(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* unit val read_module_from_file : System.physical_path -> unit val import_module : bool -> Nametab.qualid located -> unit val module_is_loaded : dir_path -> bool val module_is_opened : dir_path -> bool val loaded_modules : unit -> dir_path list val opened_modules : unit -> dir_path list val fmt_modules_state : unit -> Pp.std_ppcmds (*s Require. The command [require_module spec m file export] loads and opens a module [m]. [file] specifies the filename, if not [None]. [spec] specifies to look for a specification ([true]) or for an implementation ([false]), if not [None]. And [export] specifies if the module must be exported. *) val require_module : bool option -> Nametab.qualid located list -> bool -> unit val require_module_from_file : bool option -> identifier option -> string -> bool -> unit (*s [save_module_to s f] saves the current environment as a module [s] in the file [f]. *) val save_module_to : dir_path -> string -> unit (*s [module_segment m] returns the segment of the loaded module [m]; if not given, the segment of the current module is returned (which is then the same as [Lib.contents_after None]). [module_full_filename] returns the full filename of a loaded module. *) val module_segment : dir_path option -> Lib.library_segment val module_full_filename : dir_path -> string (*s [fold_all_segments] and [iter_all_segments] iterate over all segments, the modules' segments first and then the current segment. Modules are presented in an arbitrary order. The given function is applied to all leaves (together with their section path). The boolean indicates if we must enter closed sections. *) val fold_all_segments : bool -> ('a -> section_path -> obj -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a val iter_all_segments : bool -> (section_path -> obj -> unit) -> unit (*s Global load path *) type logical_path = dir_path val get_load_path : unit -> System.physical_path list val get_full_load_path : unit -> (System.physical_path * logical_path) list val add_load_path_entry : System.physical_path * logical_path -> unit val remove_path : System.physical_path -> unit val find_logical_path : System.physical_path -> logical_path val load_path_of_logical_path : dir_path -> System.physical_path list exception LibUnmappedDir exception LibNotFound type library_location = LibLoaded | LibInPath val locate_qualified_library : Nametab.qualid -> library_location * dir_path * System.physical_path val check_required_module : string list -> unit (*s Displays the memory use of a module. *) val mem : dir_path -> Pp.std_ppcmds (* For discharge *) type module_reference val out_require : Libobject.obj -> module_reference val reload_module : module_reference -> unit