(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* p = phys_dir) !load_paths with | [_,dir,_] -> dir | [] -> Nameops.default_root_prefix | l -> anomaly ("Two logical paths are associated to "^phys_dir) let is_in_load_paths phys_dir = let dir = CUnix.canonical_path_name phys_dir in let lp = get_load_paths () in let check_p = fun p -> (String.compare dir p) == 0 in List.exists check_p lp let remove_load_path dir = load_paths := List.filter (fun (p,d,_) -> p <> dir) !load_paths let add_load_path isroot (phys_path,coq_path) = let phys_path = CUnix.canonical_path_name phys_path in match List.filter (fun (p,d,_) -> p = phys_path) !load_paths with | [_,dir,_] -> if coq_path <> dir (* If this is not the default -I . to coqtop *) && not (phys_path = CUnix.canonical_path_name Filename.current_dir_name && coq_path = Nameops.default_root_prefix) then begin (* Assume the user is concerned by library naming *) if dir <> Nameops.default_root_prefix then Flags.if_warn msg_warning (str phys_path ++ strbrk " was previously bound to " ++ pr_dirpath dir ++ strbrk "; it is remapped to " ++ pr_dirpath coq_path); remove_load_path phys_path; load_paths := (phys_path,coq_path,isroot) :: !load_paths; end | [] -> load_paths := (phys_path,coq_path,isroot) :: !load_paths; | _ -> anomaly ("Two logical paths are associated to "^phys_path) let extend_path_with_dirpath p dir = List.fold_left Filename.concat p (List.map string_of_id (List.rev (repr_dirpath dir))) let root_paths_matching_dir_path dir = let rec aux = function | [] -> [] | (p,d,true) :: l when is_dirpath_prefix_of d dir -> let suffix = drop_dirpath_prefix d dir in extend_path_with_dirpath p suffix :: aux l | _ :: l -> aux l in aux !load_paths (* Root p is bound to A.B.C.D and we require file C.D.E.F *) (* We may mean A.B.C.D.E.F, or A.B.C.D.C.D.E.F *) (* Root p is bound to A.B.C.C and we require file C.C.E.F *) (* We may mean A.B.C.C.E.F, or A.B.C.C.C.E.F, or A.B.C.C.C.C.E.F *) let intersections d1 d2 = let rec aux d1 = if d1 = empty_dirpath then [d2] else let rest = aux (snd (chop_dirpath 1 d1)) in if is_dirpath_prefix_of d1 d2 then drop_dirpath_prefix d1 d2 :: rest else rest in aux d1 let loadpaths_matching_dir_path dir = let rec aux = function | [] -> [] | (p,d,true) :: l -> let inters = intersections d dir in List.map (fun tl -> (extend_path_with_dirpath p tl,append_dirpath d tl)) inters @ aux l | (p,d,_) :: l -> (extend_path_with_dirpath p dir,append_dirpath d dir) :: aux l in aux !load_paths let get_full_load_paths () = List.map (fun (a,b,c) -> (a,b)) !load_paths (************************************************************************) (*s Modules on disk contain the following informations (after the magic number, and before the digest). *) type compilation_unit_name = dir_path type library_disk = { md_name : compilation_unit_name; md_compiled : LightenLibrary.lightened_compiled_library; md_objects : Declaremods.library_objects; md_deps : (compilation_unit_name * Digest.t) list; md_imports : compilation_unit_name list } (*s Modules loaded in memory contain the following informations. They are kept in the global table [libraries_table]. *) type library_t = { library_name : compilation_unit_name; library_compiled : compiled_library; library_objects : Declaremods.library_objects; library_deps : (compilation_unit_name * Digest.t) list; library_imports : compilation_unit_name list; library_digest : Digest.t } module LibraryOrdered = struct type t = dir_path let compare d1 d2 = Pervasives.compare (List.rev (repr_dirpath d1)) (List.rev (repr_dirpath d2)) end module LibraryMap = Map.Make(LibraryOrdered) module LibraryFilenameMap = Map.Make(LibraryOrdered) (* This is a map from names to loaded libraries *) let libraries_table = ref LibraryMap.empty (* This is the map of loaded libraries filename *) (* (not synchronized so as not to be caught in the states on disk) *) let libraries_filename_table = ref LibraryFilenameMap.empty (* These are the _ordered_ sets of loaded, imported and exported libraries *) let libraries_loaded_list = ref [] let libraries_imports_list = ref [] let libraries_exports_list = ref [] let freeze () = !libraries_table, !libraries_loaded_list, !libraries_imports_list, !libraries_exports_list let unfreeze (mt,mo,mi,me) = libraries_table := mt; libraries_loaded_list := mo; libraries_imports_list := mi; libraries_exports_list := me let init () = libraries_table := LibraryMap.empty; libraries_loaded_list := []; libraries_imports_list := []; libraries_exports_list := [] let _ = Summary.declare_summary "MODULES" { Summary.freeze_function = freeze; Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze; Summary.init_function = init } (* various requests to the tables *) let find_library dir = LibraryMap.find dir !libraries_table let try_find_library dir = try find_library dir with Not_found -> error ("Unknown library " ^ (string_of_dirpath dir)) let register_library_filename dir f = (* Not synchronized: overwrite the previous binding if one existed *) (* from a previous play of the session *) libraries_filename_table := LibraryFilenameMap.add dir f !libraries_filename_table let library_full_filename dir = try LibraryFilenameMap.find dir !libraries_filename_table with Not_found -> "" let overwrite_library_filenames f = let f = if Filename.is_relative f then Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) f else f in LibraryMap.iter (fun dir _ -> register_library_filename dir f) !libraries_table let library_is_loaded dir = try let _ = find_library dir in true with Not_found -> false let library_is_opened dir = List.exists (fun m -> m.library_name = dir) !libraries_imports_list let loaded_libraries () = List.map (fun m -> m.library_name) !libraries_loaded_list let opened_libraries () = List.map (fun m -> m.library_name) !libraries_imports_list (* If a library is loaded several time, then the first occurrence must be performed first, thus the libraries_loaded_list ... *) let register_loaded_library m = let rec aux = function | [] -> [m] | m'::_ as l when m'.library_name = m.library_name -> l | m'::l' -> m' :: aux l' in libraries_loaded_list := aux !libraries_loaded_list; libraries_table := LibraryMap.add m.library_name m !libraries_table (* ... while if a library is imported/exported several time, then only the last occurrence is really needed - though the imported list may differ from the exported list (consider the sequence Export A; Export B; Import A which results in A;B for exports but in B;A for imports) *) let rec remember_last_of_each l m = match l with | [] -> [m] | m'::l' when m'.library_name = m.library_name -> remember_last_of_each l' m | m'::l' -> m' :: remember_last_of_each l' m let register_open_library export m = libraries_imports_list := remember_last_of_each !libraries_imports_list m; if export then libraries_exports_list := remember_last_of_each !libraries_exports_list m (************************************************************************) (*s Opening libraries *) (* [open_library export explicit m] opens library [m] if not already opened _or_ if explicitly asked to be (re)opened *) let eq_lib_name m1 m2 = m1.library_name = m2.library_name let open_library export explicit_libs m = if (* Only libraries indirectly to open are not reopen *) (* Libraries explicitly mentionned by the user are always reopen *) List.exists (eq_lib_name m) explicit_libs or not (library_is_opened m.library_name) then begin register_open_library export m; Declaremods.really_import_module (MPfile m.library_name) end else if export then libraries_exports_list := remember_last_of_each !libraries_exports_list m (* open_libraries recursively open a list of libraries but opens only once a library that is re-exported many times *) let open_libraries export modl = let to_open_list = List.fold_left (fun l m -> let subimport = List.fold_left (fun l m -> remember_last_of_each l (try_find_library m)) l m.library_imports in remember_last_of_each subimport m) [] modl in List.iter (open_library export modl) to_open_list (**********************************************************************) (* import and export - synchronous operations*) let open_import i (_,(dir,export)) = if i=1 then (* even if the library is already imported, we re-import it *) (* if not (library_is_opened dir) then *) open_libraries export [try_find_library dir] let cache_import obj = open_import 1 obj let subst_import (_,o) = o let classify_import (_,export as obj) = if export then Substitute obj else Dispose let in_import : dir_path * bool -> obj = declare_object {(default_object "IMPORT LIBRARY") with cache_function = cache_import; open_function = open_import; subst_function = subst_import; classify_function = classify_import } (************************************************************************) (*s Low-level interning/externing of libraries to files *) (*s Loading from disk to cache (preparation phase) *) let (raw_extern_library, raw_intern_library) = System.raw_extern_intern Coq_config.vo_magic_number ".vo" (************************************************************************) (*s Locate absolute or partially qualified library names in the path *) exception LibUnmappedDir exception LibNotFound type library_location = LibLoaded | LibInPath let locate_absolute_library dir = (* Search in loadpath *) let pref, base = split_dirpath dir in let loadpath = root_paths_matching_dir_path pref in if loadpath = [] then raise LibUnmappedDir; try let name = (string_of_id base)^".vo" in let _, file = System.where_in_path ~warn:false loadpath name in (dir, file) with Not_found -> (* Last chance, removed from the file system but still in memory *) if library_is_loaded dir then (dir, library_full_filename dir) else raise LibNotFound let locate_qualified_library warn qid = try (* Search library in loadpath *) let dir, base = repr_qualid qid in let loadpath = loadpaths_matching_dir_path dir in if loadpath = [] then raise LibUnmappedDir; let name = string_of_id base ^ ".vo" in let lpath, file = System.where_in_path ~warn (List.map fst loadpath) name in let dir = add_dirpath_suffix (List.assoc lpath loadpath) base in (* Look if loaded *) if library_is_loaded dir then (LibLoaded, dir, library_full_filename dir) (* Otherwise, look for it in the file system *) else (LibInPath, dir, file) with Not_found -> raise LibNotFound let explain_locate_library_error qid = function | LibUnmappedDir -> let prefix, _ = repr_qualid qid in errorlabstrm "load_absolute_library_from" (str "Cannot load " ++ pr_qualid qid ++ str ":" ++ spc () ++ str "no physical path bound to" ++ spc () ++ pr_dirpath prefix ++ fnl ()) | LibNotFound -> errorlabstrm "load_absolute_library_from" (str"Cannot find library " ++ pr_qualid qid ++ str" in loadpath") | e -> raise e let try_locate_absolute_library dir = try locate_absolute_library dir with e -> explain_locate_library_error (qualid_of_dirpath dir) e let try_locate_qualified_library (loc,qid) = try let (_,dir,f) = locate_qualified_library (Flags.is_verbose()) qid in dir,f with e -> explain_locate_library_error qid e (************************************************************************) (* Internalise libraries *) let mk_library md table digest = let md_compiled = LightenLibrary.load ~load_proof:!Flags.load_proofs table md.md_compiled in { library_name = md.md_name; library_compiled = md_compiled; library_objects = md.md_objects; library_deps = md.md_deps; library_imports = md.md_imports; library_digest = digest } let fetch_opaque_table (f,pos,digest) = try let ch = System.with_magic_number_check raw_intern_library f in seek_in ch pos; if System.marshal_in ch <> digest then failwith "File changed!"; let table = (System.marshal_in ch : LightenLibrary.table) in close_in ch; table with _ -> error ("The file "^f^" is inaccessible or has changed,\n" ^ "cannot load some opaque constant bodies in it.\n") let intern_from_file f = let ch = System.with_magic_number_check raw_intern_library f in let lmd = System.marshal_in ch in let pos = pos_in ch in let digest = System.marshal_in ch in let table = lazy (fetch_opaque_table (f,pos,digest)) in register_library_filename lmd.md_name f; let library = mk_library lmd table digest in close_in ch; library let rec intern_library needed (dir, f) = (* Look if in the current logical environment *) try find_library dir, needed with Not_found -> (* Look if already listed and consequently its dependencies too *) try List.assoc dir needed, needed with Not_found -> (* [dir] is an absolute name which matches [f] which must be in loadpath *) let m = intern_from_file f in if dir <> m.library_name then errorlabstrm "load_physical_library" (str ("The file " ^ f ^ " contains library") ++ spc () ++ pr_dirpath m.library_name ++ spc () ++ str "and not library" ++ spc() ++ pr_dirpath dir); m, intern_library_deps needed dir m and intern_library_deps needed dir m = (dir,m)::List.fold_left (intern_mandatory_library dir) needed m.library_deps and intern_mandatory_library caller needed (dir,d) = let m,needed = intern_library needed (try_locate_absolute_library dir) in if d <> m.library_digest then errorlabstrm "" (strbrk ("Compiled library "^(string_of_dirpath caller)^ ".vo makes inconsistent assumptions over library " ^(string_of_dirpath dir))); needed let rec_intern_library needed mref = let _,needed = intern_library needed mref in needed let check_library_short_name f dir = function | Some id when id <> snd (split_dirpath dir) -> errorlabstrm "check_library_short_name" (str ("The file " ^ f ^ " contains library") ++ spc () ++ pr_dirpath dir ++ spc () ++ str "and not library" ++ spc () ++ pr_id id) | _ -> () let rec_intern_by_filename_only id f = let m = try intern_from_file f with Sys_error s -> error s in (* Only the base name is expected to match *) check_library_short_name f m.library_name id; (* We check no other file containing same library is loaded *) if library_is_loaded m.library_name then begin Flags.if_warn msg_warning (pr_dirpath m.library_name ++ str " is already loaded from file " ++ str (library_full_filename m.library_name)); m.library_name, [] end else let needed = intern_library_deps [] m.library_name m in m.library_name, needed let rec_intern_library_from_file idopt f = (* A name is specified, we have to check it contains library id *) let paths = get_load_paths () in let _, f = System.find_file_in_path ~warn:(Flags.is_verbose()) paths (f^".vo") in rec_intern_by_filename_only idopt f (**********************************************************************) (*s [require_library] loads and possibly opens a library. This is a synchronized operation. It is performed as follows: preparation phase: (functions require_library* ) the library and its dependencies are read from to disk (using intern_* ) [they are read from disk to ensure that at section/module discharging time, the physical library referred to outside the section/module is the one that was used at type-checking time in the section/module] execution phase: (through add_leaf and cache_require) the library is loaded in the environment and Nametab, the objects are registered etc, using functions from Declaremods (via load_library, which recursively loads its dependencies) *) type library_reference = dir_path list * bool option let register_library m = Declaremods.register_library m.library_name m.library_compiled m.library_objects m.library_digest; register_loaded_library m (* Follow the semantics of Anticipate object: - called at module or module type closing when a Require occurs in the module or module type - not called from a library (i.e. a module identified with a file) *) let load_require _ (_,(needed,modl,_)) = List.iter register_library needed let open_require i (_,(_,modl,export)) = Option.iter (fun exp -> open_libraries exp (List.map find_library modl)) export (* [needed] is the ordered list of libraries not already loaded *) let cache_require o = load_require 1 o; open_require 1 o let discharge_require (_,o) = Some o (* open_function is never called from here because an Anticipate object *) type require_obj = library_t list * dir_path list * bool option let in_require : require_obj -> obj = declare_object {(default_object "REQUIRE") with cache_function = cache_require; load_function = load_require; open_function = (fun _ _ -> assert false); discharge_function = discharge_require; classify_function = (fun o -> Anticipate o) } (* Require libraries, import them if [export <> None], mark them for export if [export = Some true] *) let xml_require = ref (fun d -> ()) let set_xml_require f = xml_require := f let require_library_from_dirpath modrefl export = let needed = List.fold_left rec_intern_library [] modrefl in let needed = List.rev_map snd needed in let modrefl = List.map fst modrefl in if Lib.is_module_or_modtype () then begin add_anonymous_leaf (in_require (needed,modrefl,None)); Option.iter (fun exp -> List.iter (fun dir -> add_anonymous_leaf (in_import(dir,exp))) modrefl) export end else add_anonymous_leaf (in_require (needed,modrefl,export)); if !Flags.xml_export then List.iter !xml_require modrefl; add_frozen_state () let require_library qidl export = let modrefl = List.map try_locate_qualified_library qidl in require_library_from_dirpath modrefl export let require_library_from_file idopt file export = let modref,needed = rec_intern_library_from_file idopt file in let needed = List.rev_map snd needed in if Lib.is_module_or_modtype () then begin add_anonymous_leaf (in_require (needed,[modref],None)); Option.iter (fun exp -> add_anonymous_leaf (in_import (modref,exp))) export end else add_anonymous_leaf (in_require (needed,[modref],export)); if !Flags.xml_export then !xml_require modref; add_frozen_state () (* the function called by Vernacentries.vernac_import *) let import_module export (loc,qid) = try match Nametab.locate_module qid with | MPfile dir -> if Lib.is_module_or_modtype () || not export then add_anonymous_leaf (in_import (dir, export)) else add_anonymous_leaf (in_import (dir, export)) | mp -> Declaremods.import_module export mp with Not_found -> user_err_loc (loc,"import_library", str ((string_of_qualid qid)^" is not a module")) (************************************************************************) (*s Initializing the compilation of a library. *) let check_coq_overwriting p id = let l = repr_dirpath p in if not !Flags.boot && l <> [] && string_of_id (List.last l) = "Coq" then errorlabstrm "" (strbrk ("Cannot build module "^string_of_dirpath p^"."^string_of_id id^ ": it starts with prefix \"Coq\" which is reserved for the Coq library.")) let start_library f = let paths = get_load_paths () in let _,longf = System.find_file_in_path ~warn:(Flags.is_verbose()) paths (f^".v") in let ldir0 = find_logical_path (Filename.dirname longf) in let id = id_of_string (Filename.basename f) in check_coq_overwriting ldir0 id; let ldir = add_dirpath_suffix ldir0 id in Declaremods.start_library ldir; ldir,longf (************************************************************************) (*s [save_library dir] ends library [dir] and save it to the disk. *) let current_deps () = List.map (fun m -> (m.library_name, m.library_digest)) !libraries_loaded_list let current_reexports () = List.map (fun m -> m.library_name) !libraries_exports_list let error_recursively_dependent_library dir = errorlabstrm "" (strbrk "Unable to use logical name " ++ pr_dirpath dir ++ strbrk " to save current library because" ++ strbrk " it already depends on a library of this name.") (* Security weakness: file might have been changed on disk between writing the content and computing the checksum... *) let save_library_to dir f = let cenv, seg = Declaremods.end_library dir in let cenv, table = LightenLibrary.save cenv in let md = { md_name = dir; md_compiled = cenv; md_objects = seg; md_deps = current_deps (); md_imports = current_reexports () } in if List.mem_assoc dir md.md_deps then error_recursively_dependent_library dir; let (f',ch) = raw_extern_library f in try System.marshal_out ch md; flush ch; (* The loading of the opaque definitions table is optional whereas the digest is loaded all the time. As a consequence, the digest must be serialized before the table (if we want to keep the current simple layout of .vo files). This also entails that the digest does not take opaque terms into account anymore. *) let di = Digest.file f' in System.marshal_out ch di; System.marshal_out ch table; close_out ch with e -> msg_warning (str ("Removed file "^f')); close_out ch; Sys.remove f'; raise e (************************************************************************) (*s Display the memory use of a library. *) open Printf let mem s = let m = try_find_library s in h 0 (str (sprintf "%dk (cenv = %dk / seg = %dk)" (CObj.size_kb m) (CObj.size_kb m.library_compiled) (CObj.size_kb m.library_objects)))