(* $Id$ *) (*i*) open Names (*i*) (* [Libobject] declares persistent objects, given with three methods: a caching function specifying how to add the object in the current scope of theory modules; a loading function, specifying what to do when the object is loaded from the disk; an opening function, specifying what to do when the module containing the object is opened; a specification function, to extract its specification when writing the specification of a module to the disk (.vi) *) type 'a object_declaration = { cache_function : section_path * 'a -> unit; load_function : section_path * 'a -> unit; open_function : section_path * 'a -> unit; specification_function : 'a -> 'a } (*s Given an object name and a declaration, the function [declare_object] will hand back two functions, the "injection" and "projection" functions for dynamically typed library-objects. *) type obj val declare_object : (string * 'a object_declaration) -> ('a -> obj) * (obj -> 'a) val object_tag : obj -> string val cache_object : section_path * obj -> unit val load_object : section_path * obj -> unit val open_object : section_path * obj -> unit val extract_object_specification : obj -> obj