(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Nvar(loc,s) ] ] ; metaident: [ [ s = METAIDENT -> Nvar(loc,s) ] ] ; ident: [ [ s = IDENT -> Id(loc,s) ] ] ; number: [ [ i = INT -> Num(loc, int_of_string i) ] ] ; string: [ [ s = STRING -> Str(loc,s) ] ] ; astpath: [ [ (l,pk) = astqualid -> Path(loc,l,pk) ] ] ; astqualid: [ [ "#"; l = LIST1 IDENT SEP "#"; "."; pk = IDENT -> (l, pk) ] ] ; astident: [ [ s = IDENT -> s | s = METAIDENT -> s ] ] ; (* ast *) ast: [ [ id = astident -> Nvar(loc,id) | s = INT -> Num(loc, int_of_string s) | s = STRING -> Str(loc,s) | p = astpath -> p | "{"; s = IDENT; "}" -> Id(loc,s) | "("; nname = astident; l = LIST0 ast; ")" -> Node(loc,nname,l) | "["; ido = astidoption; "]"; b = ast -> Slam(loc,ido,b) | "'"; a = ast -> Node(loc,"$QUOTE",[a]) ] ] ; astidoption: [ [ "<>" -> None | id = astident -> Some id ] ] ; (* meta-syntax entries *) astpat: [ [ "<<" ; a = ast; ">>" -> Node loc "ASTPAT" [a] | a = default_action_parser -> Node loc "ASTPAT" [a] ] ] ; astact: [ [ a = action -> Node loc "ASTACT" [a] ] ] ; astlist: [ [ l = LIST0 ast -> Node loc "ASTLIST" l ] ] ; action: [ [ IDENT "let"; p = astlist; et = entry_type; "="; e1 = action; "in"; e = action -> Node(loc,"$CASE",[e1; et; Node(loc,"CASE",[p;e])]) | IDENT "case"; a = action; et = entry_type; "of"; cl = LIST1 case SEP "|"; IDENT "esac" -> Node(loc,"$CASE",a::et::cl) | "["; al = default_action_parser; "]" -> al ] ] ; case: [[ p = astlist; "->"; a = action -> Node(loc,"CASE",[p;a]) ]] ; entry_type: [[ ":"; IDENT "ast"; IDENT "list" -> let _ = set_default_action_parser astlist in Id(loc,"LIST") | ":"; IDENT "List" -> (* For compatibility *) let _ = set_default_action_parser astlist in Id(loc,"LIST") | ":"; IDENT "list" -> (* For compatibility *) let _ = set_default_action_parser astlist in Id(loc,"LIST") | ":"; IDENT "ast" -> let _ = set_default_action_parser ast in Id(loc,"AST") | ":"; IDENT "constr" -> let _ = set_default_action_parser Constr.constr in Id(loc,"AST") | ":"; IDENT "tactic" -> let _ = set_default_action_parser Tactic.tactic in Id(loc,"AST") | ":"; IDENT "vernac" -> let _ = set_default_action_parser Vernac_.vernac in Id(loc,"AST") | -> Id(loc,"AST") ]] ; END