(* $Id$ *) open Pp open Util open Names open Sign open Generic open Term open Environ open Evd open Reduction open Impargs open Rawterm open Typing open Pretyping open Evarutil open Ast open Coqast (* when an head ident is not a constructor in pattern *) let mssg_hd_is_not_constructor s = [< 'sTR ("The symbol "^s^" should be a constructor") >] (* checking linearity of a list of ids in patterns *) let non_linearl_mssg id = [< 'sTR "The variable " ; 'sTR(string_of_id id); 'sTR " is bound several times in pattern" >] let rec has_duplicate = function | [] -> None | x::l -> if List.mem x l then (Some x) else has_duplicate l let check_linearity loc ids = match has_duplicate ids with | Some id -> user_err_loc (loc,"dbize_eqn",non_linearl_mssg id) | None -> () let mal_formed_mssg () = [<'sTR "malformed macro of multiple case" >] (* determines if some pattern variable starts with uppercase *) let warning_uppercase loc uplid = (* Comment afficher loc ?? *) let vars = prlist_with_sep pr_spc (fun v -> [< 'sTR (string_of_id v) >]) uplid in let (s1,s2) = if List.length uplid = 1 then (" ","s ") else ("s "," ") in wARN [<'sTR ("Warning: the variable"^s1); vars; 'sTR (" start"^s2^" with upper case in pattern"); 'cUT >] let is_uppercase_var v = match (string_of_id v).[0] with 'A'..'Z' -> true | _ -> false let check_uppercase loc ids = let uplid = List.filter is_uppercase_var ids in if uplid <> [] then warning_uppercase loc uplid (* check that the number of pattern matches the number of matched args *) let mssg_number_of_patterns n pl = [< 'sTR"Expecting ";'iNT n ; 'sTR" pattern(s) but found "; 'iNT (List.length pl); 'sTR" in " >] let check_number_of_pattern loc n l = if n<>(List.length l) then user_err_loc (loc,"check_number_of_pattern",mssg_number_of_patterns n l) (****************************************************************) (* Arguments normally implicit in the "Implicit Arguments mode" *) (* but explicitely given *) let dbize_sp = function | Path(loc,sl,s) -> (try section_path sl s with Invalid_argument _ | Failure _ -> anomaly_loc(loc,"Astterm.dbize_sp", [< 'sTR"malformed section-path" >])) | ast -> anomaly_loc(Ast.loc ast,"Astterm.dbize_sp", [< 'sTR"not a section-path" >]) let is_underscore id = (id = "_") let name_of_nvar s = if is_underscore s then Anonymous else Name (id_of_string s) let ident_of_nvar loc s = if is_underscore s then user_err_loc (loc,"ident_of_nvar", [< 'sTR "Unexpected wildcard" >]) else (id_of_string s) let ids_of_ctxt = array_map_to_list (function VAR id -> id | _ -> assert false) let maybe_constructor env s = try match Declare.global_reference CCI (id_of_string s) with | DOPN(MutConstruct (spi,j),cl) -> Some ((spi,j),ids_of_ctxt cl) | _ -> None with Not_found -> None let dbize_ctxt = List.map (function | Nvar (loc,s) -> ident_of_nvar loc s | _ -> anomaly "Bad ast for local ctxt of a global reference") let dbize_global loc = function | ("CONST", sp::ctxt) -> RRef (loc,RConst (dbize_sp sp,dbize_ctxt ctxt)) | ("EVAR", (Num (_,ev))::ctxt) -> RRef (loc,REVar (ev,dbize_ctxt ctxt)) | ("MUTIND", sp::Num(_,tyi)::ctxt) -> RRef (loc,RInd ((dbize_sp sp, tyi),dbize_ctxt ctxt)) | ("MUTCONSTRUCT", sp::Num(_,ti)::Num(_,n)::ctxt) -> RRef (loc,RConstruct (((dbize_sp sp,ti),n),dbize_ctxt ctxt)) (* | ("SYNCONST", [sp]) -> search_synconst_path CCI (dbize_sp sp) *) (* | ("ABST", [sp]) -> RRef (loc,Abst (dbize_sp sp)) *) | _ -> anomaly_loc (loc,"dbize_global", [< 'sTR "Bad ast for this global a reference">]) let ref_from_constr = function | DOPN (Const sp,ctxt) -> RConst (sp,ids_of_ctxt ctxt) | DOPN (Evar ev,ctxt) -> REVar (ev,ids_of_ctxt ctxt) | DOPN (MutConstruct (spi,j),ctxt) -> RConstruct ((spi,j),ids_of_ctxt ctxt) | DOPN (MutInd (sp,i),ctxt) -> RInd ((sp,i),ids_of_ctxt ctxt) | VAR id -> RVar id (* utilisé dans trad pour coe_value (tmp) *) | _ -> anomaly "Not a reference" let error_var_not_found str loc s = Util.user_err_loc (loc,str, [< 'sTR "The variable"; 'sPC; 'sTR s; 'sPC ; 'sTR "was not found"; 'sPC ; 'sTR "in the current"; 'sPC ; 'sTR "environment" >]) let dbize_ref k sigma env loc s = let id = ident_of_nvar loc s in try match lookup_id id env with | RELNAME(n,_) -> RRel (loc,n),[] | _ -> RRef(loc,RVar id), (try implicits_of_var k id with _ -> []) with Not_found -> try let c,il = match k with | CCI -> Declare.global_reference_imps CCI id | FW -> Declare.global_reference_imps FW id | OBJ -> anomaly "search_ref_cci_fw" in RRef (loc,ref_from_constr c), il with UserError _ -> try (Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition id, []) with Not_found -> error_var_not_found "dbize_ref" loc s let mkLambdaC (x,a,b) = ope("LAMBDA",[a;slam(Some (string_of_id x),b)]) let mkLambdaCit = List.fold_right (fun (x,a) b -> mkLambdaC(x,a,b)) let mkProdC (x,a,b) = ope("PROD",[a;slam(Some (string_of_id x),b)]) let mkProdCit = List.fold_right (fun (x,a) b -> mkProdC(x,a,b)) let destruct_binder = function | Node(_,"BINDER",c::idl) -> List.map (fun id -> (id_of_string (nvar_of_ast id),c)) idl | _ -> anomaly "BINDER is expected" let rec dbize_pattern env = function | Node(_,"PATTAS",[Nvar (loc,s); p]) -> (match name_of_nvar s with | Anonymous -> dbize_pattern env p | Name id -> let (ids,p') = dbize_pattern env p in (id::ids,PatAs (loc,id,p'))) | Node(_,"PATTCONSTRUCT", Nvar(loc,s)::((_::_) as pl)) -> (match maybe_constructor env s with | Some c -> let (idsl,pl') = List.split (List.map (dbize_pattern env) pl) in (List.flatten idsl,PatCstr (loc,c,pl')) | None -> user_err_loc (loc,"dbize_pattern",mssg_hd_is_not_constructor s)) | Nvar(loc,s) -> (match name_of_nvar s with | Anonymous -> ([], PatVar (loc,Anonymous)) | Name id as name -> ([id], PatVar (loc,name))) | _ -> anomaly "dbize: badly-formed ast for Cases pattern" let rec dbize_fix = function | [] -> ([],[],[],[]) | Node(_,"NUMFDECL", [Nvar(_,fi); Num(_,ni); astA; astT])::rest -> let (lf,ln,lA,lt) = dbize_fix rest in ((id_of_string fi)::lf, (ni-1)::ln, astA::lA, astT::lt) | Node(_,"FDECL", [Nvar(_,fi); Node(_,"BINDERS",bl); astA; astT])::rest -> let binders = List.flatten (List.map destruct_binder bl) in let ni = List.length binders - 1 in let (lf,ln,lA,lt) = dbize_fix rest in ((id_of_string fi)::lf, ni::ln, (mkProdCit binders astA)::lA, (mkLambdaCit binders astT)::lt) | _ -> anomaly "FDECL or NUMFDECL is expected" let rec dbize_cofix = function | [] -> ([],[],[]) | Node(_,"CFDECL", [Nvar(_,fi); astA; astT])::rest -> let (lf,lA,lt) = dbize_cofix rest in ((id_of_string fi)::lf, astA::lA, astT::lt) | _ -> anomaly "CFDECL is expected" let error_fixname_unbound str is_cofix loc name = user_err_loc (loc,"dbize (COFIX)", [< 'sTR "The name"; 'sPC ; 'sTR name ; 'sPC ; 'sTR "is not bound in the corresponding"; 'sPC ; 'sTR ((if is_cofix then "co" else "")^"fixpoint definition") >]) let dbize k sigma = let rec dbrec env = function | Nvar(loc,s) -> fst (dbize_ref k sigma env loc s) (* | Slam(_,ona,Node(_,"V$",l)) -> let na = (match ona with Some s -> Name (id_of_string s) | _ -> Anonymous) in DLAMV(na,Array.of_list (List.map (dbrec (add_rel (na,()) env)) l)) | Slam(_,ona,t) -> let na = (match ona with Some s -> Name (id_of_string s) | _ -> Anonymous) in DLAM(na, dbrec (add_rel (na,()) env) t) *) | Node(loc,"FIX", (Nvar (locid,iddef))::ldecl) -> let (lf,ln,lA,lt) = dbize_fix ldecl in let n = try (list_index (ident_of_nvar locid iddef) lf) -1 with Failure _ -> error_fixname_unbound "dbize (FIX)" false locid iddef in let ext_env = List.fold_left (fun env fid -> add_rel (Name fid,()) env) env lf in let defl = Array.of_list (List.map (dbrec ext_env) lt) in let arityl = Array.of_list (List.map (dbrec env) lA) in RRec (loc,RFix (Array.of_list ln,n), Array.of_list lf, arityl, defl) | Node(loc,"COFIX", (Nvar(locid,iddef))::ldecl) -> let (lf,lA,lt) = dbize_cofix ldecl in let n = try (list_index (ident_of_nvar locid iddef) lf) -1 with Failure _ -> error_fixname_unbound "dbize (COFIX)" true locid iddef in let ext_env = List.fold_left (fun env fid -> add_rel (Name fid,()) env) env lf in let defl = Array.of_list (List.map (dbrec ext_env) lt) in let arityl = Array.of_list (List.map (dbrec env) lA) in RRec (loc,RCofix n, Array.of_list lf, arityl, defl) | Node(loc,("PROD"|"LAMBDA" as k), [c1;Slam(_,ona,c2)]) -> let na = match ona with | Some s -> Name (id_of_string s) | _ -> Anonymous in let kind = if k="PROD" then BProd else BLambda in RBinder(loc, kind, na, dbrec env c1, dbrec (add_rel (na,()) env) c2) | Node(_,"PRODLIST", [c1;(Slam _ as c2)]) -> iterated_binder BProd c1 env c2 | Node(_,"LAMBDALIST", [c1;(Slam _ as c2)]) -> iterated_binder BLambda c1 env c2 | Node(loc,"APPLISTEXPL", f::args) -> RApp (loc,dbrec env f,List.map (dbrec env) args) | Node(loc,"APPLIST", Nvar(locs,s)::args) -> let (c, impargs) = dbize_ref k sigma env locs s in RApp (loc, c, dbize_args env impargs args) | Node(loc,"APPLIST", f::args) -> RApp (loc,dbrec env f,List.map (dbrec env) args) | Node(loc,"MULTCASE", p:: Node(_,"TOMATCH",tms):: eqns) -> let po = match p with | Str(_,"SYNTH") -> None | _ -> Some(dbrec env p) in RCases (loc,PrintCases,po, List.map (dbrec env) tms, List.map (dbize_eqn (List.length tms) env) eqns) | Node(loc,"CASE",Str(_,isrectag)::p::c::cl) -> let po = match p with | Str(_,"SYNTH") -> None | _ -> Some(dbrec env p) in let isrec = match isrectag with | "REC" -> true | "NOREC" -> false | _ -> anomaly "dbize: wrong REC tag in CASE" in ROldCase (loc,isrec,po,dbrec env c, Array.of_list (List.map (dbrec env) cl)) | Node(loc,"ISEVAR",[]) -> RHole (Some loc) | Node(loc,"META",[Num(_,n)]) -> RRef (loc,RMeta n) | Node(loc,"PROP", []) -> RSort(loc,RProp Null) | Node(loc,"SET", []) -> RSort(loc,RProp Pos) | Node(loc,"TYPE", []) -> RSort(loc,RType) (* This case mainly parses things build from in a quotation *) | Node(loc,("CONST"|"EVAR"|"MUTIND"|"MUTCONSTRUCT"|"SYNCONST" as key),l) -> dbize_global loc (key,l) | Node(loc,opn,tl) -> anomaly ("dbize found operator "^opn^" with "^ (string_of_int (List.length tl))^" arguments") | _ -> anomaly "dbize: unexpected ast" and dbize_eqn n env = function | Node(loc,"EQN",rhs::lhs) -> let (idsl,pl) = List.split (List.map (dbize_pattern env) lhs) in let ids = List.flatten idsl in check_linearity loc ids; check_uppercase loc ids; check_number_of_pattern loc n pl; let env' = List.fold_left (fun env id -> add_rel (Name id,()) env) env ids in (ids,pl,dbrec env' rhs) | _ -> anomaly "dbize: badly-formed ast for Cases equation" and iterated_binder oper ty env = function | Slam(loc,ona,body) -> let na =match ona with | Some s -> Name (id_of_string s) | _ -> Anonymous in RBinder(loc, oper, na, dbrec (add_rel (Anonymous,()) env) ty, (* To avoid capture *) (iterated_binder oper ty (add_rel (na,()) env) body)) | body -> dbrec env body and dbize_args env l args = let rec aux n l args = match (l,args) with | (i::l',Node(loc, "EXPL", [Num(_,j);a])::args') -> if i=n & j>=i then if j=i then (dbrec env a)::(aux (n+1) l' args') else (RHole None)::(aux (n+1) l' args) else error "Bad explicitation number" | (i::l',a::args') -> if i=n then (RHole None)::(aux (n+1) l' args) else (dbrec env a)::(aux (n+1) l' args') | ([],args) -> List.map (dbrec env) args | (_,[]) -> [] in aux 1 l args in dbrec let dbize_cci sigma env com = dbize CCI sigma env com let dbize_fw sigma env com = dbize FW sigma env com (* constr_of_com takes an environment of typing assumptions, * and translates a command to a constr. *) let raw_constr_of_com sigma env com = dbize_cci sigma (unitize_env env) com let raw_fconstr_of_com sigma env com = dbize_fw sigma (unitize_env env) com let raw_constr_of_compattern sigma env com = dbize_cci sigma (unitize_env env) com (* Globalization of AST quotations (mainly used in command quotations to get statically bound idents in grammar or pretty-printing rules) *) let ast_adjust_consts sigma = (* locations are kept *) let rec dbrec env = function | Nvar(loc,s) as ast -> (let id = id_of_string s in if Ast.isMeta s then ast else if List.mem id (ids_of_env env) then ast else try match Declare.global_reference CCI id with | DOPN (Const sp,_) -> Node(loc,"CONST",[path_section loc sp]) | DOPN (Evar ev,_) -> Node(loc,"EVAR",[Num(loc,ev)]) | DOPN (MutConstruct ((sp,i),j),_) -> Node (loc,"MUTCONSTRUCT",[path_section loc sp;num i;num j]) | DOPN (MutInd (sp,i),_) -> Node (loc,"MUTIND",[path_section loc sp;num i]) | _ -> anomaly "Not a reference" with UserError _ | Not_found -> try let _ = Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition id in Node(loc,"SYNCONST",[Nvar(loc,s)]) with Not_found -> warning ("Could not globalize "^s); ast) | Slam(loc,None,t) -> Slam(loc,None,dbrec (add_rel (Anonymous,()) env) t) | Slam(loc,Some na,t) -> let env' = add_rel (Name (id_of_string na),()) env in Slam(loc,Some na,dbrec env' t) | Node(loc,opn,tl) -> Node(loc,opn,List.map (dbrec env) tl) | x -> x in dbrec let globalize_command ast = let sign = Global.var_context () in ast_adjust_consts Evd.empty (gLOB sign) ast (* Avoid globalizing in non command ast for tactics *) let rec glob_ast sigma env = function | Node(loc,"COMMAND",[c]) -> Node(loc,"COMMAND",[ast_adjust_consts sigma env c]) | Node(loc,"COMMANDLIST",l) -> Node(loc,"COMMANDLIST", List.map (ast_adjust_consts sigma env) l) | Slam(loc,None,t) -> Slam(loc,None,glob_ast sigma (add_rel (Anonymous,()) env) t) | Slam(loc,Some na,t) -> let env' = add_rel (Name (id_of_string na),()) env in Slam(loc,Some na, glob_ast sigma env' t) | Node(loc,opn,tl) -> Node(loc,opn,List.map (glob_ast sigma env) tl) | x -> x let globalize_ast ast = let sign = Global.var_context () in glob_ast Evd.empty (gLOB sign) ast (* Installation of the AST quotations. "command" is used by default. *) open Pcoq let _ = define_quotation true "command" (map_entry globalize_command Command.command) let _ = define_quotation false "tactic" (map_entry globalize_ast Tactic.tactic) let _ = define_quotation false "vernac" (map_entry globalize_ast Vernac.vernac) (*********************************************************************) (* Functions before in ex-trad *) (* Endless list of alternative ways to call Trad *) (* With dB *) let constr_of_com_env1 is_ass sigma env com = let c = raw_constr_of_com sigma (context env) com in try ise_resolve1 is_ass sigma env c with e -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc (Ast.loc com) e let constr_of_com_env sigma env com = constr_of_com_env1 false sigma env com let fconstr_of_com_env1 is_ass sigma env com = let c = raw_fconstr_of_com sigma (context env) com in try ise_resolve1 is_ass sigma env c with e -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc (Ast.loc com) e let fconstr_of_com_env sigma hyps com = fconstr_of_com_env1 false sigma hyps com (* Without dB *) let type_of_com env com = let sign = context env in let c = raw_constr_of_com Evd.empty sign com in try ise_resolve_type true Evd.empty [] env c with e -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc (Ast.loc com) e let constr_of_com1 is_ass sigma env com = constr_of_com_env1 is_ass sigma env com let constr_of_com sigma env com = constr_of_com1 false sigma env com let constr_of_com_sort sigma sign com = constr_of_com1 true sigma sign com let fconstr_of_com1 is_ass sigma env com = fconstr_of_com_env1 is_ass sigma env com let fconstr_of_com sigma sign com = fconstr_of_com1 false sigma sign com let fconstr_of_com_sort sigma sign com = fconstr_of_com1 true sigma sign com (* Note: typ is retyped *) let constr_of_com_casted sigma env com typ = let sign = context env in ise_resolve_casted sigma env typ (raw_constr_of_com sigma sign com) (* Typing with Trad, and re-checking with Mach *) (* Should be done in two passes by library commands ... let fconstruct_type sigma sign com = let c = constr_of_com1 true sigma sign com in Mach.fexecute_type sigma sign c let fconstruct sigma sign com = let c = constr_of_com1 false sigma sign com in Mach.fexecute sigma sign c let infconstruct_type sigma (sign,fsign) cmd = let c = constr_of_com1 true sigma sign cmd in Mach.infexecute_type sigma (sign,fsign) c let infconstruct sigma (sign,fsign) cmd = let c = constr_of_com1 false sigma sign cmd in Mach.infexecute sigma (sign,fsign) c (* Type-checks a term with the current universe constraints, the resulting constraints are dropped. *) let univ_sp = make_path ["univ"] (id_of_string "dummy") OBJ let fconstruct_with_univ sigma sign com = let c = constr_of_com sigma sign com in let (_,j) = with_universes (Mach.fexecute sigma sign) (univ_sp, Constraintab.current_constraints(), c) in j *) open Closure open Tacred (* Translation of reduction expression: we need trad because of Fold * Moreover, reduction expressions are used both in tactics and in * vernac. *) let glob_nvar com = let s = nvar_of_ast com in try Nametab.sp_of_id CCI (id_of_string s) with Not_found -> error ("unbound variable "^s) let cvt_pattern sigma env = function | Node(_,"PATTERN", Node(_,"COMMAND",[com])::nums) -> let occs = List.map num_of_ast nums in let c = constr_of_com sigma env com in let j = Typing.unsafe_machine env sigma c in (occs, j.uj_val, j.uj_type) | arg -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc arg,"cvt_pattern") let cvt_unfold = function | Node(_,"UNFOLD", com::nums) -> (List.map num_of_ast nums, glob_nvar com) | arg -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc arg,"cvt_unfold") let cvt_fold sigma sign = function | Node(_,"COMMAND",[c]) -> constr_of_com sigma sign c | arg -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc arg,"cvt_fold") let flag_of_ast lf = let beta = ref false in let delta = ref false in let iota = ref false in let idents = ref (None: (sorts oper -> bool) option) in let set_flag = function | Node(_,"Beta",[]) -> beta := true | Node(_,"Delta",[]) -> delta := true | Node(_,"Iota",[]) -> iota := true | Node(loc,"Unf",l) -> if !delta then if !idents = None then let idl = List.map glob_nvar l in idents := Some (function | Const sp -> List.mem sp idl | Abst sp -> List.mem sp idl | _ -> false) else user_err_loc (loc,"flag_of_ast", [< 'sTR"Cannot specify identifiers to unfold twice" >]) else user_err_loc(loc,"flag_of_ast", [< 'sTR"Delta must be specified before" >]) | Node(loc,"UnfBut",l) -> if !delta then if !idents = None then let idl = List.map glob_nvar l in idents := Some (function | Const sp -> not (List.mem sp idl) | Abst sp -> not (List.mem sp idl) | _ -> false) else user_err_loc (loc,"flag_of_ast", [< 'sTR"Cannot specify identifiers to unfold twice" >]) else user_err_loc(loc,"flag_of_ast", [< 'sTR"Delta must be specified before" >]) | arg -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc arg,"flag_of_ast") in List.iter set_flag lf; { r_beta = !beta; r_iota = !iota; r_delta = match (!delta,!idents) with | (false,_) -> (fun _ -> false) | (true,None) -> (fun _ -> true) | (true,Some p) -> p } let redexp_of_ast sigma sign = function | ("Red", []) -> Red | ("Hnf", []) -> Hnf | ("Simpl", []) -> Simpl | ("Unfold", ul) -> Unfold (List.map cvt_unfold ul) | ("Fold", cl) -> Fold (List.map (cvt_fold sigma sign) cl) | ("Cbv",lf) -> Cbv(UNIFORM, flag_of_ast lf) | ("Lazy",lf) -> Lazy(UNIFORM, flag_of_ast lf) | ("Pattern",lp) -> Pattern (List.map (cvt_pattern sigma sign) lp) | (s,_) -> invalid_arg ("malformed reduction-expression: "^s)