.TH coqdoc 1 "April, 2006" .SH NAME coqdoc \- A documentation tool for the Coq proof assistant .SH SYNOPSIS .B coqdoc [ .B options ] .B files .SH DESCRIPTION .B coqdoc is a documentation tool for the Coq proof assistant. It creates LaTeX or HTML documents from a set of Coq files. See the Coq reference manual for documentation (url below). .SH OPTIONS .SS Overall options .TP .BI \-h Help. Will give you the complete list of options accepted by coqdoc. .TP .B \-\-html Select a HTML output. .TP .B \-\-latex Select a LATEX output. .TP .B \-\-dvi Select a DVI output. .TP .B \-\-ps Select a PostScript output. .TP .B \-\-texmacs Select a TeXmacs output. .TP .B \-\-stdout Redirect the output to stdout .TP .BI \-o \ file, \-\-output \ file Redirect the output into the file .I file. .TP .BI \-d \ dir, \ \-\-directory \ dir Output files into directory .I dir instead of current directory (option -d does not change the filename specified with option -o, if any). .TP .B \-s, \ \-\-short Do not insert titles for the files. The default behavior is to insert a title like ``Library Foo'' for each file. .TP .BI \-t \ string, \ \-\-title \ string Set the document title. .TP .B \-\-body\-only Suppress the header and trailer of the final document. Thus, you can insert the resulting document into a larger one. .TP .BI \-p \ string, \ \-\-preamble \ string Insert some material in the LATEX preamble, right before \\begin{document} (meaningless with -html). .TP .BI \-\-vernac\-file \ file, \ \-\-tex\-file \ file Considers the file `file' respectively as a .v (or .g) file or a .tex file. .TP .BI \-\-files\-from \ file Read file names to process in file `file' as if they were given on the command line. Useful for program sources splitted in several directories. .TP .B \-q, \ \-\-quiet Be quiet. Do not print anything except errors. .TP .B \-h, \ \-\-help Give a short summary of the options and exit. .TP .B \-v, \ \-\-version Print the version and exit. .SS Index options Default behavior is to build an index, for the HTML output only, into index.html. .TP .B \-\-no\-index Do not output the index. .TP .B \-\-multi\-index Generate one page for each category and each letter in the index, together with a top page index.html. .SS Table of contents option .TP .B \-toc, \ \-\-table\-of\-contents Insert a table of contents. For a LATEX output, it inserts a \\tableofcontents at the beginning of the document. For a HTML output, it builds a table of contents into toc.html. .SS Hyperlinks options .TP .B \-\-glob\-from \ file Make references using Coq globalizations from file file. (Such globalizations are obtained with Coq option -dump-glob). .TP .B \-\-no\-externals Do not insert links to the Coq standard library. .TP .BI \-\-coqlib \ url Set base URL for the Coq standard library (default is http://coq.inria.fr/library/). .TP .BI -R \ dir \ coqdir Map physical directory dir to Coq logical directory coqdir (similarly to Coq option -R). .B Note: option -R only has effect on the files following it on the command line, so you will probably need to put this option first. .SS Contents options .TP .B -g, \ --gallina Do not print proofs. .TP .B -l, \ --light Light mode. Suppress proofs (as with -g) and the following commands: * [Recursive] Tactic Definition * Hint / Hints * Require * Transparent / Opaque * Implicit Argument / Implicits * Section / Variable / Hypothesis / End The behavior of options -g and -l can be locally overridden using the (* begin show *) ... (* end show *) environment (see above). .SS Language options Default behavior is to assume ASCII 7 bits input files. .TP .B -latin1, \ --latin1 Select ISO-8859-1 input files. It is equivalent to --inputenc latin1 --charset iso-8859-1. .TP .B -utf8, \ --utf8 Select UTF-8 (Unicode) input files. It is equivalent to --inputenc utf8 --charset utf-8. LATEX UTF-8 support can be found at http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/unicode/. .TP .BI --inputenc \ string Give a LATEX input encoding, as an option to LATEX package inputenc. .TP .BI --charset \ string Specify the HTML character set, to be inserted in the HTML header. .SH SEE ALSO .I The Coq Reference Manual from http://coq.inria.fr/