(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Extend.RightA | Gramext.LeftA -> Extend.LeftA | Gramext.NonA -> Extend.NonA let of_coq_assoc = function | Extend.RightA -> Gramext.RightA | Extend.LeftA -> Gramext.LeftA | Extend.NonA -> Gramext.NonA let of_coq_position = function | Extend.First -> Gramext.First | Extend.Last -> Gramext.Last | Extend.Before s -> Gramext.Before s | Extend.After s -> Gramext.After s | Extend.Level s -> Gramext.Level s let to_coq_position = function | Gramext.First -> Extend.First | Gramext.Last -> Extend.Last | Gramext.Before s -> Extend.Before s | Gramext.After s -> Extend.After s | Gramext.Level s -> Extend.Level s | Gramext.Like _ -> assert false (** dont use it, not in camlp4 *) ELSE let to_coq_assoc = function | PcamlSig.Grammar.RightA -> Extend.RightA | PcamlSig.Grammar.LeftA -> Extend.LeftA | PcamlSig.Grammar.NonA -> Extend.NonA let of_coq_assoc = function | Extend.RightA -> PcamlSig.Grammar.RightA | Extend.LeftA -> PcamlSig.Grammar.LeftA | Extend.NonA -> PcamlSig.Grammar.NonA let of_coq_position = function | Extend.First -> PcamlSig.Grammar.First | Extend.Last -> PcamlSig.Grammar.Last | Extend.Before s -> PcamlSig.Grammar.Before s | Extend.After s -> PcamlSig.Grammar.After s | Extend.Level s -> PcamlSig.Grammar.Level s let to_coq_position = function | PcamlSig.Grammar.First -> Extend.First | PcamlSig.Grammar.Last -> Extend.Last | PcamlSig.Grammar.Before s -> Extend.Before s | PcamlSig.Grammar.After s -> Extend.After s | PcamlSig.Grammar.Level s -> Extend.Level s END (** Signature of Lexer *) IFDEF CAMLP5 THEN module type LexerSig = sig include Grammar.GLexerType with type te = Tok.t module Error : sig type t exception E of t val to_string : t -> string end end ELSE module type LexerSig = Camlp4.Sig.Lexer with module Loc = CompatLoc and type Token.t = Tok.t END (** Signature and implementation of grammars *) IFDEF CAMLP5 THEN module type GrammarSig = sig include Grammar.S with type te = Tok.t type 'a entry = 'a Entry.e type internal_entry = Tok.t Gramext.g_entry type symbol = Tok.t Gramext.g_symbol type action = Gramext.g_action type production_rule = symbol list * action type single_extend_statment = string option * Gramext.g_assoc option * production_rule list type extend_statment = Gramext.position option * single_extend_statment list val action : 'a -> action val entry_create : string -> 'a entry val entry_parse : 'a entry -> parsable -> 'a val entry_print : Format.formatter -> 'a entry -> unit val srules' : production_rule list -> symbol val parse_tokens_after_filter : 'a entry -> Tok.t Stream.t -> 'a end module GrammarMake (L:LexerSig) : GrammarSig = struct include Grammar.GMake (L) type 'a entry = 'a Entry.e type internal_entry = Tok.t Gramext.g_entry type symbol = Tok.t Gramext.g_symbol type action = Gramext.g_action type production_rule = symbol list * action type single_extend_statment = string option * Gramext.g_assoc option * production_rule list type extend_statment = Gramext.position option * single_extend_statment list let action = Gramext.action let entry_create = Entry.create let entry_parse e p = try Entry.parse e p with Exc_located (loc,e) -> Loc.raise (to_coqloc loc) e IFDEF CAMLP5_6_02_1 THEN let entry_print ft x = Entry.print ft x ELSE let entry_print _ x = Entry.print x END let srules' = Gramext.srules let parse_tokens_after_filter = Entry.parse_token end ELSE module type GrammarSig = sig include Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Static with module Loc = CompatLoc and type Token.t = Tok.t type 'a entry = 'a Entry.t type action = Action.t type parsable val parsable : char Stream.t -> parsable val action : 'a -> action val entry_create : string -> 'a entry val entry_parse : 'a entry -> parsable -> 'a val entry_print : Format.formatter -> 'a entry -> unit val srules' : production_rule list -> symbol end module GrammarMake (L:LexerSig) : GrammarSig = struct (* We need to refer to Coq's module Loc before it is hidden by include *) let raise_coq_loc loc e = Loc.raise (to_coqloc loc) e include Camlp4.Struct.Grammar.Static.Make (L) type 'a entry = 'a Entry.t type action = Action.t type parsable = char Stream.t let parsable s = s let action = Action.mk let entry_create = Entry.mk let entry_parse e s = try parse e (*FIXME*)CompatLoc.ghost s with Exc_located (loc,e) -> raise_coq_loc loc e let entry_print ft x = Entry.print ft x let srules' = srules (entry_create "dummy") end END (** Some definitions are grammar-specific in Camlp4, so we use a functor to depend on it while taking a dummy argument in Camlp5. *) module GramextMake (G : GrammarSig) : sig val stoken : Tok.t -> G.symbol val sself : G.symbol val snext : G.symbol val slist0 : G.symbol -> G.symbol val slist0sep : G.symbol * G.symbol -> G.symbol val slist1 : G.symbol -> G.symbol val slist1sep : G.symbol * G.symbol -> G.symbol val sopt : G.symbol -> G.symbol val snterml : G.internal_entry * string -> G.symbol val snterm : G.internal_entry -> G.symbol val snterml_level : G.symbol -> string end = struct IFDEF CAMLP5 THEN let stoken tok = let pattern = match tok with | Tok.KEYWORD s -> "", s | Tok.IDENT s -> "IDENT", s | Tok.PATTERNIDENT s -> "PATTERNIDENT", s | Tok.FIELD s -> "FIELD", s | Tok.INT s -> "INT", s | Tok.INDEX s -> "INDEX", s | Tok.STRING s -> "STRING", s | Tok.LEFTQMARK -> "LEFTQMARK", "" | Tok.BULLET s -> "BULLET", s | Tok.EOI -> "EOI", "" in Gramext.Stoken pattern ELSE module Gramext = G let stoken tok = match tok with | Tok.KEYWORD s -> Gramext.Skeyword s | tok -> Gramext.Stoken (Tok.equal tok, G.Token.to_string tok) END IFDEF CAMLP5_6_00 THEN let slist0sep (x, y) = Gramext.Slist0sep (x, y, false) let slist1sep (x, y) = Gramext.Slist1sep (x, y, false) ELSE let slist0sep (x, y) = Gramext.Slist0sep (x, y) let slist1sep (x, y) = Gramext.Slist1sep (x, y) END let snterml (x, y) = Gramext.Snterml (x, y) let snterm x = Gramext.Snterm x let sself = Gramext.Sself let snext = Gramext.Snext let slist0 x = Gramext.Slist0 x let slist1 x = Gramext.Slist1 x let sopt x = Gramext.Sopt x let snterml_level = function | Gramext.Snterml (_, l) -> l | _ -> failwith "snterml_level" end (** Misc functional adjustments *) (** - The lexer produces streams made of pairs in camlp4 *) let get_tok = IFDEF CAMLP5 THEN fun x -> x ELSE fst END (** - Gram.extend is more currified in camlp5 than in camlp4 *) IFDEF CAMLP5 THEN let maybe_curry f x y = f (x,y) let maybe_uncurry f (x,y) = f x y ELSE let maybe_curry f = f let maybe_uncurry f = f END (** Compatibility with camlp5 strict mode *) IFDEF CAMLP5 THEN IFDEF STRICT THEN let vala x = Ploc.VaVal x ELSE let vala x = x END ELSE let vala x = x END (** Fix a quotation difference in [str_item] *) let declare_str_items loc l = IFDEF CAMLP5 THEN MLast.StDcl (loc, vala l) (* correspond to <:str_item< declare $list:l'$ end >> *) ELSE Ast.stSem_of_list l END (** Quotation difference for match clauses *) let default_patt loc = (<:patt< _ >>, vala None, <:expr< failwith "Extension: cannot occur" >>) IFDEF CAMLP5 THEN let make_fun loc cl = let l = cl @ [default_patt loc] in MLast.ExFun (loc, vala l) (* correspond to <:expr< fun [ $list:l$ ] >> *) ELSE let make_fun loc cl = let mk_when = function | Some w -> w | None -> Ast.ExNil loc in let mk_clause (patt,optwhen,expr) = (* correspond to <:match_case< ... when ... -> ... >> *) Ast.McArr (loc, patt, mk_when optwhen, expr) in let init = mk_clause (default_patt loc) in let add_clause x acc = Ast.McOr (loc, mk_clause x, acc) in let l = List.fold_right add_clause cl init in Ast.ExFun (loc,l) (* correspond to <:expr< fun [ $l$ ] >> *) END (** Explicit antiquotation $anti:... $ *) IFDEF CAMLP5 THEN let expl_anti loc e = <:expr< $anti:e$ >> ELSE let expl_anti _loc e = e (* FIXME: understand someday if we can do better *) END (** Qualified names in OCaml *) IFDEF CAMLP5 THEN let qualified_name loc path name = let fold dir accu = <:expr< $uid:dir$.$accu$ >> in List.fold_right fold path <:expr< $lid:name$ >> ELSE let qualified_name loc path name = let fold dir accu = Ast.IdAcc (loc, Ast.IdUid (loc, dir), accu) in let path = List.fold_right fold path (Ast.IdLid (loc, name)) in Ast.ExId (loc, path) END IFDEF CAMLP5 THEN let warning_verbose = Gramext.warning_verbose ELSE (* TODO: this is a workaround, since there isn't such [warning_verbose] in new camlp4. *) let warning_verbose = ref true END