(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* unit val remove_keyword : string -> unit val is_keyword : string -> bool val keywords : unit -> CString.Set.t type keyword_state val set_keyword_state : keyword_state -> unit val get_keyword_state : unit -> keyword_state val check_ident : string -> unit val is_ident : string -> bool val check_keyword : string -> unit val terminal : string -> Tok.t (** The lexer of Coq: *) (* modtype Grammar.GLexerType: sig type te val lexer : te Plexing.lexer end where type lexer 'te = { tok_func : lexer_func 'te; tok_using : pattern -> unit; tok_removing : pattern -> unit; tok_match : pattern -> 'te -> string; tok_text : pattern -> string; tok_comm : mutable option (list location) } *) include Grammar.GLexerType with type te = Tok.t module Error : sig type t exception E of t val to_string : t -> string end (* Mainly for comments state, etc... *) type lexer_state val init_lexer_state : Loc.source -> lexer_state val set_lexer_state : lexer_state -> unit val get_lexer_state : unit -> lexer_state val release_lexer_state : unit -> lexer_state [@@ocaml.deprecated "Use get_lexer_state"] val drop_lexer_state : unit -> unit (* Retrieve the comments lexed at a given location of the stream currently being processeed *) val extract_comments : int -> string list