(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* f i (make_oname prefix id, obj)) let load_objects = iter_objects load_object let open_objects = iter_objects open_object let subst_objects prefix subst seg = let subst_one = fun (id,obj as node) -> let obj' = subst_object (make_oname prefix id, subst, obj) in if obj' == obj then node else (id, obj') in list_smartmap subst_one seg let classify_segment seg = let rec clean ((substl,keepl,anticipl) as acc) = function | (_,CompilingLibrary _) :: _ | [] -> acc | ((sp,kn as oname),Leaf o) as node :: stk -> let id = id_of_label (label kn) in (match classify_object (oname,o) with | Dispose -> clean acc stk | Keep o' -> clean (substl, (id,o')::keepl, anticipl) stk | Substitute o' -> clean ((id,o')::substl, keepl, anticipl) stk | Anticipate o' -> clean (substl, keepl, o'::anticipl) stk) | (oname,ClosedSection _ as item) :: stk -> clean acc stk | (_,OpenedSection _) :: _ -> error "there are still opened sections" | (_,OpenedModule _) :: _ -> error "there are still opened modules" | (_,OpenedModtype _) :: _ -> error "there are still opened module types" | (_,FrozenState _) :: stk -> clean acc stk in clean ([],[],[]) (List.rev seg) let segment_of_objects prefix = List.map (fun (id,obj) -> (make_oname prefix id, Leaf obj)) (* We keep trace of operations in the stack [lib_stk]. [path_prefix] is the current path of sections, where sections are stored in ``correct'' order, the oldest coming first in the list. It may seems costly, but in practice there is not so many openings and closings of sections, but on the contrary there are many constructions of section paths based on the library path. *) let initial_prefix = default_library,(initial_path,empty_dirpath) let lib_stk = ref ([] : library_segment) let comp_name = ref None let library_dp () = match !comp_name with Some m -> m | None -> default_library (* [path_prefix] is a pair of absolute dirpath and a pair of current module path and relative section path *) let path_prefix = ref initial_prefix let cwd () = fst !path_prefix let make_path id = Libnames.make_path (cwd ()) id let current_prefix () = snd !path_prefix let make_kn id = let mp,dir = current_prefix () in Names.make_kn mp dir (label_of_id id) let make_oname id = make_path id, make_kn id let sections_depth () = List.length (repr_dirpath (snd (snd !path_prefix))) let sections_are_opened () = match repr_dirpath (snd (snd !path_prefix)) with [] -> false | _ -> true let recalc_path_prefix () = let rec recalc = function | (sp, OpenedSection (dir,_)) :: _ -> dir | (sp, OpenedModule (dir,_)) :: _ -> dir | (sp, OpenedModtype (dir,_)) :: _ -> dir | (sp, CompilingLibrary dir) :: _ -> dir | _::l -> recalc l | [] -> initial_prefix in path_prefix := recalc !lib_stk let pop_path_prefix () = let dir,(mp,sec) = !path_prefix in path_prefix := fst (split_dirpath dir), (mp, fst (split_dirpath sec)) let find_entry_p p = let rec find = function | [] -> raise Not_found | ent::l -> if p ent then ent else find l in find !lib_stk let find_split_p p = let rec find = function | [] -> raise Not_found | ent::l -> if p ent then ent,l else find l in find !lib_stk let split_lib sp = let rec collect after equal = function | ((sp',_) as hd)::before -> if sp = sp' then collect after (hd::equal) before else after,equal,hd::before | [] -> after,equal,[] in let rec findeq after = function | ((sp',_) as hd)::before -> if sp = sp' then collect after [hd] before else findeq (hd::after) before | [] -> error "no such entry" in findeq [] !lib_stk (* Adding operations. *) let add_entry sp node = lib_stk := (sp,node) :: !lib_stk let anonymous_id = let n = ref 0 in fun () -> incr n; id_of_string ("_" ^ (string_of_int !n)) let add_anonymous_entry node = let id = anonymous_id () in let name = make_oname id in add_entry name node; name let add_absolutely_named_leaf sp obj = cache_object (sp,obj); add_entry sp (Leaf obj) let add_leaf id obj = let oname = make_oname id in cache_object (oname,obj); add_entry oname (Leaf obj); oname let add_leaves id objs = let oname = make_oname id in let add_obj obj = add_entry oname (Leaf obj); load_object 1 (oname,obj) in List.iter add_obj objs; oname let add_anonymous_leaf obj = let id = anonymous_id () in let oname = make_oname id in cache_object (oname,obj); add_entry oname (Leaf obj) let add_frozen_state () = let _ = add_anonymous_entry (FrozenState (freeze_summaries())) in () (* Modules. *) let is_something_opened = function (_,OpenedSection _) -> true | (_,OpenedModule _) -> true | (_,OpenedModtype _) -> true | _ -> false let export_segment seg = let rec clean acc = function | (_,CompilingLibrary _) :: _ | [] -> acc | (oname,Leaf o) as node :: stk -> (match export_object o with | None -> clean acc stk | Some o' -> clean ((oname,Leaf o') :: acc) stk) | (oname,ClosedSection _ as item) :: stk -> clean (item :: acc) stk | (_,OpenedSection _) :: _ -> error "there are still opened sections" | (_,OpenedModule _) :: _ -> error "there are still opened modules" | (_,OpenedModtype _) :: _ -> error "there are still opened module types" | (_,FrozenState _) :: stk -> clean acc stk in clean [] seg let start_module id mp nametab = let dir = extend_dirpath (fst !path_prefix) id in let prefix = dir,(mp,empty_dirpath) in let oname = make_path id, make_kn id in if Nametab.exists_module dir then errorlabstrm "open_module" (pr_id id ++ str " already exists") ; add_entry oname (OpenedModule (prefix,nametab)); path_prefix := prefix; prefix (* add_frozen_state () must be called in declaremods *) let end_module id = let oname,nametab = try match find_entry_p is_something_opened with | oname,OpenedModule (_,nametab) -> let sp = fst oname in let id' = basename sp in if id<>id' then error "this is not the last opened module"; oname,nametab | _,OpenedModtype _ -> error "there are some open module types" | _,OpenedSection _ -> error "there are some open sections" | _ -> assert false with Not_found -> error "no opened modules" in let (after,_,before) = split_lib oname in lib_stk := before; let prefix = !path_prefix in recalc_path_prefix (); (* add_frozen_state must be called after processing the module, because we cannot recache interactive modules *) (oname, prefix, nametab,after) let start_modtype id mp nametab = let dir = extend_dirpath (fst !path_prefix) id in let prefix = dir,(mp,empty_dirpath) in let sp = make_path id in let name = sp, make_kn id in if Nametab.exists_cci sp then errorlabstrm "open_modtype" (pr_id id ++ str " already exists") ; add_entry name (OpenedModtype (prefix,nametab)); path_prefix := prefix; prefix let end_modtype id = let sp,nametab = try match find_entry_p is_something_opened with | sp,OpenedModtype (_,nametab) -> let id' = basename (fst sp) in if id<>id' then error "this is not the last opened module"; sp,nametab | _,OpenedModule _ -> error "there are some open modules" | _,OpenedSection _ -> error "there are some open sections" | _ -> assert false with Not_found -> error "no opened module types" in let (after,_,before) = split_lib sp in lib_stk := before; let dir = !path_prefix in recalc_path_prefix (); (* add_frozen_state must be called after processing the module type. This is because we cannot recache interactive module types *) (sp,dir,nametab,after) let contents_after = function | None -> !lib_stk | Some sp -> let (after,_,_) = split_lib sp in after (* Modules. *) let check_for_comp_unit () = let is_decl = function (_,FrozenState _) -> false | _ -> true in try let _ = find_entry_p is_decl in error "a module cannot be started after some declarations" with Not_found -> () (* TODO: use check_for_module ? *) let start_compilation s mp = if !comp_name <> None then error "compilation unit is already started"; if snd (snd (!path_prefix)) <> empty_dirpath then error "some sections are already opened"; let prefix = s, (mp, empty_dirpath) in let _ = add_anonymous_entry (CompilingLibrary prefix) in comp_name := Some s; path_prefix := prefix let end_compilation dir = let _ = try match find_entry_p is_something_opened with | _, OpenedSection _ -> error "There are some open sections" | _, OpenedModule _ -> error "There are some open modules" | _, OpenedModtype _ -> error "There are some open module types" | _ -> assert false with Not_found -> () in let module_p = function (_,CompilingLibrary _) -> true | x -> is_something_opened x in let oname = try match find_entry_p module_p with (oname, CompilingLibrary prefix) -> oname | _ -> assert false with Not_found -> anomaly "No module declared" in let _ = match !comp_name with | None -> anomaly "There should be a module name..." | Some m -> if m <> dir then anomaly ("The current open module has name "^ (string_of_dirpath m) ^ " and not " ^ (string_of_dirpath m)); in let (after,_,before) = split_lib oname in !path_prefix,after (* Returns true if we are inside an opened module type *) let is_modtype () = let opened_p = function | _, OpenedModtype _ -> true | _ -> false in try let _ = find_entry_p opened_p in true with Not_found -> false (* Returns the most recent OpenedThing node *) let what_is_opened () = find_entry_p is_something_opened (* Sections. *) let open_section id = let olddir,(mp,oldsec) = !path_prefix in let dir = extend_dirpath olddir id in let prefix = dir, (mp, extend_dirpath oldsec id) in let name = make_path id, make_kn id (* this makes little sense however *) in if Nametab.exists_section dir then errorlabstrm "open_section" (pr_id id ++ str " already exists"); let sum = freeze_summaries() in add_entry name (OpenedSection (prefix, sum)); (*Pushed for the lifetime of the section: removed by unfrozing the summary*) Nametab.push_dir (Nametab.Until 1) dir (DirOpenSection prefix); path_prefix := prefix; prefix (* Restore lib_stk and summaries as before the section opening, and add a ClosedSection object. *) let close_section ~export id = let oname,fs = try match find_entry_p is_something_opened with | oname,OpenedSection (_,fs) -> if id <> basename (fst oname) then error "this is not the last opened section"; (oname,fs) | _ -> assert false with Not_found -> error "no opened section" in let (after,_,before) = split_lib oname in lib_stk := before; let prefix = !path_prefix in pop_path_prefix (); let closed_sec = ClosedSection (export, (fst prefix), export_segment after) in let name = make_path id, make_kn id in add_entry name closed_sec; (prefix, after, fs) (* Backtracking. *) let recache_decl = function | (sp, Leaf o) -> cache_object (sp,o) | _ -> () let recache_context ctx = List.iter recache_decl ctx let is_frozen_state = function (_,FrozenState _) -> true | _ -> false let reset_to sp = let (_,_,before) = split_lib sp in lib_stk := before; recalc_path_prefix (); let spf = match find_entry_p is_frozen_state with | (sp, FrozenState f) -> unfreeze_summaries f; sp | _ -> assert false in let (after,_,_) = split_lib spf in recache_context after let reset_name (loc,id) = let (sp,_) = try find_entry_p (fun (sp,_) -> let (_,spi) = repr_path (fst sp) in id = spi) with Not_found -> user_err_loc (loc,"reset_name",pr_id id ++ str ": no such entry") in reset_to sp let is_mod_node = function | OpenedModule _ | OpenedModtype _ | OpenedSection _ | ClosedSection _ -> true | _ -> false (* Reset on a module or section name in order to bypass constants with the same name *) let reset_mod (loc,id) = let (ent,before) = try find_split_p (fun (sp,node) -> let (_,spi) = repr_path (fst sp) in id = spi && is_mod_node node) with Not_found -> user_err_loc (loc,"reset_mod",pr_id id ++ str ": no such entry") in lib_stk := before; recalc_path_prefix (); let spf = match find_entry_p is_frozen_state with | (sp, FrozenState f) -> unfreeze_summaries f; sp | _ -> assert false in let (after,_,_) = split_lib spf in recache_context after let point_obj = let (f,_) = declare_object {(default_object "DOT") with classify_function = (fun _ -> Dispose)} in f() let mark_end_of_command () = match !lib_stk with (_,Leaf o)::_ when object_tag o = "DOT" -> () | _ -> add_anonymous_leaf point_obj let rec back_stk n stk = match stk with (sp,Leaf o)::tail when object_tag o = "DOT" -> if n=0 then sp else back_stk (n-1) tail | _::tail -> back_stk n tail | [] -> error "Reached begin of command history" let back n = reset_to (back_stk n !lib_stk) (* State and initialization. *) type frozen = dir_path option * library_segment let freeze () = (!comp_name, !lib_stk) let unfreeze (mn,stk) = comp_name := mn; lib_stk := stk; recalc_path_prefix () let init () = lib_stk := []; add_frozen_state (); comp_name := None; path_prefix := initial_prefix; init_summaries() (* Initial state. *) let initial_state = ref None let declare_initial_state () = let name = add_anonymous_entry (FrozenState (freeze_summaries())) in initial_state := Some name let reset_initial () = match !initial_state with | None -> init () | Some sp -> begin match split_lib sp with | (_,[_,FrozenState fs as hd],before) -> lib_stk := hd::before; recalc_path_prefix (); unfreeze_summaries fs | _ -> assert false end