(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* user_err_loc (loc, "", (str "Syntax Error")) | LETCLAUSE (id,c,d) -> (id,c,d) let make_letin_clause loc = List.map (out_letin_clause loc) let arg_of_expr = function TacArg a -> a | e -> Tacexp (e:raw_tactic_expr) (* Tactics grammar rules *) if !Options.v7 then GEXTEND Gram GLOBAL: tactic Vernac_.command tactic_arg tactic_expr5 tactic_expr4 tactic_expr3 tactic_expr2; (* GLOBAL: tactic_atom tactic_atom0 input_fun; *) input_fun: [ [ l = base_ident -> Some l | "()" -> None ] ] ; let_clause: [ [ id = identref; "="; te = tactic_letarg -> LETCLAUSE (id, None, te) | id = base_ident; ":"; c = Constr.constr; ":="; "Proof" -> LETTOPCLAUSE (id, c) | id = identref; ":"; c = constrarg; ":="; te = tactic_letarg -> LETCLAUSE (id, Some (TacArg(ConstrMayEval c)), te) | id = base_ident; ":"; c = Constr.constr -> LETTOPCLAUSE (id, c) ] ] ; rec_clause: [ [ name = identref; it = LIST1 input_fun; "->"; body = tactic_expr -> (name,(it,body)) ] ] ; match_pattern: [ [ id = Constr.constr_pattern; "["; pc = Constr.constr_pattern; "]" -> let (_,s) = coerce_to_id id in Subterm (Some s, pc) | "["; pc = Constr.constr_pattern; "]" -> Subterm (None,pc) | pc = Constr.constr_pattern -> Term pc ] ] ; match_hyps: [ [ na = name; ":"; mp = match_pattern -> Hyp (na, mp) ] ] ; match_context_rule: [ [ "["; largs = LIST0 match_hyps SEP ";"; "|-"; mp = match_pattern; "]"; "->"; te = tactic_expr -> Pat (largs, mp, te) | IDENT "_"; "->"; te = tactic_expr -> All te ] ] ; match_context_list: [ [ mrl = LIST1 match_context_rule SEP "|" -> mrl | "|"; mrl = LIST1 match_context_rule SEP "|" -> mrl ] ] ; match_rule: [ [ "["; mp = match_pattern; "]"; "->"; te = tactic_expr -> Pat ([],mp,te) | IDENT "_"; "->"; te = tactic_expr -> All te ] ] ; match_list: [ [ mrl = LIST1 match_rule SEP "|" -> mrl | "|"; mrl = LIST1 match_rule SEP "|" -> mrl ] ] ; tactic_expr: [ [ ta = tactic_expr5 -> ta ] ] ; tactic_expr5: [ [ ta0 = tactic_expr5; ";"; ta1 = tactic_expr4 -> TacThen (ta0, ta1) | ta = tactic_expr5; ";"; "["; lta = LIST0 tactic_expr SEP "|"; "]" -> TacThens (ta, lta) | y = tactic_expr4 -> y ] ] ; tactic_expr4: [ [ ta = tactic_expr3 -> ta ] ] ; tactic_expr3: [ [ IDENT "Try"; ta = tactic_expr3 -> TacTry ta | IDENT "Do"; n = int_or_var; ta = tactic_expr3 -> TacDo (n,ta) | IDENT "Repeat"; ta = tactic_expr3 -> TacRepeat ta | IDENT "Progress"; ta = tactic_expr3 -> TacProgress ta | IDENT "Info"; tc = tactic_expr3 -> TacInfo tc | ta = tactic_expr2 -> ta ] ] ; tactic_expr2: [ [ ta0 = tactic_atom; "Orelse"; ta1 = tactic_expr3 -> TacOrelse (ta0,ta1) | ta = tactic_atom -> ta ] ] ; tactic_atom: [ [ IDENT "Fun"; it = LIST1 input_fun ; "->"; body = tactic_expr -> TacFun (it,body) | IDENT "Rec"; rc = rec_clause -> warning "'Rec f ...' is obsolete; use 'Rec f ... In f' instead"; TacLetRecIn ([rc],TacArg (Reference (Libnames.Ident (fst rc)))) | IDENT "Rec"; rc = rec_clause; rcl = LIST0 rec_clause SEP "And"; [IDENT "In" | "in"]; body = tactic_expr -> TacLetRecIn (rc::rcl,body) | IDENT "Let"; llc = LIST1 let_clause SEP "And"; IDENT "In"; u = tactic_expr -> TacLetIn (make_letin_clause loc llc,u) | IDENT "Match"; IDENT "Context"; IDENT "With"; mrl = match_context_list -> TacMatchContext (false,false,mrl) | IDENT "Match"; IDENT "Reverse"; IDENT "Context"; IDENT "With"; mrl = match_context_list -> TacMatchContext (false,true,mrl) | IDENT "Match"; c = constrarg; IDENT "With"; mrl = match_list -> TacMatch (false,TacArg(ConstrMayEval c),mrl) (*To do: put Abstract in Refiner*) | IDENT "Abstract"; tc = tactic_expr -> TacAbstract (tc,None) | IDENT "Abstract"; tc = tactic_expr; "using"; s = base_ident -> TacAbstract (tc,Some s) (*End of To do*) | IDENT "First" ; "["; l = LIST0 tactic_expr SEP "|"; "]" -> TacFirst l | IDENT "Solve" ; "["; l = LIST0 tactic_expr SEP "|"; "]" -> TacSolve l | IDENT "Idtac" ; s = [ s = STRING -> s | -> ""] -> TacId s | IDENT "Fail"; n = [ n = int_or_var -> n | -> fail_default_value ]; s = [ s = STRING -> s | -> ""] -> TacFail (n,s) | st = simple_tactic -> TacAtom (loc,st) | "("; a = tactic_expr; ")" -> a | a = tactic_arg -> TacArg a ] ] ; (* Tactic arguments *) tactic_arg: [ [ ta = tactic_arg1 -> ta ] ] ; tactic_letarg: (* Cannot be merged with tactic_arg1, since then "In"/"And" are parsed as lqualid! *) [ [ IDENT "Eval"; rtc = red_expr; "in"; c = Constr.constr -> ConstrMayEval (ConstrEval (rtc,c)) | IDENT "Inst"; id = identref; "["; c = Constr.constr; "]" -> ConstrMayEval (ConstrContext (id,c)) | IDENT "Check"; c = Constr.constr -> ConstrMayEval (ConstrTypeOf c) | IDENT "FreshId"; s = OPT STRING -> TacFreshId s | IDENT "ipattern"; ":"; ipat = simple_intropattern -> IntroPattern ipat | r = reference -> Reference r | ta = tactic_arg0 -> ta ] ] ; tactic_arg1: [ [ IDENT "Eval"; rtc = red_expr; "in"; c = Constr.constr -> ConstrMayEval (ConstrEval (rtc,c)) | IDENT "Inst"; id = identref; "["; c = Constr.constr; "]" -> ConstrMayEval (ConstrContext (id,c)) | IDENT "Check"; c = Constr.constr -> ConstrMayEval (ConstrTypeOf c) | IDENT "FreshId"; s = OPT STRING -> TacFreshId s | IDENT "ipattern"; ":"; ipat = simple_intropattern -> IntroPattern ipat | r = reference; la = LIST1 tactic_arg0 -> TacCall (loc,r,la) | r = reference -> Reference r | ta = tactic_arg0 -> ta ] ] ; tactic_arg0: [ [ "("; a = tactic_expr; ")" -> arg_of_expr a | "()" -> TacVoid | r = reference -> Reference r | n = integer -> Integer n | id = METAIDENT -> MetaIdArg (loc,id) | "?" -> ConstrMayEval (ConstrTerm (CHole loc)) | "?"; n = natural -> ConstrMayEval (ConstrTerm (CPatVar (loc,(false,Pattern.patvar_of_int n)))) | "'"; c = Constr.constr -> ConstrMayEval (ConstrTerm c) ] ] ; (* Definitions for tactics *) deftok: [ [ IDENT "Meta" | IDENT "Tactic" ] ] ; tacdef_body: [ [ name = identref; it=LIST1 input_fun; ":="; body = tactic_expr -> (name, TacFun (it, body)) | name = identref; ":="; body = tactic_expr -> (name, body) ] ] ; tactic: [ [ tac = tactic_expr -> tac ] ] ; Vernac_.command: [ [ deftok; "Definition"; b = tacdef_body -> VernacDeclareTacticDefinition (false, [b]) | IDENT "Recursive"; deftok; "Definition"; l = LIST1 tacdef_body SEP "And" -> VernacDeclareTacticDefinition (true, l) ] ] ; END