(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* List.assoc n bl | Node(loc, node_name, args) -> Node(loc, node_name, List.map aux args) | Slam(loc, var, arg) -> Slam(loc, var, aux arg) | Smetalam(loc, var, arg) -> Smetalam(loc, var, aux arg) | other -> other in aux ast let rec collect_metas = function | Node (_,"META", [Num(_, n)]) -> [n] | Node(_, _, args) -> List.concat (List.map collect_metas args) | Slam(loc, var, arg) -> collect_metas arg | Smetalam(loc, var, arg) -> collect_metas arg | _ -> [] (* Hash-consing *) module Hloc = Hashcons.Make( struct type t = loc type u = unit let equal (b1,e1) (b2,e2) = b1=b2 & e1=e2 let hash_sub () x = x let hash = Hashtbl.hash end) module Hast = Hashcons.Make( struct type t = the_coq_ast type u = (the_coq_ast -> the_coq_ast) * ((loc -> loc) * (string -> string) * (identifier -> identifier) * (section_path -> section_path)) let hash_sub (hast,(hloc,hstr,hid,hsp)) = function | Node(l,s,al) -> Node(hloc l, hstr s, List.map hast al) | Nmeta(l,s) -> Nmeta(hloc l, hstr s) | Nvar(l,s) -> Nvar(hloc l, hid s) | Slam(l,None,t) -> Slam(hloc l, None, hast t) | Slam(l,Some s,t) -> Slam(hloc l, Some (hid s), hast t) | Smetalam(l,s,t) -> Smetalam(hloc l, hstr s, hast t) | Num(l,n) -> Num(hloc l, n) | Id(l,s) -> Id(hloc l, hstr s) | Str(l,s) -> Str(hloc l, hstr s) | Path(l,d) -> Path(hloc l, hsp d) | Dynamic(l,d) -> Dynamic(hloc l, d) let equal a1 a2 = match (a1,a2) with | (Node(l1,s1,al1), Node(l2,s2,al2)) -> (l1==l2 & s1==s2 & List.length al1 = List.length al2) & List.for_all2 (==) al1 al2 | (Nmeta(l1,s1), Nmeta(l2,s2)) -> l1==l2 & s1==s2 | (Nvar(l1,s1), Nvar(l2,s2)) -> l1==l2 & s1==s2 | (Slam(l1,None,t1), Slam(l2,None,t2)) -> l1==l2 & t1==t2 | (Slam(l1,Some s1,t1), Slam(l2,Some s2,t2)) ->l1==l2 & s1==s2 & t1==t2 | (Smetalam(l1,s1,t1), Smetalam(l2,s2,t2)) -> l1==l2 & s1==s2 & t1==t2 | (Num(l1,n1), Num(l2,n2)) -> l1==l2 & n1=n2 | (Id(l1,s1), Id(l2,s2)) -> l1==l2 & s1==s2 | (Str(l1,s1),Str(l2,s2)) -> l1==l2 & s1==s2 | (Path(l1,d1), Path(l2,d2)) -> (l1==l2 & d1==d2) | _ -> false let hash = Hashtbl.hash end) let hcons_ast (hstr,hid,hpath) = let hloc = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hloc.f () in let hast = Hashcons.recursive_hcons Hast.f (hloc,hstr,hid,hpath) in (hast,hloc) (* type 'vernac_ast raw_typed_ast = | PureAstNode of t | AstListNode of t list | PureAstNode of t | TacticAstNode of tactic_expr | VernacAstNode of 'vernac_ast type entry_type = | PureAstType | AstListType | VernacAstType | TacticAstType | VernacAtomAstType | DynamicAstType | QualidAstType | ConstrAstType | BinderAstType | ThmTokAstType | BindingListAstType type astpat = | Pquote of t | Pmeta of string * tok_kind | Pnode of string * patlist | Pslam of identifier option * astpat | Pmeta_slam of string * astpat and patlist = | Pcons of astpat * patlist | Plmeta of string | Pnil type 'a syntax_rule = string * 'a raw_typed_ast * t unparsing_hunk list type 'a raw_syntax_entry_ast = precedence * 'a syntax_rule list type grammar_associativity = Gramext.g_assoc option type 'a raw_grammar_action = | SimpleAction of loc * 'a raw_typed_ast | CaseAction of loc * 'a raw_grammar_action * entry_type option * (t list * 'a raw_grammar_action) list type grammar_production = VTerm of string | VNonTerm of loc * nonterm * string option type 'a grammar_rule = string * grammar_production list * 'a raw_grammar_action type 'a raw_grammar_entry_ast = (loc * string) * entry_type option * grammar_associativity * 'a grammar_rule list type evaluable_global_reference_ast = | AEvalVarRef of identifier | AEvalConstRef of section_path type flags_ast = int type red_expr_ast = (t,t,t) Rawterm.red_expr_gen type vernac_arg = | VARG_VARGLIST of vernac_arg list | VARG_STRING of string | VARG_NUMBER of int | VARG_NUMBERLIST of int list | VARG_IDENTIFIER of identifier | VARG_QUALID of Nametab.qualid | VCALL of string * vernac_arg list | VARG_CONSTR of t | VARG_CONSTRLIST of t list | VARG_TACTIC of tactic_expr | VARG_REDEXP of red_expr_ast | VARG_BINDER of identifier list * t | VARG_BINDERLIST of (identifier list * t) list | VARG_AST of t | VARG_ASTLIST of t list | VARG_UNIT | VARG_DYN of Dyn.t type def_kind = DEFINITION | LET | LOCAL | THEOREM | LETTOP | DECL | REMARK | FACT | LEMMA | COERCION | LCOERCION | OBJECT | LOBJECT | OBJCOERCION | LOBJCOERCION | SUBCLASS | LSUBCLASS open Nametab type declaration_hook = strength -> global_reference -> unit let add_coercion = ref (fun _ _ -> ()) let add_subclass = ref (fun _ _ -> ()) let add_object = ref (fun _ _ -> ()) type constr_ast = t type sort_expr = t type simple_binders = identifier * constr_ast type constructor_ast = identifier * constr_ast type inductive_ast = identifier * simple_binders list * constr_ast * constructor_ast list type fixpoint_ast = identifier * simple_binders list * constr_ast * constr_ast type cofixpoint_ast = identifier * constr_ast * constr_ast type local_decl_expr = | AssumExpr of identifier * constr_ast | DefExpr of identifier * constr_ast * constr_ast option type vernac_atom_ast = (* Syntax *) | VernacGrammar of string * vernac_ast raw_grammar_entry_ast list | VernacSyntax of string * vernac_ast raw_syntax_entry_ast list | VernacInfix of grammar_associativity * int * string * t | VernacDistfix of grammar_associativity * int * string * t (* Gallina *) | VernacDefinition of (bool * strength) * identifier * t option * constr_ast * constr_ast option * declaration_hook | VernacStartProof of (bool * strength) * identifier * constr_ast * bool * declaration_hook | VernacEndProof of bool * strength option * identifier option | VernacAssumption of strength * (identifier list * constr_ast) list | VernacInductive of bool * inductive_ast list | VernacFixpoint of fixpoint_ast list | VernacCoFixpoint of cofixpoint_ast list (* Gallina extensions *) | VernacRecord of bool * identifier * simple_binders list * sort_expr * identifier option * (bool * local_decl_expr) list (* Commands *) | TacticDefinition of loc * (identifier * tactic_expr) list | VernacSetOpacity of bool * (loc * identifier list) list | VernacSolve of int * tactic_expr (* For temporary compatibility *) | ExtraVernac of t (* For extension *) | VernacExtend of string * vernac_arg list (* For actions in Grammar and patterns in Syntax rules *) | VernacMeta of loc * string and located_vernac_atom_ast = loc * vernac_atom_ast and vernac_ast = | VTime of located_vernac_atom_ast | VLoad of bool * string | VernacList of located_vernac_atom_ast list | VernacVar of identifier type pat = vernac_ast raw_pat type typed_ast = vernac_ast raw_typed_ast type grammar_action = vernac_ast raw_grammar_action type grammar_entry_ast = vernac_ast raw_grammar_entry_ast type syntax_entry_ast = vernac_ast raw_syntax_entry_ast *)