(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Libnames.object_prefix -> lib_objects -> unit val load_objects : int -> Libnames.object_prefix -> lib_objects -> unit val subst_objects : Libnames.object_prefix -> Mod_subst.substitution -> lib_objects -> lib_objects val load_and_subst_objects : int -> Libnames.object_prefix -> Mod_subst.substitution -> lib_objects -> lib_objects (* [classify_segment seg] verifies that there are no OpenedThings, clears ClosedSections and FrozenStates and divides Leafs according to their answers to the [classify_object] function in three groups: [Substitute], [Keep], [Anticipate] respectively. The order of each returned list is the same as in the input list. *) val classify_segment : library_segment -> lib_objects * lib_objects * Libobject.obj list (* [segment_of_objects prefix objs] forms a list of Leafs *) val segment_of_objects : Libnames.object_prefix -> lib_objects -> library_segment (*s Adding operations (which call the [cache] method, and getting the current list of operations (most recent ones coming first). *) val add_leaf : Names.identifier -> Libobject.obj -> Libnames.object_name val add_anonymous_leaf : Libobject.obj -> unit (* this operation adds all objects with the same name and calls [load_object] for each of them *) val add_leaves : Names.identifier -> Libobject.obj list -> Libnames.object_name val add_frozen_state : unit -> unit (* Adds a "dummy" entry in lib_stk with a unique new label number. *) val mark_end_of_command : unit -> unit (* Returns the current label number *) val current_command_label : unit -> int (* [reset_label n ] resets [lib_stk] to the label n registered by [mark_end_of_command()]. That is it forgets the label and anything registered after it. *) val reset_label : int -> unit (*s The function [contents_after] returns the current library segment, starting from a given section path. If not given, the entire segment is returned. *) val contents_after : Libnames.object_name option -> library_segment (*s Functions relative to current path *) (* User-side names *) val cwd : unit -> Names.dir_path val current_dirpath : bool -> Names.dir_path val make_path : Names.identifier -> Libnames.full_path val path_of_include : unit -> Libnames.full_path (* Kernel-side names *) val current_prefix : unit -> Names.module_path * Names.dir_path val make_kn : Names.identifier -> Names.kernel_name val make_con : Names.identifier -> Names.constant (* Are we inside an opened section *) val sections_are_opened : unit -> bool val sections_depth : unit -> int (* Are we inside an opened module type *) val is_modtype : unit -> bool val is_module : unit -> bool val current_mod_id : unit -> Names.module_ident (* Returns the opening node of a given name *) val find_opening_node : Names.identifier -> node (*s Modules and module types *) val start_module : bool option -> Names.module_ident -> Names.module_path -> Summary.frozen -> Libnames.object_prefix val end_module : unit -> Libnames.object_name * Libnames.object_prefix * Summary.frozen * library_segment val start_modtype : Names.module_ident -> Names.module_path -> Summary.frozen -> Libnames.object_prefix val end_modtype : unit -> Libnames.object_name * Libnames.object_prefix * Summary.frozen * library_segment (* [Lib.add_frozen_state] must be called after each of the above functions *) (*s Compilation units *) val start_compilation : Names.dir_path -> Names.module_path -> unit val end_compilation : Names.dir_path -> Libnames.object_prefix * library_segment (* The function [library_dp] returns the [dir_path] of the current compiling library (or [default_library]) *) val library_dp : unit -> Names.dir_path (* Extract the library part of a name even if in a section *) val dp_of_mp : Names.module_path -> Names.dir_path val split_mp : Names.module_path -> Names.dir_path * Names.dir_path val split_modpath : Names.module_path -> Names.dir_path * Names.identifier list val library_part : Libnames.global_reference -> Names.dir_path val remove_section_part : Libnames.global_reference -> Names.dir_path (*s Sections *) val open_section : Names.identifier -> unit val close_section : unit -> unit (*s Backtracking (undo). *) val reset_to : Libnames.object_name -> unit val reset_name : Names.identifier Util.located -> unit val remove_name : Names.identifier Util.located -> unit val reset_mod : Names.identifier Util.located -> unit val reset_to_state : Libnames.object_name -> unit val has_top_frozen_state : unit -> Libnames.object_name option (* [back n] resets to the place corresponding to the $n$-th call of [mark_end_of_command] (counting backwards) *) val back : int -> unit (*s We can get and set the state of the operations (used in [States]). *) type frozen val freeze : unit -> frozen val unfreeze : frozen -> unit val init : unit -> unit val declare_initial_state : unit -> unit val reset_initial : unit -> unit (* XML output hooks *) val set_xml_open_section : (Names.identifier -> unit) -> unit val set_xml_close_section : (Names.identifier -> unit) -> unit type binding_kind = Explicit | Implicit (*s Section management for discharge *) type variable_info = Names.identifier * binding_kind * Term.constr option * Term.types type variable_context = variable_info list val instance_from_variable_context : variable_context -> Names.identifier array val named_of_variable_context : variable_context -> Sign.named_context val section_segment_of_constant : Names.constant -> variable_context val section_segment_of_mutual_inductive: Names.mutual_inductive -> variable_context val section_instance : Libnames.global_reference -> Names.identifier array val is_in_section : Libnames.global_reference -> bool val add_section_variable : Names.identifier -> binding_kind -> unit val add_section_constant : Names.constant -> Sign.named_context -> unit val add_section_kn : Names.kernel_name -> Sign.named_context -> unit val replacement_context : unit -> (Names.identifier array Names.Cmap.t * Names.identifier array Names.KNmap.t) (*s Discharge: decrease the section level if in the current section *) val discharge_kn : Names.kernel_name -> Names.kernel_name val discharge_con : Names.constant -> Names.constant val discharge_global : Libnames.global_reference -> Libnames.global_reference val discharge_inductive : Names.inductive -> Names.inductive