(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* <:ast< ($VAR $id) >> (* This is used in quotations *) | id = METAIDENT -> <:ast< ($VAR $id) >> ] ] ; global: [ [ l = qualid -> <:ast< (QUALID ($LIST l)) >> (* This is used in quotations *) | id = METAIDENT -> <:ast< ($VAR $id) >> ] ] ; qualid: [ [ id = IDENT; l = fields -> <:ast< ($VAR $id) >> :: l ] ] ; fields: [ [ id = FIELD; l = fields -> <:ast< ($VAR $id) >> :: l | -> [] ] ] ; raw_constr: [ [ c = Prim.ast -> c ] ] ; constr: [ [ c = constr8 -> c | IDENT "Inst"; id = ident; "["; c = constr8; "]" -> <:ast< (CONTEXT $id $c) >> | IDENT "Eval"; rtc = Tactic.red_tactic; "in"; c = constr8 -> <:ast< (EVAL $c (REDEXP $rtc)) >> ] ] ; lconstr: [ [ c = constr10 -> c ] ] ; ne_constr_list: [ [ c1 = constr; cl = ne_constr_list -> c1::cl | c1 = constr -> [c1] ] ] ; sort: [ [ "Set" -> <:ast< (SET) >> | "Prop" -> <:ast< (PROP) >> | "Type" -> <:ast< (TYPE) >> ] ] ; constr0: [ [ "?" -> <:ast< (ISEVAR) >> | "?"; n = Prim.number -> <:ast< (META $n) >> | bl = binders; c = constr -> <:ast< ($ABSTRACT "LAMBDALIST" $bl $c) >> | "("; lc1 = lconstr; ":"; c = constr; body = product_tail -> let id = Ast.coerce_to_var "lc1" lc1 in <:ast< (PROD $c [$id]$body) >> | "("; lc1 = lconstr; ","; lc2 = lconstr; ":"; c = constr; body = product_tail -> let id1 = Ast.coerce_to_var "lc1" lc1 in let id2 = Ast.coerce_to_var "lc2" lc2 in <:ast< (PRODLIST $c [$id1][$id2]$body) >> | "("; lc1 = lconstr; ","; lc2 = lconstr; ","; idl = ne_ident_comma_list; ":"; c = constr; body = product_tail -> let id1 = Ast.coerce_to_var "lc1" lc1 in let id2 = Ast.coerce_to_var "lc2" lc2 in <:ast< (PRODLIST $c [$id1][$id2]($SLAM $idl $body)) >> | "("; lc1 = lconstr; ")" -> lc1 | "("; lc1 = lconstr; ")"; "@"; "["; cl = ne_constr_list; "]" -> <:ast< (SOAPP $lc1 ($LIST $cl)) >> | IDENT "Fix"; id = ident; "{"; fbinders = fixbinders; "}" -> <:ast< (FIX $id ($LIST $fbinders)) >> | IDENT "CoFix"; id = ident; "{"; fbinders = cofixbinders; "}" -> <:ast< (COFIX $id ($LIST $fbinders)) >> | s = sort -> s | v = global -> v ] ] ; constr1: [ [ "<"; ":"; IDENT "ast"; ":"; "<"; c = raw_constr; ">>" -> c | "<"; l1 = lconstr; ">"; IDENT "Match"; c = constr; "with"; cl = ne_constr_list; "end" -> <:ast< (MATCH $l1 $c ($LIST $cl)) >> | "<"; l1 = lconstr; ">"; IDENT "Match"; c = constr; "with"; "end" -> <:ast< (MATCH $l1 $c) >> | "<"; l1 = lconstr; ">"; IDENT "Case"; c = constr; "of"; cl = ne_constr_list; "end" -> <:ast< (CASE $l1 $c ($LIST $cl)) >> | "<"; l1 = lconstr; ">"; IDENT "Case"; c = constr; "of"; "end" -> <:ast< (CASE $l1 $c) >> | IDENT "Case"; c = constr; "of"; cl = ne_constr_list; "end" -> <:ast< (CASE "SYNTH" $c ($LIST $cl)) >> | IDENT "Case"; c = constr; "of"; "end" -> <:ast< (CASE "SYNTH" $c) >> | IDENT "Match"; c = constr; "with"; cl = ne_constr_list; "end" -> <:ast< (MATCH "SYNTH" $c ($LIST $cl)) >> | IDENT "let"; "("; b = ne_ident_comma_list; ")"; "="; c = constr; "in"; c1 = constr -> <:ast< (LET "SYNTH" $c (LAMBDALIST (ISEVAR) ($SLAM $b $c1))) >> | IDENT "let"; id1 = IDENT ; "="; c = constr; "in"; c1 = constr -> <:ast< (LETIN $c [$id1]$c1) >> | IDENT "if"; c1 = constr; IDENT "then"; c2 = constr; IDENT "else"; c3 = constr -> <:ast< ( IF "SYNTH" $c1 $c2 $c3) >> (* EN ATTENTE DE REMPLACER CE QUI EST DANS Program.v ... *) | "<"; l1 = lconstr; ">"; IDENT "let"; "("; b = ne_ident_comma_list; ")"; "="; c = constr; "in"; c1 = constr -> <:ast< (LET $l1 $c (LAMBDALIST (ISEVAR) ($SLAM $b $c1))) >> | "<"; l1 = lconstr; ">"; IDENT "if"; c1 = constr; IDENT "then"; c2 = constr; IDENT "else"; c3 = constr -> <:ast< (IF $l1 $c1 $c2 $c3) >> | c = constr0 -> c ] ] ; constr2: (* ~ will be here *) [ [ c = constr1 -> c ] ] ; constr3: [ [ c1 = constr2 -> c1 ] ] ; lassoc_constr4: [ [ c1 = constr3 -> c1 ] ] ; constr5: [ [ c1 = lassoc_constr4 -> c1 ] ] ; constr6: (* /\ will be here *) [ [ c1 = constr5 -> c1 ] ] ; constr7: (* \/ will be here *) [ RIGHTA [ c1 = constr6 -> c1 ] ] ; constr8: (* <-> will be here *) [ [ c1 = constr7 -> c1 | c1 = constr7; "->"; c2 = constr8 -> <:ast< (PROD $c1 [<>]$c2) >> ] ] ; constr9: [ [ c1 = constr8 -> c1 | c1 = constr8; "::"; c2 = constr8 -> <:ast< (CAST $c1 $c2) >> ] ] ; constr10: [ [ "!"; f = global; args = ne_constr9_list -> <:ast< (APPLISTEXPL $f ($LIST $args)) >> | f = constr9; args = ne_constr91_list -> <:ast< (APPLIST $f ($LIST $args)) >> | f = constr9 -> f ] ] ; ne_ident_comma_list: [ [ id = ident; ","; idl = ne_ident_comma_list -> id :: idl | id = ident -> [id] ] ] ; ident_comma_list_tail: [ [ ","; idl = ne_ident_comma_list -> idl | -> [] ] ] ; vardecls: (* This is interpreted by Pcoq.abstract_binder *) [ [ id = ident; idl = ident_comma_list_tail; c = type_option -> <:ast< (BINDER $c $id ($LIST $idl)) >> | id = ident; ":="; c = constr -> <:ast< (LETIN $c $id) >> | id = ident; "="; c = constr -> <:ast< (LETIN $c $id) >> ] ] ; ne_vardecls_list: [ [ id = vardecls; ";"; idl = ne_vardecls_list -> id :: idl | id = vardecls -> [id] ] ] ; binders: [ [ "["; bl = ne_vardecls_list; "]" -> bl ] ] ; ne_binders_list: [ [ bl = binders; bll = ne_binders_list -> bl @ bll | bl = binders -> bl ] ] ; type_option: [ [ ":"; c = constr -> c | -> <:ast< (ISEVAR) >> ] ] ; constr91: [ [ n = Prim.number; "!"; c1 = constr9 -> <:ast< (EXPL $n $c1) >> | c1 = constr9 -> c1 ] ] ; ne_constr91_list: [ [ c1 = constr91; cl = ne_constr91_list -> c1::cl | c1 = constr91 -> [c1] ] ] ; ne_constr9_list: [ [ c1 = constr9; cl = ne_constr9_list -> c1::cl | c1 = constr9 -> [c1] ] ] ; fixbinder: [ [ id = ident; "/"; recarg = Prim.number; ":"; type_ = constr; ":="; def = constr -> <:ast< (NUMFDECL $id $recarg $type_ $def) >> | id = ident; idl = ne_binders_list; ":"; type_ = constr; ":="; def = constr -> <:ast< (FDECL $id (BINDERS ($LIST $idl)) $type_ $def) >> ] ] ; fixbinders: [ [ fb = fixbinder; "with"; fbs = fixbinders -> fb::fbs | fb = fixbinder -> [fb] ] ] ; cofixbinder: [ [ id = ident; ":"; type_ = constr; ":="; def = constr -> <:ast< (CFDECL $id $type_ $def) >> ] ] ; cofixbinders: [ [ fb = cofixbinder; "with"; fbs = cofixbinders -> fb::fbs | fb = cofixbinder -> [fb] ] ] ; product_tail: [ [ ";"; idl = ne_ident_comma_list; ":"; c = constr; c2 = product_tail -> <:ast< (PRODLIST $c ($SLAM $idl $c2)) >> | ";"; idl = ne_ident_comma_list; c2 = product_tail -> <:ast< (PRODLIST (ISEVAR) ($SLAM $idl $c2)) >> | ")"; c = constr -> c ] ] ; END;;