(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* bool (** Universes *) (** Global universe name <-> level mapping *) type universe_names = (Decl_kinds.polymorphic * Univ.universe_level) Idmap.t * Id.t Univ.LMap.t val global_universe_names : unit -> universe_names val set_global_universe_names : universe_names -> unit val pr_with_global_universes : Level.t -> Pp.std_ppcmds (** Local universe name <-> level mapping *) type universe_binders = (Id.t * Univ.universe_level) list val register_universe_binders : Globnames.global_reference -> universe_binders -> unit val universe_binders_of_global : Globnames.global_reference -> universe_binders (** The global universe counter *) val set_remote_new_univ_level : universe_level RemoteCounter.installer (** Side-effecting functions creating new universe levels. *) val new_univ_level : Names.dir_path -> universe_level val new_univ : Names.dir_path -> universe val new_Type : Names.dir_path -> types val new_Type_sort : Names.dir_path -> sorts val new_global_univ : unit -> universe in_universe_context_set val new_sort_in_family : sorts_family -> sorts (** {6 Constraints for type inference} When doing conversion of universes, not only do we have =/<= constraints but also Lub constraints which correspond to unification of two levels which might not be necessary if unfolding is performed. *) type universe_constraint_type = ULe | UEq | ULub type universe_constraint = universe * universe_constraint_type * universe module Constraints : sig include Set.S with type elt = universe_constraint val pr : t -> Pp.std_ppcmds end type universe_constraints = Constraints.t type 'a constraint_accumulator = universe_constraints -> 'a -> 'a option type 'a universe_constrained = 'a * universe_constraints type 'a universe_constraint_function = 'a -> 'a -> universe_constraints -> universe_constraints val subst_univs_universe_constraints : universe_subst_fn -> universe_constraints -> universe_constraints val enforce_eq_instances_univs : bool -> universe_instance universe_constraint_function val to_constraints : UGraph.t -> universe_constraints -> constraints (** [eq_constr_univs_infer u a b] is [true, c] if [a] equals [b] modulo alpha, casts, application grouping, the universe constraints in [u] and additional constraints [c]. *) val eq_constr_univs_infer : UGraph.t -> 'a constraint_accumulator -> constr -> constr -> 'a -> 'a option (** [eq_constr_univs_infer_With kind1 kind2 univs m n] is a variant of {!eq_constr_univs_infer} taking kind-of-term functions, to expose subterms of [m] and [n], arguments. *) val eq_constr_univs_infer_with : (constr -> (constr,types) kind_of_term) -> (constr -> (constr,types) kind_of_term) -> UGraph.t -> 'a constraint_accumulator -> constr -> constr -> 'a -> 'a option (** [leq_constr_univs u a b] is [true, c] if [a] is convertible to [b] modulo alpha, casts, application grouping, the universe constraints in [u] and additional constraints [c]. *) val leq_constr_univs_infer : UGraph.t -> 'a constraint_accumulator -> constr -> constr -> 'a -> 'a option (** [eq_constr_universes a b] [true, c] if [a] equals [b] modulo alpha, casts, application grouping and the universe constraints in [c]. *) val eq_constr_universes : constr -> constr -> bool universe_constrained (** [leq_constr_universes a b] [true, c] if [a] is convertible to [b] modulo alpha, casts, application grouping and the universe constraints in [c]. *) val leq_constr_universes : constr -> constr -> bool universe_constrained (** [eq_constr_universes a b] [true, c] if [a] equals [b] modulo alpha, casts, application grouping and the universe constraints in [c]. *) val eq_constr_universes_proj : env -> constr -> constr -> bool universe_constrained (** Build a fresh instance for a given context, its associated substitution and the instantiated constraints. *) val fresh_instance_from_context : universe_context -> universe_instance constrained val fresh_instance_from : universe_context -> universe_instance option -> universe_instance in_universe_context_set val fresh_sort_in_family : env -> sorts_family -> sorts in_universe_context_set val fresh_constant_instance : env -> constant -> pconstant in_universe_context_set val fresh_inductive_instance : env -> inductive -> pinductive in_universe_context_set val fresh_constructor_instance : env -> constructor -> pconstructor in_universe_context_set val fresh_global_instance : ?names:Univ.Instance.t -> env -> Globnames.global_reference -> constr in_universe_context_set val fresh_global_or_constr_instance : env -> Globnames.global_reference_or_constr -> constr in_universe_context_set (** Get fresh variables for the universe context. Useful to make tactics that manipulate constrs in universe contexts polymorphic. *) val fresh_universe_context_set_instance : universe_context_set -> universe_level_subst * universe_context_set (** Raises [Not_found] if not a global reference. *) val global_of_constr : constr -> Globnames.global_reference puniverses val global_app_of_constr : constr -> Globnames.global_reference puniverses * constr option val constr_of_global_univ : Globnames.global_reference puniverses -> constr val extend_context : 'a in_universe_context_set -> universe_context_set -> 'a in_universe_context_set (** Simplification and pruning of constraints: [normalize_context_set ctx us] - Instantiate the variables in [us] with their most precise universe levels respecting the constraints. - Normalizes the context [ctx] w.r.t. equality constraints, choosing a canonical universe in each equivalence class (a global one if there is one) and transitively saturate the constraints w.r.t to the equalities. *) module UF : Unionfind.PartitionSig with type elt = universe_level type universe_opt_subst = universe option universe_map val make_opt_subst : universe_opt_subst -> universe_subst_fn val subst_opt_univs_constr : universe_opt_subst -> constr -> constr val normalize_context_set : universe_context_set -> universe_opt_subst (* The defined and undefined variables *) -> universe_set (* univ variables that can be substituted by algebraics *) -> (universe_opt_subst * universe_set) in_universe_context_set val normalize_univ_variables : universe_opt_subst -> universe_opt_subst * universe_set * universe_set * universe_subst val normalize_univ_variable : find:(universe_level -> universe) -> update:(universe_level -> universe -> universe) -> universe_level -> universe val normalize_univ_variable_opt_subst : universe_opt_subst ref -> (universe_level -> universe) val normalize_univ_variable_subst : universe_subst ref -> (universe_level -> universe) val normalize_universe_opt_subst : universe_opt_subst ref -> (universe -> universe) val normalize_universe_subst : universe_subst ref -> (universe -> universe) (** Create a fresh global in the global environment, without side effects. BEWARE: this raises an ANOMALY on polymorphic constants/inductives: the constraints should be properly added to an evd. See Evd.fresh_global, Evarutil.new_global, and pf_constr_of_global for the proper way to get a fresh copy of a global reference. *) val constr_of_global : Globnames.global_reference -> constr (** ** DEPRECATED ** synonym of [constr_of_global] *) val constr_of_reference : Globnames.global_reference -> constr (** [unsafe_constr_of_global gr] turns [gr] into a constr, works on polymorphic references by taking the original universe instance that is not recorded anywhere. The constraints are forgotten as well. DO NOT USE in new code. *) val unsafe_constr_of_global : Globnames.global_reference -> constr in_universe_context (** Returns the type of the global reference, by creating a fresh instance of polymorphic references and computing their instantiated universe context. (side-effect on the universe counter, use with care). *) val type_of_global : Globnames.global_reference -> types in_universe_context_set (** [unsafe_type_of_global gr] returns [gr]'s type, works on polymorphic references by taking the original universe instance that is not recorded anywhere. The constraints are forgotten as well. USE with care. *) val unsafe_type_of_global : Globnames.global_reference -> types (** Full universes substitutions into terms *) val nf_evars_and_universes_opt_subst : (existential -> constr option) -> universe_opt_subst -> constr -> constr (** Shrink a universe context to a restricted set of variables *) val universes_of_constr : constr -> universe_set val restrict_universe_context : universe_context_set -> universe_set -> universe_context_set val simplify_universe_context : universe_context_set -> universe_context_set * universe_level_subst val refresh_constraints : UGraph.t -> universe_context_set -> universe_context_set * UGraph.t (** Pretty-printing *) val pr_universe_opt_subst : universe_opt_subst -> Pp.std_ppcmds (* For tracing *) type constraints_map = (Univ.constraint_type * Univ.LMap.key) list Univ.LMap.t val pr_constraints_map : constraints_map -> Pp.std_ppcmds val choose_canonical : universe_set -> (Level.t -> bool) (* flexibles *) -> universe_set -> universe_set -> universe_level * (universe_set * universe_set * universe_set) val compute_lbound : (constraint_type * Univ.universe) list -> universe option val instantiate_with_lbound : Univ.LMap.key -> Univ.universe -> bool -> bool -> Univ.LSet.t * Univ.universe option Univ.LMap.t * Univ.LSet.t * (bool * bool * Univ.universe) Univ.LMap.t * Univ.constraints -> (Univ.LSet.t * Univ.universe option Univ.LMap.t * Univ.LSet.t * (bool * bool * Univ.universe) Univ.LMap.t * Univ.constraints) * (bool * bool * Univ.universe) val minimize_univ_variables : Univ.LSet.t -> Univ.universe option Univ.LMap.t -> Univ.LSet.t -> constraints_map -> constraints_map -> Univ.constraints -> Univ.LSet.t * Univ.universe option Univ.LMap.t * Univ.LSet.t * (bool * bool * Univ.universe) Univ.LMap.t * Univ.constraints (** {6 Support for old-style sort-polymorphism } *) val solve_constraints_system : universe option array -> universe array -> universe array -> universe array