(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* [ Eauto.e_assumption ] END TACTIC EXTEND eexact | [ "eexact" constr(c) ] -> [ Eauto.e_give_exact c ] END let pr_hintbases _prc _prlc _prt = Pptactic.pr_hintbases ARGUMENT EXTEND hintbases TYPED AS preident_list_opt PRINTED BY pr_hintbases | [ "with" "*" ] -> [ None ] | [ "with" ne_preident_list(l) ] -> [ Some l ] | [ ] -> [ Some [] ] END let eval_uconstrs ist cs = let flags = { Pretyping.use_typeclasses = false; use_unif_heuristics = true; use_hook = Some Pfedit.solve_by_implicit_tactic; fail_evar = false; expand_evars = true } in List.map (fun c -> Pretyping.type_uconstr ~flags ist c) cs let pr_auto_using _ _ _ = Pptactic.pr_auto_using (fun _ -> mt ()) ARGUMENT EXTEND auto_using TYPED AS uconstr_list PRINTED BY pr_auto_using | [ "using" ne_uconstr_list_sep(l, ",") ] -> [ l ] | [ ] -> [ [] ] END (** Auto *) TACTIC EXTEND trivial | [ "trivial" auto_using(lems) hintbases(db) ] -> [ Auto.h_trivial (eval_uconstrs ist lems) db ] END TACTIC EXTEND info_trivial | [ "info_trivial" auto_using(lems) hintbases(db) ] -> [ Auto.h_trivial ~debug:Info (eval_uconstrs ist lems) db ] END TACTIC EXTEND debug_trivial | [ "debug" "trivial" auto_using(lems) hintbases(db) ] -> [ Auto.h_trivial ~debug:Debug (eval_uconstrs ist lems) db ] END TACTIC EXTEND auto | [ "auto" int_or_var_opt(n) auto_using(lems) hintbases(db) ] -> [ Auto.h_auto n (eval_uconstrs ist lems) db ] END TACTIC EXTEND info_auto | [ "info_auto" int_or_var_opt(n) auto_using(lems) hintbases(db) ] -> [ Auto.h_auto ~debug:Info n (eval_uconstrs ist lems) db ] END TACTIC EXTEND debug_auto | [ "debug" "auto" int_or_var_opt(n) auto_using(lems) hintbases(db) ] -> [ Auto.h_auto ~debug:Debug n (eval_uconstrs ist lems) db ] END (** Eauto *) TACTIC EXTEND prolog | [ "prolog" "[" uconstr_list(l) "]" int_or_var(n) ] -> [ Eauto.prolog_tac (eval_uconstrs ist l) n ] END let make_depth n = snd (Eauto.make_dimension n None) TACTIC EXTEND eauto | [ "eauto" int_or_var_opt(n) int_or_var_opt(p) auto_using(lems) hintbases(db) ] -> [ Eauto.gen_eauto (Eauto.make_dimension n p) (eval_uconstrs ist lems) db ] END TACTIC EXTEND new_eauto | [ "new" "auto" int_or_var_opt(n) auto_using(lems) hintbases(db) ] -> [ match db with | None -> Auto.new_full_auto (make_depth n) (eval_uconstrs ist lems) | Some l -> Auto.new_auto (make_depth n) (eval_uconstrs ist lems) l ] END TACTIC EXTEND debug_eauto | [ "debug" "eauto" int_or_var_opt(n) int_or_var_opt(p) auto_using(lems) hintbases(db) ] -> [ Eauto.gen_eauto ~debug:Debug (Eauto.make_dimension n p) (eval_uconstrs ist lems) db ] END TACTIC EXTEND info_eauto | [ "info_eauto" int_or_var_opt(n) int_or_var_opt(p) auto_using(lems) hintbases(db) ] -> [ Eauto.gen_eauto ~debug:Info (Eauto.make_dimension n p) (eval_uconstrs ist lems) db ] END TACTIC EXTEND dfs_eauto | [ "dfs" "eauto" int_or_var_opt(p) auto_using(lems) hintbases(db) ] -> [ Eauto.gen_eauto (Eauto.make_dimension p None) (eval_uconstrs ist lems) db ] END TACTIC EXTEND autounfold | [ "autounfold" hintbases(db) clause_dft_concl(cl) ] -> [ Eauto.autounfold_tac db cl ] END TACTIC EXTEND autounfold_one | [ "autounfold_one" hintbases(db) "in" hyp(id) ] -> [ Eauto.autounfold_one (match db with None -> ["core"] | Some x -> "core"::x) (Some (id, Locus.InHyp)) ] | [ "autounfold_one" hintbases(db) ] -> [ Eauto.autounfold_one (match db with None -> ["core"] | Some x -> "core"::x) None ] END TACTIC EXTEND autounfoldify | [ "autounfoldify" constr(x) ] -> [ let db = match Term.kind_of_term x with | Term.Const (c,_) -> Names.Label.to_string (Names.con_label c) | _ -> assert false in Eauto.autounfold ["core";db] Locusops.onConcl ] END TACTIC EXTEND unify | ["unify" constr(x) constr(y) ] -> [ Tactics.unify x y ] | ["unify" constr(x) constr(y) "with" preident(base) ] -> [ let table = try Some (Hints.searchtable_map base) with Not_found -> None in match table with | None -> let msg = str "Hint table " ++ str base ++ str " not found" in Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG msg | Some t -> let state = Hints.Hint_db.transparent_state t in Tactics.unify ~state x y ] END TACTIC EXTEND convert_concl_no_check | ["convert_concl_no_check" constr(x) ] -> [ Tactics.convert_concl_no_check x Term.DEFAULTcast ] END let pr_hints_path_atom _ _ _ = Hints.pp_hints_path_atom ARGUMENT EXTEND hints_path_atom PRINTED BY pr_hints_path_atom | [ ne_global_list(g) ] -> [ Hints.PathHints (List.map Nametab.global g) ] | [ "_" ] -> [ Hints.PathAny ] END let pr_hints_path prc prx pry c = Hints.pp_hints_path c ARGUMENT EXTEND hints_path PRINTED BY pr_hints_path | [ "(" hints_path(p) ")" ] -> [ p ] | [ hints_path(p) "*" ] -> [ Hints.PathStar p ] | [ "emp" ] -> [ Hints.PathEmpty ] | [ "eps" ] -> [ Hints.PathEpsilon ] | [ hints_path(p) "|" hints_path(q) ] -> [ Hints.PathOr (p, q) ] | [ hints_path_atom(a) ] -> [ Hints.PathAtom a ] | [ hints_path(p) hints_path(q) ] -> [ Hints.PathSeq (p, q) ] END let pr_hintbases _prc _prlc _prt = Pptactic.pr_hintbases ARGUMENT EXTEND opthints TYPED AS preident_list_opt PRINTED BY pr_hintbases | [ ":" ne_preident_list(l) ] -> [ Some l ] | [ ] -> [ None ] END VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND HintCut CLASSIFIED AS SIDEFF | [ "Hint" "Cut" "[" hints_path(p) "]" opthints(dbnames) ] -> [ let entry = Hints.HintsCutEntry p in Hints.add_hints (Locality.make_section_locality (Locality.LocalityFixme.consume ())) (match dbnames with None -> ["core"] | Some l -> l) entry ] END