(* $Id$ *) (*i*) open Pp open Extend (*i*) (* Syntax entry tables. *) type frozen_t (* pretty-printer summary operations *) val init : unit -> unit val freeze : unit -> frozen_t val unfreeze : frozen_t -> unit (* Search and add a PP rule for an ast in the summary *) val find_syntax_entry : string -> Coqast.t -> (syntax_entry * Ast.env) option val add_rule : string -> syntax_entry -> unit val add_ppobject : syntax_command -> unit (* Pretty-printing *) type std_printer = Coqast.t -> std_ppcmds type unparsing_subfunction = string -> tolerability option -> std_printer (* Module of primitive printers *) module Ppprim : sig type t = std_printer -> std_printer val add : string * t -> unit end (* Generic printing functions *) val token_printer: std_printer -> std_printer val print_syntax_entry : string -> unparsing_subfunction -> Ast.env -> syntax_entry -> std_ppcmds val genprint : std_printer -> unparsing_subfunction