(* $Id$ *) open Pp open Util open Coqast open Ast open Extend (*** Syntax keys ***) (* We define keys for ast and astpats. This is a kind of hash * function. An ast may have several keys, but astpat only one. The * idea is that if an ast A matches a pattern P, then the key of P * is in the set of keys of A. Thus, we can split the syntax entries * according to the key of the pattern. *) type key = | Cst of string list (* keys for global constants rules *) | Nod of string (* keys for other constructed asts rules *) | Oth (* key for other syntax rules *) | All (* key for catch-all rules (i.e. with a pattern such as $x .. *) let ast_keys = function | Node(_,"APPLIST",(Node(_,"CONST",(Path (_,sl,_))::_))::_) -> [Cst sl; Nod "APPLIST"; All] | Node(_,s,_) -> [Nod s; All] | _ -> [Oth; All] let spat_key astp = match astp with | Pnode("APPLIST", Pcons(Pnode("CONST", Pcons(Pquote(Path (_,sl,s)),_)), _)) -> Cst sl | Pnode(na,_) -> Nod na | Pquote ast -> List.hd (ast_keys ast) | Pmeta _ -> All | _ -> Oth let se_key se = spat_key se.syn_astpat (** Syntax entry tables (state of the pretty_printer) **) let from_name_table = ref Gmap.empty let from_key_table = ref Gmapl.empty (* Summary operations *) type frozen_t = (string * string, syntax_entry) Gmap.t * (string * key, syntax_entry) Gmapl.t let freeze () = (!from_name_table, !from_key_table) let unfreeze (fnm,fkm) = from_name_table := fnm; from_key_table := fkm let init () = from_name_table := Gmap.empty; from_key_table := Gmapl.empty let find_syntax_entry whatfor gt = let gt_keys = ast_keys gt in let entries = List.flatten (List.map (fun k -> Gmap.find (whatfor,k) !from_key_table) gt_keys) in first_match (fun se -> se.syn_astpat) [] gt entries let remove_with_warning name = if Gmap.mem name !from_name_table then begin let se = Gmap.find name !from_name_table in let key = (fst name, se_key se) in warning ("overriding syntax rule "^(fst name)^":"^(snd name)^"."); from_name_table := Gmap.remove name !from_name_table; from_key_table := Gmapl.remove key se !from_key_table end let add_rule whatfor se = let name = (whatfor,se.syn_id) in let key = (whatfor, se_key se) in remove_with_warning name; from_name_table := Gmap.add name se !from_name_table; from_key_table := Gmapl.add key se !from_key_table let add_ppobject (wf,sel) = List.iter (add_rule wf) sel (* Pretty-printing machinery *) type std_printer = Coqast.t -> std_ppcmds type unparsing_subfunction = ((string * precedence) * parenRelation) option -> std_printer (* Module of primitive printers *) module Ppprim = struct type t = std_printer -> std_printer let tab = ref ([] : (string * t) list) let map a = List.assoc a !tab let add (a,ppr) = tab := (a,ppr)::!tab end (* A printer for the tokens. *) let token_printer stdpr ast = match ast with | Id _ | Num _ | Str _ | Path _ -> print_ast ast | _ -> stdpr ast (* Register the primitive printer for "token". It is not used in syntax/PP*.v, * but any ast matching no PP rule is printed with it. *) let _ = Ppprim.add ("token",token_printer) (* A primitive printer to do "print as" (to specify a length for a string) *) let print_as_printer stdpr = function | Node (_, "AS", [Num(_,n); Str(_,s)]) -> [< 'sTRas (n,s) >] | ast -> stdpr ast let _ = Ppprim.add ("print_as",print_as_printer) (* Print the syntax entry. In the unparsing hunks, the tokens are * printed using the token_printer, unless another primitive printer * is specified. *) let print_syntax_entry sub_pr env se = let rule_prec = (se.syn_id, se.syn_prec) in let rec print_hunk = function | PH(e,pprim,reln) -> let sub_printer = sub_pr (Some(rule_prec,reln)) in let printer = match pprim with (* If a primitive printer is specified, use it *) | Some c -> (try (Ppprim.map c) sub_printer with Not_found -> (fun _ -> [< 'sTR"" >])) | None -> token_printer sub_printer in printer (Ast.pat_sub Ast.dummy_loc env e) | RO s -> [< 'sTR s >] | UNP_TAB -> [< 'tAB >] | UNP_FNL -> [< 'fNL >] | UNP_BRK(n1,n2) -> [< 'bRK(n1,n2) >] | UNP_TBRK(n1,n2) -> [< 'tBRK(n1,n2) >] | UNP_BOX (b,sub) -> ppcmd_of_box b (prlist print_hunk sub) in prlist print_hunk se.syn_hunks (* [genprint whatfor dflt inhprec ast] prints out the ast of * 'universe' whatfor. If the term is not matched by any * pretty-printing rule, then it will call dflt on it, which is * responsible for printing out the term (usually #GENTERM...). * In the case of tactics and commands, dflt also prints * global constants basenames. *) let genprint whatfor dflt inhprec ast = let rec rec_pr inherited gt = match find_syntax_entry whatfor gt with | Some(se, env) -> let rule_prec = (se.syn_id, se.syn_prec) in let no_paren = tolerable_prec inherited rule_prec in let printed_gt = print_syntax_entry rec_pr env se in if no_paren then printed_gt else [< 'sTR"(" ; printed_gt; 'sTR")" >] | None -> dflt gt (* No rule found *) in try rec_pr inhprec ast with | Failure _ -> [< 'sTR"" >] | Not_found -> [< 'sTR"" >]