(* $Id$ *) open Util open Names type 'a object_declaration = { cache_function : section_path * 'a -> unit; load_function : section_path * 'a -> unit; open_function : section_path * 'a -> unit; specification_function : 'a -> 'a } type obj = Dyn.t (* persistent dynamic objects *) type dynamic_object_declaration = { dyn_cache_function : section_path * obj -> unit; dyn_load_function : section_path * obj -> unit; dyn_open_function : section_path * obj -> unit; dyn_specification_function : obj -> obj } let object_tag lobj = Dyn.tag lobj let cache_tab = (Hashtbl.create 17 : (string,dynamic_object_declaration) Hashtbl.t) let declare_object (na,odecl) = let (infun,outfun) = Dyn.create na in let cacher (spopt,lobj) = if Dyn.tag lobj = na then odecl.cache_function(spopt,outfun lobj) else anomaly "somehow we got the wrong dynamic object in the cachefun" and loader (spopt,lobj) = if Dyn.tag lobj = na then odecl.load_function (spopt,outfun lobj) else anomaly "somehow we got the wrong dynamic object in the loadfun" and opener (spopt,lobj) = if Dyn.tag lobj = na then odecl.open_function (spopt,outfun lobj) else anomaly "somehow we got the wrong dynamic object in the openfun" and spec_extractor lobj = infun(odecl.specification_function (outfun lobj)) in Hashtbl.add cache_tab na { dyn_cache_function = cacher; dyn_load_function = loader; dyn_open_function = opener; dyn_specification_function = spec_extractor }; (infun,outfun) let apply_dyn_fun f lobj = let tag = object_tag lobj in try let dodecl = Hashtbl.find cache_tab tag in f dodecl with Not_found -> anomaly ("Cannot find library functions for an object with tag "^tag) let cache_object ((_,lobj) as node) = apply_dyn_fun (fun d -> d.dyn_cache_function node) lobj let load_object ((_,lobj) as node) = apply_dyn_fun (fun d -> d.dyn_load_function node) lobj let open_object ((_,lobj) as node) = apply_dyn_fun (fun d -> d.dyn_open_function node) lobj let extract_object_specification lobj = apply_dyn_fun (fun d -> d.dyn_specification_function lobj) lobj