(* $Id$ *) open Util open Names open Libobject open Summary type node = | Leaf of obj | Module of string | OpenedSection of string | ClosedSection of string * library_segment | FrozenState of Summary.frozen and library_entry = section_path * node and library_segment = library_entry list (* We keep trace of operations in the stack [lib_stk]. [path_prefix] is the current path of sections, where sections are stored in ``correct'' order, the oldest coming first in the list. It may seems costly, but in practice there is not so many openings and closings of sections, but on the contrary there are many constructions of section paths based on the library path. *) let lib_stk = ref ([] : (section_path * node) list) let module_name = ref None let path_prefix = ref ([] : string list) let recalc_path_prefix () = let rec recalc = function | (sp, OpenedSection _) :: _ -> let (pl,id,_) = repr_path sp in pl@[string_of_id id] | _::l -> recalc l | [] -> (match !module_name with Some m -> [m] | None -> []) in path_prefix := recalc !lib_stk let pop_path_prefix () = let rec pop acc = function | [] -> assert false | [_] -> path_prefix := acc | s::l -> pop (s::acc) l in pop [] !path_prefix let make_path id k = Names.make_path !path_prefix id k let cwd () = !path_prefix let find_entry_p p = let rec find = function | [] -> raise Not_found | ent::l -> if p ent then ent else find l in find !lib_stk let split_lib sp = let rec findrec acc = function | ((sp',obj) as hd)::t -> if sp = sp' then (acc,hd,t) else findrec (hd::acc) t | [] -> error "no such entry" in findrec [] !lib_stk (* Adding operations. *) let add_entry sp node = lib_stk := (sp,node) :: !lib_stk let anonymous_id = let n = ref 0 in fun () -> incr n; id_of_string ("_" ^ (string_of_int !n)) let add_anonymous_entry node = let sp = make_path (anonymous_id()) OBJ in add_entry sp node; sp let add_leaf id kind obj = let sp = make_path id kind in add_entry sp (Leaf obj); cache_object (sp,obj); sp let add_anonymous_leaf obj = let sp = add_anonymous_entry (Leaf obj) in cache_object (sp,obj) let add_frozen_state () = let _ = add_anonymous_entry (FrozenState (freeze_summaries())) in () let contents_after = function | None -> !lib_stk | Some sp -> let (after,_,_) = split_lib sp in after (* Sections. *) let open_section s = let sp = make_path (id_of_string s) OBJ in add_entry sp (OpenedSection s); path_prefix := !path_prefix @ [s]; sp let check_for_module () = let is_decl = function (_,FrozenState _) -> false | _ -> true in try let _ = find_entry_p is_decl in error "a module can not be started after some declarations" with Not_found -> () let start_module s = if !module_name <> None then error "a module is already started"; if !path_prefix <> [] then error "some sections are already opened"; module_name := Some s; let _ = add_anonymous_entry (Module s) in path_prefix := [s] let is_opened_section = function (_,OpenedSection _) -> true | _ -> false let close_section s = let sp = try match find_entry_p is_opened_section with | sp,OpenedSection s' -> if s <> s' then error "this is not the last opened section"; sp | _ -> assert false with Not_found -> error "no opened section" in let (after,_,before) = split_lib sp in lib_stk := before; add_entry (make_path (id_of_string s) OBJ) (ClosedSection (s,after)); pop_path_prefix (); (sp,after) (* The following function exports the whole library segment, that will be saved as a module. Objects are presented in chronological order, and frozen states are removed. *) let export_module () = if !module_name = None then error "no module declared"; let rec export acc = function | (_,Module _) :: _ -> acc | (_,Leaf _) as node :: stk -> export (node::acc) stk | (_,ClosedSection _) as node :: stk -> export (node::acc) stk | (_,OpenedSection _) :: _ -> error "there are still opened sections" | (_,FrozenState _) :: stk -> export acc stk | _ -> assert false in export [] !lib_stk (* Backtracking. *) let recache_decl = function | (sp, Leaf o) -> cache_object (sp,o) | _ -> () let recache_context ctx = List.iter recache_decl ctx let is_frozen_state = function (_,FrozenState _) -> true | _ -> false let reset_to sp = let (_,_,before) = split_lib sp in lib_stk := before; recalc_path_prefix (); let spf = match find_entry_p is_frozen_state with | (sp, FrozenState f) -> unfreeze_summaries f; sp | _ -> assert false in let (after,_,_) = split_lib spf in recache_context (List.rev after) let reset_name id = try let (sp,_) = find_entry_p (fun (sp,_) -> id = basename sp) in reset_to sp with Not_found -> error (string_of_id id ^ ": no such entry") let is_section_p sp = list_prefix_of (wd_of_sp sp) !path_prefix (* State and initialization. *) type frozen = string option * library_segment let freeze () = (!module_name, !lib_stk) (* module_name is not set ? *) let unfreeze (mn,stk) = module_name := mn; lib_stk := stk; recalc_path_prefix () let init () = lib_stk := []; add_frozen_state (); module_name := None; path_prefix := []; init_summaries() (* Initial state. *) let initial_state = ref (None : section_path option) let declare_initial_state () = let sp = add_anonymous_entry (FrozenState (freeze_summaries())) in initial_state := Some sp let reset_initial () = match !initial_state with | None -> init () | Some sp -> begin match split_lib sp with | (_,(_,FrozenState fs as hd),before) -> lib_stk := hd::before; recalc_path_prefix (); unfreeze_summaries fs | _ -> assert false end