(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* <:ast< $n>> | -> Coqast.Str(loc,"NoAutoArg") ] ] ; autoarg_adding: [ [ IDENT "Adding" ; "["; l = ne_qualidarg_list; "]" -> l | -> [] ] ] ; autoarg_destructing: [ [ IDENT "Destructing" -> Coqast.Str(loc,"Destructing") | -> Coqast.Str(loc,"NoAutoArg") ] ] ; autoarg_usingTDB: [ [ "Using"; "TDB" -> Coqast.Str(loc,"UsingTDB") | -> Coqast.Str(loc,"NoAutoArg") ] ] ; autoargs: [ [ a0 = autoarg_depth; l = autoarg_adding; a2 = autoarg_destructing; a3 = autoarg_usingTDB -> a0::a2::a3::l ] ] ; END GEXTEND Gram identarg: [ [ id = Constr.ident -> id ] ] ; idmeta_arg: [ [ id = Constr.ident -> id | "?"; n = Prim.number -> <:ast< (COMMAND (META $n)) >> ] ] ; idmetahyp: [ [ id = idmeta_arg -> <:ast< (INHYP $id) >> ] ] ; qualidarg: [ [ l = Constr.qualid -> <:ast< (QUALIDARG ($LIST $l)) >> | "?"; n = Prim.number -> <:ast< (QUALIDMETA $n) >> ] ] ; pure_numarg: [ [ n = Prim.number -> n | "-"; n = Prim.number -> Coqast.Num (Ast.loc n, ( - Ast.num_of_ast n)) ] ] ; numarg: [ [ n = Prim.number -> n | "-"; n = Prim.number -> Coqast.Num (Ast.loc n, ( - Ast.num_of_ast n)) | id = identarg -> id ] ] ; constrarg: [ [ c = Constr.constr -> <:ast< (COMMAND $c) >> ] ] ; castedopenconstrarg: [ [ c = Constr.constr -> <:ast< (CASTEDOPENCOMMAND $c) >> ] ] ; lconstrarg: [ [ c = Constr.lconstr -> <:ast< (COMMAND $c) >> ] ] ; castedconstrarg: [ [ c = Constr.constr -> <:ast< (CASTEDCOMMAND $c) >> ] ] ; ident_or_numarg: [ [ id = identarg -> id | n = numarg -> n ] ] ; ident_or_constrarg: [ [ c = Constr.constr -> match c with | Coqast.Nvar(_,s) -> c | Coqast.Node(_,"QUALID",[Coqast.Nvar(_,s) as c]) -> c | _ -> <:ast< (COMMAND $c) >> ] ] ; ne_identarg_list: [ [ l = LIST1 identarg -> l ] ] ; ne_idmetahyp_list: [ [ l = LIST1 idmetahyp -> l ] ] ; ne_qualidarg_list: [ [ l = LIST1 qualidarg -> l ] ] ; pattern_occ: [ [ nl = LIST1 pure_numarg; c = constrarg -> <:ast< (PATTERN $c ($LIST $nl)) >> | c = constrarg -> <:ast< (PATTERN $c) >> ] ] ; ne_pattern_list: [ [ l = LIST1 pattern_occ -> l ] ] ; pattern_occ_hyp: [ [ nl = LIST1 pure_numarg; IDENT "Goal" -> <:ast<(CCLPATTERN ($LIST $nl))>> | nl = LIST1 pure_numarg; id = identarg -> <:ast<(HYPPATTERN $id ($LIST $nl))>> | IDENT "Goal" -> <:ast< (CCLPATTERN) >> | id = identarg -> <:ast< (HYPPATTERN $id) >> ] ] ; clause_pattern: [ [ "in"; l = LIST1 pattern_occ_hyp -> <:ast< (LETPATTERNS ($LIST $l)) >> | -> <:ast< (LETPATTERNS) >> ] ] ; one_intropattern: [ [ p= ne_intropattern -> <:ast< (INTROPATTERN $p)>> ]] ; ne_intropattern: [ [ tc = LIST1 simple_intropattern -> <:ast< (LISTPATTERN ($LIST $tc))>> ] ] ; simple_intropattern: [ [ "["; tc = LIST1 intropattern SEP "|" ; "]" -> <:ast< (DISJPATTERN ($LIST $tc)) >> | "("; tc = LIST1 intropattern SEP "," ; ")" -> <:ast< (CONJPATTERN ($LIST $tc)) >> | IDENT "_" -> <:ast< (WILDCAR) >> | id = identarg -> <:ast< (IDENTIFIER $id) >> ] ] ; intropattern: [ [ tc = LIST1 simple_intropattern -> <:ast< (LISTPATTERN ($LIST $tc))>> | -> <:ast< (LISTPATTERN) >> ]] ; simple_binding: [ [ id = identarg; ":="; c = constrarg -> <:ast< (BINDING $id $c) >> | n = pure_numarg; ":="; c = constrarg -> <:ast< (BINDING $n $c) >> ] ] ; simple_binding_list: [ [ b = simple_binding; l = simple_binding_list -> b :: l | -> [] ] ] ; com_binding_list: [ [ c = constrarg; bl = com_binding_list -> <:ast< (BINDING $c) >> :: bl | -> [] ] ] ; binding_list: [ [ c1 = constrarg; ":="; c2 = constrarg; bl = simple_binding_list -> let id = match c1 with | Coqast.Node(_,"COMMAND",[c]) -> coerce_to_var c | _ -> assert false in <:ast<(BINDINGS (BINDING $id $c2) ($LIST $bl))>> | n = pure_numarg; ":="; c = constrarg; bl = simple_binding_list -> <:ast<(BINDINGS (BINDING $n $c) ($LIST $bl))>> | c1 = constrarg; bl = com_binding_list -> <:ast<(BINDINGS (BINDING $c1) ($LIST $bl))>> | -> <:ast<(BINDINGS)>> ] ] ; with_binding_list: [ [ "with"; l = binding_list -> l | -> <:ast<(BINDINGS)>> ] ] ; constrarg_binding_list: [ [ c = constrarg; l = with_binding_list -> [c; l] ] ] ; numarg_binding_list: [ [ n = numarg; l = with_binding_list -> [n; l] ] ] ; constrarg_list: [ [ c = constrarg; l = constrarg_list -> c :: l | -> [] ] ] ; unfold_occ: [ [ nl = LIST1 pure_numarg; c = qualidarg -> <:ast< (UNFOLD $c ($LIST $nl)) >> | c = qualidarg -> <:ast< (UNFOLD $c) >> ] ] ; ne_unfold_occ_list: [ [ p = unfold_occ; l = ne_unfold_occ_list -> p :: l | p = unfold_occ -> [p] ] ] ; red_flag: [ [ IDENT "Beta" -> <:ast< (Beta) >> | IDENT "Delta" -> <:ast< (Delta) >> | IDENT "Iota" -> <:ast< (Iota) >> | IDENT "Zeta" -> <:ast< (Zeta) >> | "["; idl = ne_qualidarg_list; "]" -> <:ast< (Unf ($LIST $idl)) >> | "-"; "["; idl = ne_qualidarg_list; "]" -> <:ast< (UnfBut ($LIST $idl)) >> ] ] ; red_tactic: [ [ IDENT "Red" -> <:ast< (Red) >> | IDENT "Hnf" -> <:ast< (Hnf) >> | IDENT "Simpl" -> <:ast< (Simpl) >> | IDENT "Cbv"; s = LIST1 red_flag -> <:ast< (Cbv ($LIST $s)) >> | IDENT "Lazy"; s = LIST1 red_flag -> <:ast< (Lazy ($LIST $s)) >> | IDENT "Compute" -> <:ast< (Cbv (Beta) (Delta) (Iota) (Zeta)) >> | IDENT "Unfold"; ul = ne_unfold_occ_list -> <:ast< (Unfold ($LIST $ul)) >> | IDENT "Fold"; cl = constrarg_list -> <:ast< (Fold ($LIST $cl)) >> | IDENT "Pattern"; pl = ne_pattern_list -> <:ast< (Pattern ($LIST $pl)) >> ] ] ; hypident: [ [ id = identarg -> <:ast< (INHYP $id) >> | "("; "Type"; "of"; id = identarg; ")" -> <:ast< (INHYPTYPE $id) >> ] ] ; ne_hyp_list: [ [ l = LIST1 hypident -> l ] ] ; clausearg: [ [ "in"; idl = ne_hyp_list -> <:ast< (CLAUSE ($LIST $idl)) >> | -> <:ast< (CLAUSE) >> ] ] ; fixdecl: [ [ id = identarg; n = pure_numarg; ":"; c = constrarg; fd = fixdecl -> <:ast< (FIXEXP $id $n $c) >> :: fd | -> [] ] ] ; cofixdecl: [ [ id = identarg; ":"; c = constrarg; fd = cofixdecl -> <:ast< (COFIXEXP $id $c) >> :: fd | -> [] ] ] ; simple_tactic: [ [ IDENT "Fix"; n = pure_numarg -> <:ast< (Fix $n) >> | IDENT "Fix"; id = identarg; n = pure_numarg -> <:ast< (Fix $id $n) >> | IDENT "Fix"; id = identarg; n = pure_numarg; "with"; fd = fixdecl -> <:ast< (Fix $id $n ($LIST $fd)) >> | IDENT "Cofix" -> <:ast< (Cofix) >> | IDENT "Cofix"; id = identarg -> <:ast< (Cofix $id) >> | IDENT "Cofix"; id = identarg; "with"; fd = cofixdecl -> <:ast< (Cofix $id ($LIST $fd)) >> | IDENT "Induction"; s = identarg -> <:ast< (Induction $s) >> | IDENT "Induction"; n = pure_numarg -> <:ast< (Induction $n) >> | IDENT "NewInduction"; c=ident_or_constrarg -> <:ast<(NewInduction $c)>> | IDENT "NewInduction"; n = pure_numarg -> <:ast< (NewInduction $n) >> | IDENT "Double"; IDENT "Induction"; i = pure_numarg; j = pure_numarg -> <:ast< (DoubleInd $i $j) >> | IDENT "Trivial" -> <:ast<(Trivial)>> | IDENT "Trivial"; "with"; lid = ne_identarg_list -> <:ast<(Trivial ($LIST $lid))>> | IDENT "Trivial"; "with"; "*" -> <:ast<(Trivial "*")>> | IDENT "Auto"; n = pure_numarg -> <:ast< (Auto $n) >> | IDENT "Auto" -> <:ast< (Auto) >> | IDENT "Auto"; n = pure_numarg; "with"; lid = ne_identarg_list -> <:ast< (Auto $n ($LIST $lid)) >> | IDENT "Auto"; "with"; lid = ne_identarg_list -> <:ast< (Auto ($LIST $lid)) >> | IDENT "Auto"; n = pure_numarg; "with"; "*" -> <:ast< (Auto $n "*") >> | IDENT "Auto"; "with"; "*" -> <:ast< (Auto "*") >> | IDENT "AutoTDB"; n = pure_numarg -> <:ast< (AutoTDB $n) >> | IDENT "AutoTDB" -> <:ast< (AutoTDB) >> | IDENT "DHyp"; id=identarg -> <:ast< (DHyp $id)>> | IDENT "CDHyp"; id=identarg -> <:ast< (CDHyp $id)>> | IDENT "DConcl" -> <:ast< (DConcl)>> | IDENT "SuperAuto"; l = autoargs -> <:ast< (SuperAuto ($LIST $l)) >> | IDENT "Auto"; n = pure_numarg; IDENT "Decomp" -> <:ast< (DAuto $n) >> | IDENT "Auto"; IDENT "Decomp" -> <:ast< (DAuto) >> | IDENT "Auto"; n = pure_numarg; IDENT "Decomp"; p = pure_numarg -> <:ast< (DAuto $n $p) >> | IDENT "Intros" -> <:ast< (Intros) >> | IDENT "Intros"; IDENT "until"; id = identarg -> <:ast< (IntrosUntil $id) >> | IDENT "Intros"; IDENT "until"; n = numarg -> <:ast<(IntrosUntil $n)>> | IDENT "Intros"; pl = one_intropattern -> <:ast< (Intros $pl) >> | IDENT "Intro"; id = identarg; IDENT "after"; id2 = identarg -> <:ast< (IntroMove $id $id2) >> | IDENT "Intro"; IDENT "after"; id2 = identarg -> <:ast< (IntroMove $id2) >> | IDENT "Intro"; id = identarg -> <:ast< (Intro $id) >> | IDENT "Intro" -> <:ast< (Intro) >> | IDENT "Apply"; cl = constrarg_binding_list -> <:ast< (Apply ($LIST $cl)) >> | IDENT "Elim"; cl = constrarg_binding_list; "using"; el = constrarg_binding_list -> <:ast< (Elim ($LIST $cl) ($LIST $el)) >> | IDENT "Elim"; cl = constrarg_binding_list -> <:ast< (Elim ($LIST $cl)) >> | IDENT "Assumption" -> <:ast< (Assumption) >> | IDENT "Contradiction" -> <:ast< (Contradiction) >> | IDENT "Exact"; c = castedconstrarg -> <:ast< (Exact $c) >> | IDENT "OldElim"; c = constrarg -> <:ast< (OldElim $c) >> | IDENT "ElimType"; c = constrarg -> <:ast< (ElimType $c) >> | IDENT "Case"; cl = constrarg_binding_list -> <:ast< (Case ($LIST $cl)) >> | IDENT "CaseType"; c = constrarg -> <:ast< (CaseType $c) >> | IDENT "Destruct"; s = ident_or_constrarg -> <:ast< (Destruct $s) >> | IDENT "Destruct"; n = numarg -> <:ast< (Destruct $n) >> | IDENT "NewDestruct"; s = ident_or_constrarg -> <:ast<(NewDestruct $s)>> | IDENT "NewDestruct"; n = numarg -> <:ast< (NewDestruct $n) >> | IDENT "Decompose"; IDENT "Record" ; c = constrarg -> <:ast< (DecomposeAnd $c) >> | IDENT "Decompose"; IDENT "Sum"; c = constrarg -> <:ast< (DecomposeOr $c) >> | IDENT "Decompose"; "["; l = ne_qualidarg_list; "]"; c = constrarg -> <:ast< (DecomposeThese $c ($LIST $l)) >> | IDENT "Cut"; c = constrarg -> <:ast< (Cut $c) >> | IDENT "Assert"; c = constrarg -> <:ast< (TrueCut $c) >> | IDENT "Assert"; c = constrarg; ":"; t = constrarg -> let id = match c with | Coqast.Node(_,"COMMAND",[c]) -> coerce_to_var c | _ -> assert false in <:ast< (TrueCut $t $id) >> | IDENT "Assert"; c = constrarg; ":="; b = constrarg -> let id = match c with | Coqast.Node(_,"COMMAND",[c]) -> coerce_to_var c | _ -> assert false in <:ast< (Forward "HideBody" $b $id) >> | IDENT "Pose"; c = constrarg; ":="; b = constrarg -> let id = match c with | Coqast.Node(_,"COMMAND",[c]) -> coerce_to_var c | _ -> assert false in <:ast< (Forward "KeepBody" $b $id) >> | IDENT "Pose"; b = constrarg -> <:ast< (Forward "KeepBody" $b) >> | IDENT "Specialize"; n = pure_numarg; lcb = constrarg_binding_list -> <:ast< (Specialize $n ($LIST $lcb))>> | IDENT "Specialize"; lcb = constrarg_binding_list -> <:ast< (Specialize ($LIST $lcb)) >> | IDENT "Generalize"; lc = constrarg_list -> <:ast< (Generalize ($LIST $lc)) >> | IDENT "Generalize"; IDENT "Dependent"; c = constrarg -> <:ast< (GeneralizeDep $c) >> | IDENT "LetTac"; s = identarg; ":="; c = constrarg; p = clause_pattern-> <:ast< (LetTac $s $c $p) >> | IDENT "LApply"; c = constrarg -> <:ast< (CutAndApply $c) >> | IDENT "Clear"; l = ne_idmetahyp_list -> <:ast< (Clear (CLAUSE ($LIST $l))) >> | IDENT "ClearBody"; l = ne_idmetahyp_list -> <:ast< (ClearBody (CLAUSE ($LIST $l))) >> | IDENT "Move"; id1 = identarg; IDENT "after"; id2 = identarg -> <:ast< (MoveDep $id1 $id2) >> | IDENT "Rename"; id1 = identarg; IDENT "into"; id2 = identarg -> <:ast< (Rename $id1 $id2) >> (*To do: put Abstract in Refiner*) | IDENT "Abstract"; tc = tactic_expr -> <:ast< (ABSTRACT (TACTIC $tc)) >> | IDENT "Abstract"; tc = tactic_expr; "using"; s=identarg -> <:ast< (ABSTRACT $s (TACTIC $tc)) >> (*End of To do*) | IDENT "Left"; bl = with_binding_list -> <:ast< (Left $bl) >> | IDENT "Right"; bl = with_binding_list -> <:ast< (Right $bl) >> | IDENT "Split"; bl = with_binding_list -> <:ast< (Split $bl) >> | IDENT "Exists"; bl = binding_list -> <:ast< (Split $bl) >> | IDENT "Constructor"; nbl = numarg_binding_list -> <:ast<(Constructor ($LIST $nbl)) >> | IDENT "Constructor" ; tc = tactic_expr -> <:ast<(Constructor (TACTIC $tc)) >> | IDENT "Constructor" -> <:ast<(Constructor) >> | IDENT "Reflexivity" -> <:ast< (Reflexivity) >> | IDENT "Symmetry" -> <:ast< (Symmetry) >> | IDENT "Transitivity"; c = constrarg -> <:ast< (Transitivity $c) >> | IDENT "Absurd"; c = constrarg -> <:ast< (Absurd $c) >> | IDENT "Idtac" -> <:ast< (Idtac) >> | IDENT "Fail" -> <:ast< (Fail) >> | r = red_tactic; cl = clausearg -> <:ast< (Reduce (REDEXP $r) $cl) >> (* Change ne doit pas s'appliquer dans un Definition t := Eval ... *) | IDENT "Change"; c = constrarg; cl = clausearg -> <:ast< (Change $c $cl) >> | IDENT "ML"; s = Prim.string -> <:ast< (MLTACTIC $s) >> ] (* | [ id = identarg; l = constrarg_list -> match (isMeta (nvar_of_ast id), l) with | (true, []) -> id | (false, _) -> <:ast< (CALL $id ($LIST $l)) >> | _ -> Util.user_err_loc (loc, "G_tactic.meta_tactic", (str"Cannot apply arguments to a meta-tactic.")) ] *)] ; tactic: [ [ tac = tactic_expr -> tac ] ] ; END;;