.lconstr -> ConstrTerm c ] ] ; castedopenconstr: [ [ c = constr -> c ] ] ; induction_arg: [ [ n = natural -> ElimOnAnonHyp n | c = constr -> induction_arg_of_constr c ] ] ; quantified_hypothesis: [ [ id = base_ident -> NamedHyp id | n = natural -> AnonHyp n ] ] ; conversion: [ [ c = constr -> (None, c) | c1 = constr; "with"; c2 = constr -> (Some ([],c1), c2) | c1 = constr; IDENT "at"; nl = LIST1 integer; "with"; c2 = constr -> (Some (nl,c1), c2) ] ] ; pattern_occ: [ [ c = constr; nl = LIST0 integer -> (nl,c) ] ] ; pattern_occ_hyp_tail_list: [ [ pl = pattern_occ_hyp_list -> pl | -> (None,[]) ] ] ; pattern_occ_hyp_list: [ [ nl = LIST1 natural; IDENT "Goal" -> (Some nl,[]) | nl = LIST1 natural; id = id_or_meta; (g,l) = pattern_occ_hyp_tail_list -> (g,(id,nl)::l) | IDENT "Goal" -> (Some [],[]) | id = id_or_meta; (g,l) = pattern_occ_hyp_tail_list -> (g,(id,[])::l) ] ] ; clause_pattern: [ [ "in"; p = pattern_occ_hyp_list -> p | -> None, [] ] ] ; intropatterns: [ [ l = LIST0 simple_intropattern -> l ]] ; simple_intropattern: [ [ "["; tc = LIST1 intropatterns SEP "|" ; "]" -> IntroOrAndPattern tc | "("; tc = LIST1 simple_intropattern SEP "," ; ")" -> IntroOrAndPattern [tc] | "_" -> IntroWildcard | id = base_ident -> IntroIdentifier id ] ] ; simple_binding: [ [ "("; id = base_ident; ":="; c = lconstr; ")" -> (loc, NamedHyp id, c) | "("; n = natural; ":="; c = lconstr; ")" -> (loc, AnonHyp n, c) ] ] ; binding_list: [ [ test_lpar_idnum_coloneq; bl = LIST1 simple_binding -> ExplicitBindings bl | bl = LIST1 constr -> ImplicitBindings bl ] ] ; constr_with_bindings: [ [ c = constr; l = with_binding_list -> (c, l) ] ] ; with_binding_list: [ [ "with"; bl = binding_list -> bl | -> NoBindings ] ] ; unfold_occ: [ [ c = global; nl = LIST0 integer -> (nl,c) ] ] ; red_flag: [ [ IDENT "beta" -> FBeta | IDENT "delta" -> FDeltaBut [] | IDENT "iota" -> FIota | IDENT "zeta" -> FZeta | IDENT "delta"; "["; idl = LIST1 global; "]" -> FConst idl | IDENT "delta"; "-"; "["; idl = LIST1 global; "]" -> FDeltaBut idl ] ] ; red_tactic: [ [ IDENT "red" -> Red false | IDENT "hnf" -> Hnf | IDENT "simpl"; po = OPT pattern_occ -> Simpl po | IDENT "cbv"; s = LIST1 red_flag -> Cbv (make_red_flag s) | IDENT "lazy"; s = LIST1 red_flag -> Lazy (make_red_flag s) | IDENT "compute" -> Cbv (make_red_flag [FBeta;FIota;FDeltaBut [];FZeta]) | IDENT "unfold"; ul = LIST1 unfold_occ SEP "," -> Unfold ul | IDENT "fold"; cl = LIST1 constr -> Fold cl | IDENT "pattern"; pl = LIST1 pattern_occ SEP "," -> Pattern pl ] ] ; (* This is [red_tactic] including possible extensions *) red_expr: [ [ IDENT "red" -> Red false | IDENT "hnf" -> Hnf | IDENT "simpl"; po = OPT pattern_occ -> Simpl po | IDENT "cbv"; s = LIST1 red_flag -> Cbv (make_red_flag s) | IDENT "lazy"; s = LIST1 red_flag -> Lazy (make_red_flag s) | IDENT "compute" -> Cbv (make_red_flag [FBeta;FIota;FDeltaBut [];FZeta]) | IDENT "unfold"; ul = LIST1 unfold_occ -> Unfold ul | IDENT "fold"; cl = LIST1 constr -> Fold cl | IDENT "pattern"; pl = LIST1 pattern_occ -> Pattern pl | s = IDENT; c = constr -> ExtraRedExpr (s,c) ] ] ; hypident: [ [ id = id_or_meta -> InHyp id | "("; IDENT "type"; "of"; id = id_or_meta; ")" -> InHypType id ] ] ; clause: [ [ "in"; idl = LIST1 hypident -> idl | -> [] ] ] ; simple_clause: [ [ "in"; idl = LIST1 id_or_meta -> idl | -> [] ] ] ; fixdecl: [ [ id = base_ident; bl=LIST0 Constr.binder; ann=fixannot; ":"; ty=lconstr -> (loc,id,bl,ann,ty) ] ] ; fixannot: [ [ "{"; IDENT "struct"; id=name; "}" -> Some id | -> None ] ] ; hintbases: [ [ "with"; "*" -> None | "with"; l = LIST1 IDENT -> Some l | -> Some [] ] ] ; eliminator: [ [ "using"; el = constr_with_bindings -> el ] ] ; with_names: [ [ "as"; "["; ids = LIST1 (LIST0 simple_intropattern) SEP "|"; "]" -> ids | -> [] ] ] ; simple_tactic: [ [ (* Basic tactics *) IDENT "intros"; IDENT "until"; id = quantified_hypothesis -> TacIntrosUntil id | IDENT "intros"; pl = intropatterns -> TacIntroPattern pl | IDENT "intro"; id = base_ident; IDENT "after"; id2 = identref -> TacIntroMove (Some id, Some id2) | IDENT "intro"; IDENT "after"; id2 = identref -> TacIntroMove (None, Some id2) | IDENT "intro"; id = base_ident -> TacIntroMove (Some id, None) | IDENT "intro" -> TacIntroMove (None, None) | IDENT "assumption" -> TacAssumption | IDENT "exact"; c = constr -> TacExact c | IDENT "apply"; cl = constr_with_bindings -> TacApply cl | IDENT "elim"; cl = constr_with_bindings; el = OPT eliminator -> TacElim (cl,el) | IDENT "elimtype"; c = constr -> TacElimType c | IDENT "case"; cl = constr_with_bindings -> TacCase cl | IDENT "casetype"; c = constr -> TacCaseType c | "fix"; n = natural -> TacFix (None,n) | "fix"; id = base_ident; n = natural -> TacFix (Some id,n) | "fix"; id = base_ident; n = natural; "with"; fd = LIST0 fixdecl -> TacMutualFix (id,n,List.map mk_fix_tac fd) | "cofix" -> TacCofix None | "cofix"; id = base_ident -> TacCofix (Some id) | "cofix"; id = base_ident; "with"; fd = LIST0 fixdecl -> TacMutualCofix (id,List.map mk_cofix_tac fd) | IDENT "cut"; c = constr -> TacCut c | IDENT "assert"; id = lpar_id_colon; t = lconstr; ")" -> TacTrueCut (Some id,t) | IDENT "assert"; id = lpar_id_coloneq; b = lconstr; ")" -> TacForward (false,Names.Name id,b) | IDENT "assert"; c = constr -> TacTrueCut (None,c) | IDENT "pose"; id = lpar_id_coloneq; b = lconstr; ")" -> TacForward (true,Names.Name id,b) | IDENT "pose"; b = constr -> TacForward (true,Names.Anonymous,b) | IDENT "generalize"; lc = LIST1 constr -> TacGeneralize lc | IDENT "generalize"; IDENT "dependent"; c = constr -> TacGeneralizeDep c | IDENT "lettac"; "("; id = base_ident; ":="; c = lconstr; ")"; p = clause_pattern -> TacLetTac (id,c,p) | IDENT "instantiate"; "("; n = natural; ":="; c = lconstr; ")" -> TacInstantiate (n,c) | IDENT "specialize"; n = OPT natural; lcb = constr_with_bindings -> TacSpecialize (n,lcb) | IDENT "lapply"; c = constr -> TacLApply c (* Derived basic tactics *) | IDENT "simple_induction"; h = quantified_hypothesis -> TacSimpleInduction h | IDENT "induction"; c = induction_arg; el = OPT eliminator; ids = with_names -> TacNewInduction (c,el,ids) | IDENT "double"; IDENT "induction"; h1 = quantified_hypothesis; h2 = quantified_hypothesis -> TacDoubleInduction (h1,h2) | IDENT "simple_destruct"; h = quantified_hypothesis -> TacSimpleDestruct h | IDENT "destruct"; c = induction_arg; el = OPT eliminator; ids = with_names -> TacNewDestruct (c,el,ids) | IDENT "decompose"; IDENT "record" ; c = constr -> TacDecomposeAnd c | IDENT "decompose"; IDENT "sum"; c = constr -> TacDecomposeOr c | IDENT "decompose"; "["; l = LIST1 global; "]"; c = constr -> TacDecompose (l,c) (* Automation tactic *) | IDENT "trivial"; db = hintbases -> TacTrivial db | IDENT "auto"; n = OPT natural; db = hintbases -> TacAuto (n, db) | IDENT "autotdb"; n = OPT natural -> TacAutoTDB n | IDENT "cdhyp"; id = identref -> TacDestructHyp (true,id) | IDENT "dhyp"; id = identref -> TacDestructHyp (false,id) | IDENT "dconcl" -> TacDestructConcl | IDENT "superauto"; l = autoargs -> TacSuperAuto l | IDENT "auto"; n = OPT natural; IDENT "decomp"; p = OPT natural -> TacDAuto (n, p) (* Context management *) | IDENT "clear"; l = LIST1 id_or_meta -> TacClear l | IDENT "clearbody"; l = LIST1 id_or_meta -> TacClearBody l | IDENT "move"; id1 = id_or_meta; IDENT "after"; id2 = id_or_meta -> TacMove (true,id1,id2) | IDENT "rename"; id1 = id_or_meta; IDENT "into"; id2 = id_or_meta -> TacRename (id1,id2) (* Constructors *) | IDENT "left"; bl = with_binding_list -> TacLeft bl | IDENT "right"; bl = with_binding_list -> TacRight bl | IDENT "split"; bl = with_binding_list -> TacSplit (false,bl) | IDENT "exists"; bl = binding_list -> TacSplit (true,bl) | IDENT "exists" -> TacSplit (true,NoBindings) | IDENT "constructor"; n = num_or_meta; l = with_binding_list -> TacConstructor (n,l) | IDENT "constructor"; t = OPT tactic -> TacAnyConstructor t (* Equivalence relations *) | IDENT "reflexivity" -> TacReflexivity | IDENT "symmetry"; ido = OPT [ "in"; id = id_or_meta -> id ] -> TacSymmetry ido | IDENT "transitivity"; c = constr -> TacTransitivity c (* Equality and inversion *) | IDENT "dependent"; k = [ IDENT "simple"; IDENT "inversion" -> SimpleInversion | IDENT "inversion" -> FullInversion | IDENT "inversion_clear" -> FullInversionClear ]; hyp = quantified_hypothesis; ids = with_names; co = OPT ["with"; c = constr -> c] -> TacInversion (DepInversion (k,co,ids),hyp) | IDENT "simple"; IDENT "inversion"; hyp = quantified_hypothesis; ids = with_names; cl = simple_clause -> TacInversion (NonDepInversion (SimpleInversion, cl, ids), hyp) | IDENT "inversion"; hyp = quantified_hypothesis; ids = with_names; cl = simple_clause -> TacInversion (NonDepInversion (FullInversion, cl, ids), hyp) | IDENT "inversion_clear"; hyp = quantified_hypothesis; ids = with_names; cl = simple_clause -> TacInversion (NonDepInversion (FullInversionClear, cl, ids), hyp) | IDENT "inversion"; hyp = quantified_hypothesis; "using"; c = constr; cl = simple_clause -> TacInversion (InversionUsing (c,cl), hyp) (* Conversion *) | r = red_tactic; cl = clause -> TacReduce (r, cl) (* Change ne doit pas s'appliquer dans un Definition t := Eval ... *) | IDENT "change"; (oc,c) = conversion; cl = clause -> TacChange (oc,c,cl) ] ] ; END;;