(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* "; "="; ":="; "!"; "::"; "<:"; ":<"; "=>"; "<"; ">"; "|"; "?"; "/"; "<->"; "\\/"; "/\\"; "`"; "``"; "&"; "*"; "+"; "@"; "^"; "#"; "-"; "~"; "'"; "<<"; ">>"; "<>" ] let _ = List.iter (fun s -> Lexer.add_token ("",s)) constr_kw (* "let" is not a keyword because #Core#let.cci would not parse. Is it still accurate ? *) let coerce_to_var = function | CRef (Ident (_,id)) -> id | ast -> Util.user_err_loc (constr_loc ast,"Ast.coerce_to_var", (Pp.str"This expression should be a simple identifier")) let coerce_to_name = function | CRef (Ident (loc,id)) -> (loc, Name id) | ast -> Util.user_err_loc (constr_loc ast,"Ast.coerce_to_var", (Pp.str"This expression should be a simple identifier")) open Util let rec abstract_constr loc c = function | [] -> c | LocalRawDef ((loc',x),b)::bl -> CLetIn (join_loc loc' loc, (loc', x), b, abstract_constr loc c bl) | LocalRawAssum (nal,t)::bl -> let loc' = join_loc (fst (List.hd nal)) loc in CLambdaN(loc', [nal, t], abstract_constr loc c bl) (* Hack to parse "(n)" as nat without conflicts with the (useless) *) (* admissible notation "(n)" *) let test_int_rparen = Gram.Entry.of_parser "test_int_rparen" (fun strm -> match Stream.npeek 1 strm with | [("INT", _)] -> begin match Stream.npeek 2 strm with | [_; ("", ")")] -> () | _ -> raise Stream.Failure end | _ -> raise Stream.Failure) (* Hack to parse "n" at level 0 without conflicting with "n!" at level 91 *) (* admissible notation "(n)" *) let test_int_bang = Gram.Entry.of_parser "test_int_bang" (fun strm -> match Stream.npeek 1 strm with | [("INT", n)] -> begin match Stream.npeek 2 strm with | [_; ("", "!")] -> () | _ -> raise Stream.Failure end | _ -> raise Stream.Failure) (* Hack to parse "`id:...`" at level 0 without conflicting with "`...`" from ZArith *) let test_ident_colon = Gram.Entry.of_parser "test_ident_colon" (fun strm -> match Stream.npeek 1 strm with | [("IDENT", _)] -> begin match Stream.npeek 2 strm with | [_; ("", ":")] -> () | _ -> raise Stream.Failure end | _ -> raise Stream.Failure) GEXTEND Gram GLOBAL: operconstr lconstr constr sort global constr_pattern Constr.ident annot (*ne_name_comma_list*); Constr.ident: [ [ id = Prim.ident -> id (* This is used in quotations and Syntax *) | id = METAIDENT -> id_of_string id ] ] ; global: [ [ r = Prim.reference -> r (* This is used in quotations *) | id = METAIDENT -> Ident (loc,id_of_string id) ] ] ; constr_pattern: [ [ c = constr -> c ] ] ; ne_constr_list: [ [ cl = LIST1 constr -> cl ] ] ; sort: [ [ "Set" -> RProp Pos | "Prop" -> RProp Null | "Type" -> RType None ] ] ; constr: [ [ c = operconstr LEVEL "8" -> c ] ] ; lconstr: [ [ c = operconstr LEVEL "10" -> c ] ] ; operconstr: [ "10" RIGHTA [ "!"; f = global; args = LIST0 (operconstr LEVEL "9") -> CAppExpl (loc, (false,f), args) (* | "!"; f = global; "with"; b = binding_list -> <:ast< (APPLISTWITH $f $b) >> *) | f = operconstr; args = LIST1 constr91 -> CApp (loc, (false,f), args) ] | "9" RIGHTA [ c1 = operconstr; "::"; c2 = operconstr LEVEL "9" -> CCast (loc, c1, c2) ] | "8" RIGHTA [ c1 = operconstr; "->"; c2 = operconstr LEVEL "8"-> CArrow (loc, c1, c2) ] | "1" RIGHTA [ "<"; p = annot; ">"; IDENT "Match"; c = constr; "with"; cl = LIST0 constr; "end" -> COrderedCase (loc, MatchStyle, Some p, c, cl) | "<"; p = annot; ">"; IDENT "Case"; c = constr; "of"; cl = LIST0 constr; "end" -> COrderedCase (loc, RegularStyle, Some p, c, cl) | IDENT "Case"; c = constr; "of"; cl = LIST0 constr; "end" -> COrderedCase (loc, RegularStyle, None, c, cl) | IDENT "Match"; c = constr; "with"; cl = LIST1 constr; "end" -> COrderedCase (loc, MatchStyle, None, c, cl) | IDENT "let"; "("; b = ne_name_comma_list; ")"; "="; c = constr; "in"; c1 = constr -> (* TODO: right loc *) COrderedCase (loc, LetStyle, None, c, [CLambdaN (loc, [b, CHole loc], c1)]) | IDENT "let"; na = name; "="; c = opt_casted_constr; "in"; c1 = constr -> CLetIn (loc, na, c, c1) | IDENT "if"; c1 = constr; IDENT "then"; c2 = constr; IDENT "else"; c3 = constr -> COrderedCase (loc, IfStyle, None, c1, [c2; c3]) | "<"; p = annot; ">"; IDENT "let"; "("; b = ne_name_comma_list; ")"; "="; c = constr; "in"; c1 = constr -> (* TODO: right loc *) COrderedCase (loc, LetStyle, Some p, c, [CLambdaN (loc, [b, CHole loc], c1)]) | "<"; p = annot; ">"; IDENT "if"; c1 = constr; IDENT "then"; c2 = constr; IDENT "else"; c3 = constr -> COrderedCase (loc, IfStyle, Some p, c1, [c2; c3]) ] | "0" RIGHTA [ "?" -> CHole loc | "?"; n = Prim.natural -> CPatVar (loc, (false,Pattern.patvar_of_int n)) | bll = binders; c = constr -> abstract_constr loc c bll (* Hack to parse syntax "(n)" as a natural number *) | "("; test_int_rparen; n = bigint; ")" -> CDelimiters (loc,"N",CNumeral (loc,n)) | "("; lc1 = lconstr; ":"; c = constr; (bl,body) = product_tail -> let id = coerce_to_name lc1 in CProdN (loc, ([id], c)::bl, body) (* TODO: Syntaxe (_:t...)t et (_,x...)t *) | "("; lc1 = lconstr; ","; lc2 = lconstr; ":"; c = constr; (bl,body) = product_tail -> let id1 = coerce_to_name lc1 in let id2 = coerce_to_name lc2 in CProdN (loc, ([id1; id2], c)::bl, body) | "("; lc1 = lconstr; ","; lc2 = lconstr; ","; idl = ne_name_comma_list; ":"; c = constr; (bl,body) = product_tail -> let id1 = coerce_to_name lc1 in let id2 = coerce_to_name lc2 in CProdN (loc, (id1::id2::idl, c)::bl, body) | "("; lc1 = lconstr; ")" -> lc1 | "("; lc1 = lconstr; ")"; "@"; "["; cl = ne_constr_list; "]" -> (match lc1 with | CPatVar (loc2,(false,n)) -> CApp (loc,(false,CPatVar (loc2, (true,n))), List.map (fun c -> c, None) cl) | _ -> Util.error "Second-order pattern-matching expects a head metavariable") | IDENT "Fix"; id = identref; "{"; fbinders = fixbinders; "}" -> CFix (loc, id, fbinders) | IDENT "CoFix"; id = identref; "{"; fbinders = cofixbinders; "}" -> CCoFix (loc, id, fbinders) | IDENT "Prefix" ; "(" ; s = STRING ; cl = LIST0 constr ; ")" -> CNotation(loc, s, cl) | s = sort -> CSort (loc, s) | v = global -> CRef v | n = bigint -> CNumeral (loc,n) | "!"; f = global -> CAppExpl (loc,(false,f),[]) | "'"; test_ident_colon; key = IDENT; ":"; c = constr; "'" -> CDelimiters (loc,key,c) ] ] ; constr91: [ [ test_int_bang; n = INT; "!"; c = operconstr LEVEL "9" -> (c, Some (int_of_string n)) | c = operconstr LEVEL "9" -> (c, None) ] ] ; (* annot and product_annot_tail are hacks to forbid concrete syntax *) (* ">" (e.g. for gt, Zgt, ...) in annotations *) annot: [ RIGHTA [ bll = binders; c = annot -> abstract_constr loc c bll | "("; lc1 = lconstr; ":"; c = constr; (bl,body) = product_annot_tail -> let id = coerce_to_name lc1 in CProdN (loc, ([id], c)::bl, body) | "("; lc1 = lconstr; ","; lc2 = lconstr; ":"; c = constr; (bl,body) = product_annot_tail -> let id1 = coerce_to_name lc1 in let id2 = coerce_to_name lc2 in CProdN (loc, ([id1; id2], c)::bl, body) | "("; lc1 = lconstr; ","; lc2 = lconstr; ","; idl = ne_name_comma_list; ":"; c = constr; (bl,body) = product_annot_tail -> let id1 = coerce_to_name lc1 in let id2 = coerce_to_name lc2 in CProdN (loc, (id1::id2::idl, c)::bl, body) | "("; lc1 = lconstr; ")" -> lc1 | c1 = annot; "->"; c2 = annot -> CArrow (loc, c1, c2) ] | RIGHTA [ c1 = annot; "\\/"; c2 = annot -> CNotation (loc, "_ \\/ _", [c1;c2]) ] | RIGHTA [ c1 = annot; "/\\"; c2 = annot -> CNotation (loc, "_ /\\ _", [c1;c2]) ] | RIGHTA [ "~"; c = SELF -> CNotation (loc, "~ _", [c]) ] | RIGHTA [ c1 = SELF; "=="; c2 = NEXT -> CNotation (loc, "_ == _", [c1;c2]) ] | RIGHTA [ c1 = SELF; "="; c2 = NEXT -> CNotation (loc, "_ = _", [c1;c2]) ] | [ c = operconstr LEVEL "4L" -> c ] ] ; product_annot_tail: [ [ ";"; idl = ne_name_comma_list; ":"; c = constr; (bl,c2) = product_annot_tail -> ((idl, c)::bl, c2) | ";"; idl = ne_name_comma_list; (bl,c2) = product_annot_tail -> ((idl, CHole (fst (List.hd idl)))::bl, c2) | ")"; c = annot -> ([], c) ] ] ; ne_name_comma_list: [ [ nal = LIST1 name SEP "," -> nal ] ] ; name_comma_list_tail: [ [ ","; idl = ne_name_comma_list -> idl | -> [] ] ] ; opt_casted_constr: [ [ c = constr; ":"; t = constr -> CCast (loc, c, t) | c = constr -> c ] ] ; vardecls: [ [ na = name; nal = name_comma_list_tail; c = type_option -> LocalRawAssum (na::nal,c) | na = name; "="; c = opt_casted_constr -> LocalRawDef (na, c) | na = name; ":="; c = opt_casted_constr -> LocalRawDef (na, c) (* This is used in quotations *) | id = METAIDENT; c = type_option -> LocalRawAssum ([loc, Name (id_of_string id)], c) ] ] ; ne_vardecls_list: [ [ id = vardecls; ";"; idl = ne_vardecls_list -> id :: idl | id = vardecls -> [id] ] ] ; binders: [ [ "["; bl = ne_vardecls_list; "]" -> bl ] ] ; simple_params: [ [ idl = LIST1 name SEP ","; ":"; c = constr -> (idl, c) | idl = LIST1 name SEP "," -> (idl, CHole loc) ] ] ; simple_binders: [ [ "["; bll = LIST1 simple_params SEP ";"; "]" -> bll ] ] ; ne_simple_binders_list: [ [ bll = LIST1 simple_binders -> List.flatten bll ] ] ; type_option: [ [ ":"; c = constr -> c | -> CHole loc ] ] ; fixbinder: [ [ id = base_ident; "/"; recarg = natural; ":"; type_ = constr; ":="; def = constr -> (id, recarg-1, type_, def) | id = base_ident; bl = ne_simple_binders_list; ":"; type_ = constr; ":="; def = constr -> let ni = List.length (List.flatten (List.map fst bl)) -1 in let loc0 = fst (List.hd (fst (List.hd bl))) in let loc1 = join_loc loc0 (constr_loc type_) in let loc2 = join_loc loc0 (constr_loc def) in (id, ni, CProdN (loc1,bl,type_), CLambdaN (loc2,bl,def)) ] ] ; fixbinders: [ [ fbs = LIST1 fixbinder SEP "with" -> fbs ] ] ; cofixbinder: [ [ id = base_ident; ":"; type_ = constr; ":="; def = constr -> (id, type_, def) ] ] ; cofixbinders: [ [ fbs = LIST1 cofixbinder SEP "with" -> fbs ] ] ; product_tail: [ [ ";"; idl = ne_name_comma_list; ":"; c = constr; (bl,c2) = product_tail -> ((idl, c)::bl, c2) | ";"; idl = ne_name_comma_list; (bl,c2) = product_tail -> ((idl, CHole (fst (List.hd idl)))::bl, c2) | ")"; c = constr -> ([], c) ] ] ; END;;