(* $Id$ *) (* This file to allow writing (3) for (S (S (S O))) and still write (S y) for (S y) *) open Pcoq open Pp open Util open Names open Coqast open Ast exception Non_closed_number let get_nat_sign loc = let ast_of_id id = Astterm.globalize_command (Nvar(loc,id)) in (ast_of_id "O", ast_of_id "S", ast_of_id "My_special_variable") (* For example, (nat_of_string "3") is <<(S (S (S O)))>> *) let nat_of_int n dloc = let (astO,astS,_) = get_nat_sign dloc in let rec mk_nat n = if n <= 0 then astO else Node(dloc,"APPLIST", [astS; mk_nat (n-1)]) in mk_nat n let nat_of_string s dloc = nat_of_int (int_of_string s) dloc let rec int_of_nat_rec astS astO p = match p with | Node (_,"APPLIST", [b; a]) when alpha_eq(b,astS) -> (int_of_nat_rec astS astO a)+1 | a when alpha_eq(a,astO) -> 1 (***** YES, 1, non 0 ... to print the successor of p *) | _ -> raise Non_closed_number let int_of_nat p = let (astO,astS,_) = get_nat_sign dummy_loc in try Some (int_of_nat_rec astS astO p) with Non_closed_number -> None let replace_S p = let (_,astS,astmyvar) = get_nat_sign dummy_loc in let rec aux p = match p with | Node (l,"APPLIST", [b; a]) when b = astS -> Node (l, "APPLIST", [astmyvar; (aux a)]) | _ -> p in ope("APPLIST", [astmyvar; (aux p)]) (* Declare the primitive printer *) (* Prints not p, but the SUCCESSOR of p !!!!! *) let nat_printer std_pr p = match (int_of_nat p) with | Some i -> [< 'sTR (string_of_int i) >] | None -> std_pr (replace_S p) let _ = Esyntax.Ppprim.add ("nat_printer", nat_printer) (* Declare the primitive parser *) let number = match create_entry (get_univ "nat") "number" ETast with | Ast n -> n | _ -> anomaly "G_natsyntax : create_entry number failed" let _ = Gram.extend number None [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("INT", "")], Gramext.action nat_of_string]]