(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* unit val read_library_from_file : System.physical_path -> unit val export_library : qualid located -> unit val library_is_loaded : dir_path -> bool val library_is_opened : dir_path -> bool val loaded_libraries : unit -> dir_path list val opened_libraries : unit -> dir_path list val fmt_libraries_state : unit -> Pp.std_ppcmds (*s Require. The command [require_library spec m file export] loads and opens a library [m]. [file] specifies the filename, if not [None]. [spec] specifies to look for a specification ([true]) or for an implementation ([false]), if not [None]. And [export] specifies if the library must be exported. *) val require_library : bool option -> qualid located list -> bool -> unit val require_library_from_file : bool option -> identifier option -> System.physical_path -> bool -> unit (*s [save_library_to s f] saves the current environment as a library [s] in the file [f]. *) val start_library : string -> dir_path * string val save_library_to : dir_path -> string -> unit (* [library_full_filename] returns the full filename of a loaded library. *) val library_full_filename : dir_path -> string (*s Global load path *) type logical_path = dir_path val get_load_path : unit -> System.physical_path list val get_full_load_path : unit -> (System.physical_path * logical_path) list val add_load_path_entry : System.physical_path * logical_path -> unit val remove_path : System.physical_path -> unit val find_logical_path : System.physical_path -> logical_path val load_path_of_logical_path : dir_path -> System.physical_path list exception LibUnmappedDir exception LibNotFound type library_location = LibLoaded | LibInPath val locate_qualified_library : qualid -> library_location * dir_path * System.physical_path val check_required_library : string list -> unit (*s Displays the memory use of a library. *) val mem : dir_path -> Pp.std_ppcmds (* For discharge *) type library_reference val out_require : Libobject.obj -> library_reference val reload_library : library_reference -> unit