(* $Id$ *) (* This module is the heart of the library. It provides low level functions to load, open and save modules. Modules are saved onto the disk with checksums (obtained with the [Digest] module), which are checked at loading time to prevent inconsistencies between files written at various dates. It also provides a high level function [require] which corresponds to the vernacular command [Require]. *) val load_module : string -> string option -> unit val open_module : string -> unit val module_is_loaded : string -> bool val module_is_opened : string -> bool val loaded_modules : unit -> string list val opened_modules : unit -> string list val fmt_modules_state : unit -> Pp.std_ppcmds (*s Require. The command [require_module spec m file export] loads and opens a module [m]. [file] specifies the filename, if not [None]. [spec] specifies to look for a specification ([true]) or for an implementation ([false]), if not [None]. And [export] specifies if the module must be exported. *) val require_module : bool option -> string -> string option -> bool -> unit (*s [save_module_to s f] saves the current environment as a module [s] in the file [f]. *) val save_module_to : string -> string -> unit (*s Global load path *) val get_load_path : unit -> string list val add_path : string -> unit val rec_add_path : string -> unit val remove_path : string -> unit