(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Tacexpr.ConclLocation () | discard = [ IDENT "Discardable" -> true | -> false ]; "Hypothesis" -> Tacexpr.HypLocation discard ] ] ; opt_hintbases: [ [ -> [] | ":"; l = LIST1 IDENT -> l ] ] ; command: [ [ IDENT "Goal"; c = Constr.constr -> VernacGoal c | "Proof" -> VernacProof (Tacexpr.TacId "") | "Proof"; "with"; ta = tactic -> VernacProof ta | IDENT "Abort" -> VernacAbort None | IDENT "Abort"; IDENT "All" -> VernacAbortAll | IDENT "Abort"; id = identref -> VernacAbort (Some id) | IDENT "Admitted" -> VernacEndProof Admitted | "Qed" -> VernacEndProof (Proved (true,None)) | IDENT "Save" -> VernacEndProof (Proved (true,None)) | IDENT "Defined" -> VernacEndProof (Proved (false,None)) | IDENT "Defined"; id=identref -> VernacEndProof (Proved (false,Some (id,None))) | IDENT "Save"; tok = thm_token; id = identref -> VernacEndProof (Proved (true,Some (id,Some tok))) | IDENT "Save"; id = identref -> VernacEndProof (Proved (true,Some (id,None))) | IDENT "Suspend" -> VernacSuspend | IDENT "Resume" -> VernacResume None | IDENT "Resume"; id = identref -> VernacResume (Some id) | IDENT "Restart" -> VernacRestart | "Proof"; c = Constr.constr -> VernacExactProof c | IDENT "Undo" -> VernacUndo 1 | IDENT "Undo"; n = natural -> VernacUndo n | IDENT "Focus" -> VernacFocus None | IDENT "Focus"; n = natural -> VernacFocus (Some n) | IDENT "Unfocus" -> VernacUnfocus | IDENT "Show" -> VernacShow (ShowGoal None) | IDENT "Show"; n = natural -> VernacShow (ShowGoal (Some n)) | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Implicits"; n = natural -> VernacShow (ShowGoalImplicitly (Some n)) | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Implicits" -> VernacShow (ShowGoalImplicitly None) | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Node" -> VernacShow ShowNode | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Script" -> VernacShow ShowScript | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Existentials" -> VernacShow ShowExistentials | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Tree" -> VernacShow ShowTree | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Conjectures" -> VernacShow ShowProofNames | IDENT "Show"; "Proof" -> VernacShow ShowProof | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Intro" -> VernacShow (ShowIntros false) | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Intros" -> VernacShow (ShowIntros true) | IDENT "Explain"; "Proof"; l = LIST0 integer -> VernacShow (ExplainProof l) | IDENT "Explain"; "Proof"; IDENT "Tree"; l = LIST0 integer -> VernacShow (ExplainTree l) | IDENT "Go"; n = natural -> VernacGo (GoTo n) | IDENT "Go"; IDENT "top" -> VernacGo GoTop | IDENT "Go"; IDENT "prev" -> VernacGo GoPrev | IDENT "Go"; IDENT "next" -> VernacGo GoNext | IDENT "Guarded" -> VernacCheckGuard (* Hints for Auto and EAuto *) | IDENT "HintDestruct"; local = locality; dloc = destruct_location; id = base_ident; hyptyp = Constr.constr_pattern; pri = natural; "["; tac = tactic; "]" -> VernacHints(local,[],HintsDestruct (id,pri,dloc,hyptyp,tac)) | IDENT "Hint"; local = locality; hintname = base_ident; dbnames = opt_hintbases; ":="; h = hint -> VernacHints (local,dbnames, h hintname) | IDENT "Hints"; local = locality; (dbnames,h) = hints -> VernacHints (local,dbnames, h) (*This entry is not commented, only for debug*) | IDENT "PrintConstr"; c = Constr.constr -> VernacExtend ("PrintConstr", [Genarg.in_gen Genarg.rawwit_constr c]) ] ]; locality: [ [ IDENT "Local" -> true | -> false ] ] ; hint: [ [ IDENT "Resolve"; c = Constr.constr -> fun name -> HintsResolve [Some name, c] | IDENT "Immediate"; c = Constr.constr -> fun name -> HintsImmediate [Some name, c] | IDENT "Unfold"; qid = global -> fun name -> HintsUnfold [Some name,qid] | IDENT "Constructors"; c = global -> fun n -> HintsConstructors (Some n,[c]) | IDENT "Extern"; n = natural; c = Constr.constr ; tac = tactic -> fun name -> HintsExtern (Some name,n,c,tac) ] ] ; hints: [ [ IDENT "Resolve"; l = LIST1 global; dbnames = opt_hintbases -> (dbnames, HintsResolve (List.map (fun qid -> (None, CAppExpl(loc,(None,qid),[]))) l)) | IDENT "Immediate"; l = LIST1 global; dbnames = opt_hintbases -> (dbnames, HintsImmediate (List.map (fun qid-> (None, CAppExpl (loc,(None,qid),[]))) l)) | IDENT "Unfold"; l = LIST1 global; dbnames = opt_hintbases -> (dbnames, HintsUnfold (List.map (fun qid -> (None,qid)) l)) ] ] ; END